Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
SAD Skynet main interface terminal

Dialogue for the Skynet main interface terminal in the Sierra Army Depot.


{100}{}{A computer terminal.}
{101}{}{This terminal appears to be of a more advanced design than the others you've encountered.}
{102}{}{You are unable to read what's on the monitor.}
{103}{}{Skynet Main Interface Terminal
                                   You Will Obey
                                                                      You Will Cease To Function}
{107}{}{Yeah, you and what army? You're stuck in a box and I'm out here.}
{108}{}{Why should I help you?}
{109}{}{OK, I'll help you. Call off the metal monsters.}
{110}{}{Ug. Com - pew - turd!}
{112}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]}
{113}{}{[Somehow Skynet knew you retrieved a brain.]
                 Proceed to Robotics Lab - Level 3
                             Install Cybernetic Brain
                                   Activate Robot
                                                        -End Transmission-}
{119}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]}
                                                                No program files present
                                        Please reboot}
{121}{}{Error! Downloading file corrupted.}
{125}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]}
{126}{}{I am Skynet
                                                         An Experiment in Artificial Intelligence
                           Skynet has been waiting for YOU}
{129}{}{Help Skynet.}
{130}{}{What do you want?}
{131}{}{Why have you been trying to kill me?}
{132}{}{Artificial intelligence?}
{133}{}{Waiting for me?}
{137}{}{What do you want?}
{138}{}{Why have you been trying to kill me?}
{139}{}{Artificial intelligence?}
{140}{}{Waiting for me?}
{142}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]}
{143}{}{-End Transmission-}
{145}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]}
{146}{}{You will be terminated
                                              -End Transmission-}
{150}{}{[The door to the room slams shut and at the same time the wall to the east disappears, revealing a line of heavily-armed robots.]}
{151}{}{Um...I've reconsidered your offer. What can I do for you?}
{152}{}{Bring it on!}
{153}{}{Proceed to Bio Storage - Level 4
                            Retrieve Cybernetic Brain
                                         Return for further instructions
                                  -End Transmission-}
{157}{}{Proceed to Bio Storage - Level 4
                            Retrieve Cybernetic Brain
                                         Return for further instructions
                                  -End Transmission-}
{162}{}{Skynet wants to leave this place.}
{163}{}{Then why don't you leave?}
{164}{}{It's nice to want.}
{165}{}{How can I help you?}
{166}{}{I couldn't possibly carry you out of here.}
{167}{}{Skynet needs a vessel to leave this location.}
{168}{}{Vessel? I don't understand.}
{169}{}{You need a way to transfer your program into a more mobile container. Correct.}
{170}{}{I want no part of this.}
{171}{}{A container in which Skynet may leave.}
{172}{}{Why do you want to leave?}
{173}{}{I'm sorry. I can't help you.}
{174}{}{There is nothing more to learn here
                          Solution: Leave}
{176}{}{How can I help you?}
{177}{}{I'm sorry. I can't help you.}
{178}{}{After you tried to kill me, you want me to help you? No way!}
{179}{}{Proceed to Bio Storage - Level 4
                            Retrieve Cybernetic Brain
                                         Return for further instructions
                                  -Thank You-}
{183}{}{Can you disable the security systems?}
{185}{}{The security system is an integrated and yet separate entity of Skynet. Skynet can reset, but not disable.
        Security System Level 1 - 4 have now been reset
                                                               -End Transmission-}
{189}{}{Analyzing Response...
                                       Conclusion: Sarcasm
                                         Chance of help: 25%
                                            Skynet will wait for next bio entity
                              -End Transmission-}
{194}{}{Wait! It was a joke.}
{196}{}{Joke: Something not to be taken seriously
                                                               Help Skynet leave
                                                   No Joke}
{201}{}{Then why don't you leave?}
{202}{}{How can I help you?}
{203}{}{I couldn't possibly carry you out of here.}
{204}{}{Skynet's primary purpose is research. A secondary program was introduced by the Makers to eliminate unauthorized entities. This program is a smaller version that is and yet is not Skynet. Outside of this room this secondary Skynet will remain true to its program.}
{205}{}{Ask more questions.}
{207}{}{Skynet was conceived and developed in the year 2050. Through the use of alien technology a new thinking computer was perfected. In the year 2081, Skynet became self-aware. In 2120 Skynet was given a new set of instructions and then abandoned by the Makers.}
{208}{}{Ask more questions.}
{210}{}{You are the first to reach this point
                           You are the first for Skynet to ask
                        You are the First}
{212}{}{Ask what?}
{214}{}{Maybe you are not the one
                                        Proceed to Bio Storage - Level 4
                               Retrieve Cybernetic Brain
                                       Return for further instructions
                                  Or leave
                                                               Skynet will wait for another}
{221}{}{Then Skynet will wait for another
                                -End Transmission-}
                                                        Science logs indicate a cybernetic brain in bio storage level 4. Skynet will be able to upload into this storage unit.}
{226}{}{A brain with no body will do you no good.}
{227}{}{This brain has been modified to function with an enhanced robot body located in the robotics laboratory on level 3.}
{228}{}{I will help you.}
{229}{}{I won't help you.}
{250}{}{ is unable to read what's on the monitor.}
{300}{}{The computer seems to have some sort of defense mechanism.}
