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This is a transcript for dialogue with Wiseman.


1DialogueTheSlogSceneIntroPlayer Default: It's pretty clever, making a tarberry bog out of an old swimming pool.I appreciate your saying so.A1a
2{Emphasis on "something"} When I came across this place, it was the first time I'd seen anything like it. It seemed like a shame not to use it for something.Wiseman: You've probably noticed it's only ghouls around here.A1b
3Player Default: The first word that comes to my mind is "ugly."{Self-mocking humor, said with a chuckle} Hey, do I look like a guy who puts a premium on beauty?B1a
4{Proud} Sure, there are prettier farms in the Commonwealth, but none of them know how to grow tarberries like we do.Wiseman: You've probably noticed it's only ghouls around here.B1b
5Player Default: Looks fine, I guess. I wouldn't really know.{Thoughtful, sizing up the player} Yeah, I didn't think you had the look of a farmer about you. More the city type, I'd say, what with that smooth, clean skin.Wiseman: You've probably noticed it's only ghouls around here.X1a
6Player Default: The Slog? How'd you come up with that name?We didn't. It was the caravan traders who started that.Y1a
7I started this place a few years back but couldn't think of a name for it.Y1b
8Then, one day, one of the traders pulls up after it's been raining for hours, and says he's never had to slog through so much mud in his life.Y1c
9I asked him if it was worth it, and he said for the best tarberries in the Commonwealth, it was definitely worth it.Y1d
10Working' here's like a slog through the mud. It's tough going and you'll get dirty doing it, but at the end of the day, it's worth it.Wiseman: You've probably noticed it's only ghouls around here.Y1e
11Wiseman: When I came across this place, it was the first time I'd seen anything like it. It seemed like a shame not to use it for something.You've probably noticed it's only ghouls around here.A1a
12{Resentful} I used to live in Diamond City, until that rat bastard mayor threw me and all the other ghouls out.A1b
13{Proud} I decided that we ghouls should have a place where we could feel welcome, and that's mainly why I started up this farm.Player Default: It looks like you've done well for yourselves.A1c
14Player Default: It looks like you've done well for yourselves.It's a good start, yeah, and I'm proud of all the work we've done. Still, I think we can do more.Wiseman: What if this place could be more than just a refuge for ghouls who aren't welcome elsewhere?A1a
15Player Default: It's a wonder you don't scare off all the traders.Oh, there's a few that won't come around. They believe all that nonsense coming out of Diamond City, I guess.B1a
16Truth be told, we ghouls get a pretty bad rap in these parts. I don't think it has to be that way, though.Wiseman: What if this place could be more than just a refuge for ghouls who aren't welcome elsewhere?B1b
17Player Default: Makes sense.It's not the only reason I created The Slog, though. I also had something else a little bigger in mind.Wiseman: What if this place could be more than just a refuge for ghouls who aren't welcome elsewhere?X1a
18Player Default: Why did the mayor throw you out?We're ugly, we turn feral and kill people, we gives the kids nightmares, all the usual stuff we get from you smoothskins.Y1a
19Now it's true that there was one incident in Diamond City where a ghoul turned feral and someone got hurt.Y1b
20But I ask you this - how many humans have suddenly turned violent and killed someone?Y1c
21I've seen it more times than I care to admit.Wiseman: What if this place could be more than just a refuge for ghouls who aren't welcome elsewhere?Y1d
22Player Default: It's a good start, yeah, and I'm proud of all the work we've done. Still, I think we can do more.{Hopeful, sharing your dream} What if this place could be more than just a refuge for ghouls who aren't welcome elsewhere?A1a
23{ghouls} What if it could also be an example of what we can do when we put our minds to something and work together?A1b
24We want this to be a place that everyone looks forward to visiting, with smiling faces, good bargains and great produce.A1c
25Maybe we can make people take a second look, you know? Maybe then they'd see that we're not monsters.Player Default: I think it's a great idea.A1d
26Player Default: I think it's a great idea.{Hopeful} Do you really think so? Because if you do, we could definitely use some help.Wiseman: Why don't you take a look around? Deirdre's always looking to trade supplies for caps, and Holly could use a hand gathering tarberries.A1a
27Player Default: I think it's a great idea.{Pleasantly surprised and grateful} Yeah? Thanks for saying so.Wiseman: Why don't you take a look around? Deirdre's always looking to trade supplies for caps, and Holly could use a hand gathering tarberries.A2a
28Player Default: Acting friendly isn't going to change the fact that you look and smell like walking corpses.{Pride, almost defiant} Maybe, but when it comes to trade, our caps are as good as anyone's.B1a
29{Hoping to get help} Speaking of trade, we've been having some trouble lately.Wiseman: Why don't you take a look around? Deirdre's always looking to trade supplies for caps, and Holly could use a hand gathering tarberries.B1b
30Player Default: Acting friendly isn't going to change the fact that you look and smell like walking corpses.{Admitting defeat, disappointed} I can see there's no changing your mind about us. Can't blame a ghoul for trying, right?Wiseman: Why don't you take a look around? Deirdre's always looking to trade supplies for caps, and Holly could use a hand gathering tarberries.B2a
31Player Default: Well, it's a nice goal, anyway. Good luck.{Tough, determined, but needing help} I don't have any illusions about how hard it'll be. Every day is a struggle out here.X1a
32In fact, we've got a some trouble right now and we could really use some help.Wiseman: Why don't you take a look around? Deirdre's always looking to trade supplies for caps, and Holly could use a hand gathering tarberries.X1b
33Player Default: Well, it's a nice goal, anyway. Good luck.I don't have any illusions about how hard it'll be, and I don't expect everything to change overnight.X2a
34You have to start somewhere, though.Wiseman: Why don't you take a look around? Deirdre's always looking to trade supplies for caps, and Holly could use a hand gathering tarberries.X2b
35Player Default: Anything I can do to help?As a matter of fact, there is.Wiseman: Why don't you take a look around? Deirdre's always looking to trade supplies for caps, and Holly could use a hand gathering tarberries.Y1a
36Player Default: Anything I can do to help?I appreciate the offer, but I think we're doing as much as can be done.Y2a
37If you want to put in a good word for us with the traders, that couldn't hurt.Wiseman: Why don't you take a look around? Deirdre's always looking to trade supplies for caps, and Holly could use a hand gathering tarberries.Y2b
38Player Default: Do you really think so? Because if you do, we could definitely use some help.Why don't you take a look around? Deirdre's always looking to trade supplies for caps, and Holly could use a hand gathering tarberries.A1a
39{Warm, friendly.} It's been good talking with you. I hope you'll visit us again.A1b


40DialogueTheSlogHollyDeirdreSceneHolly: Hey boss. Any chance I could talk you into picking up some perfume from the next trader who comes through?{Surprised, then careful, trying not to hurt feelings} Perfume? Um, listen darlin'...A1a
41{Candid, but tender} We're ghouls, and there ain't a fragrance in the Commonwealth that's going to cover that up.Holly: I just thought, you know, maybe I ain't meeting anyone because I'm not maximizing my sex appeal.A1b
42Holly: I just thought, you know, maybe I ain't meeting anyone because I'm not maximizing my sex appeal.{Kind-hearted} I understand. If I see any, I'll pick you up a bottle.Holly: Aw... you take good care of me, boss.A1a


43DialogueTheSlogWisemanDeirdreScene{Friendly small talk} Hey there, D. You makin' any decent caps with your trading?Deirdre: Well, it could be better. I could use more customers, for one thing.A1a
44Deirdre: Last I checked, none of us here was running around hunched over, drooling and snarling and clawing up the place.Hey, you're preaching to the choir here.A1a
45{Consoling} None of us expected things to change overnight, right?A1b
46{Consoling} We have to keep working at it, and things will get better in time. That's a promise.Deirdre: I've got to hand it to you, Wiseman, you always know just the right thing to say.A1c
47Deirdre: Thank you for that.{Warm, caring, reassuring} You just keep holding that pretty head up, D. Better days are coming.A1a


48DialogueTheSlogWisemanHollySceneHolly: Just cause ghouls ain't allowed inside the city doesn't mean we can't sell our goods just outside the walls.{Playful, teaaing} Now let me guess. if I say yes, you'll ask to work the stand so you can meet some good-looking boys. Am I right?Holly: Aw, I can't pull anything over on you, can I?A1a
49Holly: I just get lonely sometimes. You know how it is. I hardly get to meet anyone out here.Well, it's a nice idea, but I don't think the humans are going to let us get anywhere near that place.A1a
50Besides, we've got a few eligible bachelors right here that aren't so bad.Holly: I know, I know, it's just... well, I always had a thing for smoothskins.A1b
51Holly: I know, I know, it's just... well, I always had a thing for smoothskins.{Reassuring} The man of your dreams is out there somewhere, Holly, I'm sure of it.A1a
52{Reassuring} You have to be patient, that's all.Holly: Being patient is the one thing I ain't very good at, but I'll try.A1b


53-{A little frustrated / Neutral} We can't sell tarberries without traders, and trade caravans need safe roads.
54{Concerned / Concerned} There's a gang of Super Mutants that's been preying on anyone who comes near their turf, including traders.
55{Hopeful / Concerned} It'd be a great help to us if you could take care of those brutes once and for all.