Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
WL Reward Treasure Pile


All weapons in Wastelad function the same. There is no fire rate, or reload, just raw damage. Weapons can be purchased, or obtained as loot for clearing dungeons. These weapons can be given to members of your party, and will give a flat damage boost to that character. Some weapons will change the attack sound of the character if equipped. If every weapon is used on a single ally, it will grant +127 to their total damage.


Name Location Effect
Baseball bat Abandoned high school Damage +6
Brass knuckles Traveling merchant 1 Damage +6
Double-barrel shotgun Cabin in the woods Damage +10
Gatling laser Mutant death camp Damage +14
Hunting rifle Vacant house Damage +9
Hydraulic arm augment Nuka-Cola bottling plant Damage +8
Laser pistol Traveling merchant 2 Damage +9
Laser rifle Forgotten science lab Damage +13
Machete Bandit camp Damage +7
Minigun Barren truck stop Damage +12
Missile launcher Traveling merchant 3 Damage +15
Sniper rifle Deserted military base Damage +12
Stinger sword Apocalypse hive Damage +6