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The White Arrow Heart Dude is a cut character in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


This person would have been a victim of the Sierra Madre. He was the person who left the Lover's Mark stashes around the Villa, as evidenced by the inclusion of his name abbreviation "WAHD" in the Lover's Mark's Editor ID NVDLC01wahd07. Many of the other graffiti marks around the Villa also include this abbreviation, suggesting that the White Arrow Heart Dude may have been the person who left them as well, presumably to help other people exploring the Villa. Despite his name, almost all of the graffiti he draws are colored black.

The White Arrow Heart Dude would have been found dead somewhere in the Villa. The note See you in hell asshole, found on a corpse in the Puesta del Sol switching station, suggests that his corpse would've been placed in the switching station, either killed by the traps laid by the man with the note, or with his head blown off due to the speakers. The switching station has one other corpse with its head blown off; this person's appearance is identical to that of the White Arrow Heart Dude due to being templated from the same NPC. It is possible, but unconfirmed, that the headless corpse is that of the White Arrow Heart Dude's.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Wasteland settler outfit


White Arrow Heart Dude was cut from the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.
