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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ward.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
5 00536FFC 00537068 LF? Might not have been our craterheads ... but you come to me ASAP if it's more than just idle talk, alright?
6 00537069 God, yes.
7 0053706A Tired. Been coordinating scavenging runs. There's lots of stuff out there, if we can only get to it before the others.
8 0053706B Again? Mark it on the map, we need to make sure they're not making a move on our territory.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
27 004299D2 004299F5 I need a nap or a refill.
28 004299F6 Great. Well, at least it's nice out. sarcastic
29 004299F7 Hmm. Maybe some extra patrols over there....
30 004299F8 All these newcomers make me nervous. muttering
31 004299F9 Those Raiders are just out there, waiting for a chance.
67 004299D3 00429A38 Keep your guard up, even around here. You never know what might happen.
68 00429A39 If there's anything you can help with around here, don't be shy.
69 00429A3A I've got my eye on you. No offense.
70 00429A3B You should be careful dealing with those people in the Crater. They'll steal the skin right off your back.
92 0042AFC9 Those detonators would've helped us put in a well at another community, but I understand you have your reasons for what you did.
93 0042AFCA These people took me in even knowing what my past was. You should remember that. Some day you may wake up and not like what you see in the mirror.
119 0057BB75 Come join us for some music. We play every night.
120 0057BB76 Every night we play music on the deck. You don't want to miss it.
121 0057BB77 This is a great way to end the day.
122 0057BB78 Its nice to relax to some music at the end of the day.
123 0057BB79 Time to get some shut eye.
124 0057BB7A Time for bed. I'm tired. Building this place is hard work.
125 0057BB7C Morning. greeting
137 00597829 The way you've treated us? I've got nothing to say to you.
138 0059782A You're not the kind of person we want in Foundation. Just leave.
139 0059782B You've betrayed everything we stand for. Get out of here.
143 0059782F Foundation is how we'll reclaim this whole area. What we build here has to last for generations.
145 0059F00D Another day of hard work.
146 0059F00E Afternoon. greeting
147 0059F00F Evening. greeting
163 Can you tell me about any of the others? 0058ECA3 I'm not a gossip. Waste of time running your mouth about other peoples problems.
164 But I can tell you that the Taylors are good people.
165 Derrick is a fine carpenter. And Elsie know how to handle herself in a fight.
166 I heard you're one of Foundation's leaders. 0058EC9F Me? Nah. I'm no more in charge than one of the turrets.
167 I'm just a guy that works hard. When I see something that needs to get done, I do it.
168 I haven't earned the right to be thought of as a leader. Not with my background.
169 How did you end up at Foundation? 0058ECA5 The long, hard way.
170 I'm ashamed to admit I used to be a Raider back when I was young.
171 That's a hard life. It took it's toll on me.
172 I began to question the purpose of what I was doing. There wasn't any.
173 I guess maturity comes with age. Now I want a better place for everyone, not just me.
174 0058EC9D 0058F05C Foundation is a good place. Some day it will be a great place.
175 0058FE07 There always seems to be something to fix around here.
179 0059025B You look like someone with questions. What can I do for you?
218 0059BC77 00429A3C Most folks here need a hand with something. Reach out.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
9 00535E56 0053C2BF You gotta lot of nerve coming here. But I know you wouldn't risk it if it weren't important. The player worked for the Settlers before this, and decided to turn their back on them. But, Ward is still open to hearing what the player has to say
10 0053C2C0 You look lost, outsider. Need something from me? The player hasn't done any quests for the Settlers, so they're basically unknown to Ward.
47 0053C0FB 0053C2B8 We try to do things differently around here. We're not like those folks at the Crater.
48 We don't believe in the death penalty unless there's no other way. Exile's just as good at getting rid of someone who habitually causes trouble.
49 That's their final warning. If they keep coming back, then that's when the guns come out.
50 0053C0FC 0053C2A9 Bunch of stupid shit, like trying to turn people on each other in order to benefit himself. Showing a lot of disappointment with Rocco
51 Then while they were all riled up, he'd steal supplies out from under 'em and hoard it.
52 Looked like he was tryin' to amass some sort of fortune in ammo and guns, for who knows what. No one in Foundation ever discovered that Rocco was planning on using the supplies to pay off some Raiders for a hit job, Ward included.
53 0053C0FD 0053C20D Well, you're in luck then. We've been keeping tabs on him in case he tries anything stupid.
54 I'll mark his location on your map.
55 0053C0FE 0053C1E0 Problem is, we exiled Rocco for sowing discord all around Foundation.
56 0053C0FF 0053C1F5 Well, I don't take kindly to threats, that's for sure. But, if you'll cool your jets, I think I can help. Taken offense to the player's threat, but still willing to hear them out. He's dealt with Raiders before.
57 0053C100 0053C1EC I do. Well, at least I did. Rocco has been exiled, so Ward is inferring he's no longer around.
58 0053C101 0053C22B Is that so? Curious.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
28 0054877D 0054EB24 Oh, great. Just who I didn't want to see. What do you want? Annoyed, you don't like the player
34 005619E7 Good to see you. What did you need? Happy to see the player
35 005619E8 Hey. What do you need? The "hey" is a neutral-leaning-toward-friendly greeting, sort of a "hey, what's up?"
68 0054EB02 0054EB1D Yeah, you're right. Snooping around the Crater and taking pictures sounds pretty risky, now that I think about it. Mulling things over, admitting the player is right
69 Okay, I'll up the offer. This is a lot more than I was planning to give you, but you've convinced me that it's worth it. Grateful
70 If you take more of these, I'll pay for them. Just be careful you don't get shot by the Raiders while you're at it. End with a chuckle. it's a bit of a joke.
71 0054EB04 0054EB20 I can't argue with you. It keeps me up at night thinking about what those Raiders might be planning. Nervous
72 Okay, I'll up the payment. Let me know if you get any more of these.
73 0054EB06 0054EB18 You serious? Well, for whatever it's worth, you've got my gratitude. Surprised and pleased
74 Hope I'll see you again sometime soon. Take care. Grateful
75 0054EB08 0054EB1C Okay, here you go. Let me know if you get any more of these. Agreeable
76 The more aware we can be of what's going on at the Crater, the better we can prepare for anything they might be planning. Appreciative
77 Take care of yourself out there. Friendly
78 0054EB0C 0054EB1E Okay. See you later. Confused, but ultimately you don't care. (The player just got your attention, but you asked what they wanted, they said "never mind.")
79 0054EB0E 0054EB19 If you've got recent intel on the Crater, then I'm definitely interested. We need to keep an eye on those Raiders at all times. Appreciative, wary, the raiders are a potential threat
80 I can pay you in caps for those pictures. What do you think?
106 0055F789 0055F78A Sounds good. I'll take what you've got and pay you caps in return. Deal? Agreeable


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0054A71C 0054A723 Seriously? Can't even count on the mercenaries these days.
2 0054A71E 0054A722 Excellent. Fortunately we put tracking transmitters into the really sensitive stuff like that.
3 I can show you roughly where it is, but you'll have to wait until you are closer to get an exact fix on it.
4 0054A720 0054A724 We just discovered that one of our turret control circuit boards is missing. And by missing I mean stolen.
5 00559C69 The last functioning osmosis kit is missing. We're pretty sure it was stolen.
6 00559C6A Someone took our water cooled bone saw. I'm hoping you can get it back.
7 00559C6B When we went to get our intrusion module, it was gone. We think it was taken by a thief.
8 00559C6C We had a medical scanner. Had. It's gone now. Stolen.
9 00559C6D Multifrequency scramblers are very useful. That's probably why someone stole it.
10 00559C6E Our medical team can't do without their multiscope.
11 00559C6F Our portable power pack is irreplaceable.
12 0054A721 0054A725 Finally, someone with the guts to help.
13 00559C66 I know you want what I took, but we need it as much as they do.
14 00559C67 I see you have our missing property.
15 00559C56 00559C64 Sometimes I wish violence wasn't the only answer.
16 00559C58 00559C61 I'm sorry to hear that. I wish there had been another way.
17 00559C5A 00559C62 If you can get it back, we'd be very grateful. Grateful enough to pay you.
30 0058C895 0058C899 The quicker you recover our missing equipment, the better.
39 0058C938 0058C93F You are? That's very generous. Foundation thanks you.
40 0058C93A 0058C94A We'll get this reinstalled in the turret right away. Good job.
41 0058C94B You know, we have a few dozen extra of these osmosis kits, but that's beside the point. Its the principle that matters.
42 0058C94C Haven't had to use a bone saw yet, cross your fingers. But if we did, this was our only one. Thanks.
43 0058C94D I'll get this intrusion module integrated. Good thing those Raiders didn't know it was missing. Thanks.
44 0058C94E Aubrie's been bitching about this medical scanner. Seems its pretty vital to his work. Thanks.
45 0058C94F I don't even know what a multifrequency scrambler does, but Captain Fields seems to think its important.
46 0058C950 That multiscope is critical for our biohazard research. Well done.
47 0058C951 I'd hate to think what the Raiders could do with a portable power pack. Its a good thing you got this back. Thanks.
48 0058C93B 0058C949 The quicker you recover our missing equipment, the better.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
231 005751A5 0057BB7B I've made a lot of friends here in Foundation. Nobody special yet though, if you know what I mean.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00543DFE 00543E08 Listen up folks, it's Ward. We need more guard restock kits for the Armory. If you want more details, check the note on the barracks donation bin.