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This is a transcript for dialogue with Whitespring Mr Gardener.


# Form ID Response Text Script Notes
36 0039EF3C Good morning.
37 0039EF3D Good morning, sir.
38 0039EF3E Good afternoon.
39 0039EF3F Good afternoon, sir.
40 0039EF40 Good evening.
41 0039EF44 The grounds are looking splendid this year.
42 0039EF45 It's quite taxing to maintain the golf course, what with all these vagrants about.
43 0039EF46 The formal gardens have always been the pride of The Whitespring.
49 0039EF4C Ma'am?
50 0039EF4D Sir?
51 0039EF4E Pardon me.
273 0039EF59 Good evening.
274 0039EF5A Good evening, sir.
278 0039EEF0 Wonderful. One more thing to clean up.