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This is a transcript for dialogue with Wilhelmina Cabot.


1CabotHouseConvEmogeneWilhelmina01Scene{Friendly} Emogene, dear, can we talk about something for a minute?Emogene: What is it now, Mother?A1a
2Emogene: What is it now, Mother?{Friendly} Oh, nothing, really. I was just wondering if you had a new man in your life.Emogene: Not at the moment. You'll be the first to know if I get a new boyfriend, though.A1a
3Emogene: Not at the moment. You'll be the first to know if I get a new boyfriend, though.{emphasis on _nice_ - unlike all the other men Emogene has dated / Concerned} Well, I do hope you can finally find a nice man to settle down with.Emogene: Oh for heaven's sake, Mother.A1a
4CabotHouseConvEmogeneWilhelmina02Scene{Friendly} Emogene?Emogene: Yes, Mother?A1a
5Emogene: Yes, Mother?{Friendly} You know how I've always wanted grandchildren...Emogene: Not this again.A1a
6Emogene: Not this again.{Concerned} I don't see any chance of Jack ever getting married, so... it's really up to you to carry on the family line.Emogene: Have you ever been outside this house since the war? Have you seen what it's like out there?A1a
7Emogene: Do you really think I want to bring children into that kind of world?{Apologetic} Well, now, there's no reason to get so upset. A mother has a right to talk to her own daughter about these things.A1a
8CabotHouseConvEmogeneWilhelmina03Scene{Concerned} How have you found Edward's cooking lately?Emogene: Um. I haven't noticed anything different.A1a
9{Concerned} Emogene, have you noticed any change in our meals recently?Emogene: Um. I haven't noticed anything different.A2a
10{Concerned} I hate to bring it up, but I've been starting to wonder about Edward's cooking.Emogene: Um. I haven't noticed anything different.A3a
11Emogene: Um. I haven't noticed anything different.{Concerned} I just think he may not be putting quite as much effort into it as he used to.Wilhelmina: I mean, I think yesterday he actually served us canned peas!A1a
12Emogene: Um. I haven't noticed anything different.{Concerned} I'm not sure he's keeping up to his usual standards. I may have to talk to him about it.Wilhelmina: I mean, I think yesterday he actually served us canned peas!A2a
13Emogene: Um. I haven't noticed anything different.{Concerned} I think he may be slacking off a bit in the kitchen. Perhaps he thinks nobody is paying attention any more.Wilhelmina: I mean, I think yesterday he actually served us canned peas!A3a
14Emogene: Mother, you do realize that we are lucky to have canned peas. Most people nowadays don't even have enough to eat.{Concerned} Well, the Cabots have never been most people. I just think he should try his best to maintain the standards we're used to.Emogene: Whatever you say, Mother.A1a
15Emogene: Mother, you do realize that we are lucky to have canned peas. Most people nowadays don't even have enough to eat.{Worried} Good heavens. I really do have to talk to him. Serving us mystery meat, of all things!Emogene: Whatever you say, Mother.A2a
16Emogene: Mother, you do realize that we are lucky to have canned peas. Most people nowadays don't even have enough to eat.{Defiant} Well I for one am not willing to let these things slide. We are the Cabots, after all. It's expected that we maintain a certain standard.Emogene: Whatever you say, Mother.A3a
17Wilhelmina: I just think he may not be putting quite as much effort into it as he used to.{Concerned} I mean, I think yesterday he actually served us canned peas!Emogene: Mother, you do realize that we are lucky to have canned peas. Most people nowadays don't even have enough to eat.A1a
18Wilhelmina: I just think he may not be putting quite as much effort into it as he used to.{Concerned} I don't think the meat he served last night was beef. It had a funny aftertaste to it.Emogene: Mother, you do realize that we are lucky to have canned peas. Most people nowadays don't even have enough to eat.A2a
19Wilhelmina: I just think he may not be putting quite as much effort into it as he used to.{Concerned} He served us a red wine with chicken! I mean, really. If we had had guests, I'd have been mortified.Emogene: Mother, you do realize that we are lucky to have canned peas. Most people nowadays don't even have enough to eat.A3a


20CabotHouseConv02Scene{Question} Jack, have we received any more serum yet?Jack: Uh, no, Mother. Not since the last time you asked.A1a
21Jack: Uh, no, Mother. Not since the last time you asked.{Concerned} Oh. Well. I was just checking.A1a
22CabotHouseConvWilhelminaJack02Scene{Worried} Jack, have you heard anything about Emogene yet?Jack: Not yet. Isn't it enough that I had Edward send someone to track her down again?A1a
23Jack: Not yet. Isn't it enough that I had Edward send someone to track her down again?{Stern} You could show a little bit more concern about your own sister.A1a
24CabotHouseConvWilhelminaJack03Scene{Stern} I do wish you would remember to dress for dinner more often. We do have standards to maintain in this family.Jack: Oh for heaven's sake, Mother. Don't you have anything else to worry about?A1a
25Jack: Oh for heaven's sake, Mother. Don't you have anything else to worry about?{Depressed} Hmph. Things have come to quite a sorry state if people can't even be bothered to dress for dinner.A1a
26CabotHouseConvWilhelminaJack04Scene{Concerned} Jack, I think you're spending too much time in your lab. I feel like I never see you any more.Jack: My work is important. You know that. And this time, I think I'm really getting close to a breakthrough.A1a
27{Concerned} Jack, I think you're working too much. You need to give yourself some time off.Jack: My work is important. You know that. And this time, I think I'm really getting close to a breakthrough.A2a
28{Concerned} Jack, it seems like I hardly see you. You spend all your time working.Jack: My work is important. You know that. And this time, I think I'm really getting close to a breakthrough.A3a
29Jack: My work is important. You know that. And this time, I think I'm really getting close to a breakthrough.{Concerned} Of course, Jack, of course. I just worry about you, that's all.A1a
30Jack: My work is important. You know that. And this time, I think I'm really getting close to a breakthrough.{Concerned} Well, you know we all are grateful for everything you do. I just think you work too hard, is all.A2a
31Jack: My work is important. You know that. And this time, I think I'm really getting close to a breakthrough.{Concerned} I know you think I'm just nagging you. But if your own mother isn't allowed to worry about you, who is?A3a
32CabotHouseConvWilhelminaJack05Scene{Question} Jack, dear, I'm worried that supplies are running a bit low.Jack: Supplies? You mean the liquor cabinet is getting empty again?A1a
33Jack: Supplies? You mean the liquor cabinet is getting empty again?{Concerned} Not just that. But now that you mention it, I have noticed that we have nearly run out of a couple of things.Jack: You know they aren't making that anymore, don't you Mother? I can't just send someone down to the liquor store for more.A1a
34Jack: You know they aren't making that anymore, don't you Mother? I can't just send someone down to the liquor store for more.{Sad} I'm sorry I mentioned it. I didn't know that I was such a burden to you. It's fine, don't worry about it. I'll just do without.Jack: For heaven's sake, Mother. I'll have Edward find more for you. I'm sure he doesn't have anything better to do.A1a
35Jack: For heaven's sake, Mother. I'll have Edward find more for you. I'm sure he doesn't have anything better to do.{Happy} Thank you, Jack. It's not an emergency or anything, of course.A1a
36Jack: For heaven's sake, Mother. I'll have Edward find more for you. I'm sure he doesn't have anything better to do.{Sad} Poor, dear Edward. How I miss him. He always took such good care of me.A2a


37CabotHouseHello02SceneEdward: Mrs. Cabot.{Friendly} Oh, hello Edward.A1a
38Edward: Mrs. Cabot.{Friendly} Edward. Nice to see you.A2a
39Edward: Mrs. Cabot.{Friendly} Ah, Edward. Always good to see you.A3a
40Edward: Mrs. Cabot.{Friendly} Hello, Edward.A4a


41CabotHouseHelloEmogeneWilhelmina01SceneEmogene: No, Mother.{Happy} Oh, good. I've been wanting to read it again. It's been a few years, I think.Emogene: That's because we have. I must have read this one at least twenty times.A2a
42Emogene: No, Mother.{Happy} Well, you can just leave it out for me then. Thank, you dear.Emogene: That's because we have. I must have read this one at least twenty times.A3a
43Emogene: No, Mother.Well, then just leave it for me. I've been looking for something else to read.Emogene: That's because we have. I must have read this one at least twenty times.A4a
44Emogene: No, Mother.There's no need to be so snippy about it, dear. I was just asking.Emogene: That's because we have. I must have read this one at least twenty times.A6a
45Emogene: No, Mother.Well, I'd like to read it when you're done. I feel like I've read everything else a hundred times.Emogene: That's because we have. I must have read this one at least twenty times.A7a
46Emogene: No, Mother.{Depressed} Oh. All right. Maybe I can find something else that I haven't read recently.Emogene: That's because we have. I must have read this one at least twenty times.A8a
47{Question} Emogene, are you finished with that book yet?Emogene: No, Mother.A1a
48{Question} Emogene, dear, are you almost finished with your book?Emogene: No, Mother.A2a
49{Question} Emogene, are you done with that book you were reading?Emogene: No, Mother.A3a
50CabotHouseHelloEmogeneWilhelmina02SceneGood night, dear.Emogene: Night, Mother.A1a
51Good night, Emogene.Emogene: Night, Mother.A2a
52CabotHouseHelloEmogeneWilhelmina03Scene{Friendly} Hello, Emogene.Emogene: Oh, hello Mother.A1a
53{Friendly} Hello, dear.Emogene: Oh, hello Mother.A2a
54{Friendly} Hello, darling.Emogene: Oh, hello Mother.A3a


55CabotHouseHelloJackWilhelmina01SceneJack: Hello, Mother.{Friendly} Hello, Jack.Jack: Let's eat.A1a
56Jack: Hello, Mother.{Friendly} Jack, how are you?Jack: Let's eat.A2a
57Jack: Hello, Mother.{Friendly} Jack.Jack: Let's eat.A3a
58Jack: Let's eat.{Friendly} Good night, Jack.A1a
59Jack: Let's eat.{Neutral} Good night.A2a


60MS09CabotHouseMission2Looping{Stern} That is not acceptable. Emogene is missing and I want her found!Jack: She's not missing, mother.A1a
61Jack: She's not missing, mother.{sharply - you're making a devastating point / Stern} Do you know where she is?Jack: No, but that doesn't mean...A1a
62Wilhelmina: Do you know where she is?{triumphantly - you've made an unassailable argument / Stern} Your sister is missing and I want her found! What else is Edward for if not to keep the family safe?Edward: I'd be happy to send someone to look for her, ma'am.A1a
63Edward: It's not a...{Defiant} I insist that you send someone to find Emogene!Jack: I'm not going to have Edward drop everything just because Emogene decided to take a lover again.A2a
64Edward: It's not a...{Sad} I can't believe you don't care what happens to your sister.Jack: I'm not going to have Edward drop everything just because Emogene decided to take a lover again.A3a
65Edward: It's not a...{Stern} Emogene is out there somewhere, maybe even lying dead in a ditch. And you don't even care!Jack: I'm not going to have Edward drop everything just because Emogene decided to take a lover again.A4a
66Edward: It's not a...{Stern} I don't think you're even listening to me, Jack!Jack: I'm not going to have Edward drop everything just because Emogene decided to take a lover again.A5a
67Edward: It's not a...{Sad} I can't bear to think what might be happening to Emogene right now.Jack: I'm not going to have Edward drop everything just because Emogene decided to take a lover again.A6a
68Edward: It's not a...{Stern} If your father were here, he'd send someone to find Emogene!Jack: I'm not going to have Edward drop everything just because Emogene decided to take a lover again.A7a
69Jack: I'm not going to have Edward drop everything just because Emogene decided to take a lover again.{Stern} Jack! How dare you speak so disrespectfully about your sister!A1a
70MS09CabotHouseMission2MainEdward: Mrs. Cabot, don't worry. I'll send someone to find Emogene.{making the contrast with Jack, who you can _never_ rely on / Grateful} Thank you, Edward. I can always count on you.Wilhelmina: Why can't you be as devoted as dear Edward?A1a
71Wilhelmina: Thank you, Edward. I can always count on you.{Sad} Why can't you be as devoted as dear Edward?Jack: *sigh*A1a
72MS09Mission3EndingLorenzo01Lorenzo: I like what you've done with the place.{fake happy - you're actually terrified / Grateful} Lorenzo, thank god you've finally escaped. Jack just wouldn't listen.Lorenzo: Be silent!A1a
73Wilhelmina: Lorenzo, thank god you've finally escaped. Jack just wouldn't listen.{Nervous} You know I would never...Lorenzo: You have all betrayed me. Kept me a prisoner and fed off me like vampires to prolong your pathetic, worthless lives.A1a
74{gasp of alarm - your homicidally insane husband just walked into the room / Afraid}Lorenzo: Ah, you're all here. Good.A1a
75MS09Mission3EndingLorenzoDeadJack: You'll have to give me a moment.{Worried} My god, what does this mean, Jack?emogeneYoung: I'm happy he's dead. He was going to kill us, wasn't he? And to be fair, we had it coming.A1a
76MS09Mission3IntroCabotHouseRadio:{Afraid} What's happening, Jack? If these people are inside Parsons, if they free him...Jack: Don't worry. I'll handle it.A1a
77Jack: Don't worry. I'll handle it.{getting hysterical / Afraid} I always knew it would end this way! I never should have allowed you to lock up Lorenzo in that place!Jack: That isn't helping, mother! And as I recall, using the serum was your idea, not mine.A1a
78Jack: That isn't helping, mother! And as I recall, using the serum was your idea, not mine.{Worried} So what are you going to do?Jack: I said, I'll handle it. I'm thinking.A1a
79MS09Mission3IntroEmogeneRewardJack: Oh, yes. Good.{Relieved} Thank god. At least one small comfort on this terrible day.Jack: You'll be wanting to be paid, of course... Edward usually handles these things...A1a
80Jack: Oh, good.{Grateful} At least there's one small comfort on this terrible day.Jack: You'll be wanting to be paid, of course... Edward usually handles these things...A1a
81Jack: Now, we really need to focus on the current emergency.{Disgust} How can you be so callous about your sister's safety?Jack: I wonder if these could be the same raiders that stole that last shipment...A1a
82MS09Mission3IntroLeaveCabotHouseJack, be careful. And... try not to hurt him.Jack: I love father at least as much as you do.A1a
83Jack: But you know as well as I do that if he gets free, there will only be one option.Don't let it come to that. Please.Jack: I'll do my best, mother. And if Emogene finally comes home, for god's sake don't let her leave again until I get back.A1a
84MS09Mission3IntroQuestion1Player Default: Yes. As you probably guessed, my father is the source of the serum.{Nervous} Jack! Are you sure it's wise, telling him all this?Jack: In the course of my attempts to cure him, I discovered that the artifact had introduced... anomalies into his blood.A1a
85Player Default: Yes. As you probably guessed, my father is the source of the serum.{Nervous} Jack! Are you sure it's wise, telling her all this?Jack: In the course of my attempts to cure him, I discovered that the artifact had introduced... anomalies into his blood.A2a
86-Oh my god, it's happening.A
87{Afraid} Please, Lorenzo, it wasn't me! It was Jack!
88{Afraid} Oh god, oh god, no.
89{Afraid} I always knew we would have to pay eventually.
90{Afraid} This can't be happening!
91{Afraid} Oh, god, please no!
92{Sad} My late husband was a brilliant man... but he after he returned from that expedition to Arabia he was... changed.
93{Afraid} He was going to... kill me. Kill all of us...
94{Worried} What happened to Edward? Is he all right?
95{Sad} My poor baby... how could Lorenzo... his own daughter...
96{Pleading} I don't understand why he was so angry at all of us. It was for his own good, couldn't he see that?
97{Sad} I don't know whatever I'm going to do without my Emogene.
98{Sad} Oh my god. I can't believe it.
99{Worried} I just can't bear to think what might have happened to poor Emogene.
100{Sad} I can't believe how callous Jack can be about his sister.
101{Depressed} Why does Emogene do this to me?
102{Puzzled} Who are you again?
103Oh. What do you want?
104I don't need anything right now, thank you.