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This is a transcript for dialogue with Winthrop.


GREETING GREETING Surprise 50 Oh, well would you look at that? We got us a smoothskin visitor! Hoooeeee, we ain't seen one of your type in a long time. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 What? You come to try to steal from me again? Just get out of my face. 2
GREETING Anger 50 Didn't you hear me? Leave us alone. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Well, hello again. You need something, smoothskin? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 How's Underworld been treatin' you so far, smoothskin? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Well look who's back. What can I do you for, smoothskin? 6
GREETING Neutral 50 Well look who's back. What can I do you for, smoothskin? 7
MS08TechnicalClue1 Do you know anything about an android from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Rumors about facial surgery and reprogramming its memory. That's ancient gossip by now. Forget about it, smoothskin. 8
MS08TechnicalClue2 What do you know about the android from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 A bunch of bullshit, that's all that was. Here, take this old holotape. It's just some guy pulling a clever prank. Had lots of folk convinced though. {doubting the rumors} 9
Tell me more about this holotape about the android. Neutral 50 So much bullshit. Though I have to admit, it was a clever hoax. They sent tapes like that to various technically minded people. Ha! Couldn't fool me. {doubting the rumors} 10
MS08TechnicalClue3 You know anything about the mind wipe on that escaped android? Happy 50 I used to this it was all so much bullshit. But then I got this holotape. Here, listen to it yourself. {bragging that he's in the know} 11
You know anything about the mind wipe on that escaped android? Happy 50 I used to think it was all so much bullshit. I'm not so sure anymore. But it's ancient news. So who cares, right? Doesn't change my life none. {bragging that he's in the know} 12
I found some info on a Circuit Neuralizer. Care to elaborate? Happy 50 I used to think it was all so much bullshit. I'm not so sure anymore. But it's ancient news. So who cares, right? Doesn't change my life none. {bragging that he's in the know} 13
MS08TechnicalClue3Bribe Got any info on an android mind wipe? Here's a 100 cap "research fee." Happy 50 I used to this it was all so much bullshit. But then I got this holotape. Here, listen to it yourself. {bragging that he's in the know} 14
MS08TechnicalClue3Stat You know how they rewrote engrams in a cluster of Android memory subroutines? Happy 50 I used to this it was all so much bullshit. But then I got this holotape. Here, listen to it yourself. {bragging that he's in the know} 15
MS08TechnicalClue4 Do you know who did the memory transfer on the escaped android? Surprise 50 It was old cranky Pinkerton who did it. Over at Rivet City. One day I mean to visit him and chat him up about it. {bragging that he is in the know} 16
Do you know who did the memory transfer on the escaped android? Surprise 50 It was old cranky Pinkerton who did it. Over at Rivet City. One day I mean to visit him and chat him up about it. {bragging that he is in the know} 17
I know you know about the memory transfer on that android... Surprise 50 It was old cranky Pinkerton who did it. Over at Rivet City. One day I mean to visit him and chat him up about it. {bragging that he is in the know} 18
MS08TechnicalClue4Bribe I'll give you 100 caps if you know who did the mind wipe on that android. Surprise 50 It was old cranky Pinkerton who did it. Over at Rivet City. One day I mean to visit him and chat him up about it. {bragging that he is in the know} 19
MS08TechnicalClue4Stat Do you know anything about the AI swap on that Commonwealth android? Surprise 50 It was old cranky Pinkerton who did it. Over at Rivet City. One day I mean to visit him and chat him up about it. {bragging that he is in the know} 20
Sounds like a normal guy.
Damn. Another dead end. Thanks anyway. Surprise 50 Is there anything else you need? 21
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley?
What do you know about Mister Crowley? Surprise 50 Who? Never heard of him. {Confused, distracted.} 22
Come on. You can tell me. Ahzrukhal said so. <Lie.>
Don't make me beat it out of you. Fear 50 Alright! Alright! 23
Neutral 50 Sometimes he comes by and asks me about the security system and stuff. You know, technical details about locks and computers. 24
Surprise 50 It's not just chit-chat either. He's angling for something, but I don't know what. Talk to Ahzrukhal up at the Ninth Circle about Crowley. 25
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 10 Meh. Not going to tell the likes of you. {doesn't think the player is worthy of the information, or can be trusted with it} 26
UnderworldTownTopic What can you tell me about Underworld? Neutral 50 We were driven underground... hrm... almost fifty years ago now. Between the Super Mutants, the beasts, and you crazy humans, it's not safe up there. 27
Neutral 50 So we stay down here, out of sight and out of trouble. We get a few smoothskins every so often, but most of us don't trust 'em. 28
Neutral 50 You're not gonna give us more reasons not to be trusting, are you? 29
UnderworldWinthropGreeting1 Oh, you're one of those Ghouls! Just like Gob! Neutral 50 Yeah, we're a whole city of 'em, actually... wait, you know Gob? 30
Oh, you're one of those Ghouls! Just like Gob! Neutral 50 Yep, I am. Remember: stop by Carol's and let Gob's mom know how he's doin'. 31
Jesus Christ! What are you? Neutral 50 Now tell me, how is it that you ended up down here in Ghoul central without knowing what a Ghoul is? Huh? 32
Neutral 50 You know, never mind. I'm a Ghoul. Everyone down here: Ghouls. That's what we are. And before you ask "what's a Ghoul", lemme tell you. 33
Neutral 50 We're not the walking dead, despite the rotten flesh and the smell. We're mutants... sort of. At least, I think we are. 34
Wait... what are you again? Neutral 50 You got wax in your ears? We're Ghouls mutants with rotting flesh. It's not a big deal, I got used to it. So will you. 35
Neutral 50 You know, nevermind. I'm a Ghoul. Everyone down here: Ghouls. That's what we are. And before you ask "what's a Ghoul", lemme tell you. 36
Neutral 50 We're not the walking dead, despite the rotten flesh and the smell. We're mutants... sort of. At least, I think we are. 37
UnderworldWinthropGreeting2 Smoothskin? What does that mean? Anger 50 Smoothskin? You know, because your skin is so smooth... and tasty... 38
Happy 50 Relax! I'm just kidding! But I had you going, didn't I? 39
UnderworldWinthropGreeting3 Where am I? Neutral 50 You're in Underworld, smoothskin. It's the only safe place for we Ghouls in D.C. We're here, out of sight and out of mind. 40
Neutral 50 The mutants leave us alone and the Slavers usually don't come this far into the city, so it's not bad. 41
Neutral 50 Really, the Brotherhood of Steel is the only thing we have to worry about... so long as we don't leave Underworld, that is. 42
UnderworldWinthropGreeting3a The Brotherhood of Steel? What's your beef with them? Neutral 50 Bastards. They don't seem to be able to tell us apart from the Super Mutants. Or, maybe they just don't care. They see us and shoot on sight. 43
Neutral 50 And least they have the common courtesy to miss most of the time. Still... bigots. 44
UnderworldWinthropGreeting3b A city full of Ghouls, huh? Neutral 50 That's right. And so long as you don't bother us, we won't bother you. Feel free to come and go, trade, sleep, whatever. 45
Neutral 50 Just make sure that you leave whatever trouble is following you at the door, because we don't want it. 46
Neutral 50 So, enjoy your stay, smoothskin. 47
UnderworldWinthropGreeting3c All right. I'm going to go have a look around. Neutral 50 Enjoy your stay. Just... try and keep from shooting up the place. 48
Neutral 50 We've got a nice little deal going down here. We'd like to keep it nice. 49
UnderworldWinthropGreetingGob1 Yeah, he's up in Megaton tending bar. Surprise 50 Megaton! Way up there? I always did wonder what happened to that boy. When he disappeared, I just figured it was the Super Mutants what got him. 50
Neutral 50 Good to know that he's doin' okay. You should stop by and see his ma over at Carol's place. She'll be happy to hear some news about him. 51
UnderworldWinthropGreetingGob2 Yeah, he's in Megaton working for some jackass. Neutral 50 You mean... he's a slave? Oh, that's terrible... even still, you should stop by Carol's Place and let his ma know that he's still alive. 52
Neutral 50 She'll be happy to hear it, even if he's not doing well. 53
UnderworldWinthropJob What do you do around here, Winthrop? Neutral 50 Me? I keep every hunk of old rusted pre-war garbage around here in operating condition. 54
Happy 50 We've got lights, water, and ventilation all running off the old crap they used to keep this place going for the tourists. 55
Neutral 50 I've managed to keep it going so far, but... well, I'm not sure how long I can keep it up. 56
What do you do around here, Winthrop? Neutral 50 Me? I keep every hunk of old rusted pre-war garbage around here in operating condition. 57
Happy 50 We've got lights, water, and ventilation all running off the old crap they used to keep this place going for the tourists. 58
Neutral 50 I've managed to keep it going so far, but... well, I'm not sure how long I can keep it up. 59
UnderworldWinthropJob1 Why? What's wrong? Neutral 50 We've scavenged just about all of the scrap metal from all of the places we can safely get to. 60
Neutral 50 We're scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Hell, not before long, I'm gonna have to disassemble poor ol' Cerberus for parts. 61
Neutral 50 Hey, you get around, don't you? Tell you what, you bring me back any Scrap Metal you find out there and I'll trade you whatever I can. 62
Neutral 50 We can work out a trade. We've got some stuff around here that we don't need, but a smoothskin like you might make use of it. 63
UnderworldWinthropJob1Accept Sure, Winthrop. I think I can help you out. Neutral 50 Well, alright. That's good to hear, stranger. Just come on back to me when you've gathered some Scrap Metal. 64
Neutral 50 You'll find it just about anywhere on junked robots, in old buildings, you name it. 65
UnderworldWinthropJob1Decline Take care of your own problems. Neutral 50 That's a shame, stranger. A real shame. Let me know if you change your mind, we'll still need the parts. 66
UnderworldWinthropJob1HowMuch What sort of payment are we talking about? Neutral 50 Well, we got Stimpaks, but the Doc keeps us healed up, so we don't really need 'em. So I could trade one of those for five bits of Scrap Metal. 67
Neutral 50 We also got us a TON of RadAway and Rad-X. I mean, what good is it to us? But I'll trade you either one for five bits of scrap. Your choice. 68
UnderworldWinthropJob1Rob I have a better idea. How about I do nothing and you give me what you have? Neutral 50 What? What are you talking about? Do nothing? 69
UnderworldWinthropJob1Rob1 Yes. As in, "I won't make a five egg omelet out of your face." Neutral 50 You... you wouldn't dare. I've got... I mean... I'll call for help. 70
Yes. As in: I won't shoot your face off and dance in your brains. Neutral 50 You... you wouldn't dare. I've got... I mean... I'll call for help. 71
Yes. As in: I won't shoot your face off and dance in your brains. Neutral 50 You... you wouldn't dare. I've got... I mean... I'll call for help. 72
Yes. As in: I won't cut your throat and watch you die gasping for air. Neutral 50 You... you wouldn't dare. I've got... I mean... I'll call for help. 73
Yes. As in: I won't pull your arms off and laugh as you die. Neutral 50 You... you wouldn't dare. I've got... I mean... I'll call for help. 74
Yes. As in: I won't cut your throat and watch you die gasping for air. Neutral 50 Haha! You go ahead and try it, stranger. I'll have Cerberus over here to tear your arms off before you even draw. 75
Neutral 50 Look, you're cute, but you're not the first Waster to threaten me and you won't be the last. Just clear out of town. We don't need your type here. 76
UnderworldWinthropJob1Rob1a You'll be dead long before help gets here. Neutral 50 Fine, Fine, you asshole. I offered you a fair trade, and this is how it is? Here, take it. Take it all and get the fuck out. 77
Neutral 50 I never want to lay my eyes on you again, you miserable bastard. 78
UnderworldWinthropJob1Rob1b Go ahead and yell. I'll kill every last one of you. Neutral 50 This is the last mistake you'll ever make! Help! Someone help me! 79
UnderworldWinthropJob1Rob2 Heh. I was just kidding. Now, what were you saying about a job? Neutral 50 You've got a strange way of joking, stranger. 80
Neutral 50 I was saying that I need spare parts to fix the junk around here, and I'm willing to trade for 'em. 81
UnderworldWinthropJob2 This is so fascinating, I can't bear to talk about it any longer. Neutral 50 Hey, you asked. Don't blame me if you don't like what you hear. 82
UnderworldWinthropPartsChangeMind You wanted me to get some Scrap Metal for you, right? Neutral 50 Oh? Have you changed your mind? Are you willing to trade some scrap? 83
UnderworldWinthropPartsChangeMindNo No, I haven't changed my mind. Neutral 50 They why are we even talking about this? I'm very busy, you know. 84
UnderworldWinthropPartsChangeMindReward What were you offering to trade? Neutral 50 I'll trade you five bits of Scrap Metal for a Stimpak, a pack of Radway, or a dose of Rad-X. Easy deal. 85
UnderworldWinthropPartsChangeMindYes Yes, I've changed my mind. I'll bring you some Scrap Metal Neutral 50 You have? Good. Excellent! We need those parts something awful. This place is falling apart. 86
Neutral 50 Just come on back and talk to me when you have some parts to trade, we'll work out a deal. 87
UnderworldWinthropPartsTrade I have some scrap metal for you. Neutral 50 Oh, good, the vents are rattling again. I need to get up there and take care of it. What do you have? 88
I have some scrap metal for you. Neutral 50 And not a moment too soon. 89
I have some scrap metal for you. Neutral 50 Really? Great! I can finally get around to patching up the heaters. 90
UnderworldWinthropPartsTrade10 I've got 10 bits of Scrap Metal to trade. Neutral 50 Ten parts, eh? Alright, what do you want in trade? 91
UnderworldWinthropPartsTrade15 I've got 15 bits of Scrap Metal to trade. Neutral 50 Fifteen? Well, alright! A deal's a deal, so what do you want in return? 92
UnderworldWinthropPartsTrade20 I've got 20 bits of Scrap Metal to trade. Neutral 50 Twenty! That's great! I knew this'd work out! Just tell me what you want in return for the parts. 93
UnderworldWinthropPartsTrade25 I've got 25 bits of Scrap Metal to trade. Neutral 50 I didn't expect you to bring back so much! That'll set me up for quite some time. So, what'd you have in mind for payment? 94
UnderworldWinthropPartsTrade5 I've got 5 bits of Scrap Metal to trade. Neutral 50 Alright, sounds good. What to you want for 'em? 95
UnderworldWinthropPartsTradeDeal What was our deal again? Neutral 50 For every five bits of Scrap Metal you give me, I'll give you a Stimpak, some RadAway, or a dose of Rad-X. I need scrap, you need goods. We both win. 96
UnderworldWinthropPartsTradeEND Actually, never mind. I don't want to trade any Scrap Metal. Sad 50 Okay, then. Your call. Let me know when you do. 97
UnderworldWinthropPartsTradeRadaway I'll take the RadAway. Neutral 50 Alright, five bits of Scrap Metal for one dose of RadAway. That's a done deal. 98
I'll take the RadAway. Neutral 50 Alright, ten bits of Scrap Metal for two doses of RadAway. That's a done deal. 99
I'll take the RadAway. Neutral 50 Alright, fifteen bits of Scrap Metal for three doses of RadAway. That's a done deal. 100
I'll take the RadAway. Neutral 50 Alright, twenty bits of Scrap Metal for four doses of RadAway. That's a done deal. 101
I'll take the RadAway. Neutral 50 Alright, twenty-five bits of Scrap Metal for five doses of RadAway. That's a done deal. 102
UnderworldWinthropPartsTradeStimpak I'll take the Stimpak. Neutral 50 Five bits of Scrap Metal for me, one Stimpak for you it's been a pleasure doing business. 103
I'll take the Stimpaks Neutral 50 Ten bits of Scrap Metal for me, two Stimpaks for you it's been a pleasure doing business. 104
I'll take the Stimpaks Neutral 50 Fifteen bits of Scrap Metal for me, three Stimpaks for you it's been a pleasure doing business. 105
I'll take the Stimpaks Neutral 50 Twenty bits of Scrap Metal for me, four Stimpaks for you it's been a pleasure doing business. 106
I'll take the Stimpaks Neutral 50 Twenty-Five bits of Scrap Metal for me, five Stimpaks for you it's been a pleasure doing business. 107
UnderworldWinthropPartsTradeStimpakRadX I'll take some Rad-X. Neutral 50 One for you, five for me. Use it in good health. 108
I'll take some Rad-X. Neutral 50 Two for you, ten for me. Use 'em in good health. 109
I'll take some Rad-X. Neutral 50 Three for you, fifteen for me. Use 'em in good health. 110
I'll take some Rad-X. Neutral 50 Four for you, twenty for me. Use 'em in good health. 111
I'll take some Rad-X. Neutral 50 Five for you, twenty-five for me. Use 'em in good health. 112
UnderworldWinthropRepair Can you repair my things? Neutral 50 Can you pay me? Then I can repair your stuff. 113
Can you repair my things? Neutral 50 No problem at all, smoothskin. So long as you're payin' 114
Can you repair my things? Neutral 50 Just make it quick, I've got a ton of things to do today. 115


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Let me know if you have any of that Scrap Metal to sell! 116
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Let me know if you need something. 117
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Scrap metal is in short supply around here. 118
HELLO Neutral 50 I sure could use some of that scrap metal. 119
HELLO Neutral 50 Everything around here... always busted... 120
HELLO Neutral 50 ...can't ever get ahead... 121
HELLO Neutral 50 You need something, smoothskin? 122
HELLO Neutral 50 I got work to do, so if you need something, spit it out. 123
HELLO Neutral 50 Ahzrukhal, boy, I want to talk to you. 124
HELLO Neutral 50 Boy, you and I need to talk. 125
HELLO Neutral 50 Ahzrukhal, boy, I need to talk to you. 126
HELLO Neutral 50 All clear, Cerberus? 127
HELLO Neutral 50 Have you seen anything unusual, Cerberus? 128
HELLO Neutral 50 Cerberus, run your diagnostic program. Code 662-847-B. 129
HELLO Neutral 50 Cerberus, you're still making that god awful noise. Go ahead and run that diagnostic program. Code 662-847-B. 130
HELLO Neutral 50 Why, hello there, Cerberus. 131
HELLO Neutral 50 Cerberus! How are you? Programming holding up? 132
HELLO Neutral 50 Patches. Patches! Hey, buddy, stay with me here for a second. We need to talk. 133
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey, Patches. Patchwork, man. Pay attention, I need to talk to you. 134
HELLO Neutral 50 Everything alright there, Patches? You don't look so good. 135
HELLO Neutral 50 Heya, Patches. You alright, buddy? You're not lookin' so good. 136
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork2 UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork2 Neutral 50 It's about Patchwork. You need to stop feeding him booze, Ahzrukhal. The boy can barely stand most of the time, and you just keep serving him. 137
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork2 Neutral 50 I want you to stop giving Patchwork booze when he's already drunk. You're gonna kill the boy. 138
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork4 UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork4 Neutral 50 And wouldn't it be a shame if your ventilation went down and all of your customers went to Carol's? Just think about it, Ahzrukhal. 139
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork4 Neutral 50 Sure, sure, you're here to make money, and I fix all of your crap so that you can keep right on making that money. What would happen if I stopped? 140
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork6 UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork6 Neutral 50 I'm not threatening you, I'm just sayin'. No equipment. No business. Either way, my problem is solved. Think about it. We'll talk later. 141
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork6 Neutral 50 Oh, you'd be surprised. I may be old, but this place'd shut down without me. Just think about what I said, we'll talk later. 142
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropAlert2 UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropAlert2 Neutral 50 No news is good news, eh, Cerberus? What about you, how are you doing? 143
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropAlert2 Neutral 50 Well, that's good. That's good to hear, Cerberus. Anything else going on? 144
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropAlert4 UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropAlert4 Neutral 50 <sighs>You're a terrible conversationalist, Cerberus. 145
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropAlert4 Neutral 50 I really need to teach you a thing or two about talking to people. 146
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropAlert4 Neutral 50 You really suck at conversation, robot. 147
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropDiagnostic1 UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropDiagnostic1 Neutral 50 Unit diagnostics system compiling... diagnostics system ready. Running level 2 diagnostics... complete. Report prepared. 148
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropDiagnostic1 Neutral 50 Unit diagnostics... running... running... complete. Report prepared. 149
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropDiagnostic3 UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropDiagnostic3 Neutral 50 Unit weapon system 2B ammunition level low. Please service at earliest convenience. 150
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropDiagnostic3 Neutral 50 Unit cognition system experiencing fluctuating contact. Unable to determine source of failure. 151
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropDiagnostic3 Neutral 50 Unit target recognition system contains failure of an unknown class. Advise immediate unit service for repair. 152
UnderworldTalkCerberusWinthropDiagnostic3 Neutral 50 Unit locomotion system contains a class two failure. Currently operable. Failure will escalate to class one with a 47% probability. 153
UnderworldTalkPatchworkWinthropDrunk2 UnderworldTalkPatchworkWinthropDrunk2 Neutral 50 C'mon, I'm worried that I'm going to find you dead one of these days. Listen to yourself. You can barely talk. You're a mess, man. 154
UnderworldTalkPatchworkWinthropDrunk2 Neutral 50 This is what I mean, Patches. You're a mess. I'm worried about you, man. I really am. You're falling apart. 155
UnderworldTalkPatchworkWinthropDrunk4 UnderworldTalkPatchworkWinthropDrunk4 Neutral 50 Alright, I can't even talk to you about this right now. Let's just deal with it later. 156
UnderworldTalkPatchworkWinthropDrunk4 Neutral 50 Never mind, man. Let's just talk about this later. 157
UnderworldTalkResponseShort1 UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 No time, no time. Everything around here is always busted. Can't ever get a break. 158
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Nope. Not now. Too busy. 159
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Hooo, sorry. No time to talk. The air circulation system is busted again. 160
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 I can't talk right now, the work never ends around here. 161
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Hey, do you know how to reroute a fan belt? You know, never mind. I'll do it myself. 162
UnderworldTalkResponseShort2 UnderworldTalkResponseShort2 Neutral 50 She's dead, you damn fool robot. Thanks for reminding me. 163
UnderworldTalkResponseShort2 Neutral 50 She's dead, you know that. Lousy old data tapes... 164