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This is a transcript for dialogue with The Scribe.


1WorkshopVendorArmorIntro{Friendly} Good day to you, stranger.WorkshopVendorArmor: You look like someone that appreciates the utility of a good set of armor.A
2MaleOld: Good day to you, stranger.{Thinking} You look like someone that appreciates the utility of a good set of armor.Player Default: Sure, I'm always looking for good armor.A1a
3WorkshopVendorArmorJoin{Happy} I'm intrigued... you have a deal. I'll head that way right now.A1a
4{Puzzled} I'm confused.WorkshopVendorArmor: So, were you interested in trading or not?A2a
5WorkshopVendorArmorSceneGood to see you again. Are you in a trading mood? I have a few pieces of armor you might be interested in.Player Default: Sure, I'm always looking for good armor.A
6Ah, it's you. Are you looking to buy some armor?Player Default: Sure, I'm always looking for good armor.A
7We meet again. Are you in the market for some new armor?Player Default: Sure, I'm always looking for good armor.A
8Was there something else you wanted to buy or sell?Player Default: Sure, I'm always looking for good armor.A
9Player Default: Sure, I'm always looking for good armor.My selection is a bit limited right now, but take a look.WorkshopVendorArmor: So, were you interested in trading or not?A1a
10Player Default: Not right now, thanks.Well, then, good day to you, sir.WorkshopVendorArmor: So, were you interested in trading or not?B1a
11Player Default: Not right now, thanks.Well, then, good day to you, ma'am.WorkshopVendorArmor: So, were you interested in trading or not?B2a
12Player Default: What's your story?I was once a Scribe in the Brotherhood of Steel. Back when that was something to be proud of.Y1a
13Back when we used our knowledge to help people, rather than simply hoarding it for our own power.Y1b
14When Squire Maxson took over... well, I didn't like the changes he made to the Brotherhood.Y1c
15Some said it was a return to our ancient traditions. Maybe so. But things are not necessarily better simply because they are ancient.Y1d
16So, I left. Since then, I've been walking up and down in the world... until I found myself here.WorkshopVendorArmor: So, were you interested in trading or not?Y1e
17Player Default: What's your story?Travelling's a good way to meet new people. As well as finding the lost, the broken, and the unusual.Y2a
18When I get tired of travelling, I settle down again for a while. But I'm in a wandering phase at the moment.WorkshopVendorArmor: So, were you interested in trading or not?Y2b
19Player Default: My selection is a bit limited right now, but take a look.So, were you interested in trading or not?Player Default: Sure, I'm always looking for good armor.A1a