Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Skynet Security systems level 3

Dialogue for the Skynet Security systems level 3 in the Sierra Army Depot.


{100}{}{A computer terminal.}
{101}{}{This computer seems to have a camera mounted on it.}
{102}{}{You are unable to read what's on the monitor.}
{103}{}{[A small camera swivels in your direction.]
                  Skynet Security System
                                 Overriding Security Terminal - Level 3
                          Retrieving personnel data - Corporal Dixon
                  No Match
{109}{}{What the...Who the hell are you?}
{110}{}{I'm Corporal Dixon.}
{111}{}{I'm }
{113}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]}
                                                               No program files present
                                           Please reboot}
{119}{}{I am Skynet. Artificial Intelligence project number 59234.
Primary purpose Research and Development. Secondary purpose Protect
Sierra Army Depot from hostile entities.
   Please Input Identity}
{121}{}{I'm Corporal Dixon.}
{122}{}{I'm }
{123}{}{I'm a friend.}
{125}{}{Picture does not match that of Corporal Dixon's personnel file.
                                                               Conclusion: Subject is lying.
                                        Conclusion: Enemy
                                         Conclusion: Terminate.
                                          -End Transmission-}
{131}{}{No record of that name in personnel files
                                                       Human - Female
                                              Proceed to control room for further analysis
                  -End Transmission-}
{135}{}{No record of that name in personnel files.
                                                        Human - Male
                                                     Proceed to control room for further analysis
                -End Transmission-}
{140}{}{Definition: Friend
                                                   Noun - One who is not hostile.
                                    Proceed to control room for further analysis.
                -End Transmission-}
{200}{}{ is unable to read what's on the monitor.}
{300}{}{The computer seems to have some sort of defense mechanism.}
{301}{}{You are shocked for }
{302}{}{ is shocked for }
{303}{}{ points of damage.}
