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No man's ever called me inhospitable, and I don't want to repeat what women call me, but I am trying to fish and I need absolute quiet to catch the damn things, so please try to keep quiet.

The weary fisherman is a character found at various fishing spots in 2161.


The Vault Dweller may happen upon the fisherman and his son while exploring the wastes. He is willing to speak with them about various current events, provide insight into locations, and make suggestions to aid in their search for the water chip, so long as one holsters their weapons.[1]

He mentions that he and his son are nomadic in nature, moving from place to place, searching for food and shelter. He tells the Vault Dweller that this lifestyle of living off of the land is to avoid politicians. He is displeased with the prevalence of politics and warns his son that politicians are eager to "blow up the world again."[2]

The fisherman will provide some insight into his past, sharing that he used to be a scavenger but quit due to the increased risk posed by radscorpions.[3] He mentions that during his scavenging days, about eight years prior, he sold some chips in Junktown, but didn't know if one of them was the same type the Vault Dweller was looking for, adding that he wouldn't bet on it.[4]

He tells the Vault Dweller that he is currently attempting to teach his son how to catch fish, and asks them to stay as quiet as possible so as not to scare the fish away.[5] The fisherman laments that despite fishing at the location for the last five years, his fishing expeditions are becoming less successful over time due to a three-eyed giant catfish named Skunk, that keeps scaring everything away from his spot.[6]

The fisherman is confident that he will catch the catfish, letting the Vault Dweller know that the feud between the two of them is becoming personal and that he is "more serious than the Brotherhood of Steel about this."[7]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Citizen outfit Rad-X


The weary fisherman appears only in Fallout.


  1. Weary fisherman: "{157}{}{Now put that thing away before you hurt someone. A man can't have a civil conversation when there are weapons drawn.}"
    (Weary fisherman's dialogue)
  2. Weary fisherman: "{123}{}{You know there's too much politics in the world. I keep telling my boy that these politicians can't wait to blow up the world again. That's why I'm living off the land, to avoid the politicians! Only way to live.}"
    (Weary fisherman's dialogue)
  3. Weary fisherman: "{119}{}{I haven't done any scavenging in six years. Too many Rad Scorpions. A fella could get killed out there with all them varmints running around.}"
    (Weary fisherman's dialogue)
  4. Weary fisherman: "{120}{}{About eight years ago, I sold some chips in Junktown. I don't know what they did. One of them could have been a water chip, though I wouldn't bet on it.}"
    (Weary fisherman's dialogue)
  5. Weary fisherman: "{118}{}{Do I look like a scavenger to you? Well, maybe I do, but that's because I spend a lot of time in the Wastes trying to teach my boy to fish and be a man.}"
    (Weary fisherman's dialogue)
  6. Weary fisherman: "{125}{}{Well, I've fished this place for the last five years and it keeps getting worse and worse. I think it's Skunk, the three-eyed giant catfish, that keeps scaring everything away from my spot.}"
    (Weary fisherman's dialogue)
  7. Weary fisherman: "{126}{}{But I'm gonna get that fish, just you wait. It's getting personal between us, and only one of us is gonna walk away, believe me. I'm more serious than the Brotherhood of Steel about this.}"
    (Weary fisherman's dialogue)