Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The West Everett Estates terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal at the West Everett Estates in Fallout 4.

Lance's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located in a ruined house to the northeast. It has an Average-difficulty lock.


Property of Lance Ames

== Main Menu ==




November 8th, 2077

I can't believe we finally made back home. We were on the freeway in Connecticut when it all went down and thank god we bailed on the cars. Took us more than a week to make it back here on foot and the things we saw... I never thought I'd see happen in America.

Leon and I talked about the plan to wall up the neighborhood, but I don't think we can do it on our own, and we need Janet to keep the kids safe. Maybe some of the neighbors made it out okay. I might scout out a bit while its still dark.

The walls[]


December 12th 2077,

We finally got the walls finished with Wayne's help. Still can't believe that egghead made it out. I feel like such an idiot for laughing at his bunker all summer. He's even got fresh water down there.



March 27th 2078

God give me the strength not to kill my brother. Leon and I were out scouting earlier and hid out in a building when we heard a group passing by. Twelve men, armed with guns and bats, and wearing some kind of makeshift armor. Leon recognized one of them from when he was running with the mob and called out to them before I could stop him. The damn idiot starts running his mouth off like nothing has happened and tells them we've got a walled fort. They let us go, but I can tell from the glint in their eyes we'll be seeing them again soon.

Look what we have here[]


Hey, this thing still works.
Controls all the lights too. Wicked!

Damned asshole should have just left and given us the fort. Now he's dead and it's ours anyway. He probably just stole this place from someone else anyway. That dumbass Leon even pissed himself and joined us when we overran the place. We'll probably use the idiot as a meat shield next time we head into the city.

> Safe Control[]


Safe Lock Mechanism Status: LOCKED/UNLOCKED

Accessing Safe Functions...

Disengage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Disable..

Accessing Safe Functions...

Engage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Enable...

Accessing Safe Functions...

> Spotlight Control[]


Standardized Spotlight Control BIOS

Please choose an option:

(De)activate Light(s)[]


Spotlight(s) activated../shutting down..

System Diagnostics[]


System Diagnostics: 4 Spotlights Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance
Spotlight Online/Offline, No Intruder Detected, 26.19m
Spotlight Online/Offline, No Intruder Detected, 76,92m
Spotlight Online/Offline, No Intruder Detected, 106.18m
Spotlight Online/Offline, No Intruder Detected, 61.45m
