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This is a transcript for dialogue with Woods.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
2 005F5A4E 005F5E7C Little late to the party, aren't you?
32 005F5E6E 005F5E79 I'm fading fast, kid. Think this is it. Those damn Blood Eagles are still inside. Give 'em hell for me.
33 005F5E6F 005F5E77 Name's Woods. Corporal Woods, Hellcat Company. Mercenaries.
34 We got hired by this creep of a doctor to guard the place...among other things. Promised us salvage rights here when he was done.
35 Don't think we're gonna collect on that.
36 005F5E71 005F5E7B Our squad was guarding the entrance here when we were overrun by Blood Eagles. Killed everyone.
37 Me, too. I just haven't kicked it yet.
98 005FD57B 006057C1 You're not wrong. I guess I deserve that. Hope you'll put some bullets in those Blood Eagles when I'm gone.
103 006057BA 006057C2 Jesus, interrogating a dying woman. That's stone cold.
104 Don't look like that, I'm just fucking with you. This is important. Maybe you can fix our mistakes.
105 It's where he had us bringing them. Other squads did, I mean. I was just guard duty, not that it makes me any less guilty.
106 Whether or not any of them are left alive? No clue. Wouldn't count on it, with the Blood Eagles ransacking the place.
107 Can't figure the Doc will last long, either. That doesn't bother me, though.
113 006057B9 006057C5 That's kind, but it's a little late for that.
114 I've seen enough gutshots in my time to know a stimpak and bandages aren't going to fix this.
115 This one's got my name on it. God knows I've done enough to deserve it.
124 006057BC 006057C3 Our own fault. We got lazy. This place is so far out of the way, nobody ever passes by. Kind of the point.
125 We figured we'd be shooing off the occasional stray scavenger that came poking around.
126 This lot sent grenades through the entrance before we knew they were there. Rushed us while we were recovering.
127 I took a bullet in the gut. Bastards left me to die slowly, because they thought it was funny.
130 006057BD 006057C6 Seriously? I'm bleeding out in front of you and you want my life story? Ah, hell, I'd rather die with somebody than alone. Whatever.
131 Best of a bad situation, all right? The Hellcats had limits...a code. Better than joining up with Raiders. We did good jobs as often as bad.
132 Until this time, at least.
138 005FD599 005FD5C0 Love the optimism, but my ticket's punched.
139 I think I can go easy knowing someone's going to take out those Blood Eagles.
140 Make better choices than I did.
141 005FD5A5 005FD5C4 Yeah, Raider types, but more bloodthirsty, you know?
142 You can usually deal with the Crater sort. Blood Eagles, though...they enjoy the killing.
143 005FD5A7 005FD5BC If you're looking to loot the place, some Blood Eagles are ahead of you in line. I'd stop you, but, uh, I think I quit.
313 006057B8 006057C9 Hell of a bedside manner you've got. You know I'm dying, right? Ah, go ahead. Not like I'm doing anything else. Clock's ticking, though.
322 006057BB 006057CA Yeah. Blackburn. Real unnerving guy, even before we found out what he was doing.
323 Kidnapping was just the start of it. We should've cut ties then, contract or no. Even mercs should have lines they don't cross.
324 I'd say I didn't have a choice, but we're mercenaries. We do it for the money, not some noble ideal. Nobody to blame but ourselves.