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This is a transcript for dialogue with Whitespring Mr Janitor.


# Scene Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 WhitespringGeneric_
0039EF3C Good morning.
2 0039EF3D Good morning, sir.
3 0039EF3E Good afternoon.
4 0039EF3F Good afternoon, sir.
5 0039EF40 Good evening.
6 0039EF44 The grounds are looking splendid this year.
7 0039EF45 It's quite taxing to maintain the golf course, what with all these vagrants about.
8 0039EF46 The formal gardens have always been the pride of The Whitespring.
9 0039EF47 If you see anything that requires attention, do let me know.
10 0039EF48 We aim to provide a safe, clean environment for all our guests.
11 0039EF49 It is a lot of work to maintain the property.
12 0039EF4A The Whitespring is fabulous this time of year.
13 0039EF4B Always a pleasure to see a guest.
14 0039EF4C Ma'am?