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This is a transcript for dialogue with X6-88.


1-{Wary, something's not right} No ghouls? I don't like it...
2{Wistful. proud} The old Institute. We've come so far from this.
3{Wary, concerned, looking at a lot of bombs} Look at all of this ordnance. This is not good.
4{Puzzled at the failure of intelligence} This has to be a launch site of some kind. How did we not know about this?
5{Surprised, puzzled, looking at a weird temple in the distance} That's definitely not pre-war. What the hell is it?
6{Wary, urging caution} Damn... every one of these cars is a bomb waiting to go off.
7{Cold} The Railroad learned a hard lesson here.
8{Cold, predatory, the words of a man who hunts synths} Good place for a synth to hide.
9{Cold, unsympathetic} I suppose people stopped caring about churches and religion after the bombs fell.
10{Trepidation. You don't like heights, are you are looking out from the top of a skyscraper.} This place doesn't feel steady. I think it's shifting in the wind. We should get back down.
11{Trepidation, you don't like heights and that's a big skyscraper} Trinity Tower. If we're going in there, we should stick to the lower floors. We don't want to get cut off.
12{Frowning on comic books} These images are a poor representation of reality. It's as if a child drew them.
13{Exposition} The Institute's founders frowned on television. They thought it was a detriment to science.
14{Surprised, impressed} I admit it, I didn't think this would actually work.
15{Planning ahead, just in case.} If we ever need to disable this vessel, this is the place to do it.
16{Surprised to find an old sub in good shape} This craft is remarkably well-preserved.
17{Contemplating the function of a drive-in theater projector room} The images must have been controlled from here. Not a bad way to conduct a large-scale briefing.
18{Expressing disinterest as you look at an old drive-in theater} Some of the scientists enjoy filmed entertainment. I have no use for it.
19{Puzzled, why does this room look perfectly preserved?} Pristine. How is that possible?
20{Wary, cautious... is someone around?} The horse looks cleaner than it should.
21{Graveyards are a waste of space.} Why store corpses? This space could be put to more efficient use.
22{Wary} I don't like it. Who knows what might be in this water.
23{Doubtful that a backyard bunker will hold up} I doubt this saved anyone when the bombs fell.
24{Wary, cautious} If Super Mutants have claimed this place, we might want to avoid it.
25{Impressed by a farm run entirely by robots} The most efficient farm in the Commonwealth.
26{Doubtful, skeptical} I was told a great writer once lived here. I'm not sure how anyone that wasn't a scientist can be considered great.
27{Sarcasm} Corpse storage. Pleasant.
28{Proud boating about the Institute} The medicine that was practiced here is almost barbaric compared to the Institute's advances.
29The Overseer's office has been repurposed into a briefing room of some kind.
30{Remarking on a generator} These must be the Vault's primary power systems.
31{Rising alarm} Get ready for a fight.
32{Wary, rising concern} Something heavy up there. Might be a Deathclaw.
33{Remarking on a training area} A training area of some kind. Not bad.
34{Impressed} This was well-hidden.
35{Remarking on a cave filled with machinery where a vault passage was being dug} This area was still under construction.
36{Respect, a touch of regret. A rare moment of feeling.} This was your spouse? My condolences.
37{Mild surprise, stumbled across a tunnel leading to a vault} I know this architecture. This is a vault.
38{Tactical analysis} This is an excellent vantage point if anyone attacks.
39{A bit disturbed, weirded out... you are looking at a nursery} A place for infant humans. I've only seen one once. It was unsettling.
40{Wary, cautious} Perfect spot for a mirelurk den.
41{Watching a robot brew beer.} More reliable than a human brewer, I guess.
42{Proud} The future of mankind has never looked brighter. It makes me proud to serve.
43{Disdain for the peasants} I've seen men kill each other for a single swig of this stuff. Pathetic.
44{Disdain for the peasants} I've seen a lot of people up here try to drown their troubles. They all end up as radroach food.
45{Disdain for the peasants} The little people just eat this up.
46{Remarking on a fighting cage} This is where the separate the weak from the strong.
47{Curious} With the water gone, we could take a closer look.
48{Impressed} Looks like the Minutemen have put in some work here.
49{Tactical analysis} Fighting mirelurks in close quarters like this is dangerous, but at least this area is easier to fortify.
50{'Ugh"} What a mess.
51{Morbid curiosity} I wonder if he was already dead when the insects started eating him?
52{A note of caution, even trepidation} I've heard rumors about this place. People come here and are never seen again.
53{Urging caution, looking at a Brotherhood of Steel base} I advice that we not engage the Brotherhood here.
54{Ignoring a repeated automated warning that plays over and over} I just tune it out.
55{Fearful. You hate the idea of flying, and here's a place crash...} I can't think of a worse way to die.
56{Conversational} We sometimes find older-model synth parts in places like this. Scavengers are a constant threat to our surface work teams.
57{Cautious, inside of an ironworks with molten steel, furnaces, etc} Let's keep our distance from that machinery.
58{A warning, you spot heavily-armored enemies.} Power armor. Recommend heavy armaments.
59{Cold, unfeeling... looking at skeletons from before the war and not caring} More relics of the pre-war world.
60{Admiring a log cabin} This monitoring station must have been built from trees so it would be invisible to enemy radar. Clever.
61{Cautious} That robot is military spec. Maybe we should just avoid it.
62{Sharing an interesting thought} Doctor Karlin thinks the world's oceans are probably filled with huge, mutated sea creatures.
63{Measured, cautious} Raider strongpoint. Might not be worth the trouble.
64{Mildly relieved} Thankfully, the concept of sibling rivalry is alien to me.
65{Examining a skeleton.} Look at the calcification. These remains are centuries old.
66{Nervous, don't like heights} I hope we won't be up here for long.
67{A condemnation of the pre-war world, a proud boast} People killed each other for food here. The Institute will never have those kinds of problems.
68{Sharing a fact} Water power isn't as efficient as you might think.
69{Surprised, not expecting to find intact generators} It's unusual to find this much machinery intact. The scavengers typically tear these things to pieces.
70{Curious} Were they performing some kind of research?
71{Coughing as you inhale chemicals in the air... rising alarm} Gas of some kind... *cough* Possibly dangerous... *cough*
72{Appreciative, approving.} I've used some of these techniques.
73{Matter of fact} You see a lot of abandoned camps in the Commonwealth. They're easy picking for raiders.
74{Sarcasm} An old waste-processing station... as if that wasn't obvious from the odor.
75{Curious} I wonder what crimes a person had to commit to be be forced to live here?
76{Wary, cautious, a warning} Where's there's water, there are always Mirelurks.
77{Thinking aloud, something important} If those stations have power, that's a valuable asset.
78{A little annoyed} I've heard all of these facts a dozen times, at least.
79{Perplexed} Strange. Why smash the tanks?
80{A bit sinister. Looking at an interrogation room with instruments of torture.} I'll have to remember this place. I might be able to make use of it someday.
81{Concerned. Someone was building a nuclear bomb.} We should make sure nobody ever finishes building this.
82{Matter-of-fact... the words sound sympathetic, but the delivery isn't.} Many of these ghouls were thrown out of Diamond City. I suppose this is the best they could do.
83{Misunderstanding a surgical theater} I always found it strange that pre-war surgery was performed with a live audience. Was it really that exciting?
84{Impressed} Solid construction. These walls could withstand almost any attack.
85{Tactical analysis} If we're going to hit that stronghold, we should try to lure them out and pick them off.
86{Proud, impressed at the idea of an army of synths} I heard about the battle here. It must have been impressive to see an army of synths in action.
87{Impressed} Excellent sight lines here.
88{Disapproving} Not much concern for public safety.
89{Curious, perplexed} Those geysers... Some kind of pressure release system?
90{Cautious} We should monitor radiation levels carefully.
91{A reluctant admission} I try not to look up when I'm in here. It's disorienting.
92{Conversational} I've always felt more at home in places like this.
93{Complaining about a terrible smell} We should find a way to weaponize this odor.
94{Alarm, someone just locked you in a basement without warning} It's a trap!
95{Looking around at the interior of an old pre-war factory} Downright primitive by Institute standards.
96{Curious} Did they interrogate people here?
97{Curious, intrigued} It looks like they were planning to expand the vault here.
98{Up on a high platform with a commanding view / Neutral} We're exposed here. We should head back down.
99{A warning} That water is heavily irradiated. We should keep away from it.
100{Commenting on a lighthouse} A lighthouse... good vantage point. I can see why the Glowing Ones came here.
101{Proud} The SRB monitors all radio broadcasts in the Commonwealth. We think the Railroad might be sharing coded messages that way.
102{Disappointed} Worthless. All of it.
103{Expressing doubt... we should stay away from that} That might be more trouble than it's worth.
104{Wary, cautious} If you have any Rad-X, I suggest you take it now.
105{Concerned; you're in a building where the roof is partially caved in} Better watch our step. More of the roof could fall without warning.
106{Incredulous, hardly believing it} Trying to live with Mirelurks? That's insane.
107{Curious} I wonder what the doctors were hoping to learn?
108{Tactical planning} A few well-placed grenades could clear out that crater with minimal effort.
109{A warning (radiation)} I wouldn't advise getting too close to that crater.
110{Nervous, edgy, scared of heights but don't want to show it} We should get back down to the ground. Or better yet, beneath it.
111{Boasting} A single Institute holotape could hold all of the text in this library.
112{Critical} Real technological advancement means making things smaller, not larger.
113{DO NOT RE-RECORD (Line edit during VO, changed text to match)} I'll have to mention this place in my next report. It's a perfect location for a scavenger team.
114{Critical} This must have been their fall back point. They should have reinforced it better.
115{Almost wistful} College Square used to be a raider stronghold. That was a long time ago.
116{Perusing hardware} Some of this might be useful. We should take an inventory.
117{Chilling realization} We're not alone here.
118{Boasting} All of these computers put together wouldn't match the processing power of one Institute terminal.
119{Perplexed} That's real blood. Interesting.
120{Impressed} Clever, using the pool like that.
121{Puzzled} It's looks like one of them is chasing the other one. Must be a fight.
122{A warning} Some of this glass is still sharp. Be careful.
123{Disapproving} What a meaningless life, pushing papers around all day.
124{Disapproving} I don't know why anyone would live near the ocean. Who knows what might crawl out of it?
125{An observation, almost rhetorical} It seems likely that the robots at Graygarden were produced here.
126{A gag, play for comedy. You don't understand a bowling alley} I've never understood this game. If the objective is to destroy the pins, why not just shoot them?
127{An amusing story} We sent up a team up to try to repair that robot, only to find it was hollowed out.
128{Remarking on a pile of ammo} They must be preparing for a fight.
129{Persuading the player} We should take these shells. Better to have them in our hands than someone else's.
130{Puzzled and surprised} Does that engine have power?
131{Remarking on a flooded town} These structures won't be around much longer.
132{Criticism} An old surveillance center. It could have been concealed better.
133{You'd be impressed if not for all the gore and entrails on the floor} Impressive structure. At least, it was.
134{Conversational} Concord should be just above us. I'll bet the Railroad uses these tunnels to move runaway synths.
135{Low voice, almost a whisper... sneaking around a sleeping monster} Keep quiet, unless you want to wake up a Deathclaw.
136{Intrigued} Good place for a runaway synth to hide. We should look into it.
137{Puzzled} Strange. People were living here the last time I came through. Now, nothing.
138{Wary, not liking this area} Dangerous place to fight. Can't exactly flee into the ocean.
139{Remarking on a workshop} This must be where they work on the robots.
140{An amusing story} The Robotics division did something like this once.
141{Admiring a torture chamber} An interrogation chamber. Rudimentary, but effective.
142{Careful, wary} I don't like the look of that water.
143{Puzzled} Why dig this here? Were they looking for something?
144{DO NOT RE-RECORD (Fixed typo)} This technology seems too sophisticated for a mental hospital. Something else was going on in here.
145{Disapproving of old technology} Every minute we spend in here makes me appreciate the BioScience division a little bit more.
146{Remarking on old wrecked boats that piled up} These old hulks have been washing up here for decades.
147{Sarcasm} I'm not sure that's an improvement.
148{An amusing story} One of the scientists in Advanced Systems tried to figure out how this boat could have ended up here.
149{An amusing story} Eventually, he just gave up
150{An aside to the player, sarcasm... you're mocking an enemy with a stupid hat} Someone's been hitting the chems a little hard.
151{Mild concern} Something big punched through this wall. Deathclaw maybe?
152{Puzzled} How did all these Ghouls get down here?
153{Perplexed} Sheltering in a crater? Where's the sense in that?
154{A note of caution} Looks like Raiders have claimed the tunnel.
155{Curious, interested. What was this place?} The older sections of the Institute look a lot like this.
156{Humor. You're puzzled by super mutants dressed in coast guard outfits} That's... not normal super mutant behavior.
157{Remarking on a tugboat that's been rammed into a bridge} The boat's pilot was probably blinded by the atomic blast.
158{Suspicious, something's up with that boat} That overturned boat... I wonder if that was really an accident.
159{DO NOT RE-RECORD (Fixed typo)} In the Institute, we've advanced far beyond books. Children learn from interactive terminals.
160{Remarking on a school cafeteria} There must have been a lot of children here to require a commissary of this size.
161{Looking at an amphitheater} I used to come here for target practice.
162{Not impressed} Look at this place. Talk about humble beginnings...
163{Derision} Is this what passes for science on the surface?
164{Remarking on an unusually clean house} It must take an army of robots to keep this house so clean.
165{Remarking on the environment} I believe this commemorates a battle that took place here.
166{DO NOT RE-RECORD (Fixed typo)} Super Mutant attack. These people were probably eaten.
167{Disapproval, the Institute is better because it has computers} Learning from books? Not exactly efficient.
168{DO NOT RE-RECORD (Line edit during VO, changed text to match)} These creatures must have been impressive in person.
169{Perplexed by a basketball court} This looks like a combat arena, but I'm not sure what the hoops were for.
170{Cautious, alert} Watch for snipers.
171{Detached, logical} This unit could have been saved with a memory reset.
172{Matter-of-fact} We send scavenger teams to places like this to collect chemicals.
173{Misunderstanding a fountain} It must have been quite a chore to keep this communal drinking basin clean.
174{Admiring escalators} Maybe we should install these in the Institute. They look useful.
175{Perplexed. Remarking on the environment} A secret room for drinking? Strange.
176{Matter-of-fact, remarking on the environment} This place reminds me of the SRB office.
177{Matter-of-fact, remarking on the environment} These weapons could be useful.


178AO_Companion_Bar_GenericmyActor: I could use a little pick-me-up.{Menacing, intimidating a peasant} I take it you know who I am?A14a
179{DO NOT RE-RECORD (Fixed typo)} There's something I need to take care of. I won't be long.A15a
180{Menacing, intimidating a peasant} Seen anything I should know about? Anyone on the run, trying to hide?A11a
181{Intimidating a peasant} I'll be back to check on you later. I trust you'll keep your eyes and ears open for me.A11a


182AO_Companion_LoiterSearch_Scene{mostly talking to self, though purposefully loud enough for player to hear so he knows you're going to investigate / Neutral} Might find something useful here.A23a
183{mostly talking to self, though purposefully loud enough for player to hear so he knows you're going to investigate / Neutral} I wonder what's in here?A24a
184{As in "I can't do that, because the thing you asked me to open is locked" / Irritated} Locked tight.A17a
185{As in "I can't do that, because the thing you asked me to open is locked" / Irritated} No good, it's locked.A18a
186{As in "I can't do that, because the thing you asked me to open is locked" / Irritated} It's secured, I can't open it.A19a
187{Found a hunk of armor in a container. / Neutral} Armor, good.A49a
188{Found a hunk of armor in a container. / Neutral} Someone left their armor here. It looks intact.A50a
189{Found a hunk of armor in a container. / Neutral} There's armor here. You should take this.A51a
190{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} Stims. These will be useful.A79a
191{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} Come and take these Stims. You should carry as many of these as you can.A80a
192{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} Look at this... Stims.A81a
193{Scrounging in a container, disappointed not to find something better / Neutral} Chems. Nothing that would interest us.A109a
194{Scrounging in a container, disappointed not to find something better / Neutral} Drugs. I was hoping to find something more useful.A110a
195{Scrounging in a container, disappointed not to find something better / Neutral} Chems in here.A111a
196{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} Rations, and they look edible.A138a
197{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} This food looks safe enough to eat.A139a
198{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} There's food here. It looks safe.A140a
199{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Water. You'll definitely want to take this.A168a
200{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} There's water here. It looks pure.A169a
201{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Drinking water. This is worth keeping.A170a
202{Scrounging in a container, disappointed in what you found. / Neutral} We have no need for alcohol.A197a
203{Scrounging in a container, disappointed in what you found. / Neutral} Just some alcohol... nothing useful.A198a
204{Scrounging in a container, disappointed in what you found. / Neutral} Alcoholic beverages, but not much else.A199a
205{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} I found some ammunition.A227a
206{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} Now here's something we need... ammunition.A228a
207{scrounging in a container, calling over to player / Neutral} More ammunition, good.A229a
208{Found some weapons in a container. / Neutral} Someone stashed a weapon here.A257a
209{Found some weapons in a container. / Neutral} You can never have enough weapons up here.A258a
210{Found some weapons in a container. / Neutral} A weapon. We could put this to use.A259a
211{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} You might want to look at this.A285a
212{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} You should come and take a look at this.A286a
213{scrounging in a container, calling over to player. / Neutral} You should take a look here.A287a
214{Scrounging in a container, disappointed in what you found / Neutral} Junk. That's what I usually find.A298a
215{Scrounging in a container, disappointed in what you found / Neutral} Just some scrap. Nothing of value.A299a
216{Scrounging in a container, disappointed in what you found / Neutral} Nothing worthwhile here. Just some junk.A300a


217BoS100_02_SceneMainPlayer Default: I'll continue to help, but you owe me an explanation first.{Serious reservations} I'm not sure we can trust the Brotherhood to have our best interests in mind.BoS100Danse: Very well.A12a
218Player Default: At this rate, you'll be dead within two days. And I want no part of it.{Firm agreement} Likewise.BoS100Danse: Then there's no need for you to remain here.B13a


219BoS101SceneStage360Player Default: I'd be honored to join.{Expressing serious reservations.} Not that I mean to sound insubordinate, but I'm forced to question your priorities.BoS101Danse: That's what I wanted to hear.A12a
220Player Default: No, I need to move on.{Confident, smug} I agree, sir. The Brotherhood has nothing to offer us.BoS101Danse: That's a shame.B12a
221BoS201_01_DanseStage20Player Default: Going to be a quick war with that thing on our side.{Impressed} It's impressive, there's no denying that.BoS201Danse: That's the plan.A11a
222Player Default: After rolling that thing in, you've certainly started a war.{Rhetorical, pondering} Not if the war has already started.BoS201Danse: If history's proven anything, it's that an overwhelming show of force has a chance of halting a conflict before it begins.B11a
223BoS201_07_MaxsonStage140Player Default: I refuse to allow the mistakes of the past to be repeated.{Cold, apathetic} What's the point? The Commonwealth is already dead.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.A11a
224Player Default: I'm a bit surprised that you don't realize that by now.{Agreement} He's right about that much, at least.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced.B11a


225BoS202_01_MaxsonStage10Player Default: The Brotherhood cannot allow those abominations to have a nuclear arsenal at their fingertips.{Approval, a little eagerness} Sounds like a challenge. I'm up for it.BoS202Maxson: Now... we have a vertibird on standby, fully armed and ready to depart.A11a
226Player Default: If we leave Fort Strong unchecked, we have a potential security threat on our hands.{Concerned} He has a point.BoS202Maxson: Now... we have a vertibird on standby, fully armed and ready to depart.B12a
227BoS202_02_DanseStage100Player Default: I wish all of mankind shared your sentiment.{Confident agreement} I certainly share it.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.A11a
228Player Default: Have you taken leave of your senses?{Doubtful} Not sure I can agree with you there, sir.BoS202Danse: These monstrosities are just another example of man blindly taking a step forward only to wind up stumbling two steps back.B12a


229-{Concerned} Good luck, General. I hope you find your son.


230BoS301_04_DoctorDuffBoS301Duff: I'm afraid something terrible has happened to her.{Cool, detached} That seems likely.Player Default: Don't worry, I'll find her.A12a
231BoS301_05_ScaraStage0060BoS301Scara: The whole thing's rather complicated, perhaps I'll explain it to you sometime.{Deadpan} Was that supposed to be a joke?BoS301Scara: So, now that I've formally introduced myself, perhaps you'd care to tell me why you're here?A12a
232BoS301_06_LiStage0070Player Default: Because we care what happens to the Commonwealth.{Rhetorical, an aside} Well, one of us does.BoS301Li: You know, if anyone else wearing a Brotherhood of Steel uniform said something like that, I'd laugh in their face.A12a
233Player Default: If you don't work on Prime, I'll have you shot.{Approving} No objection here.BoS301Li: You son of a bitch!B13a
234BoS301_10_ChildofAtomStage0160BoS301ChildofAtom: That is why they must be safeguarded.{An aside... refuting a crazy suggestion. } Or don't.Player Default: I want to spread his, uhh, glory... Look, the bombs will get used, okay? Isn't that what you want?A12a


235BoS302_01_MaxsonStage010Player Default: With pleasure. I'll make him pay for lying to us.{Confident} Hunting synths is what I do best.BoS302Maxson: I appreciate your cooperation.A14a
236Player Default: I won't do it. Danse deserves a chance to explain himself.{Disappointed} You should reconsider. Hunting synths is my area of expertise.BoS302Maxson: You will do it. This is not up for judgment or debate!B12a
237Player Default: I don't know what to say.{Hopeful, you want to take this mission} I suggest we take the mission. Hunting synths is what I do best.BoS302Maxson: This isn't a request that requires an answer, Knight. This is a direct order.X15a
238Player Default: Isn't there some other way?{Confident} Hunting synths is what I do best.BoS302Maxson: Absolutely not. My decision is final.Y12a
239BoS302_03_HaylenStage040BoS302Haylen: If you're not convinced by what he says, or somehow he's become truly lost to us, then you do what you have to do.No sense in wasting what could be a valuable asset.Player Default: All right, I'll hear him out.A12a
240BOS302_13_CompanionReactsExecute{Approval} Good call. We might have gained a useful ally.A12a
241{A shrug, "oh well"} Too bad. He was a valuable asset in his time.Companion: I wished you had the bollocks to do that yourself. At least it's over with.A14a


242BoS303_01_Stage10BoS303Ingram: That's where we're headed. Hope you don't mind a little company, because I'm coming with you.{Judging, critical} If you can't keep up, then you're on your own.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A13a
243BoS303_01_Stage10PostPrimeBoS303Ingram: That's if you don't mind a little company of course.{Skeptical, a little passive-aggressive} I'd prefer to keep our numbers small, but it's not my choice.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A13a
244BoS303_01_Stage10PrePrimeBoS303Ingram: That's if you don't mind a little company of course.{Judging, critical} If you slow us down, you're on your own.Player Default: It would be helpful if you tagged along.A12a
245BoS303_03_RoofBoS303Ingram: All right, let's head into the lab. Can't wait to get a look at the place.{Sardonic, disapproving} I've seen better.A12a
246BoS303_04_MissingAgitatorBoS303Ingram: It must have been moved. Let's check out that terminal over there.{Urgent} Then we'd better find it quickly.A12a
247BoS303_07_PowerLossBoS303Ingram: Damn it! They've knocked out the power to the elevators.{Admiring an enemy tactic} Smart. That's what I would do.A12a
248BoS303_09_ViewReactorBoS303Ingram: There it is... Mass Fusion's reactor. Don't make them like that anymore.{Disdain} I'm not impressed.A12a
249BoS303_10_BeforeEnteringChamberBoS303Ingram: I'll communicate with you though their intercom system while I monitor everything from out here.{Worried} You should accept that offer. You're too important to risk.A12a
250BoS303_14_ElevatorToLobbyBoS303Ingram: The Institute must have sent reinforcements.{Concerned} Believe me, there's a lot more where those came from.BoS303Ingram: I'll help hold them off, just make sure you get the Agitator out of here!A13a


251BoSM01_CompanionStage060_Commentary1{Curious} Explosive damage. Something big hit here.A12a
252BoSM01_CompanionStage070_Commentary1{Mildly impressed} Not a bad kill ratio. Too bad she didn't survive.A12a
253BoSM01_CompanionStage080_Commentary1{Cool, detached... looking at a corpse in a sniper's nest.} Hm... not a bad vantage point. Still didn't save him, though.A12a


254CIS_ChatWithNPC_X6_Scene{Intimidating a peasant, should be menacing} Hello, Carla.Companion: It's been a while since you've had anything to report.A2a
255{Intimidating a peasant, should be menacing} Carla. It's been awhile.Companion: It's been a while since you've had anything to report.A3a
256{Intimidating, menacing} Hello, Cricket.Companion: It's been a while since you've had anything to report.A5a
257{Intimidating, menacing} Cricket, wasn't it?Companion: It's been a while since you've had anything to report.A6a
258{Intimidating, toying with someone} Doc Weathers. It's been a while. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were avoiding me.Companion: It's been a while since you've had anything to report.A8a
259{Intimidating, toying with someone} Doc Weathers. How long has it been? I've lost track.Companion: It's been a while since you've had anything to report.A9a
260{Intimidating, sinister} Hello, Lucas.Companion: It's been a while since you've had anything to report.A11a
261{Intimidating, sinister} Lucas Miller. Where have you been hiding, Lucas?Companion: It's been a while since you've had anything to report.A12a
262{Intimidating} It's been a while since you've had anything to report.Target: Well, you know how it is. Sometimes things are just quiet.A1a
263{Intimidating, leaning on someone for information} It's been a long time since you had anything to report.Target: Well, you know how it is. Sometimes things are just quiet.A2a
264{Intimidating, leaning on someone for information} No new rumors or tips for me? You used to be one of my most reliable sources.Target: Well, you know how it is. Sometimes things are just quiet.A3a
265{Intimidating, leaning on someone for information} I'm disappointed that I haven't heard from you with any new reports.Target: Well, you know how it is. Sometimes things are just quiet.A4a
266{Intimidating, leaning on someone for information} You used to share all kinds of useful rumors, but you've been quiet lately. I hope the Railroad hasn't gotten to you.Target: Well, you know how it is. Sometimes things are just quiet.A5a
267{Intimidating, leaning on someone for information} The lack of recent information from you is making me question your loyalty.Target: Well, you know how it is. Sometimes things are just quiet.A6a


268-{Disdain} Good place to stock up on supplies, if you can stand the smell.
269{Second line is dripping with irony} A lot of runners come through here. They think it's a safe place.
270{Disdain} If you ask me, this place is a waste of time.
271{Professional} We've got very little intel on this place. The more we can learn, the better.
272{Proud, smug} In the Institute, mental disorders are a thing of the past.
273{Disapproving} Rumor has it there's a treasure buried here somewhere. People have died searching for it.
274{Smug, proud} Greed and materialism don't exist in the Institute.
275{Intrigued} So Father came from a place like this? Fascinating.
276{Disapproval} The Advanced Systems division had plans for a vehicle like this. It ended up being more trouble than it was worth.
277{Concerned} Not much cover on the walkways here. Best defense is to keep moving.
278{On edge, anxious} Once we're on the higher floors, we'd better make sure our escape route isn't cut off.
279{Appreciative, admiring} Good defenses here. I can see why the Minutemen once used this as their headquarters.
280{Amused} This is the place with the so-called synth detector test. That's almost funny.
281{Curious, suspicious} I've had more than one runner's trail go cold in Bunker Hill. There's a high probability of Railroad involvement.


282CIS_RacialComments_X6-88_SceneTarget: That's a Courser!{Cool, dangerous, intimidating the peasants} I trust I can count on your cooperation.A1a
283Target: That's a Courser!{Cool, dangerous, intimidating the peasants} If I were here for you, you'd know it.A2a
284Target: That's a Courser!{Cool, dangerous, intimidating the peasants} Just stay out of our way. We have work to do.A3a
285Target: That's a Courser!{Cool, dangerous, intimidating the peasants} If you encounter any fugitive synths, don't offer them shelter.A4a
286Target: That's a Courser!{Cool, dangerous, intimidating the peasants} Since you know what I am, you know to stay out of my way.A5a
287Target: That's a Courser!{Ominous. Emphasize "WILL".} If you give us any cause for suspicion, I will be back.A6a


288COMCaitPickUpScenePlayer Default: About time I got out of this place. Let's go.{A warning / Friendly} I'll be watching, Cait. If you fail to protect this man, I'll know about it.Dogmeat: (curious sound)A9a
289Player Default: About time I got out of this place. Let's go.{A warning / Friendly} I'll be watching, Cait. If you fail to protect this woman, I'll know about it.Dogmeat: (curious sound)A10a
290COMCodsworthPickUpSceneCodsworth: By the way, Concord is nearby, and I've seen people there. I don't know if they can help, but perhaps we should take a look?{Stern warning / Amused} If you fail in this assignment, Codsworth, I will personally make sure that you are dismantled and then melted down.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A11a
291COMCurie_PickUpScenePlayer Default: Then let us get under way.{Disapproving, stern / Question} In my judgement, you're not ready for this, Curie. I hope you'll prove me wrong.Curie: So gracious of you, Monsieur Codsworth. Until we meet again.A14a
292COMDansePickUpScenePlayer Default: Roger that.{Approval / Irritated} You have the training and equipment to handle this assignment. The Institute's future will be in good hands.Dogmeat: (curious sound)A9a
293COMDeacon_PickUpScenePlayer Default: I'm all ready to go.{Stern, a warning / Concerned} I don't know who you are, but if any harm comes to this man, I will find out, and then I will find you.Deacon: Always am, Codsworth. That's one thing you can count on.A11a
294Player Default: I'm all ready to go.{Stern, a warning / Concerned} I don't know who you are, but if any harm comes to this woman, I will find out, and then I will find you.Deacon: Always am, Codsworth. That's one thing you can count on.A12a
1452DogmeatPickupScenePlayer Default: (playful bark){Incredulous / Surprised} You can't be serious.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A14a
295COMHancockPickUpScenePlayer Default: Done.{Doubtful, but stern nonetheless / Amused} I hope you understand your responsibilities, Hancock.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A12a
296COMMacCreadyPickUpScenePlayer Default: About time. I was getting bored.{Approval / Question} I know your reputation, MacCready. I'm confident you can handle whatever threats you encounter.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A12a
297COMNickPickupScenePlayer Default: Well alright.{Stern} This is the future of the Institute that you're protecting, unit. Remember that.Dogmeat: (pained whimper)A14a
298COMPiperPickupScenePlayer Default: Will do.{Disapproving, stern / Neutral} Our files indicate that you have a tendency to get into trouble, Piper. Try to stay out of it from now on.Dogmeat: (sad whimper)A14a
299COMPrestonFollowStartScenePreston: Take care, Codsworth.I'll head for home, then. Good luck.A1a
300{Stern / SinisterSmile} Our intelligence indicates that you have a strong sense of duty. This is the most important duty you will ever undertake.Preston: Take care, Codsworth.A10a
336COMStrongPickUpScenePlayer Default: Strong learn secret of humans.{Doubtful, but hoping nonetheless that this guy knows what he's doing} You have the potential to be an excellent bodyguard, Strong. I just hope you understand your responsibilities.Strong: Robot stop squawking. Strong smash.A10a


301-{Wary, cautious / Suspicious} Let's keep our eyes open. We could be walking into a trap.
302{Proud} Now that you've seen the Institute, you've seen the future of mankind.
303{Smug, a bit sinister / SinisterSmile} I hope you found that as satisfying as I did.
304{Smug, proud, cocky / SinisterSmile} They should have known better than to take on the Institute.
305{Begrudging admission, surprised / Surprised} I admit it, I'm impressed. Maybe I underestimated the Minutemen.
306{Confident, smug, superior. Found your enemies that were hiding. / Confident} Now we know where the Railroad's been hiding. That could be useful.
307{Skeptical / Concerned} I guess the best place to gather intel is from the inside.
308{Condescending, insulting a rival faction's HQ} This is about what I expected for the Railroad.
309{Concerned / Concerned} One thing's for sure -- the Brotherhood is going to remember this.
310{Nervous, you don't like flying / Nervous} Please don't tell me we're actually going to fly in that thing.
311{Ominous, a warning / Stern} Taking on the Institute is a very bad idea.
312{Sly, an ulterior motive} Let's gather as much information as we can about the Brotherhood. It might prove useful later.
313{Under your breath, sly, an aside to the player.} Now we have a way to lure Brotherhood soldiers out in small numbers.
314{Skeptical, concerned. / Concerned} Joining the Brotherhood? I hope you know what you're doing.
315{Disapproving / Stern} Arming the Brotherhood with Fat Man shells won't win you any friends in the Institute.
316{Concerned, starting to wonder at the player's motives / Concerned} With a weapon like Liberty Prime, the Brotherhood will be unstoppable. Is that what you really want?
317{Surprised / Surprised} Even I didn't know he was a synth.
318{Disappointed / Stern} Waste of a fully operational gen-3. That's disappointing.
319{Oh well. With a shrug.} Too bad, he was making himself useful. At least he'll live.
320{Smug, sinister / SinisterSmile} Every time we've wiped out the Railroad, it came back. Not sure they'll be coming back from that.
321{A warning, the player is heading toward a betrayal of the Institute / Stern} Liberty Prime could threaten the Institute itself. You should think very carefully about what you do next.
322{Stern, a warning / Stern} You're making a terrible mistake. There's no other way to say it.
323{Sinister, cold / SinisterSmile} The people at Bunker Hill learned the price for harboring fugitive synths.
324{Smug, confident, eager for violence / SinisterSmile} The Brotherhood of Steel has no idea what they're up against. They're about to find out.
325{Perplexed. / Puzzled} I can't understand why anyone would need to be persuaded to join the Institute.
326{Impressed, proud / Impressed} The reactor's online and our enemies are on the run. It takes a lot to impress me, but you've done just that.
327{Pleased, smug} With the Railroad out of the way, rogue synths will have nowhere to hide.
328{Impressed} Not many people in the Commonwealth can take down a Deathclaw.
329{Cautious} Remember, you're important to the Institute, so don't take any unnecessary risks.
330{Alert, watchful for enemies, battlefield talk} Stay focused on the enemy. Don't get too confident.
331{Uncertain, skeptical / Concerned} You handled yourself well against that Mirelurk Queen, but I don't see how any of this helps the Institute.
332{Thoughtful, curious} Wonder what we'll find in this armory.
333{Professional, military} Any chance you get to stock up on arms and ammunition, you should take it.
334{Under your breath, an aside to the player... growing concern / Concerned} With Firepower like that, the Minutemen could actually pose a threat to our surface operations.
335{Stern. disappointed, disbelieving / Stern} You haven't just destroyed your son's legacy, you've destroyed all hope for mankind.


1366COMX688Talk_RelationshipSceneX6: As long as you're loyal to the Institute, we'll get along just fine.{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat.} To be blunt, you've been a disappointment so far. I hope that changes.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A1a
1367X6: As long as you're loyal to the Institute, we'll get along just fine.{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat.} I find it hard to respect someone who doesn't care about what's best for the Institute.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A2a
1368X6: As long as you're loyal to the Institute, we'll get along just fine.{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat.} Unless you start making better decisions, we're not going to have a relationship much longer.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A3a
1369X6: As long as you're loyal to the Institute, we'll get along just fine.{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat.} I wish I could say that I respect you the way I respect Father. I'll leave it at that.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A4a
1370X6: As long as you're loyal to the Institute, we'll get along just fine.{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat.} I think our relationship would improve if you'd start taking your role with the Institute more seriously.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A5a
1371X6: You've been impressive so far. I hope that continues.{Player asks how your relationship is... the jury is still out, you're still evaluating. Neither positive nor negative.} As long as you're loyal to the Institute, we'll get along just fine.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A1a
1372X6: You've been impressive so far. I hope that continues.{Player asks how your relationship is... the jury is still out, you're still evaluating. Neither positive nor negative.} You seem capable enough. That's all I need to know.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A2a
1373X6: You've been impressive so far. I hope that continues.{Player asks how your relationship is... the jury is still out, you're still evaluating. Neither positive nor negative.} That's a difficult assessment to make at this point. Ask me again when we've spent more time together.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A3a
1374X6: You've been impressive so far. I hope that continues.{Player asks how your relationship is... the jury is still out, you're still evaluating. Neither positive nor negative.} I'm not sure yet. Ask me another time.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A4a
1375X6: You've been impressive so far. I hope that continues.{Player asks how your relationship is... the jury is still out, you're still evaluating. Neither positive nor negative.} That remains to be seen. I'm still evaluating you.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A5a
1376X6: You've been impressive so far. I hope that continues.{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat.} I think our relationship would improve if you'd start taking your role with the Institute more seriously.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A6a
1377X6: I feel honored to know you and to fight at your side.{Cautiously optimistic, impressed, feeling positive about your relationship with the player.} You've been impressive so far. I hope that continues.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A1a
1378X6: I feel honored to know you and to fight at your side.{Cautiously optimistic, impressed, feeling positive about your relationship with the player.} Your son is a great man, and I'm starting to see some of that greatness in you, too.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A2a
1379X6: I feel honored to know you and to fight at your side.{Cautiously optimistic, impressed, feeling positive about your relationship with the player.} I think we make an effective team, and I look forward to carrying out more missions for the Institute.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A3a
1380X6: I feel honored to know you and to fight at your side.{Cautiously optimistic, impressed, feeling positive about your relationship with the player.} It's clear you want what's best for the Institute, and that's all that matters to me.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A4a
1381X6: I feel honored to know you and to fight at your side.{Cautiously optimistic, impressed, feeling positive about your relationship with the player.} As long as you're loyal to the Institute, I'll have your back, ma'am.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A5a
1382X6: I feel honored to know you and to fight at your side.{Cautiously optimistic, impressed, feeling positive about your relationship with the player.} As long as you're loyal to the Institute, I'll have your back, sir.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A6a
1383{Friendly. You admire the player.} I feel honored to know you and to fight at your side.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A1a
1384{Friendly. You admire the player.} I'm glad you joined us, sir. It's clear to me that Father's legacy is in good hands.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A2a
1385{Friendly. You admire the player.} I'm glad you joined us, ma'am. It's clear to me that Father's legacy is in good hands.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A3a
1386{Friendly. You admire the player.} It's been my privilege to know you, sir. I think you'll do great things for the Institute.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A4a
1387{Friendly. You admire the player.} It's been my privilege to know you, ma'am. I think you'll do great things for the Institute.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A5a
1388{Friendly. You admire the player.} You've been an inspiration to me, sir. I'll work hard to follow your example.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A6a
1389{Friendly. You admire the player.} You've been an inspiration to me, ma'am. I'll work hard to follow your example.X6: It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A7a
1390X6: To be blunt, you've been a disappointment so far. I hope that changes.{Angry, impatient, you hate the player and don't want to talk to him/her} It's taking all of my self-control not to shoot you in the face. Does that answer your question?A1a
1391X6: To be blunt, you've been a disappointment so far. I hope that changes.{Angry, impatient, you hate the player and don't want to talk to him/her} You're really so ignorant that you don't know? And you're related to Father? I can't believe it.A2a
1392X6: To be blunt, you've been a disappointment so far. I hope that changes.How do I feel? I feel like we should have let you rot in that cryopod.A3a
1393X6: To be blunt, you've been a disappointment so far. I hope that changes.{Angry, impatient, you hate the player} I feel like we should have let you rot in that cryopod.A4a
1394X6: To be blunt, you've been a disappointment so far. I hope that changes.{Icy, menacing, you hate the player} I suggest you walk away. Right now.A5a
1395COMX688Talk_TalkScene{Handing the player an item} Here you go.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1396{Angry, impatient, you hate the player / Angry} Let's get this over with.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1397{Angry, impatient, you hate the player / Angry} Make it quick.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1398{Angry, impatient, you hate the player / Angry} Haven't you wasted enough of my time already?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1399{Angry, impatient, you hate the player / Angry} Why the hell would I want to talk to you?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1400{Angry, impatient, you hate the player / Angry} This had better be really damned important.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1401{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat. / Irritated} What do you want now?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1402{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat. / Irritated} Talk fast.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1403{Sarcastic, snide. You don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat. / Irritated} I can't wait to hear this.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1404{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat. / Irritated} Well? What?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1405{Irritated, annoyed, you don't like the player much and you don't really want to chat. / Irritated} Get on with it.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1406{Frosty, a soldier, ready for orders / Neutral} Go ahead.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1407{Frosty, a soldier, ready for orders / Neutral} Yes, sir?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1408{Frosty, a soldier, ready for orders / Neutral} Yes, ma'am?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1409{Frosty, a soldier, ready for orders / Neutral} I'm listening.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1410{Frosty, a soldier, ready for orders / Neutral} Yes?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1411{Frosty, a soldier, ready for orders / Neutral} What is it. sir?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1412{Frosty, a soldier, ready for orders / Neutral} What is it. ma'am?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1413{A little warmer and friendlier than usual. You're starting to like the player. / Neutral} What can I do for you?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1414{A little warmer and friendlier than usual. You're starting to like the player. / Neutral} Ready for new orders.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1415{A little warmer and friendlier than usual. You're starting to like the player. / Neutral} You've got my attention.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1416{A little warmer and friendlier than usual. You're starting to like the player. / Neutral} What's the plan?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1417{A little warmer and friendlier than usual. You're starting to like the player. / Neutral} What's our next move?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1418{Friendly. You admire the player. / Friendly} You've got my full attention, sir.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1419{Friendly. You admire the player. / Friendly} Ready for anything, sir.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1420{Friendly. You admire the player. / Friendly} Anything you need, sir?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1421{Friendly. You admire the player. / Friendly} How can I help, sir?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1422{Friendly. You admire the player. / Friendly} You've got my full attention, ma'am.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1423{Friendly. You admire the player. / Friendly} Ready for anything, ma'am.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1424{Friendly. You admire the player. / Friendly} Anything you need, ma'am.Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1425{Friendly. You admire the player. / Friendly} How can I help, ma'am?Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.A
1426Player Default: I need you to get out of your Power Armor.Affirmative.A1a
1427Player Default: That's all for now.Sure.B2a
1428Player Default: That's all for now.Right.B3a
1429Player Default: It's time for us to part ways.{Great respect and admiration / Irritated} I hate to leave you, sir, but I trust your judgement.X1a
1430Player Default: It's time for us to part ways.{Great respect and admiration / Irritated} I hate to leave you, ma'am, but I trust your judgement.X2a
1431Player Default: It's time for us to part ways.{Professional, a soldier / Irritated} I'll be ready when you need me again.X3a
1432Player Default: It's time for us to part ways.{Warm (for X6 anyway), with admiration / Irritated} It's been an honor, sir.X4a
1433Player Default: It's time for us to part ways.{Warm (for X6 anyway), with admiration / Irritated} It's been an honor, ma'am.X5a
1434Player Default: It's time for us to part ways.{Irritated at the player, you're not happy with him. You're glad he is dismissing you. / Irritated} Fine with me.X6a
1435Player Default: It's time for us to part ways.{Irritated at the player, you're not happy with him. You're glad he is dismissing you. / Irritated} Good. I'm ready for a new assignment.X7a
1436-{A little warmer and friendlier than usual. You're starting to like the player. / Neutral} I'm listening.A



1437DialogueAbernathyFarmBlakeScenePlayer Default: If your daughter was that stupid, she got what she deserved.{Cool, logical} Maybe she didn't want to go on living. If I were in her place, I wouldn't.Blake: You're a real son of a bitch, aren't you?B13a
1438Player Default: From what I've seen, nobody out here's got it easy.That's true.Blake: Yeah, well, that don't help us sleep any easier.X10a


1439MoeGreetSceneBaseball02Player Default: It was America's pasttime. A sport that united families on warm summer days. And it wasn't violent. Mostly.{Curious} America... there's a word I don't hear very often.Moe: ... I like my version better.A3a
1440Player Default: The teams would also beat the spectators to death. That's how the term "spectator sport" got started.{Interested} Someone should revive this sport.Moe: ... I like my version better.B3a
1441Player Default: There were balls, strikes, three bases, and home runs. You kept score by how many runners made it to home plate.{Perplexed} Strange terminology. It sounds complicated.Moe: ... I like my version better.X3a


1442DialogueGraygardenIntroPlayer Default: That's pretty ingenious. I bet you can work around the clock.{A grudging admission} It's nothing that compares to the Institute... but it's not bad.SupervisorWhite: Of course, darling. Our unique hierarchy allows for constant operation.A12a
1443Player Default: Robots can do simple tasks, sure, but you need a human being to make the big decisions.{Disagreement} They seem to be doing well enough without one.SupervisorWhite: Ah, but that's where Graygarden is unique, darling.B13a


1444DialogueTheSlogSceneIntroPlayer Default: It's pretty clever, making a tarberry bog out of an old swimming pool.{Indifferent} If that kind of thing impresses you, sure.Wiseman: I appreciate your saying so.A12a
1445Player Default: The first word that comes to my mind is "ugly."{Disdainful agreement. The Commonwealth is ugly and you don't like it.} You could say that about any place up here, and you'd be right.Wiseman: Hey, do I look like a guy who puts a premium on beauty?B13a


1446DialogueWarwickHomesteadIntroPlayer Default: I don't care how fertile the soil is, this place reeks.{Annoyed, complaining. Stuck in a place you don't want to be.} That's an understatement.Roger: Yeah, but you get used to it.B11a


1447DN019JoinCultEmogenePlayer Default: I killed the last guy who was running this scam. In case that matters to you.{Cool, matter-of-fact} It would be more efficient just to kill him.CultLeader: Uh, good to know. Let me just unlock the door for you, okay?B13a
1448DN019JoinCultEmogeneBribe{Expressing doubt in the player's decision. "If that's what you think is best..."} One bullet would have cost far less.CultLeader: Well, that's different.A13a
1449DN019JoinCultOfficeGaveItems{Disappointed, a little insubordinate} With all due respect, you're being played for a fool.Player Default: "I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here."A13a
1450DN019JoinCultOfficeSceneCultLeader: Just go ahead and give me everything you own, and I'll initiate you as a first level Pillar of the Community.{Incredulous} He can't be serious.Player Default: Here, this is everything I have.A13a


1451DN036_MainPlayer Default: They've got something they use to control us, to make us do things we don't want to do.{Somber} Protocol states that Rogue Synths should be reported to the SRB.Phyllis: Any second now they might send some signal, or I'll see the color orange, or whatever it is they do and BOOM.A8a


1453FFDiamondCity08GiveNukaScenePlayer Default: Here you go.{Disapproval, annoyed} If we stop for every beggar, we'll never make it out of this place.Sheffield: *gasp* Oh thank you! Thank you!A12a
1454Player Default: I'm... gonna go...{Agreement} That's probably best.Sheffield: *whimpering*B12a


1455-I'll head back, then.
1456I'll be ready when you need me again.
1457Watch your back out there, sir.
1458{Confident} Right here with you, sir.
1459I'll fight at your side, sir.
1460{Sarcasm} Let's hope our enemies aren't carrying grenades.
1461{A good soldier, confident} Affirmative. I'll hang back a few paces.
1462{A good soldier, confident} Medium range makes for good tactical spacing.
1463{A good soldier, confident} Yes, sir. I'll have a better view of potential threats.
1464{A good soldier, confident} Wide spacing, yes sir.
1465{Confident} I think you'll find that I'm equally effective at range.
1466{A good soldier, confident} Falling back.
1467{Eager} Thought you'd never ask.
1468{Cocky} They won't know what hit them.
1469{Eager} With pleasure, sir.
1470I'll hold my fire, sir.
1471{Cocky} I won't start the fight. Still going to finish it, though.
1472{Ready} Observe and react, got it.
1473{Warning} Watch it, we've got hostiles.
1474{Alarm} Head's up, sir!
1475{Eager... quick tempo here.} Got a fight on our hands.
1476{About to kill people} To hell with this.
1477{Eager for violence} Time to change tactics.
1478{Ready for a fight} Moving to engage, sir!


1479Inst301BranchBossExtortSynthBoss: Help yourself, my fellow pirate. We can always get more.I'm sorry, sir, but I have my orders.X6: B5-92, initialize factory reset. Authorization gamma-7-1-epsilon.A1a
1480SynthBoss: Help yourself, my fellow pirate. We can always get more.I'm sorry, ma'am, but I have my orders.X6: B5-92, initialize factory reset. Authorization gamma-7-1-epsilon.A2a
1481Inst301SceneBossReturnX6: Nice work, sir. I'll take the synth back.This is X6-88, ready to relay with reclaimed synth B5-92.A1a
1482PlayerVoiceFemale01: Are you ready to go back?Nice work, sir. I'll take the synth back.X6: This is X6-88, ready to relay with reclaimed synth B5-92.A1a
1483PlayerVoiceFemale01: Are you ready to go back?Nice work, ma'am. I'll take the synth back.X6: This is X6-88, ready to relay with reclaimed synth B5-92.A2a
1484Inst301SceneConnectToInst302{A soldier, terse, military} When you're finished here, sir, Father wants to see you.A1a
1485{A soldier, terse, military} When you're finished here, ma'am, Father wants to see you.A2a
1486Inst301SceneX6AngryAtBossDeath{An angry shout / Irritated} What are you doing? We were supposed to bring him back alive!A1a
1487Inst301SceneX6GivesResetCode{Urgent} Hold up a moment, ma'am. There's something important I need to tell you.Player Default: I'm listening.A1a
1488{Urgent} Hold up a moment, sir. There's something important I need to tell you.Player Default: I'm listening.A2a
1489Player Default: Not now. We're a little busy.{Insistent} I know, but it'll just take a second and it's something you need to know.X6: I'm going to give you B5-92's reset code. If he hears the code phrase, it'll reset his cognitive processes and make him docile.B1a
1490Player Default: Alright, but make it quick.{Please either re-record or clip the "sir" from the end of the audio.} I will.X6: I'm going to give you B5-92's reset code. If he hears the code phrase, it'll reset his cognitive processes and make him docile.X1a
1491Player Default: I know, but it'll just take a second and it's something you need to know.I'm going to give you B5-92's reset code. If he hears the code phrase, it'll reset his cognitive processes and make him docile.A1a
1492You need to say "B5-92, initialize factory reset," followed by the authorization code "gamma-7-1-epsilon."A1b
1493Once he's shut down, I can transport him safely back to the Institute.Player Default: Good, I'd like to avoid any unnecessary violence.A1c
1494X6: Well, he might not be alone up there. Violence might be inevitable.{Confident, ready} That's all, sir. Ready when you are.A1a
1495X6: Well, he might not be alone up there. Violence might be inevitable.{Confident, ready} That's all, ma'am. Ready when you are.A2a
1496To reset the synth's cognitive functions, speak the recall code out loud. The code is "gamma-7-1-epsilon."A1a
1497Player Default: Good, I'd like to avoid any unnecessary violence.Well, he might not be alone up there. Violence might be inevitable.X6: That's all, sir. Ready when you are.A1a
1498Player Default: I'm not going to destroy this man's identity and free will. Killing him would be more humane.He's not a man, sir, he's a synth. A synth that's confused and dangerous.B1a
1499We can restore it to its proper functions, make it whole again.B1b
1500Sir, I can't force you to use the reset code, but I know it's what Father would want. I hope you'll consider that.X6: That's all, sir. Ready when you are.B1c
1501Player Default: I'm not going to destroy this man's identity and free will. Killing him would be more humane.{DO NOT RE-RECORD (Line edit during VO, changed text to match)} It's not a man, it's a synth. A synth that's confused and dangerous.B2a
1502We can restore it to its proper functions, make it whole again.B2b
1503Ma'am, I can't force you to use the reset code, but I know it's what Father would want. I hope you'll consider that.X6: That's all, sir. Ready when you are.B2c
1504Player Default: Jesus, what a mouthful.Then talk fast, sir. Just make sure you get it right.X6: That's all, sir. Ready when you are.X1a
1505Player Default: Jesus, what a mouthful.Then talk fast, ma'am. Just make sure you get it right.X6: That's all, sir. Ready when you are.X2a
1506Player Default: What do you mean by "reset his cognitive processes?"Put more simply, the recall code will render him unconscious, even while he's still standing.X6: That's all, sir. Ready when you are.Y1a
1507Inst301SceneX6Intro{Like a machine... terse, clipped, specific, precise.} Are you ready to proceed?X6: Yes, sir. Designation X6-88.A
1508PlayerVoiceFemale01: You must be the Courser I'm supposed to meet.{Name is "X Six Eighty-Eight"} Yes, sir. Designation X6-88.A1a
1509{Confident, ready} I've already neutralized the perimeter guard. Just give the word, and we can start the assault on the main flotilla.Companion: So, where do you put in the batteries on this thing?A1b
1510PlayerVoiceFemale01: You must be the Courser I'm supposed to meet.{Name is "X Six Eighty-Eight"} Yes, ma'am. Designation X6-88.A2a
1511{Confident, ready} I've already neutralized the perimeter guard. Just give the word, and we can start the assault on the main flotilla.Companion: So, where do you put in the batteries on this thing?A2b
1512Player Default: Alright, let's go.Right behind you, ma'am.A1a
1513Player Default: Alright, let's go.Right behind you, sir.A2a
1514Player Default: I can handle these Raiders on my own.I have no reason to doubt that, ma'am, but I have my orders.B1a
1515If you take on that synth, I'll be right there with you.B1b
1516Player Default: I can handle these Raiders on my own.I have no reason to doubt that, sir, but I have my orders.B2a
1517If you take on that synth, I'll be right there with you.B2b
1518Player Default: What do we know about this synth, Gabriel?Designation B5-92 is holed up in the shack on top of the up-ended cargo ship.Y1a
1519He's probably got his best fighters with him, so we should plan on heavy resistance.Y1b
1520So, are you ready to go in?Player Default: Alright, let's go.Y1c
1521Inst301SceneX6ReturnToLibertalia{No re-record needed. Can we please just cut the "Sir, " off the front of this line in the audio file?} My orders are to help you capture the synth in Libertalia.A1a
1522I'll be waiting there when you're ready.A1b
1523Inst301SceneX6UsesCode{Shouted over gunfire. That's "B Five Ninety-two"} B5-92, initialize factory reset. Authorization gamma-7-1-epsilon.A1a
1524Inst301X6ReturnAlone{Disapproval} That synth was a valuable piece of technology. You're going to have to explain this to Father.X6: X6-88 ready to relay back alone.A1a
1525X6: That synth was a valuable piece of technology. You're going to have to explain this to Father.X6-88 ready to relay back alone.A1a
1526-{Terse, not wanting to talk right now, in a dangerous situation.} We should keep moving.
1527{Terse, not wanting to talk right now, in a dangerous situation.} Keep your eyes open, sir.
1528{Terse, not wanting to talk right now, in a dangerous situation.} Ammo levels are good.
1529{Terse, not wanting to talk right now, in a dangerous situation.} Following your lead.
1530I'm ready to move in, ma'am.
1531I'm ready to move in, sir.
1532The raiders know we're coming. The sooner we get started, the better.
1533Ready to go?
1534{Terse, military, a soldier} Your quarters are just inside, sir.
1535{Terse, military, a soldier} Your quarters are just inside, ma'am.
1536{Terse, military, a soldier} Your new quarters are here, sir.
1537{Terse, military, a soldier} Your new quarters are here, ma'am.
1538{Like a machine thinking... terse, clipped, specific, precise.} Objective is a rogue synth. Target has taken control of a raider gang based on the shipwrecks in the harbor.
1539{Like a machine thinking... terse, clipped, specific, precise.} Target will be well-defended. Expect heavy resistance.
1540{Like a machine thinking... terse, clipped, specific, precise.} Neutralize and reclaim target if possible. Destroy target if not possible.
1541{Like a machine thinking... terse, clipped, specific, precise.} Mission parameters specify support role only. You are mission leader.


1542-{Impressed / Impressed} A successful mission on all counts, ma'am.
1543{Impressed / Impressed} A successful mission on all counts, sir.
1544{Honored, impressed} It was an honor to fight at your side.
1545{Pleased, impressed with the player} I'm looking forward to the next mission.
1546{Unhappy, disappointed with yourself and the player} Every synth we fail to recover represents years of lost productivity.


1547Inst302Stage40CourserScenePlayer Default: Remember, the synths are the primary objective. Harm must be avoided at all costs.{Confident, ready} We'll take the lead.X418: Here are the recall codes. Follow me.A12a


1548Inst306Stage20DesdemonaPlayer Default: Of course I'm not going to go through with it. So how do I deal with it?{Strong disagreement, you think the player is making a big mistake} I strongly advise that you reconsider. We might not get this opportunity again.Desdemona: We'll deal with that later. We need to prepare for a Brotherhood assault.A13a
1549Player Default: I'm afraid you all have to die.{Cold, remorseless, pronouncing a death sentence} This time, we'll make sure the Railroad never comes back.Desdemona: Deacon vouched for you. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. Or you. We're not going down without a fight.B15a
1550Player Default: You're alive, so what do you think?{Anxious, wanting the player to act} Sir, you know what we need to do. Why drag this out?Desdemona: I don't have time for guessing games. And the Brotherhood could be here at any moment.X13a
1551Player Default: How do I deal with this, Desdemona?{Urging the player to action, making your case} Our duty is clear. We need to eliminate the Railroad now, while we still can.Desdemona: Give me a straight answer first. Are you still on our side?Y11a


1552InstM01CedricScenePlayer Default: I know you're in a tough situation here, but lives are at stake. Please help me.{Implying violence, sinister / Stern} Or perhaps we should use a more forceful method of persuasion?Cedric: Bill isn't the only one who's afraid. People all over the Commonwealth are talking about this Institute.A12a
1553Player Default: A man's life is at stake, and you're fishing for a bribe? You're pathetic.{Disdain / Neutral} That's just how it is up here. You get used to it.Cedric: Then I guess this conversation's over.B12a
1554Player Default: If that what it takes, fine.{Cold, analytical, matter-of-fact / Neutral} We should kill him later and take back the caps. We might need them for more bribes.Cedric: Well now, looks like I can help you after all.X11a
1555InstM01IsaacSceneIntroPlayer Default: It won't be a problem.{Annoyed, a rebuke / Irritated} We're not idiots, doctor.Isaac: I trust that it won't.A12a
1556Player Default: Don't patronize me, pencilneck.{A warning / Irritated} Don't forget who you're talking to, doctor.Isaac: I... I meant no offense. Just, uh... well, let's move on.B12a
1557InstM01RogerSceneSuspectRoger: Now he's starting to work on my wife and kids, trying to turn them against me too.{Angry, a harsh judgement. / Angry} Your incompetence has jeopardized the entire operation.Player Default: They just need to be convinced Bill's wrong. That won't be hard.A12a


1558InstM02Scene1JustinIntroJustin: I'm convinced that someone is Alan Binet. He thinks that synths are people. He even lives with one. It's disturbing,{Confident, certain. Binet = "Bih-NAY"} Binet. Of course.Player Default: There's got to be some way to prove it was him.A12a
1559InstM02Scene4LiamConfessionLiam: I want to frame Justin Ayo.{A stern rebuke - no way this is happening} We can't even consider that. SRB is shorthanded as it is. Losing another director would be crippling.Liam: Ever since Doctor Zimmer left, he's been out of control.A12a
1560InstM02SceneEveConfrontPlayer Default: I promise not to tell Justin. I'll keep your secret.{Serious objection / Stern} Do not to go through with this. You're risking Father's legacy.Eve: I... I believe you.A12a
1561Player Default: Liam has to face justice for what he's done.{Ominous, a serious punishment} He'll be lucky not to be exiled.Eve: If that's how you feel, we have nothing left to talk about.B12a


1562InstM03NewtonBranchPunishmentPlayer Default: Your compassion and understanding speak well of you.{Cautious, concerned} I agree, but they should be watched carefully, or they might try this again.Newton: I'll take that holotape back.A12a
1563Player Default: They were prepared to let everyone starve to death. They have to die.{Disapproving} Those men are valuable. Killing them is wasteful.Newton: I'll take that holotape back.B12a
1564Player Default: That's more than fair. I'll see to it that everyone's notified.{Strong approval} Good decision. Those men could still have a lot to contribute, they just need to learn their lesson.Newton: I'll take that holotape back.X12a
1565Player Default: I'll see to those supplies. At least they'll have a fighting chance, which is perhaps more than they deserve.{Strong disapproval} The surface? That's a fate worse than death. They don't deserve that.Newton: I'll take that holotape back.Y12a
1566InstM03NewtonScene1IntroNewton: They've taken control of the BioScience security systems and cut off our food supply.{Firm, resolved} That kind of insubordination can't be tolerated.Player Default: I'm sure they'll calm down in time.A11a


1567InstMassFusion_10_RoofAllieFilmore: Well, you were right. The Brotherhood sure is here. Guess we'll have to go through them.{Confident, even cocky} Good, I like a challenge.AllieFilmore: Oh... my. Well, I wasn't expecting this. I... guess it's nice to see some of our... older models... have been useful to you.A12a
1568InstMassFusion_11_AgitatorMissingAllieFilmore: No sign of the Agitator... We'll have to search the rest of the building.{Urgent} The sooner, the better. Reinforcements could be on the way.A12a
1569InstMassFusion_13_PowerLossAllieFilmore: They cut the power to the elevators... It's clever, I'll give them that.{Confident} It's a sound strategy, but nothing we can't handle.A12a
1570InstMassFusion_15_ViewReactorAllieFilmore: There's the reactor. Not a bad piece of work, for its time.{Sarcastic} The operative words being "for its time."A12a
1571InstMassFusion_20_ElevatorToLobbyAllieFilmore: These guys just don't know when they're beaten, do they?{Begrudging admiration, respecting an enemy} They're dedicated to their duty. As a Courser, I can respect that.AllieFilmore: I'll help the synths buy some time. Make sure you get back to the Institute with the Agitator!A12a


1572Min01PrestonOutroFinalPreston: We need someone who can bring the whole Commonwealth together in a common cause. And I think you've got it in you to be that leader.{Dissuading the player away from joining another group} Flattering, but running the Institute will be a full-time job.Player Default: Okay. I'll do it.A13a
1573Player Default: Okay. I'll do it.{Strong objection} I hope you're not serious.Preston: Good. Good! Welcome aboard. I feel like this is a whole new start for the Minutemen, and the Commonwealth, too.A13a
1574Player Default: No. I'm not your savior. I have my own problems to deal with.{Reminding the player of his priorities} Not to mention an Institute to run.Preston: I get it. You can't take care of other people's problems when you're still overwhelmed by your own.B13a
1575Min01SturgesIntro{Smug, sarcastic} I'm not sure he'd be up for my kind of work.Player Default: I'd be glad to help.A11a


1576Min02PrestonCastlePrebattle2Player Default: Let's not over-complicate this. Just get in there and hit them with everything we've got.{Doubtful, expressing reservation. You don't like the player's plan.} Engaging them so recklessly will just result in more casualties.PrestonGarvey: If you say so.A13a
1577Player Default: Let's hit them from both sides.{Even, neutral. Could be better, could be worse.} That's a better plan that just charging in.PrestonGarvey: We'll split up and you can join which ever side you think needs the extra support.X13a
1578Player Default: Set up a firing line and I'll draw them out.{Firm agreement.} Definitely. We have the advantage of ranged firepower. We should exploit it.PrestonGarvey: Sounds good. We'll hold back and wait for them to come to us. Just don't get yourself trapped in there.Y13a
1579Min02PrestonCourtyardPrestonGarvey: Let's do this, General.{Cocky} This shouldn't take long.A12a


1580Min03RonnieIntroBrawlPlayer Default: I'd like to see you try.{Reservation, doubt... you think the player is making a mistake / Concerned} I'm not sure what you're hoping to gain from this.RonnieShaw: This is going to be fun.B12a
1581Player Default: I don't have time for a dick-measuring contest. What do you actually want?{Amused} Couldn't have said it better myself.RonnieShaw: You kiss your mother with that mouth? At least you're finally ready to get down to business.X13a


1582MinDestBoSFiringPrestonGarvey: Good lord above. Almost makes you feel sorry for those poor bastards.{Impressed} I've seen my share of destruction, but I have to admit, that's impressive.RonnieShaw: They had it coming. Should've never tried to lord it over the Commonwealth. That never ends well.A12a


1583MinVsInstMinutemenStage30CitizenQuestionPlayer Default: The Institute wants the same things you do. We can find a way to work together.{Disdain, looking dwon your nose} We don't need their help.MinutemenContact: I don't know about that, but... Look, if nothin' else, you'd best get in there and make sure that man's okay.A12a
1584Player Default: I know for a fact they won't hurt that man, and if you get in the way, I'm going to have to take you down.{Steely, ready for a fight} Ready to back you up, sir.MinutemenContact: Woah, look... I'm not trying to get everyone here killed, okay?B13a
1585MinVsInstStage50EnricoScenePlayer Default: You're right, I suppose.{Direct, impatient} What information do you have?Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.A12a
1586Player Default: Look, I had the same intelligence reports as everyone else. No one saw this coming.{Disdain, disapproval} Disappointing, doctor.Enrico: I know they've been keeping an eye on him for years. Not sure how they originally found him; probably don't want to know.B12a


1587MQ203MemoryHMainMemoryH_Courser: He's gone rogue. Name's Doctor Brian Virgil.We know he's hiding somewhere in the Glowing Sea. Here's his file.MemoryH_Kellogg: Wow. Some heads are going to roll for this.A1a
1588MemoryH_Kellogg: Left as in...?He's gone rogue. Name's Doctor Brian Virgil.MemoryH_Courser: We know he's hiding somewhere in the Glowing Sea. Here's his file.A1a
1589MemoryH_Kellogg: So what's the big crisis this time?New orders for you. One of our scientists has left the Institute.MemoryH_Kellogg: Left as in...?A1a
1590Kellogg.MemoryH_Kellogg: It's okay.A1a
1591MemoryH_Kellogg: Forget I said anything.{Puzzled} Minimizing my exposure to civilians is a priority...MemoryH_Kellogg: So what's the big crisis this time?A1a
1592MemoryH_Kellogg: Capture and return or just elimination?Elimination. He was working on a highly classified program.MemoryH_Kellogg: No kidding. One of the top Bioscience boys? Damn.A1a
1593MemoryH_Kellogg: So... I guess you're taking the kid back with you.Affirmative. Your only mission is to locate and eliminate Virgil.MemoryH_Shaun: You're taking me home to my father?A1a
1594MemoryH_Shaun: You're taking me home to my father?Yes. Stand next to me and hold still.MemoryH_Shaun: Okay.A1a
1595MemoryH_Shaun: Okay.X6-88, ready to Relay with Shaun.MemoryH_Shaun: Bye, Mr. Kellogg! I hope I'll see you again sometime!A1a
1596-{DO NOT RECORD - deliberate blank/silent info}


1597MS01BillyOutOfFridgePlayer Default: Then let's go find your home.{Cold, indifferent} They're probably long gone.Billy: Thanks. I live in Quincy. Or at least I used to. But I don't know how to get there.A12a
1598Player Default: You'll have to figure out your own life.{Relieved} That's a relief. I was afraid we might actually waste time on this.Billy: I guess I'll just sit here until some monster comes and eats me.B13a
1599Player Default: I hate to tell you this, but your parents are probably dead.{Agreeing with the player} Not much doubt of that.Billy: Dead? You really think so?X13a


1600MS04_0100_IntroPlayer Default: You know you're completely nuts, right?{Agreeing with the player} No doubt of that.Kent: Sadly, that's not the first time I've heard that.B3a
1601MS04_0500_2_AJPlayer Default: Hand over the caps.{Approval} We can put that to use.AJ: Here. And don't show your face around here again.A10a
1602MS04_Comp_ActingLikeShroud{You doubt the player's sanity} I recommend a mental health examination when you return to the Institute.A13a
1603MS04_Comp_PCisAssassin{Matter-of-fact.} Easy enough job.A13a
1604MS04_Comp_PCKilledHostage{Cold, unsympathetic} Problem solved.A13a


1605MS05B_ReturnEggToNest{Skeptical, questioning the player's sanity} I'm not sure the Institute needs more Deathclaws, but it's your decision.A13a


1606004_MS07aCrockerScene02Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.{Dissuading the player} He's deranged. No sense trying to reason with him.DocCrocker: You're...you're right. There's one thing I can do. Only one thing's going to make this all better.A11a
1607Player Default: Oh, screw this. Say "hi" to Earl for me.{Grim, about to attack} Finally.B9a
1608Player Default: You've killed a man, doctor. You're going to pay for it. Put the gun down, and come with me.{A word of caution} I doubt he'll listen. If he doesn't, I'm ready.DocCrocker: I... I did it, didn't I? I killed a man. Oh god. There's so much blood. So much blood all over me!X11a
1609004b_MS07aCompanionInterjects{Cold, matter of fact} Saw that coming.Companion: Crocker got exactly what was comin' to him.A11a
1610{With conviction. "He deserved it"} He made his choice when he threatened you.A11a


1611MS09CabotHouseIntroJackPlayer Default: That's really interesting.{disdain} Another chem addict. Let's not feed his delusion.Jack: I'm glad to hear you say that. It's become my life's work.A12a
1612Player Default: You can believe whatever wacko theories you want, as long as I get paid.{Disdain} I'm not sure any amount of caps is worth this, but we should get something, at least.Jack: Well if that's how you feel, I'll leave you to Edward. He'll be your immediate supervisor.B13a
1613MS09Mission2EmogeneAgeKnowPlayer Default: I have a vial of that serum with me. Here, looks like you need it.{Disappointed} That could have been valuable to the BioScience division.Emogene: How did you get that? Never mind, I'd rather not know. Thank you so very much.A14a
1614MS09ParsonsBossRoomLorenzoEscapesJack: You fool! Why didn't you do as I asked?X6-88 interjectsA13a
1615MS09ParsonsCaptainScene1Player Default: So you've just been waiting for me to show up to do something about those assholes?{Disdain} That surprises you?ParsonsGuardCaptain: As far as I remember, I don't answer to you. And yeah, we were waiting for you.B11a
1616Player Default: That's all I needed to know.{Steely, ready for action} Ready when you are.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Well then, I guess we're done.X11a
1617MS09ParsonsCaptainScene1APlayer Default: Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.{A little disappointed in the player... "You're above these people" kinda thing / Irritated} You don't owe anyone an apology.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Was that an apology? Now I've seen everything.A13a
1618Player Default: Lucky for you I'm not afraid of a few raiders.{Sarcastic, a joke} I hope not.ParsonsGuardCaptain: Well, then, why don't you get out of my face and go kill them?B13a


1619MS11_0080_Constitution_Scene_3Player Default: Whoa, whoa. Easy there.{Steely, ready for action} By all means, let them try. I'm ready.FirstMate: Unable to comply.A12a
1620Player Default: Try that and you'll be nothing but scrap metal, pal.{Steely, ready for action.} Just give the order.FirstMate: Threats detected. Awaiting permission to terminate target.B13a
1621MS11_0350_Meet_MandyPlayer Default: Yeah, I'm in. What's the plan?{Approving the player's decision} These scavengers could be useful allies. They're a good source of information on rogue synths.Mandy: That's the right call.A13a
1622Player Default: No deal. I'm with Ironsides.{Doubtful} Hm. I'm not sure that broken robot has much to offer us.Mandy: Then screw you, asshole. You're lucky we don't gun you down.B13a
1623MS11_Comp_Sabotage{Agreeing with the player's choice} Good decision. These robots are clearly malfunctioning.A13a


1624MS13BConfrontCookePaulPembroke: Keep talking.{Impatient, annoyed} I hope he makes it quick.HenryCooke: Look, I'll, uh, I'll stay away from Darcy from now on. It's over. You have my word on that.A12a
1625Player Default: Paul, put the gun away. Nobody needs to get shot here.{Annoyed, sarcastic} I can think of a few people I'd like to shoot here.PaulPembroke: Screw that.A12a
1626Player Default: Better just shoot him, Paul.{Agreement, emphasize "I"} That's how I usually solve problems.PaulPembroke: Keep talking.B12a
1627MS13EDivideSpoilsPlayer Default: No. I'm taking all of it as the rest of my payment.{Strong agreement} Definitely.PaulPembroke: That was never part of the deal!B12a
1628Player Default: 70-30 seems more like it.{Agreement.} At least.PaulPembroke: Yeah, whatever. Screw me over one more time. I guess I should be used to it by now.X13a


1629-{Trying to talk the player into taking a mercenary job} No reason to turn down easy caps. We might need them later.
1630{A little disappointed... you think the player should ask for more money} Even that feels low.
1631{Agreement. "Sure, let's do this." Emphasize "and".} Extra caps and target practice? Why not?


1632MS14BobrovOpeningScenePlayer Default: All right! Now, it has to be quietly, with no fuss. Maybe lead him out of town...Just make sure they compensate you. Supplies are expensive.Yefim: All right, that's enough!A13a
1633Player Default: I tell you, it would be easier than you think. You just talk him into following you out of town...{Agreement} He's right. Outside the city is best. No need to attract unwanted attention.Yefim: All right, that's enough!B12a
1634MS14TravisBarPreFightSceneTravis: Well, if you think it would work...{Annoyed} For the record, I still like the original suggestion.A12a
1635Travis: I'm not a coward!{Mock surprised, play it deadpan} I think he actually believes himself.B12a
1636MS14TravisStage65ScenePlayer Default: Oh, man. I can't believe this.{Matter of fact} That should get results.Travis: Look... I don't really... I mean, I don't have a lot of friends.B12a
1637MS14TravisStage70ScenePlayer Default: Okay, okay. Good. I mean, I can do this. Totally.{Mild disapproval} He's probably going to be killed. You could at least be honest with him about that.Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.A12a
1638Player Default: Oh. Okay... Not, uhh, not exactly the pep-talk I was looking for...{Sarcasm} Do you think he wants to guess which one of us you're referring to?Travis: Any, uhh... Any last-minute advice? I've never done anything like this.B12a
1639MS14TravisStage90ScenePlayer Default: Thanks.{Snark} I still don't know how he's alive.Travis: After all this, I think about the things that had me worried so much, and it just seems... silly, you know?A12a
1640Player Default: Yeah, yeah. I know.{Agreement} You and I both.Travis: After all this, I think about the things that had me worried so much, and it just seems... silly, you know?B13a


1641MS17_300_Dan_FollowsPlayer Default: No deal.{Relief} No reason to let this man dictate terms to you.HonestDan: We'll see who finds those caravan hands first, then.B13a
1642MS17_300_JacobWarningPlayer Default: Give me the caps and I'll drop the whole thing.{Agreeing with the player, approval} That'll be useful.JacobOrden: Here you go. Come back anytime.A7a
1643MS17_Comp_KilledChambers{Callous, unsympathetic} If you ask me, she was doing us a favor by thinning the herd.A13a


1644UFOCrashQuestFlybyReaction{Astonishment. Emphasize "is". / Surprised} What is that?A12a
1645UFOCrashQuestImpactReaction{Concerned / Concerned} That wasn't Institute technology. We should investigate.A12a