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This is a transcript for dialogue with Walter Phebus.


GREETING GREETING Anger 60 Howdy, son! How can I help you? But make it quick. Goddamn heat's worse in this town than in the middle of a Brahmin herd at noon. 1
GREETING Anger 70 Howdy, young lady. How can I help you? But make it quick. Goddamn heat's worse in this town than in the middle of a Brahmin herd at noon. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Howdy! Good seeing you again. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 No time to chat now, kid. I'm outta this city for good. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Can't dilly-dally right now, kid. Got to lay these old bones to rest for the night. Try me tomorrow. 5
GREETING Anger 80 Ethel, darling!{Pause, as anger boils inside - wife just got killed} I'll... I'll join you soon again! Someone's gonna pay first, though. 6
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic000 You look more than just too hot - what's the matter? Surprise 20 [SUCCEEDED] Sharp eyes on you, all right. We've gone through a heap of trouble to get in town. Ethel says I just need to wet my throat. 7
Neutral 50 A drink? Nonsense. All I need right now is to settle a score. We didn't come a long ways just to stroll our best clothes around. 8
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic001 Then have, I don't know, some water or something. Neutral 50 [FAILED] A drink? Nonsense. All I need right now is to settle a score. We didn't come a long ways just to stroll our best clothes around. 9
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic002 I'd like to ask you some other questions. Neutral 50 I got some time - what's eating you? 10
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic003 Goodbye. Neutral 50 All right, kid! Be good. 11
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic004 I have questions about you. Neutral 50 Okay. What'd you want know? 12
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic005 I'd like to ask you about the Wasteland. Neutral 50 I know it better than my wife's corset! What about it, kid? 13
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic006 Let's talk about Heck Gunderson. Neutral 50 I hear you. What's on your mind? 14
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic007 What was that about settling a score? Anger 50 There's a long list of grievances that Heck Gunderson's got to answer for, kid. I'm here to make sure that "rancher" stops stealing our lands. 15
Anger 90 If he ain't chiseling behind your back, he just sends his men, ready for a fight. Then you either "sell" your ranch for a penny or you're dead. 16
Neutral 50 I'm tired of being trampled over, kid, and I got a good mind to stop Heck once and for all. 17
What was that about settling a score? Neutral 50 I came to take care of Heck Gunderson. That bastard's taking over any ranch he spots in The Wasteland. 18
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic009 I have news about the Gundersons Surprise 50 You have? What are you waiting for, kid? Spill the beans! 19
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic012 How do Wastelanders cope with current times? Happy 50 {Bragging Jokingly} Steeling our pure-breed resolve, that's how! We've faced the Wasteland right in the old mug and told her to shove it! 20
Anger 50 Listen, we own these lands, and I'll be damned if the NCR, those Legion bastards, or anyone else tries to walk all over us. 21
How do Wastelanders cope with current times? Anger 50 {Serious} Listen, we own these lands, and I'll be damned if the NCR, those Legion bastards, or anyone else tries to walk all over us. 22
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic013 Maybe Heck would listen to your pleas if his son's life was at stake. Sad 70 A ransom? I doubt that snake's got enough soul to care that much for his own youngin. Besides, what's to stop him after his son's returned? 23
Anger 50 Nah, Heck only knows greed and pain, kid. It's high time he got paid back in kind. His life, or his son's, either way I win. 24
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic014 Heck's life and a safe future have a steep price, Walter. 1000 caps' my fee. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I'll pay that much and die a happy man when my time comes. So, we got a deal? 25
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic015 Heck's life? That's big game, a 1000 caps. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid. 26
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic016 I want to talk to you about our deal. Neutral 50 I hear you. What's on your mind? 27
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic017 You're not from around here, are you? Neutral 50 Darn far it is, our ranch. Ethel would be happy to yap about that - I got more important things in mind, kid. 28
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic018 Are you a Bighorn rancher? Neutral 50 Bighorners' my trade since I was a youngin. I confess it's hard living these days, kid. The Wasteland ain't the same anymore. 29
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic019 What else can you tell me about Heck Gunderson? Neutral 50 What more you want? He's a slithering snake, what he is. One of the biggest landowners this side of the Colorado and it's all stolen, I tell you. 30
Anger 50 All that money buys him any NCR senators he wants - scoundrels, like Heck. There's just no way for us small folks to get by, much less prosper, kid. 31
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic020 Heck claims to be an honest rancher. Neutral 50 Sure, kid, and I still hump like a buck in Spring. That Gunderson's a liar and born of a viper, I swear. 32
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic021 What do you plan to do about him? Anger 50 I have no illusions that he'll ever stop his plundering. So I'm just going to make him suffer, that's what I'm going to do. 33
Happy 50 Here, in town, he's got few of his armed men to protect him. I just got to find out what's he up to and then I'll know where to hit him hard. 34
What do you plan to do about him? Neutral 50 Like I said, kid. Someone's got to rein that greedy son of a gun. 35
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic022 Heck's looking for his disappeared son. I've agreed to find him. Happy 50 I'll be damned! You mean the young Gunderson? That's a shave tail if I ever saw one - he's got less sense than a Brahmin at a crossroads. 36
Neutral 50 I'd not be one to complain if he got lost for good, kid... If it makes Heck suffer then I'm all for it. 37
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic023 I may be able to help you. Happy 50 Where I come from, we appreciate good intentions. I reckon you could help me figure out what's he doing in town. 38
Neutral 50 Tell you what, that chiseler's blowing hot air at that over there fancy casino - The Ultra-Luxe. Find out what's his story here, will you? 39
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic024 I'll find out for you but not cheaply - 400 caps. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid. 40
Neutral 50 Where I come from, we appreciate good intentions. I reckon you could help me figure out what's he doing in town. 41
Neutral 50 Tell you what, that chiseler's blowing hot air at that over there fancy casino - The Ultra-Luxe. Find out what's his story here, will you? 42
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic025 Okay, I'll be back when I find out more about him. Neutral 50 All right, kid! I appreciate it. I hope to see you soon. 43
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic026 The best don't come cheap, Walter. 400 caps' my fee. Happy 50 [SUCCEEDED] All right, kid! I'm taking a liking to you. It's a deal. 44
Neutral 50 Where I come from, we appreciate good intentions. I reckon you could help me figure out what's he doing in town. 45
Neutral 50 Tell you what, that chiseler's blowing hot air at that over there fancy casino - The Ultra-Luxe. Find out what's his story here, will you? 46
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic027 Actually, let me consider it first. Neutral 50 That's okay, kid. I understand - let me know if you change your mind, will you? 47
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic028 Okay, I'll be back when I find out more about him. Neutral 50 All right, kid! I appreciate it. I hope to see you soon. 48
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic030 Okay, I'll be back when I find out more about him. Neutral 50 All right, kid! I appreciate it. I hope to see you soon. 49
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic032 How is Heck a threat to other ranchers in The Wasteland? Anger 50 We are honest folk out there, damn hard to make a living in the desert, kid. Heck's a different breed, goddamn thief he is. 50
Pained 70 Scaring us into giving away our lands is all he's done to strike it flush - comes packing iron and none can hold a candle to his men - bad blood. 51
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic033 I'll take care of them. Neutral 50 Ethel's going to be madder than a wet hen but you reap what you sow, kid, and Heck's earned every ounce of misery he gets. So, we have a deal? 52
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic034 Heck's a powerful man - I'd need extra for his son's life, 500 caps. Surprise 20 [SUCCEEDED] You'll leave me drier than tumbleweed, kid, but I reckon anything I can do to get back at Heck is well worth the expense. 53
Neutral 50 Ethel's going to be madder than a wet hen but you reap what you sow, kid, and Heck's earned every ounce of misery he gets. So, we have a deal? 54
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic035 500 and Ted's history. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid. 55
Neutral 50 Ethel's going to be madder than a wet hen but you reap what you sow, kid, and Heck's earned every ounce of misery he gets. So, we have a deal? 56
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic036 I'm not interested right now. Sorry, Walter. Neutral 50 I won't hold it against you, kid. You got to do your clean thing, I respect that. 57
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic038 Tell me again about your home. Neutral 50 Darn far it is, our ranch. Ethel would be happy to yap about that - I got more important things in mind, kid. 58
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic039 What's being a Bighorn rancher like? Neutral 50 Bighorners' my trade since I was a youngin. I confess it's hard living these days, kid. The Wasteland ain't the same anymore. 59
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic040 It turns out that Ted Gunderson's disappeared. Heck's looking for him. Happy 50 I'll be damned! You mean the young Gunderson? That's a shave tail if I ever saw one - he's got less sense than a Brahmin at a crossroads. 60
Neutral 50 I'd not be one to complain if he got lost for good, kid... If it makes Heck suffer then I'm all for it. 61
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic041 Placeholder for good path in quest. Pained 50 Kid, look around you, there's poison and death everywhere, and people like Heck are responsible for the misery we suffer. 62
Anger 50 What right do they have to continue with their mischief and killing, huh? 63
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic042 Ted's a goner. Neutral 50 Good work. I'm sorry that stupid mail-order cowboy ended like that but his father's misery makes it well worthy. 64
Happy 50 This deserves a good compensation, kid. How does that sound? 65
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic043 You don't have to worry about Heck Gunderson, ever again. Happy 50 Hahaha! Yeeeehaw! Now, that's something I thought I'd never hear. 66
Happy 50 This deserves a good compensation, kid. How does that sound? 67
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic044 Consider it done. Neutral 50 All right, kid! Be good. 68
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic045 Consider it done. Neutral 50 All right, kid! Be good. 69
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic046 Consider it done. Neutral 50 All right, kid! Be good. 70
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic047 Consider it done. Neutral 50 All right, kid! Be good. 71
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic048 Consider it done. Neutral 50 All right, kid! Be good. 72
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic049 Let's talk prices. Neutral 50 I hear you. What's on your mind? 73
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic050 You might like to know that Heck's barely protected, right now. Surprise 50 So, Ted's nowhere to be found and Heck's quite unprotected while looking for him, huh? 74
Happy 50 Hell, it sounds like the perfect time to get even. Heck won't know what hit him, what do you say? 75
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic051 We said 1000 for Heck, right? Neutral 50 That's what we said. So, do we have a deal? 76
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic052 Heck for 500, correct? Neutral 50 That's what we said. So, do we have a deal? 77
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic053 Ted's worth 500 to you, then? Neutral 50 That's what we said. So, do we have a deal? 78
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic054 So, 250 for Ted it is? Neutral 50 That's what we said. So, do we have a deal? 79
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic055 The Gundersons are history. Surprise 50 Both Gundersons, gone? I'll be damned, you are one of a kind! 80
Happy 50 This deserves a good compensation, kid. How does that sound? 81
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic057 Goodbye. Neutral 50 All right, kid! Be good. 82
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic059 None but...huh, what right do you have? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Same, the right of might, kid. The Gundersons will pay for all their crimes and that's final. 83
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic060 You are just giving them the excuse they need. Surprise 30 [SUCCEEDED] Hell, a good thrashing is what I want to give them but I see your point, kid. Things will never change without us good folks. 84
Happy 50 All right, I'm going to get Ethel far away from this damned city and head back home. There's a worthy life waiting for us there. 85
Happy 70 Thanks for your help, kid. So long! 86
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic064 You should know that Heck's dead. Happy 70 Hahaha! Yeeeehaw! Now, that's something I thought I'd never hear. 87
Neutral 50 All right, I'm going to get Ethel far away from this damned city and head back home. There's a worthy life waiting for us there. 88
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic066 Why was Heck such a threat to other ranchers? Neutral 50 People like Heck are rotten, kid, plenty of them in the Wasteland. They'll shoot you, kidnap your family, or drive NCR troops through your lands. 89
Anger 50 Whatever it takes to step over us honest folk is good enough in their book. Heck has bought NCR senators left and right, and then is even worse. 90
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic068 I've dealt with the Gundersons. Surprise 50 You have? What are you waiting for, kid? Spill the beans! 91
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic069 You don't have to worry about Heck, ever again. Happy 50 Hahaha! Yeeeehaw! Now, that's something I thought I'd never hear. 92
Happy 50 This deserves a good compensation, kid. How does that sound? 93
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic070 Ted's dead. Neutral 50 Good work. I'm sorry that stupid mail-order cowboy ended like that but his father's misery makes it well worthy. 94
Happy 50 This deserves a good compensation, kid. How does that sound? 95
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic071 Heck and Ted are dead. Surprise 50 Both Gundersons, gone? I'll be damned, you are one of a kind! 96
Happy 50 This deserves a good compensation, kid. How does that sound? 97
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic073 Two Gundersons, that's worth a 1000 caps at least. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] You'll leave me drier than tumbleweed, kid, but I reckon anything I can do to get back at Heck is well worth the expense. 98
Neutral 50 I'm a man of my word. Here's your money. You've earned it. 99
Two Gundersons, that's worth a 1000 caps at least. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid. 100
Neutral 50 I'm a man of my word. Here's your money. You've earned it. 101
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic074 I don't charge for good deeds. Surprise 50 You don't want anything in return? That's rare in these times, got to say. 102
Neutral 50 All right, kid! I appreciate it. I hope to see you soon. 103
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic075 Goodbye. Surprise 50 You don't want anything in return? That's rare in these times, got to say. 104
Neutral 50 All right, kid! I appreciate it. I hope to see you soon. 105
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic076 The big Gunderson's worth 750 caps, at least. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] You'll leave me drier than tumbleweed, kid, but I reckon anything I can do to get back at Heck is well worth the expense. 106
Neutral 50 I'm a man of my word. Here's your money. You've earned it. 107
The big Gunderson's worth 750 caps, at least. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid. 108
Neutral 50 I'm a man of my word. Here's your money. You've earned it. 109
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic077 The young Gunderson's worth 500 caps, at least. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] You'll leave me drier than tumbleweed, kid, but I reckon anything I can do to get back at Heck is well worth the expense. 110
Neutral 50 I'm a man of my word. Here's your money. You've earned it. 111
The young Gunderson's worth 500 caps, at least. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Cut that in half and we got a clean deal, kid. 112
Neutral 50 I'm a man of my word. Here's your money. You've earned it. 113
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic079 I don't charge for good deeds. Neutral 50 You don't want anything in return? That's rare in these times, got to say. 114
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic080 Sounds good. Neutral 50 I'm a man of my word. Here's your money. You've earned it. 115
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic081 Goodbye. Neutral 50 You don't want anything in return? That's rare in these times, got to say. 116
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic082 Sounds good. Neutral 50 I'm a man of my word. Here's your money. You've earned it. 117
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic083 I don't charge for good deeds. Neutral 50 You don't want anything in return? That's rare in these times, got to say. 118
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic084 Goodbye. Neutral 50 You don't want anything in return? That's rare in these times, got to say. 119
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic085 Sounds good. Neutral 50 I'm a man of my word. Here's your money. You've earned it. 120
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic086 I don't charge for good deeds. Neutral 50 You don't want anything in return? That's rare in these times, got to say. 121
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic087 Goodbye. Neutral 50 You don't want anything in return? That's rare in these times, got to say. 122
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic088 We said 400 for information about Heck, right? Neutral 50 That's what we said. So, do we have a deal? 123
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic089 We do. Neutral 50 All right, kid! I appreciate it. I hope to see you soon. 124
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic091 Okay, 200 for information about Heck, right? Neutral 50 That's what we said. So, do we have a deal? 125
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic092 We do. Neutral 50 All right, kid! I appreciate it. I hope to see you soon. 126
VMS25WalterPhebusTopic094 What are the most dangerous places in the Wasteland? Surprise 30 {Hint of Irony} Hell, it's all dangerous. Know why? Because you can't trust anything that stands on two legs. 127
Neutral 50 If you're looking for the real trouble, head straight into the mountains. Men don't walk up there, for good reasons, kid. 128
What are the most dangerous places in the Wasteland? Neutral 50 If you're looking for the real trouble, head straight into the mountains. Men don't walk up there, for good reasons, kid. 129
VMS25WalterPheebusTopicEthelDead VMS25WalterPheebusTopicEthelDead Anger 50 Ethel, darling!{Pause, as anger boils inside - wife just got killed} I'll... I'll join you soon again! Someone's gonna pay first, though. 130