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Fallout Wiki

Workshop (vendor) dialogue.


1WorkshopVendorBarIntro{Friendly} The good fellowship's on the house, but the drinks are how I keep body and soul together.A1b
2{Question} Can I get you something to drink?Player Default: Sure, let me see what you've got.A1c
3WorkshopVendorBarUniqueScenePlayer Default: Sure, let me see what you've got.My selection is a bit limited right now, but take a look.WorkshopVendorBar: So can I get you anything?A1a
4Player Default: No thanks.Well, then, good day to you, sir.WorkshopVendorBar: So can I get you anything?B1a
5-{Friendly} Got it.
6{Friendly} Sure.
7{Friendly} Okay.
8We've got to do something about these damn raiders.
9WorkshopVendorBarIntroMaleEvenToned: How's it going, friend?{Friendly} You're welcome to join us. Pull up a ... patch of dirt, stump, old tire, whatever suits you. Take a load off, and stay a while.A1a
10WorkshopVendorBarUniqueScenePlayer Default: No thanks.Well, then, good day to you, ma'am.WorkshopVendorBar: So can I get you anything?B2a
11Player Default: What's your story?{Amused} I have a lot of friends. I make new friends where ever I go. My friends like to join me for a drink. What can I say - it's a living.WorkshopVendorBar: So far, the wandering life suits me. I see the world, and my friends always know I'll be coming to visit soon.Y1a
12WorkshopVendorBar: So far, the wandering life suits me. I see the world, and my friends always know I'll be coming to visit soon.{Friendly} So can I get you anything?Player Default: Sure, let me see what you've got.A1a
13WorkshopVendorBarUniqueJoin{Happy} You can't say fairer than that, friend. I accept!A1a
14{Puzzled} You're not making any sense.A2a
15WorkshopVendorBarUniqueScenePlayer Default: I have a lot of friends. I make new friends where ever I go. My friends like to join me for a drink. What can I say - it's a living.{Happy} So far, the wandering life suits me. I see the world, and my friends always know I'll be coming to visit soon.WorkshopVendorBar: So can I get you anything?Y1a
16WorkshopVendorWeaponScenePlayer Default: Let's trade.If Smiling Larry hasn't got it, you probably don't need it.A1a
17Player Default: Let's trade.Smiling Larry has what you need, guaranteed.A2a
18Player Default: Not interested.{Puzzled} You don't know what you're missing.B1a
19Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Smiling Larry always has something you need.X1a
20Player Default: What's your story?People want something, Smiling Larry finds it and brings it to them. The whole Commonwealth knows me.Y1a
21Now, what about doing some trading?Player Default: Let's trade.Y1b
22WorkshopVendorWeaponJoin{Happy} That sounds good to Smiling Larry. You have yourself a deal.A1a
23{Puzzled} Smiling Larry is confused. Did you want to trade, or not?Player Default: Let's trade.A2a
24WorkshopRaiderAttackGratitudeScenePlayer Default: I was glad to help out.{Grateful} I can't argue with your timing. Who knows what would have happened to us if you hadn't been here?A1a
25Player Default: I hate raiders. I kill them every chance I get.{Impressed} I'm glad you're on our side.B1a
26Player Default: I hate raiders. I kill them every chance I get.{Grateful} That makes you one of the good guys in my book.B2a
27Player Default: I didn't want you to have all the fun.{Impressed} If that's what you call fun, I'm glad you're on our side.X1a
28Player Default: I didn't want you to have all the fun.{Grateful} Well, I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been here.X2a
29Player Default: What did they want?{Disgust} They were raiders. What do you think they wanted? Everything we've got, at a minimum. Maybe also kill us all or worse.Y1a
30Player Default: What did they want?{Worried} I don't think ferals want anything except to kill whatever they run across.Y2a
31Player Default: What did they want?{Disgust} Damn Gunners, they're just raiders with fancier weapons. They'll attack anyone they think is too weak to defend themselves.Y3a
32Player Default: What did they want?{Disgust} Ever seen a Super Mutant camp? God, I wish I hadn't. Food is what they're after - meaning us.Y4a
33Player Default: What did they want?{Disgust} Who knows? I've never understood why the damn Institute couldn't just leave us alone.Y5a
34Player Default: What did they want?{Disgust} I'm sure killing us was pretty high on their list.Y6a
35WorkshopNewSettlerShortPlayer Default: Not right now, thanks.Alright, just let me know.B2a
36Player Default: Not right now, thanks.{Friendly} Alright then.B4a
37{Friendly} Sure thing.X2a
38{Friendly} Of course.X3a
39Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} If there's anything you can do to stop these raider attacks, I'd sure sleep easier.Y2a
40Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} I wish there was something we could do about these damn raiders. They just won't leave us alone.Y3a
41Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} These raider attacks are the biggest problem right now.Y4a
42Player Default: Did you need anything?{Concerned} We're doing what we can, but if you could see about repairing some of the damage, we could get back to normal quicker.Y6a
43Player Default: Did you need anything?{Concerned} We're fixing things up as fast as we can, but maybe you can help repair some of the damage.Y7a
44Player Default: Did you need anything?{Concerned} We could sure use some help fixing some of the damage.Y8a
45Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} Well... to be honest, we're a bit short of food. Anything you can do would be appreciated.Y10a
46Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} Food's been a bit short lately. It's making it tough on everyone.Y11a
47Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} We could use more food. Everyone's hungry all the time.Y12a
48Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} The water situation's not good. We're short on clean water and people are getting sick.Y14a
49Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} There's not enough clean water to go around. It's been causing problems.Y15a
50Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} Things would be easier if we had enough clean water to go around.Y16a
51Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} Well... we could probably use some more defenses. I don't know what we'd do if raiders attacked.Y18a
52Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} I'd sleep a lot easier if we had some more defenses set up.Y19a
53Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} Maybe some better defenses. We'd be in deep trouble if raiders showed up.Y20a
54Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} Some more beds would help. People are having to sleep in shifts.Y22a
55Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} Well, we don't have enough beds to go around. It's causing hard feelings.Y23a
56Player Default: Did you need anything?{Worried} This would feel a lot more like a home if everyone had their own bed.Y24a
57Player Default: Did you need anything?{Happy} Not right now. We're pretty well set for the moment.Y26a
58Player Default: Did you need anything?{Happy} Thanks, but I really can't think of anything we need.Y27a
59Player Default: Did you need anything?{Happy} I don't think so. Things are actually going pretty good.Y28a
60WorkshopNewSettlerIntroMaleOld: Hey, I just wanted to introduce myself.We heard your radio beacon, so we thought we'd come give it a try.A2a
61MaleOld: Hey, I just wanted to introduce myself.{Friendly} We heard people talking about your radio beacon, so we figured we'd give it a try.A3a
62MaleOld: Hey, I just wanted to introduce myself.{Friendly} We were looking for someplace to make a new life, so here we are.A4a
63MaleOld: Hey, I just wanted to introduce myself.I heard your radio beacon, so I figured, why not?A6a
64{Grateful} Anyway, I just wanted to thank you. I think we can make a go of it here.A2a
65{Grateful} This looks like a decent enough place. So, you know, thanks for giving us the chance.A3a
66{Grateful} We just wanted to say how grateful we are for the opportunity.A4a
67{Grateful} Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity.A5a
68{Grateful} I wanted to personally thank you for giving us this opportunity.A6a
69{Worried} I'm hoping if we put our minds to it, we can help turn this place around.A8a
70{Worried} It's not perfect, of course, but I think with some work we can make a go of it.A9a
71{Worried} It's not everything we expected, but we're willing to work hard to make this a home we can be proud of.A10a
72{Worried} It's not exactly paradise, but what is, right? With some hard work, I think this could be a decent place to live.A11a
73{Worried} I just wanted you to know that I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make this into a real home.A12a
74{Question} Anything specific you want me to do? I'm willing to pitch in anywhere you need.A2a
75{Question} So, is there anything you need me to get started on?A3a
76{Question} Anyplace you want me to pitch in?A4a
77{Friendly} I'm ready to help with whatever you need. Just say the word.A5a
78{Do not re-record, fixed a missing word / Friendly} So, let me know if you have anything you need me to do.A6a
79-If you're asking - food's been short around here lately. It's hard to think about anything else when you're hungry all the time.
80Well... people have been complaining about the water situation. You might want to look into that.
81Well, people have been complaining about the bed situation. Not enough to go around. Causes hard feelings, you know.
82Same old, same old.
83{Puzzled} Nothing, really. Pretty quiet.
84{Puzzled} Can't say anything comes to mind.
85{Friendly} Go ahead.
86WorkshopVendorWeaponSceneYou looking to trade?Player Default: Let's trade.A
87You look like someone who wants to do some trading.Player Default: Let's trade.A
88You looking to trade? Smiling Larry's got what you want.Player Default: Let's trade.A
89WorkshopVendorBarIntroHow's it going, friend?WorkshopVendorBar: You're welcome to join us. Pull up a ... patch of dirt, stump, old tire, whatever suits you. Take a load off, and stay a while.A
90WorkshopVendorBarUniqueScene{Amused} Of all the campfires, in all the Commonwealth, you walk into mine.Player Default: Sure, let me see what you've got.A
91{Friendly} You look thirsty. Can I set up you with something?Player Default: Sure, let me see what you've got.A
92{Friendly} Need a drink?Player Default: Sure, let me see what you've got.A
93{with a smile - you're being ironic, you're sitting a campfire offering drinks / Amused} Bar's open.Player Default: Sure, let me see what you've got.A
94WorkshopNewSettlerIntroHey, I just wanted to introduce myself.A
95{Friendly} I don't think we've met yet.A
96{Friendly} I'm new around here. I wanted to introduce myself.A
97WorkshopNewSettlerShort{Friendly} I'm new here. Did you have anything you wanted me to do?Player Default: Yeah, let me show you.A
98{Friendly} I don't think we've met. What can I do to help out?Player Default: Yeah, let me show you.A
99{Friendly} Anything I can do to help out around here?Player Default: Yeah, let me show you.A
100WorkshopRaiderAttackGratitudeScene{Grateful} Thanks for your help fighting them off.Player Default: I was glad to help out.A
101{Grateful} You showed up just in the nick of time.Player Default: I was glad to help out.A
102{Grateful} Thanks for your help, pal.Player Default: I was glad to help out.A
103{Grateful} Thanks for your help, friend.Player Default: I was glad to help out.A
104-I'll be back on my feet soon.
105I never even saw what hit me.
106The pain isn't usually too bad.
107Might be better just to give the Brotherhood what they want.
108Something's got to be done about these Brotherhood bastards.
109We sure taught the Brotherhood a lesson. They'll think twice before they mess with us again.
110Brotherhood got a bloody nose here, no doubt about it.
111Damn Brotherhood. Why don't they just leave us alone?
112As if the raiders weren't enough, now we've got the Brotherhood to deal with.
113Damn raiders hit us hard.
114We've got to do something to stop these raider attacks.
115We've got a lot of rebuilding to do from this last attack.
116We taught those raiders a lesson. We'll teach 'em again if they come back.
117Raiders thought we were easy pickings. We showed 'em different.
118I'm starting to think we're finally safe from those damn raiders.
119You should have seen it. We cut those raiders to pieces. I doubt they'll be back.
120{Angry} Those Institute bastards got us good this time.
121{Angry} Why won't the Institute just leave us alone? What did we ever do to them?
122{Defiant} The Institute may think twice before messing with us again.
123{Defiant} If the Institute sends more synths, we'll kill those, too.
124{Defiant} We showed the Institute we're not afraid of them any more.
125{Defiant} Institute think they can keep us down with their damn synths. We taught them different.
126{Depressed} Those big ugly bastards sure hit us hard.
127{Defiant} I used to be scared of Super Mutants, but we taught them a lesson this time.
128{Defiant} Those uglies will think twice before messing with us again.
129{Worried} We're in some real trouble here. I hope you can help.
130{Worried} I don't know what we're going to do.
131{Worried} I hope you're here to help.
132{Worried} I hope we can count on the Minutemen to help us.
133{Relieved} Did the Minutemen send you to help us?
134{Grateful} I hope you realize how much you did for us.
135{Grateful} I knew you'd help us.
136{Impressed} You came through for us. We won't forget what you did.
137{Grateful} It's good to know we can count on the Minutemen.
138{Grateful} I knew the Minutemen would stand by us.
139{Grateful} I knew you would help us.
140{Friendly} Thanks for agreeing to help.
141{Impressed} Not many people would offer help to strangers.
142{Grateful} I didn't know what we were going to do.
143{Worried} Now I don't know what we're going to do.
144{Depressed} I was hoping you could help us.
145{Depressed} I guess we're on our own now.
146{Disgust} So much for the Minutemen.
147{Disgust} Should have known better than to trust the Minutemen to help us.
148{Depressed} I knew it would end this way.
149{Depressed} I should never have gotten my hopes up.
150{Worried} I'm just so hungry all the time.
151{Pleading} Nobody has enough to eat. Can't you do something to help?
152I hate to complain, but food's a bit short lately.
153If we had a good supply of clean water, things would be pretty good.
154{Pleading} I just wish I had some clean water to drink for once.
155{Worried} We need more water. Even another water pump would help.
156{Worried} Not enough clean water to go around. People are getting tired of it.
157You should know, people have been complaining a bit about the bed situation.
158{Disgust} People are having to sleep in shifts. It's making everyone a bit cranky.
159{Worried} Things are a bit crowded. A few more beds would lift everyone's spirits.