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Fallout Wiki

Wastelad localization strings provide the text for the game. These are transcripted below raw, straight from the embedded localization file.



package bhvr.data
   public class LocalizationStrings
      public static const TAG:String = "Wastelad Text";
      public static const START_PROMPT:String = "Play Game";
      public static const COUNTER_GO:String = "GO";
      public static const NEW_GAME:String = "New Game";
      public static const CONTINUE_GAME:String = "Continue";
      public static const WIN_STATUS:String = "Victory!";
      public static const LOSE_STATUS:String = "Game Over";
      public static const WIN_END_STORY:String = "Chairman Cheng is no more! The awful stench of communism is wiped out, giving way to the musky cologne of freedom, democracy, and the good ole U. S. of A! Well done, Wastelad!";
      public static const LOSE_END_STORY:String = "You failed to stop Chairman Cheng. The dark shadow of communism descends over the world. Democracy is forever lost, thanks to you and your terrible choices.";
      public static const PLAY_AGAIN_PROMPT:String = "Play Again?";
      public static const PARTY_SELECT_LOCATION_NAME:String = "Vault 1 Common Room";
      public static const PARTY_SELECT_INTRO_TEXT:String = "You are standing in the Vault 1 Common Room, full of residents of all shapes and sizes. Surely there must be a few red-blooded patriots willing to help you stamp out the evil blight of Chairman Cheng. Get recruiting, Wastelad!";
      public static const SELECT_HERO_TO_SPEAK:String = "Who do you want to talk to?";
      public static const INVITE_STRANGER_TO_PARTY:String = "Invite {0} to join your group?";
      public static const INCOMPLETE_PARTY:String = "Your group is incomplete. Do you want to try and tackle the terrors of the nuclear Wasteland anyway?";
      public static const FULL_PARTY:String = "Your group is complete. It\'s time to go give Chairman Cheng what for!";
      public static const NO_HERO_SELECTION:String = "No one.";
      public static const BEGIN_ACTION_LABEL:String = "OK!";
      public static const POST_PARTY_SELECT_COMMON_ROOM_DESCRIPTION:String = "As you look around the Common Room, you see only scared and tired residents. It seems that Chairman Chang\'s shadow looms heavily over everyone.";
      public static const HERO_NAME:String = "Wastelad";
      public static const HERO_NAME_001:String = "Doc";
      public static const HERO_NAME_002:String = "Maria Lou";
      public static const HERO_NAME_003:String = "Overseer Smith";
      public static const HERO_NAME_004:String = "Mr.Pebbles";
      public static const DOC_DIALOGUE:String = "My talents are wasted in here. Arthritis, head colds and paper cuts? Are you kidding me? I have the finest surgical education provided by official Vault-Tec holotapes.";
      public static const DOC_DIALOGUE_001:String = "Smart move. You can\'t survive the Wasteland without a trained medical professional. Just don\'t do anything... stupid. I\'m a great doctor, but I\'m not Doctor Frankenstein.";
      public static const DOC_DIALOGUE_002:String = "You\'re serious? What a waste. Don\'t come crawling back to the Vault holding your own intestines. No appointment, no treatment.";
      public static const MARIA_LOU_DIALOGUE:String = "I ain\'t keen on leavin\' the Leather Ladies leaderless, but my gang knows the score. You need a gal who comes ready to rumble.";
      public static const MARIA_LOU_DIALOGUE_001:String = "All right! Glad to see you\'re making good choices from the jump. Let me grab my jacket and we can blow this pop stand.";
      public static const MARIA_LOU_DIALOGUE_002:String = "Hey, it\'s your funeral, square. Just don\'t expect me to bring flowers to your headstone.";
      public static const OVERSEER_SMITH_DIALOGUE:String = "As Overseer, I DEMAND you take me along on your, er, expedition. You need leadership! If nothing else, I can distract mutants while you shoot them!";
      public static const OVERSEER_SMITH_DIALOGUE_001:String = "Excellent choice! Now, if you don\'t mind, I\'ll just stand back here, um... planning strategy! Don\'t mind me....";
      public static const OVERSEER_SMITH_DIALOGUE_002:String = "What! Don\'t you know who I am?! I\'m the Overseer! ... oh, never mind.";
      public static const MR__PEBBLES_DIALOGUE:String = "Mew. (He seems to say: I would be a valuable addition to your party.) Mew mew, purr! (My terrible claws will distract and enrage your opponents!)";
      public static const MR__PEBBLES_DIALOGUE_001:String = "PURRR! (I am pleased and excited to tear out your enemies\' eyes!)";
      public static const MR__PEBBLES_DIALOGUE_002:String = "HISS! (You will regret this rejection!)";
      public static const YES_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Yes";
      public static const NO_ACTION_LABEL:String = "No";
      public static const END_OF_STRANGER_INTERACTION_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Continue";
      public static const LEAVE_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Leave";
      public static const NAME_LABEL:String = "NAME";
      public static const HP_LABEL:String = "HP";
      public static const FOCUS_BOOST_NAME:String = "AP";
      public static const GOLD_LABEL:String = "CAPS";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_HP:String = "{0} ({1}HP)";
      public static const ATTACK_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Attack";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Special Attack";
      public static const RECOVER_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Stimpak";
      public static const FLEE_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Retreat";
      public static const MEDITATE_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Focus";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_BOLSTER_LABEL:String = "Bolster";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_STIMSPRAY_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Stim Spray";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_HAYMAKER_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Haymaker";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_BLOVIATE_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Bloviate";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_FELINEFRENZY_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Feline Frenzy";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_STIMSPRAY_ACTION_DESC:String = "Heals your party for the next 3 turns.";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_HAYMAKER_ACTION_DESC:String = "A powerful punch that deals more damage if used on consecutive turns.";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_BLOVIATE_ACTION_DESC:String = "Enemies are more likely to attack Smith for up to 5 turns.";
      public static const SPECIAL_ATTACK_FELINEFRENZY_ACTION_DESC:String = "Reduces enemy damage and prevents area attacks.";
      public static const COMBAT_ROUND_START:String = "Round {0}";
      public static const COMBAT_DESC_SINGLE_ENEMY_TYPE:String = "You encounter {0}!";
      public static const COMBAT_DESC_MULTIPLE_ENEMY_TYPES:String = "You encounter {0} and {1}!";
      public static const COMBAT_ENEMY_COUNT_DESC:String = "{0} {1}";
      public static const MAIN_ATTACK:String = "{0} hits {1} for {2} damage.";
      public static const ENEMY_AREA_ATTACK_START:String = "{0} attacks the group with {1}.";
      public static const ENEMY_AREA_ATTACK_HIT:String = "{0} takes {1} damage.";
      public static const MEDITATE:String = "{0} focuses.";
      public static const MEDITATE_ALTERED_HIT:String = "{0}\'s focused state reduces the damage to {1}.";
      public static const MEDITATE_WITH_FOCUS_GAIN:String = "{0} focuses and gains {1} AP.";
      public static const RECOVERY_MALE:String = "{0} applies a Stimpak and gains {1} HP.";
      public static const RECOVERY_FEMALE:String = "{0} applies a Stimpak and gains {1} HP.";
      public static const CANT_RECOVER:String = "{0} is not wounded.";
      public static const CANT_USE_SPECIAL_ATTACK:String = "{0} needs {1} AP to do that.";
      public static const HERO_FLEE_MISS:String = "{0} attempts to retreat, but can\'t!";
      public static const HERO_FLEE:String = "{0} manages to retreat from the fight. Coward.";
      public static const HERO_DEATH:String = "{0} has fallen.";
      public static const ENEMY_DEATH:String = "{0} is dead.";
      public static const ENEMY_DOWN:String = "{0} is destroyed.";
      public static const ENEMY_SLEEPING:String = "{0} is still Sleeping.";
      public static const ENEMY_WAKING_UP:String = "{0} wakes up.";
      public static const HERO_END_OF_DARE:String = "{0}...";
      public static const HERO_END_OF_SALVE:String = "{0}...";
      public static const BOLSTER_SPECIAL_ATTACK_START:String = "With a grin and a thumbs up, {0} has bolstered the group, making everyone\'s attacks more powerful.";
      public static const BOLSTER_SPECIAL_ATTACK_END:String = "{0}\'s Bolster has worn off. All good things must come to an end.";
      public static const BOLSTER_SPECIAL_ATTACK_DAMAGE:String = "{0} takes {1} more damage due to Bolster.";
      public static const BOLSTER_AND_HAYMAKER_SPECIAL_ATTACK_DAMAGE:String = "{0} takes {1} more damage due to Bolster and Haymaker.";
      public static const STIMSPRAY_SPECIAL_ATTACK_START:String = "{0} applies Stim Spray, engulfing the group in a healing cloud.";
      public static const STIMSPRAY_SPECIAL_ATTACK_HP:String = "{0} gains {1} HP.";
      public static const STIMSPRAY_SPECIAL_ATTACK_HIT:String = "{0}\'s lingering Stim Spray heals the group again!";
      public static const STIMSPRAY_SPECIAL_ATTACK_NO_EFFECT:String = "... But everyone is already healthy.";
      public static const STIMSPRAY_SPECIAL_ATTACK_END:String = "The Stim Spray vapors fade away.";
      public static const HAYMAKER_SPECIAL_ATTACK_START:String = "{0} throws a wild Haymaker punch with all her strength behind it.";
      public static const HAYMAKER_BUILDING_MOMENTUM:String = "{0} is building momentum!";
      public static const HAYMAKER_LOSING_MOMENTUM:String = "{0} has lost her momentum!";
      public static const HAYMAKER_ALTERED_HIT:String = "{0} takes {1} from the Haymaker.";
      public static const BLOVIATE_SPECIAL_ATTACK_START:String = "{0} begins blathering on and on, drawing the attention of enemy attackers.";
      public static const BLOVIATE_SPECIAL_ATTACK_END:String = "{0} runs out of breath and is no longer the center of attention. Enemies notice the rest of the party again.";
      public static const BLOVIATE_SPECIAL_ATTACK_STOPPED:String = "{0} stops rambling and retreats. Enemies notice the rest of the party again.";
      public static const FELINEFRENZY_SPECIAL_ATTACK_START:String = "{0} lashes out in a fury of hair and claws, scratching the enemy and sending them into a frenzy.";
      public static const FELINEFRENZY_SPECIAL_ATTACK_NEXT:String = "{0} attacks {1} in a blind frenzy.";
      public static const FELINEFRENZY_ALTERED_HIT:String = "{0}\'s frenzy reduces the damage from {1} to {2}.";
      public static const FELINEFRENZY_AREA_ATTACK_CANCELLED:String = "{0} can\'t concentrate!";
      public static const ENEMY_END_OF_FELINEFRENZY:String = "{0} is no longer frenzied.";
      public static const PARTY_FLEE:String = "You retreated from the fight like the coward you are.";
      public static const COMBAT_WON:String = "You\'ve won the fight!";
      public static const COMBAT_LOST:String = "You\'ve been defeated. You should reflect upon the choices that led you here...";
      public static const COMBAT_RETRY:String = "Do you want to restart before the fight?";
      public static const SEARCH_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Search";
      public static const DEFAULT_REWARD_NAME:String = "Loot";
      public static const REWARD_FOUND_SINGLE_DESCRIPTION:String = "You find {0}!";
      public static const REWARD_FOUND_MULTIPLE_DESCRIPTION:String = "You find {0} and {1}!";
      public static const NO_REWARD_FOUND:String = "You find nothing of value.";
      public static const REWARD_GOLD:String = "{0} Caps";
      public static const ITEM_GIVE:String = "Who\'s going to get the {0}?";
      public static const ITEM_GIVEN:String = "{0} takes {1}.";
      public static const HP_BOOST_NAME:String = "HP";
      public static const MAX_HP_BOOST_NAME:String = "Max HP";
      public static const MAX_FOCUS_BOOST_NAME:String = "Max AP";
      public static const INITIATIVE_BOOST_NAME:String = "Speed";
      public static const ATTACK_POWER_BOOST_NAME:String = "Damage";
      public static const STORY_ITEM_PLASMA_SHELL:String = "Plasma Shell";
      public static const STORY_ITEM_NUCLEAR_POWER_CORE:String = "Nuclear Power Core";
      public static const STORY_ITEM_LUCKY_JERSEY:String = "Lucky #02 Jersey";
      public static const BRASS_KNUCKLES:String = "Brass Knuckles";
      public static const BASEBALL_BAT:String = "Baseball Bat";
      public static const MACHETE:String = "Machete";
      public static const STINGER_SWORD:String = "Stinger Sword";
      public static const POWER_FIST:String = "Power Fist";
      public static const _10MM_PISTOL:String = "10mm Pistol";
      public static const _44_REVOLVER:String = ".44 Revolver";
      public static const HUNTING_RIFLE:String = "Hunting Rifle";
      public static const SAWED_OFF_SHOTGUN:String = "Sawed-Off Shotgun";
      public static const DOUBLE_BARRELED_SHOTGUN:String = "Double-Barreled Shotgun";
      public static const HYDRAULIC_ARM_AUGMENT:String = "Hydraulic Arm Augment";
      public static const SNIPER_RIFLE:String = "Sniper Rifle";
      public static const LASER_PISTOL:String = "Laser Pistol";
      public static const LASER_RIFLE:String = "Laser Rifle";
      public static const PLASMA_PISTOL:String = "Plasma Pistol";
      public static const PLASMA_RIFLE:String = "Plasma Rifle";
      public static const MINIGUN:String = "Minigun";
      public static const GATLING_LASER:String = "Gatling Laser";
      public static const MISSLE_LAUNCHER:String = "Missile Launcher";
      public static const FLAMER:String = "Flamer";
      public static const FAT_MAN:String = "Fat Man";
      public static const INSULATED_VAULT_SUIT:String = "Insulated Vault Suit";
      public static const ARMORED_VAULT_SUIT:String = "Armored Vault Suit";
      public static const LEATHER_ARMOR:String = "Leather Armor";
      public static const RIOT_SHIELD:String = "Riot Shield";
      public static const FOOTBALL_HELMET:String = "Football Helmet";
      public static const HOCKEY_MASK:String = "Hockey Mask";
      public static const COMBAT_ARMOR:String = "Combat Armor";
      public static const HAZMAT_SUIT:String = "Hazmat Suit";
      public static const MECHANICS_JUMPSUIT:String = "Mechanic\'s Jumpsuit";
      public static const GIANT_EXOSKELETON:String = "Giant Exoskeleton";
      public static const REINFORCED_FOOTBALL_CHEST:String = "Reinforced Football Chestpiece";
      public static const ARMY_HELMET:String = "Army Helmet";
      public static const RIOT_ARMOR:String = "Riot Armor";
      public static const RUSTED_POWER_ARMOR:String = "Rusted Power Armor";
      public static const T45A_POWER_ARMOR:String = "T45-A Power Armor";
      public static const T60D_POWER_ARMOR:String = "T60-D Power Armor";
      public static const X_01_POWER_ARMOR:String = "X-01 Power Armor";
      public static const MONSTER_CARAPACE:String = "Monster Carapace";
      public static const SLOCUMS_JOE_COFFEE:String = "Slocum\'s Joe Coffee";
      public static const SUGAR_BOMBS:String = "Sugar Bombs";
      public static const FANCY_LADS_SNACK_CAKES:String = "Fancy Lads Snack Cakes";
      public static const BUBBLEGUM:String = "Bubblegum";
      public static const FROSTED_SUGAR_BOMBS:String = "Frosted Sugar Bombs";
      public static const SUPER_SHOES:String = "Super Shoes";
      public static const WRIST_RADAR:String = "Wrist Radar";
      public static const SHORT_RANGE_TELEPORTER:String = "Short-Range Teleporter";
      public static const NUKA_COLA:String = "Nuka-Cola";
      public static const NUKA_COLA_CHERRY:String = "Nuka-Cola Cherry";
      public static const NUKA_COLA_QUANTUM:String = "Nuka-Cola Quantum";
      public static const TIME_FOR_A_NUKA_BREAK:String = "Time for a Nuka Break! Everyone regains {APBoost} AP!";
      public static const TIME_FOR_A_NUKA_CHERRY_BREAK:String = "Time for a Nuka Cherry Break! Everyone regains {APBoost} AP!";
      public static const TIME_FOR_A_NUKA_QUANTUM_BREAK:String = "Time for a Nuka Quantum Break! Everyone regains {APBoost} AP!";
      public static const INSULATED_VAULT_SUIT_SHOP:String = "Vault Suit";
      public static const SLOCUMS_JOE_COFFEE_SHOP:String = "Slocum\'s Joe";
      public static const FANCY_LADS_SNACK_CAKES_SHOP:String = "Fancy Cakes";
      public static const NUKA_COLA_CHERRY_SHOP:String = "Nuka-Cherry";
      public static const NUKA_COLA_QUANTUM_SHOP:String = "Nuka-Quantum";
      public static const SHORT_RANGE_TELEPORTER_SHOP:String = "Teleporter";
      public static const FROSTED_SUGAR_BOMBS_SHOP:String = "Sugar Bombs";
      public static const MISSLE_LAUNCHER_SHOP:String = "M. Launcher";
      public static const T60D_POWER_ARMOR_SHOP:String = "Power Armor";
      public static const TALK_ACTION_LABEL:String = "Talk";
      public static const ARTILLERY_LOCATION_NAME:String = "Damaged Artillery Cannon";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_NAME:String = "Major Coot";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DESCRIPTION:String = "As you approach the old Artillery Cannon, an old man in raggedy Army fatigues approaches you. His beard is long past regulation and he smells as if he hasn\'t even heard of a bath. He eyes you suspiciously.";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE:String = "I can tell by the Vault Suit you ain\'t one of them Chinese Reds. Name\'s Coot. Major Coot. At least I was before Cheng arrived and built that terrible fortress of his. That thing is impenetrable, or at least it has been since Ole Betsy here went out of commission.";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_001:String = "Say, you could help me fix her up. All she needs is a new Power Core and a Plasma Shell. I got an idea where those could be.";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_002:String = "There\'s an old armory South of here, should find a Plasma Shell there. You\'ll have to deal with those sports nuts in Vault 2, though. Only way to get through the cliffs is through the Vault.";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_003:String = "Power Core may be a little harder. Chinese had a robot they used in the war that had a compatible power source. If you head North-East to the Radio Tower you could turn it back on and call the robot to this area. Still have to destroy it yourself, though...";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_004:String = "Listen, I hate repeating myself. Plasma Shell\'s in the Armory down South, Radio Tower North-East of here should help you get the Power Core. Now get moving, soldier!";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_005:String = "Well, would you look at that. A genuine Plasma Shell. Still glowin\', too!";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_006:String = "Damn, I gotta be honest, I wasn\'t sure you could do it. How was the Robot? He go down swinging? Wish I coulda been there.";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_007:String = "Now we just need a Power Core to get the targeting systems back online. Don\'t want to fire this puppy all willy nilly, do ya?";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_008:String = "We still need something to actually fire at the Fortress. Go grab that Plasma Shell!";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_009:String = "Ok that\'s everything. Let me just get it all set up. Acquiring target. Adjusting for wind. And you might want to plug your ears for this one. 3... 2... 1...";
      public static const ARTILLERY_ACTIVATION_DESCRIPTION:String = "[BOOM] The ground quakes beneath your feet as the Artillery fires its shell off into the distance. You lose track of it, but seconds later a giant explosion can be seen at the base of Chairman\'s Cheng\'s fortress.";
      public static const MAJOR_COOT_DIALOGUE_010:String = "Yippee! We did it, soldier! She\'s cracked open like an egg. Now\'s your chance. Get over there and show that Commie piece of trash how we do things here in the United States o\' \'merica!";
      public static const VAULT_2_LOCATION_NAME:String = "Vault 2 Entrance";
      public static const VAULT_2_OVERSEER_NAME:String = "Vault 2 Overseer";
      public static const VAULT_2_LOCATION_NAME_001:String = "Vault 2 Entrance: That paranoid overseer won\'t let you through.";
      public static const VAULT_2_NORTH_ENTRANCE_FIRST_TIME_DESCRIPTION:String = "Vault 2 remains closed, as it has for years. However, it is adorned with posters and penants for pre-war local sports teams. There is a small, old-school intercom next to the thick steel door.";
      public static const VAULT_2_OVERSEER_DESCRIPTION:String = "After a few presses of the the intercom button, it crackles to life. A squeaky but confident voice addresses you.";
      public static const VAULT_2_OVERSEER_DIALOGUE_PRE_VISITED_COOT_001:String = "Hello? Is someone out there? Listen, the Vault\'s closed. Too many bad sports out there. Get out of here!";
      public static const VAULT_2_OVERSEER_DIALOGUE_PRE_VISITED_COOT_002:String = "You again? I told you, I\'m not letting you through. If you want some company, try the old man at the broken Artillery cannon West of here by the river. Now scram!";
      public static const VAULT_2_OVERSEER_DIALOGUE_POST_VISITED_COOT:String = "Oh, Coot sent you? What a pain. Okay, I\'ll tell you what. You get me a #02 football jersey from the Kip LaBombard Memorial Stadium North-West of here and I\'ll open the door just for you. What? It\'s the only one I\'m missing. Don\'t get too much blood on it, ok?";
      public static const VAULT_2_OVERSEER_DIALOGUE_001:String = "Listen, pal. I\'m not opening up until I know you\'ve got that Jersey. I\'ve got a collection to complete, ok? So just head over to the Stadium and get it for me!";
      public static const VAULT_2_OVERSEER_DIALOGUE_002:String = "Wow, you did it! You actually did it! This is gonna look great hanging up in the common room! Come on through, but keep it down, ok? We\'re playing old holotapes of the big game in here!";
      public static const BRUTUS_BUTKUS_NAME:String = "Brutus Butkus";
      public static const BRUTUS_BUTKUS_LOCATION_NAME:String = "Kip LaBombard Memorial Stadium";
      public static const BRUTUS_BUTKUS_PRE_VISITED_ARTILLERY:String = "You walk in the main entrance of what used to be a sports stadium. It is full to the brim with bandits, who are running a brutal colisseum. You think about entering, but there are more pressing matters.";
      public static const BRUTUS_BUTKUS_DESCRIPTION:String = "What was once a monument to the great American pasttime is now a colisseum of murder and mayhem. Burning junkpiles litter the field. Captives scream from hanging cages. Atop a towering throne erected in one of the end zones sits the largest bandit you\'ve ever seen, wearing shoulderpads, helmet, and the #02 Jersey. He roars at you as you enter.";
      public static const BRUTUS_BUTKUS_DIALOGUE:String = "HA! Look at puny speck! You want this jersey? Take it off Brutus Butkus\' back?! HAHAHA! How about this. We fight to death. Then you take it off dead Brutus and walk away! Will you challenge me, puny speck?";
      public static const BRUTUS_BUTKUS_DIALOGUE_001:String = "Get out, coward! You jump at your own shadow! Come back with a spine, and I will rip it out! HAHAHAHA!";
      public static const BRUTUS_BUTKUS_COMBAT_DESCRIPTION:String = "The Bandit King, Brutus Butkus leaps down from his throne. He wields a spiked baseball bat in one hand and a flaming hockey stick in the other. The stadium erupts with cheers as the onlooking bandits root for their king. Madness flashes in his eyes as he charges directly at you.";
      public static const BRUTUS_BUTKUS_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Hail Mary";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT:String = "The Bandit King is dead. Silence falls over the stadium. You quietly remove the jersey and begin to walk out through a tunnel, flashing a smile to the audience on your way.";
      public static const SURGEON_LOCATION_NAME:String = "Wasteland Surgeon";
      public static const SURGEON_DESCRIPTION:String = "From inside a tent you hear a blood-curdling scream, then sudden silence. A man wearing a blood soaked apron and carrying a hacksaw emerges. He removes his surgical mask and smiles at you.";
      public static const SURGEON_DIALOGUE:String = "Hi, there! Somebody need a doctor? Turns out, I\'ve just had an opening in my schedule. I can take care of your unconcious friend there for a measly 25 Caps. How\'s that sound?";
      public static const SURGEON_DIALOGUE_001:String = "Hi, there! Somebody need a doctor? Turns out, I\'ve just had an opening in my schedule. I can take care of your unconcious friend there for a measly 50 Caps. How\'s that sound?";
      public static const SURGEON_DIALOGUE_002:String = "There you go, right as rain! You can barely even notice the stitches. Anyone else need resuscitation?";
      public static const SURGEON_DIALOGUE_003:String = "Hi, there! Looks like everyone here\'s nice and healthy. Or at least conscious. Come back when someone\'s really hurt.";
      public static const SURGEON_DIALOGUE_004:String = "There you go, right as rain! Looks like everyone else is nice and healthy. Too bad! Hahahaha! Don\'t be a stranger!";
      public static const MERCHANT_LOCATION_NAME:String = "Traveling Merchant";
      public static const MERCHANT_1_DESCRIPTION:String = "You approach a slapshod kiosk, made up to look like a storefront. It seems abandoned at first, but as you begin to walk away, a woman springs up from out of nowhere, smiling from ear to ear.";
      public static const MERCHANT_1_DIALOGUE:String = "Customers, huh? Well, have I got a deal for you...";
      public static const MERCHANT_1_DIALOGUE_001:String = "Hey, great choice! What else, what else? I\'ve got plenty of stock here!";
      public static const MERCHANT_2_DESCRIPTION:String = "An inviting campfire illuminates the face of a scruffy man. He smiles pleasantly at you and invites you to sit and join him.";
      public static const MERCHANT_2_DIALOGUE:String = "Looking to buy? I sell good items at honest prices.";
      public static const MERCHANT_2_DIALOGUE_001:String = "You seem like a good kid, so let me show you what else I\'ve got.";
      public static const MERCHANT_3_DESCRIPTION:String = "Surrounded by two heavily armed bodyguards, a small wiry man eyeballs you with obvious paranoia. He seems to twitch at your every move.";
      public static const MERCHANT_3_DIALOGUE:String = "Look, just buy what you want and get out of here. I\'m in no mood for chit chat.";
      public static const MERCHANT_3_DIALOGUE_001:String = "Ok, well, here\'s my best stock. Take it or leave it. And I mean leave!";
      public static const INTERACTION_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD:String = "You don\'t have enough Caps.";
      public static const INTERACTION_PARTY_AT_FULL_FOCUS:String = "Everyone\'s AP is at its max.";
      public static const INTERACTION_PARTY_AT_FULL_HP:String = "No party member is wounded.";
      public static const INTERACTION_GOLD_SPENT:String = "You give {0} Caps to {1}.";
      public static const SHOP_ITEM_DESCRIPTION:String = "{0} for {1} Caps.";
      public static const ITEM_BOUGHT_DESCRIPTION:String = "You get {0}.";
      public static const HERO_REVIVAL:String = "{0} has been revived!";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME:String = "Giant Centipede";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION:String = "A Giant Centipede scurries out from underneath some garbage. Disgusting!";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_001:String = "Mutant Squirrel";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_001:String = "Glowing yellow eyes appear in the darkness. A Mutant Squirrel has appeared!";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_002:String = "Giant Spider";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_002:String = "A Giant Spider appears, each of its eyes staring hungrily at you.";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_003:String = "Apocalypse Hornet";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_003:String = "A deafening buzz assaults you as an Apocalypse Hornet moves in for the sting!";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_004:String = "Venomous Porcu-Possum";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_004:String = "A Venomous Porcu-Possum thinks you\'re threatening its nest. Get ready!";
      public static const TWO_HEADED_COW_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Toxic Needle Storm";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_005:String = "Malfunctioning Protectron";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_005:String = "Look out! A Malfunctioning Protectron has targeted you as a threat.";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_006:String = "Military Sentry Bot";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_006:String = "A heavily armed Military Sentry Bot rushes towards you. It doesn\'t seem to realize you\'re not a Communist.";
      public static const MILITARY_SENTRY_BOT_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Rocket Barrage";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_007:String = "Zombie";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_007:String = "A Zombie shuffles forward, reanimated by nuclear radiation and hungry for human brains.";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_008:String = "Irradiated Zombie";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_008:String = "A green glow appears from around a corner. It\'s an Irradiated Zombie, seeping neon green fluid.";
      public static const ZOMBIE_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Choking Radiation";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_009:String = "Mutant";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_009:String = "A Mutant lumbers towards the group with murder on his mind.";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_010:String = "Mutant Mass";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_010:String = "A Mutant Mass of limbs and heads shambles up at you, looking to add you to its bulk.";
      public static const MUTANT_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Tortured Roar";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_011:String = "Bandit";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_011:String = "A savage Bandit closes in on you and your party, murder in his eyes.";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_012:String = "Bandit Suicider";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_012:String = "With an insane look in his eye, a Bandit Suicider rushes your group.";
      public static const BANDIT_SUICIDER_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Desperate Detonation";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_013:String = "Massive Bandit";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_013:String = "You hear a mighty battle cry as a Massive Bandit appears, muscles glistening";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_014:String = "Chinese Grenadier";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_014:String = "A Chinese Grenadier launches an attack.";
      public static const CHINESE_GRENADIER_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Fragmentation Grenade";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_015:String = "Chinese Army Soldier";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_015:String = "A Chinese Army Soldier leaps out and takes aim.";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_016:String = "Chinese Army Officer";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_016:String = "Standing tall and proud, a Chinese Army Officer brandishes his sword at your group.";
      public static const CHINESE_ARMY_OFFICER_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Persuasive Propaganda";
      public static const ENEMY_NAME_017:String = "Chairman Cheng";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_017:String = "Chairman Cheng stands before you, the antithesis of everything America fights for. Just looking at him gives you a headache. Empowered by the drained will of a billion innocents, he charges at you!";
      public static const CHAIRMAN_CHENG_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "The Fall of Democracy";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME:String = "Vacant House";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_001:String = "It seems the house wasn\'t as vacant as you\'d thought, but it\'s sure empty now.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_001:String = "Junkyard";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_002:String = "After pocketing anything of value, you\'ll be glad to leave this junkyard and its stench behind you.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_002:String = "Bandit Camp";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_003:String = "If any bandits had survived, you would have been legendary.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_003:String = "Animal Den";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_004:String = "You leave, the bodies of the defeated creatures now joining the bones of their ancestors.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_004:String = "Deserted Military Base";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_005:String = "A distress beacon blares over the PA system. You turn it off. No one is coming to help.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_005:String = "Giant Spider Nest";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_006:String = "You look around at the carnage and realize those spiders were going to eat the bat-bear. Nature sure is a scary place.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_006:String = "Super Duper Mart";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_007:String = "\"Cleanup on aisle three,\" you think to yourself as you step over the still-twitching corpses.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_007:String = "Red Rocket Filling Station";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_008:String = "As the din of combat fades, you thank the stars above that a stray bullet didn\'t hit anything explosive.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_008:String = "Abandoned High School";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_009:String = "As you leave, you can\'t help but think about think about Coach Steen and the Vault 1 Youth Athletics Program. You set fire to the gymnasium.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_009:String = "Derelict Diner";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_010:String = "You search the pie display case before leaving, but find everything to be either long expired or suspiciously well preserved.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_010:String = "Poseidon Energy Power Plant";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_011:String = "You survey the remains until the clicking of your rad meter reminds you that it is time to move on.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_011:String = "Mutant Death Camp";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_012:String = "Covered in green mutant blood, breathing heavily, you wonder why you decided a place called \"Mutant Death Camp\" on the map seemed like a good spot to check out.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_012:String = "Communist Internment Camp";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_013:String = "As you leave, you wonder if everyone at this camp was actually a communist sympathizer. Best not to dwell on such things. The American government rarely makes mistakes.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_013:String = "Apartment High Rise";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_014:String = "As you look out the penthouse window, your only wish in this nuclear wasteland is that the elevators were still working. You trudge slowly towards the stairs.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_014:String = "Office Skyscraper";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_015:String = "You inspect the many rows of tight cubicles and think that the workers here would have been very comfortable in a Vault.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_015:String = "Nuka-Cola Bottling Plant";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_016:String = "You\'re thankful that you remembered to wear thick-soled boots as the glass crunches beneath your feet.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_016:String = "Rock Quarry";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_017:String = "You push the last corpse off the ledge and count the seconds until you hear it hit the bottom. Wow, this quarry is deep!";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_017:String = "Hubris Comics Store";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_018:String = "On your way out you grab one of the few intact comics and flip through it. Ha! This Grognak fellow really seems like a cad.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_018:String = "Apocalypse Hive";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_027:String = "You shake your head as the last hornet stops its horrible buzzing. You have a newfound appreciation for the silence of the Wasteland.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_020:String = "Cabin in the Woods";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_029:String = "As you walk away from the burning cabin, you shake off the feeling that the crazy bomber was just trying to live peacefully. Communists hate peace. Right?";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_021:String = "Barren Truck Stop";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_030:String = "Once upon a time, you would have been happy to see a truck stop on the road. Now it\'s just a magnet for bandits and zombies. Better move on.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_022:String = "Communist Outpost";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_031:String = "The first barrier to Cheng\'s desolate city is destroyed. All that\'s left is to find a way through to his Fortress.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_COMBAT_LOCATION_NAME_024:String = "Cheng\'s Fortress";
      public static const PRE_ARTILLERY_FIRED_TEXT:String = "The fortress towers ominously above you. At its base you see no doors or entrances to speak of. It is impenetrable.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME:String = "Bandit Raiding Party";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_019:String = "The wasteland just got a little safer, but you don\'t let yourself get comfortable. There may be more raiding parties out there.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME_001:String = "Horde of Zombies";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_020:String = "With so much death and destruction out in the Wasteland, you know this won\'t be the last horde of zombies you encounter.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME_002:String = "Mutant Mauraders";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_021:String = "The last mustant collapses in a lifeless heap. The next pack can\'t be too far behind. Hopefully you\'ll smell them first next time.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME_003:String = "Chinese Army Patrol";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_022:String = "You\'d better hurry up and leave before another patrol comes looking for their comrades.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME_004:String = "Comrade Chrome";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_DESCRIPTION:String = "Comrade Chrome towers over you, a monstrosity of metal and circuitry. Its cold metal pincers reach for you as its PA system screams at you in Mandarin.";
      public static const COMRADE_CHROME_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Infernal Laser Eyes";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_023:String = "As the remains of the red robot laying sparking, you remove its nuclear Power Core. This should come in handy.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME_005:String = "Lagoon Monster";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_018:String = "Four glowing eyes betray a hideous shape...";
      public static const MUTANT_FISH_MAN_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Sonic Wave";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_024:String = "As bad as it smelled alive, the fishy death aroma coming off the creature now makes you want to skip the next ten Vault Fish Fry nights.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME_006:String = "Failed Experiment";
      public static const DREAD_WRAITH_BATTLE_LOCATION_NAME_001:String = "Forgotten Science Lab";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_019:String = "Wandering through the science lab, you hear something almost like weeping. You follow the sound to its source: a giant half-man, half-alligator staring at its hands. The Failed Experiment tries to say something, but when you fail to understand, it lunges at you!";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_025:String = "As the abomination lays twitching, you wonder who could possibly think combining humans with animals a good idea...";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME_007:String = "Goliath";
      public static const DREAD_WRAITH_BATTLE_LOCATION_NAME_002:String = "Highway Underpass";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_020:String = "A mutant larger than you\'ve ever seen wears wrecked automobiles like armor. He\'s beaten a semitruck bumper into a massive battle axe that he points at you. You can hear him growl under his breath... or is that a laugh?";
      public static const GOLIATH_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Volley of Boulders";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_026:String = "As the mutant\'s body falls, you briefly loose your footing as the ground shakes. You pray there aren\'t any more mutants this big out there.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME_008:String = "Bat-Bear";
      public static const DREAD_WRAITH_BATTLE_LOCATION_NAME_003:String = "Chinese Radio Tower";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_021:String = "As you reach the tower, you find the mangled bodies of Chinese soldiers and engineers strewn across the ground. Suddenly, you hear a roar behind you and turn to find yourself facing a huge Bat-Bear, fangs dripping with fresh blood.";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_BAT_BEAR_2:String = "After fighting off a few spiders, you notice something thrashing through some webs. A Bat-Bear appears, and it is not happy!";
      public static const GIANT_MUTANT_BEAR_AREA_ATTACK_NAME:String = "Flying Bear Hug";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_HAVE_NOT_VISITED_ARTILLERY:String = "With the bear defeated, you turn to the radio tower and reactivate it. Lights glow and you can hear the faint noise of satellite telemetry. It seems to be a beacon for something.";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_HAVE__VISITED_ARTILLERY:String = "With the bear defeated, you turn to the radio tower and reactivate it. Lights glow and you can hear the faint noise of satellite telemetry. This should attract the robot Major Coot was talking about.";
      public static const WORLD_MAP_ENEMY_NAME_009:String = "Automated Defense System";
      public static const DREAD_WRAITH_BATTLE_LOCATION_NAME_004:String = "Abandoned Armory";
      public static const ENEMY_DESCRIPTION_022:String = "As you enter the armory, the lights suddenly flip on and you hear the sound of machinery and electronics coming to life. As your eyes adjust to the light, you realize you are staring down the many barrels of the base\'s automated defense system, which doesn\'t seem to discriminate against intruders.";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_HAVE_NOT_VISITED_ARTILLERY_001:String = "Smoke rises from the remains of the turrets. You breathe a sigh of relief and begin searching until you find a Plasma Shell, big enough for a huge cannon and glowing with energy. This may come in handy later.";
      public static const POST_COMBAT_TEXT_HAVE__VISITED_ARTILLERY_001:String = "Smoke rises from the remains of the turrets. You breathe a sigh of relief and begin searching for the Plasma Shell. You find it, glowing with energy, and pack it up to bring back to Major Coot.";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME01_DIRT:String = "Dirt";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME02_CRATER:String = "Crater";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME03_SWAMP:String = "Swamp";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME04_LAKE:String = "Lake";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME05_LAKESHORE:String = "Lake Shore";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME06_STONES:String = "Stones";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME07_MOUNTAINS:String = "Mountains";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME08_FOREST:String = "Forest";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME09_SMALL_RUINS:String = "Ruins";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME10_BUILDING:String = "Commercial Building";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME11_MERCHANT:String = "Merchant";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME12_CAVE:String = "Cave";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME13_CHENG_FORTRESS:String = "Cheng\'s Fortress";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME14_ASPHALT1:String = "Asphalt";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME15_ASPHALT2:String = "Asphalt";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME16_URBAN1:String = "Urban";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME17_ASPHALT3:String = "Asphalt";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME18_TANKTRAPS:String = "Tank Traps";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME19_ASPHALT4:String = "Asphalt";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME20_URBAN2:String = "Urban";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME21_FACTORY:String = "Factory";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME22_SKYSCRAPER:String = "Skyscraper";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME23_STADIUM:String = "Stadium";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME24_VAULT1:String = "Vault 1";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME25_CAMP:String = "Camp";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME26_HOUSE:String = "House";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME27_RADIOTOWER:String = "Radio Tower";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME28_VAULT2:String = "Vault 2";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME29_SURGEON:String = "Surgeon";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME30_ARTILLERY:String = "Artillery";
      public static const ENVIRONMENT_NAME31_ARMORY:String = "Armory";
      public static const ITEM_DESCRIPTION_WITH_SINGLE_BOOST:String = "{0} ({1})";
      public static const ITEM_DESCRIPTION_WITH_MULTIPLE_BOOSTS:String = "{0} ({1} and {2})";
      public static const ITEM_DESCRIPTION_WITH_SINGLE_BOOST_WHOLE_PARTY:String = "{0} (Party {1})";
      public static const ITEM_DESCRIPTION_WITH_MULTIPLE_BOOSTS_WHOLE_PARTY:String = "{0} (Party {1} and {2})";
      public static const ITEM_BOOST_DESCRIPTION:String = "{0} +{1}";
      public static const CONFIRM_QUIT_TEXT:String = "Quit game?";
      public static const CONFIRM_QUIT_YES:String = "Yes";
      public static const CONFIRM_QUIT_NO:String = "No";
      public static const TUTORIAL_TITLE:String = "HOW TO PLAY";
      public static const TUTORIAL_ZONE_UP:String = "UP";
      public static const TUTORIAL_ZONE_DOWN:String = "DOWN";
      public static const TUTORIAL_ZONE_LEFT:String = "LEFT";
      public static const TUTORIAL_ZONE_RIGHT:String = "RIGHT";
      public static const TUTORIAL_ZONE_SELECT:String = "TAP TO SELECT";
      public function LocalizationStrings()
