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Fallout Wiki

The X-12 research center terminal entries are a series of terminal entries in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues. They can be found on a terminal in the X-12 research center.

X-12 terminal[]


**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
  X-12 Research Center

X-12 Request for Assistance[]


We've had a small issue with one of our Y-17 Trauma Override Harnesses. Sadly, a member of the X-12 research team choked on a Buffalo gourd seed and died while working late last night. For some reason his Y-17 Trauma Harness will not shutdown. In fact, it has begun malfunctioning and causing the late Mr. Harris to attack other employees. Do you have any prototypes you could lend us as to means to stop it?


Assistance Granted[]


I'm sending over the K9000 cyberdog gun. It should do the trick. Let me know if you have any operational questions.


K9000 Cyberdog Gun Sealed in X-12[]


We've had another unfortunate occurrence. While attempting to destroy Mr. Harris's Trauma Harness, the disaster control team member carrying the gun slipped and fell, dropping the weapon. Unarmed, the team had to flee and seal off the lab. Unfortunately, your K9000 Cyberdog Gun Prototype was sealed inside X-12.


