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This is a transcript for dialogue with Wolfgang.


1DrumlinDiner_01_Intro{this is said after the line "Whoa, whoa, easy there scavver. This doesn't involve you." / Stern} I thought I told you this isn't any of your concern.Player Default: Looks like you got some trouble. I could help.A
2{Stern} We had a deal, Trudy! Hand over the goods. You owe us!Trudy: I ain't giving you poison-shilling chem pushers anything! Do you know what that junk has done to my boy?A1a
3Trudy: I ain't giving you poison-shilling chem pushers anything! Do you know what that junk has done to my boy?{Stern} He bought them fair and square, Trudy! Ain't our fault if he's strung out.A1a
4DrumlinDiner_02_WolfgangScene{Angry} Now don't make me come in there and shoot up that little trading post of yours!A1b
5{player is walking away from you / Stern} That's right. Walk away.A1a
6Player Default: Looks like you got some trouble. I could help.{Puzzled} Help? What you some kind of hired gun? Or maybe you can talk some sense into Trudy over there.Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.A1a
7Player Default: You stop waving that gun in my face, or it's gonna involve me.{intimidated, outgunned / Afraid} Okay, okay, just take it easy. We'll lower our weapons, all right? Just don't do anything crazy.Player Default: Looks like you got some trouble. I could help.B1a
8Player Default: You stop waving that gun in my face, or it's gonna involve me.{intimidated, outgunned / Afraid} Just keep calm, all right?B2a
9{Afraid} Here. That's everything I have.Player Default: Looks like you got some trouble. I could help.B2b
10Player Default: You stop waving that gun in my face, or it's gonna involve me.{intimidated, outgunned, mutter the last sentence to yourself / Afraid} You gotta be kidding me!? *sigh* Fine. We'll leave. Just my goddamn luck.Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.B3a
11Player Default: You stop waving that gun in my face, or it's gonna involve me.{Angry} That's it. You're dead!Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.B4a
12Player Default: I'm calling it right here. This world can officially bite my ass.{Friendly} Hey, we all got problems, all right? I'm just trying to collect on what's owed to me.X1a
13{Puzzled} Don't suppose you feel like helping us out? Could use an extra gun, or maybe you talk some sense into Trudy over there?Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.X1b
14Player Default: What's going on here?{Irritated} It's a simple business dispute, got it? Trudy's sitting on a pile of goods that she owes me.Y1a
15{Irritated} I tried reasoning with her, but it looks like I gotta take what's mine by force.Y1b
16{Friendly} Wanna make some easy money? Help me out. I could use another gun. Or maybe you think you can talk some sense into her?Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.Y1c
17{player is wearing power armor / Irritated} Whoa, whoa, easy there Mister Power Armor. This doesn't involve you.Player Default: Looks like you got some trouble. I could help.A1a
18{player is wearing power armor / Irritated} Whoa, whoa, easy there Miss Power Armor. This doesn't involve you.Player Default: Looks like you got some trouble. I could help.A2a
19{player is wearing a vault suit / Irritated} Whoa, whoa, easy there Vault Boy. This doesn't involve you.Player Default: Looks like you got some trouble. I could help.A3a
20{player is wearing a vault suit / Irritated} Whoa, whoa, easy there Vault Girl. This doesn't involve you.Player Default: Looks like you got some trouble. I could help.A4a
21{player approaches from the street after hearing your argument with Trudy, you're naturally suspicious of him / Irritated} Whoa, whoa, easy there scavver. This doesn't involve you.Player Default: Looks like you got some trouble. I could help.A5a
22Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.Appreciate it. If things go sideways we'll back you up.A1a
23Player Default: Lock and load. Let's do this.{Happy} That's what I wanted to hear! Let's tear this place apart.B1a
24Player Default: If I help, I expect to get paid.{player previously strong-armed money out of you / Irritated} And I'd love to pay you, but you took all my money, remember? We'll work something out when this is over.Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.X1a
25Player Default: If I help, I expect to get paid.{player previously strong-armed money out of you / Irritated} You took it all, remember? No. Come back to me when this is settled, then maybe we work something out.Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.X2a
26Player Default: If I help, I expect to get paid.All right. I was gonna pay you 100 caps, but why don't we make it 125?Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.X3a
27Player Default: If I help, I expect to get paid.Okay, okay, 150 caps.Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.X4a
28Player Default: If I help, I expect to get paid.I'll make it 200 caps, but that's it. Any higher, and I might as well go home.Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.X5a
29Player Default: If I help, I expect to get paid.{player failed to negotiate / Stern} I'm not here to haggle. You'll get whatever I feel like giving you, got it? Now what's it gonna be?Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.X6a
30Player Default: If I help, I expect to get paid.{Stern} Yeah, you do that.X7a
31Player Default: Who's Trudy?{mocking / Conspiratorial} See that diner right in front of us? Trudy owns the place.Y1a
32{Conspiratorial} She's converted it into a small shop. I sell her chems, she gives me caps and parts I need.Y1b
33{Conspiratorial} And when her son Patrick had his eighteenth birthday, I might have sold him some Jet. Then some more. Then a lot more. Now he's in debt.Player Default: Sounds like the family should pay what they owe you.Y1c
34Player Default: Who's Trudy?{Conspiratorial} Look, I deal in chems. You know, medicine? Kind of useful out in these parts. Stimpaks can patch up your wounds in seconds.Y2a
35{Happy} Not to mention all the fun stuff. I got that too. You help me out, and we can do business. Trust me. I'm a good friend to have.Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.Y2b
36DrumlinDiner_02_WolfgangScene02Player Default: Sounds like the family should pay what they owe you.{Happy} That's what I'm saying! Finally someone who gets it.A1a
37You gonna help us out?Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.A1b
38Player Default: Scumbag. You made him an addict.{emphasize "product" each time, you're repeating for emphasis / Irritated} Yeah, yeah. I've heard it before. Look, he wanted a product, I sold him a product. And I expect to get paid for my product.B1a
39Now you gonna help us out or what?Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.B1b
40Player Default: Looks to me like they shouldn't have bought that Jet, and you shouldn't have sold it to them.{Irritated} Yeah, well, hindsight's a bitch, and I'm holding the leash. Now you gonna help us out, or what?Player Default: I'll talk to her. Maybe we can work this out.X1a
41Player Default: Jet? What's Jet?{Friendly} It's my top seller. Gives you a high like you wouldn't believe. My customers swear it makes them faster. Always take a huff before a fight.Y1a
42{Amused} I guess Patrick was looking to get from under his momma's skirts and be like the tough guys, so he bought some. And once you're on it, why stop?Y1b
43{Stern} Now I've sold that boy a lot of my Jet, and I expect someone to make good on his promises that I'd get paid.Player Default: Sounds like the family should pay what they owe you.Y1c
44DrumlinDiner_06_PeacefulResolutionTrudy: You hear that, Wolfgang? You'll get your damn money, but I better not catch you selling chems to my boy again.{shouting, she's inside the building / Amused} Fine by me, Trudy. Your son's broke as shit, anyhow.Trudy: All right, crisis is over. If you're here to trade, step up to the counter.A1a
45DrumlinDiner_08_WolfgangBarter{player helped you kill Trudy / Amused} Too bad about Trudy, but the upside is we got a new location for the chem business! Here. For you. Now, what can I get our first customer?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
46{player helped you kill Trudy / Happy} We get paid, and I don't even gotta shoot nobody. Good job. Here. Now how about I show you all the pick-me-ups I have on offer?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
47{Grateful} Thanks for helping us out with Trudy. You did good. Now, let's talk business.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
48Got the itch? I can hook you up.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
49Got plenty of chems to sell. Strictly medicinal. He he he.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
50Need some chems?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
51Player Default: Let's see what you've got.You got needs, I got product.A1a
52Player Default: Let's see what you've got.I got stuff that'll blow your mind.A2a
53Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Remember. Moderation. He he he.A3a
54Player Default: What kind of chems do you sell, anyway?{Amused} Whatever I can get a hold of. Jet's popular. Gives you a rush when you need it, like when you need to hurt somebody.Y1a
55{Friendly} Stimpaks are like gold, of course. Everyone's bound to get hurt and need fixin' sometime. And I always try to carry RadAway for obvious reasons.Y1b
56{Friendly} Just pick something up. Have a taste. Best way to get to know the product.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y1c
57-{heading out after being strong-armed by the player} I'm leaving, all right?A
58{shouting, about to start shooting} You crossed the wrong man!
59You take care of Trudy, I'll make it worth your while.
60I don't care how you do it. I just want my money.