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This is a transcript for dialogue with Weasel.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0040D28E 00555524 We will find Lou. Do not worry.
2 00555525 I do not want to talk now.
3 00555526 We should be quiet.
4 00555527 What is your problem?
5 00555528 This cave sucks.
6 00555529 I can not wait to get out of here.
7 0055552A Lou is crazy for coming here.
8 0055552B Focus. Do not talk to me now.
9 0055552E I am glad we found Lou.
10 0055552F Now we can get out of here. I like the outdoors better.
11 00555530 I could have done this without you, but I am glad you were here.
26 00556D89 Now is not the time.
27 00556D8A Quiet.
28 00556D8B I can not help you now.
29 00556D8C Speak to Lou, not me.
163 0040D304 0040D3CC Fisher knows how it works better than I do. He found a science person... No. A scientist's house in Monongah.
164 The scientist was working on a device to let animals talk.
165 Fisher made it work for me and impoverished... improvised... made it work better. Mostly.
166 0040D306 0040D40C Not my real name. I was with a different gang until I snatched... no, ratted on someone.
167 They used a red hot poker to burn my voice box. Now, I am with Meg and her gang.
168 They like me, but when they found out why I could not talk, they programmed this thing so I could only say my name is Weasel.
169 That way, people know I was a rat.
170 0040D30E 005537CF I can't speak.
171 The man, Fisher, made this collar to let me speak words. It is not perfect, but it works.
172 He found the machines... No. The science... No. That is also not right. Technology. Yes.
173 It has trouble interpreting some words.
174 0040D314 0040D400 They call me... Weasel. I am also here to find Lou. I tracked him here. There is a pause before Weasel, because she can not say her real name due tot he way the device is programmed.
175 0040D316 0040D43E I am... Weasel. I am here to find a friend, Lou. There is a pause before Weasel, because she can not say her real name due tot he way the device is programmed.
176 0040D318 0040D3E6 Yes. I am... Weasel. There is a pause before Weasel, because she can not say her real name due to the way the device was programmed.
265 0040D3BE 0040D418 Lou is deep inside the mine. But he does not want to be found, and it is dangerous to go alone.
266 We can find him together. You lead, I will follow.
281 0040D477 Hello. I was not expecting anyone. This is a computer program interpreting mute vocalizations into speech from pre-recorded words. It should almost sound disjointed.
283 00554166 I have an idea.
284 00556D84 What? We need to be quiet, or Lou will hear us. This is a computer program interpreting mute vocalizations into speech from pre-recorded words. It should almost sound disjointed.
292 005537CC 005537D0 The... vocals... vox cable... word list was not complete. For example: there are no bad words.
293 I have been trying to say bad words this whole time, but they do not come out.
294 If I try, I can say them in other ways: Poop. Fornicate. Hot underground place.
295 00554141 00554161 I did not think we would survive. I do not think that trap was meant for us. I am glad it did not work.
296 00554142 0055415F I got a bad feeling about this.
297 00554143 00554163 That building looks like the way forward.
298 00554144 0055415A Sounds like a fog crawler ahead. And it looks like Lou made another self-killing trap. Maybe you can use it against the creature.
299 00554145 0055415E Yes. The scientist who first made this thing did not make the word for big boom... the word you said, but he did make big and boom. I do not know why.
300 00554147 00554168 No, but we do not have many options. The cave on the other side may lead us to another cave that goes back into the mine.
301 Then we can find Lou. I have a good feeling about this.
302 00554149 00554160 I found some... big boom charges at the cave entrance when you arrived. Lou must have left them.
303 I wish I could say the right word. Big boom makes me sound like a baby.
304 I have seen Lou use them. I think I can do this.
305 0055414B 00554159 I can not glare ant... garbage... I can not make it sure. But, I was told to get Lou, and you were told to get Lou, too.
306 We can try this, or we can go home with no Lou. Meg will not be happy if there is no Lou.
307 0055414D 00554162 I have done this kind of work with Lou before. Stand back, I will set up the... big boom.
308 0055414F 0055415B Yes. That is clear. But, do not worry. This cave wall looks weak, and I think I can destroy it with big boom, so we can go through to the other side.
309 00554151 00554164 Fornicate you, friend. I do not work for you. But yes, I think I can destroy this cave wall with big boom and get us through.
310 00554153 0055415C It looks like there is a way through. We could exclaim... expose... destroy it with big boom and go to the other side. The gadget is not working well again, so she is trying to come up with a word in its library that works.
311 00554155 00554165 Stand back, or you will die.
312 00554156 0055415D Over here.
313 00554157 00554167 No way forward. Lou shut it tight. But come look at this.
314 00554158 00554169 Did Lou make this? It looks like a machine to kill himself. It looks like it did not work.
315 005544A6 005544A7 You should have seen your face when it looked like you were going to die. That was funny. Hah hah hah.
316 005554F9 00555549 You are dead. Dead, you hear me?
317 0055554A Do not worry, I will kill it quickly.
318 0055554B It chose the wrong day to mess with me.
319 0055554C Kill it. Kill it now.
320 0055554D I will make short work of it.
321 005554FA 00555511 Time to kick some rear ends.
322 00555512 Ready to kill.
323 00555513 Poop. Kill it before it kills us.
324 00555515 Kill it now.
325 00555516 I am ready for a fight.
326 005554FB 0055551F So much for the hero.
327 00555520 I thought you would be more impressive.
328 00555521 Oh no. That is unfortunate.
329 00555522 I guess I will need to do this myself now.
330 005554FC 0055555E I need help over here.
331 0055555F I just need to tend to my wounds.
332 00555560 I have been hurt too much.
333 00555561 I can not take much more of this.
334 00555562 Help me. Do not leave me to die here.
335 00555563 I will not give up.
336 00555564 Help me. Help me now.
337 005554FD 0055550C Ow. My leg.
338 0055550D Got me in the arm.
339 0055550E Grazed me right in the fornicating head.
340 0055550F Right in my gut. That will leave a mark.
341 005554FE 0055554F Ow.
342 00555550 Ow. Alternate "Ow" take
343 00555551 Ouch.
344 00555552 Ouch. Alternate "Ouch" take
345 00555553 Darn it. That hurt.
346 00555554 Agh.
347 00555555 Oof.
348 00555556 Oh no. I am bleeding.
349 00555557 That is not good.
350 00555558 Owie... I mean, ouch. Weasel did not mean to say "owie," but that's how the device interpreted it.
351 00555559 Painful.
352 0055555A Now I am mad.
353 0055555B Son of a...
354 0055555C Urgh.
359 00555503 00555519 I will enjoy destroying this pest.
360 0055551A Oh no you don't. Time to die.
361 0055551B This will not end well for you.
362 0055551C It's murder time.
363 00555504 00555566 Take that.
364 00555567 Die now.
365 00555568 Die, you fornicating piece of poop.
366 00555569 Eat it.
367 0055556A You are going down.
368 0055556B Fornicate you.
369 0055556C Go to hot underground place already.
370 0055556D You will die.
371 0055556E Die.
372 0055556F I will kill you.
376 00555507 0055551D Get to a safe place before the boom.
377 00555508 0055550A There is another weak wall here. I will try to get through it with a big boom again. Do not stand near the big boom when it goes off.
378 00556D7C 00556D87 That is what I am saying. Good luck.
379 00556D7E 00556D85 I may have had to if you were not here. But, the plan was only for me to find him, not speak to him.
380 Fisher was going to be the one to talk to him, but I guess he sent you instead. So it is now your job.
381 00556D80 00556D83 You could try to go in as quiet as possible and disable each big boom. That would stop him from making them boom. Then talk to him.
382 Or, if you are good with words, you could just try to talk to him. He may see your point.
383 Just be careful. I do not want to be buried alive because you fornicated up.
384 00556D82 00556D86 I hear Lou working up ahead. I will stay here. You should be the one to handle this part.
385 00556FA5 00556FA8 There we go. We should hurry.
386 00556FA6 00556FA7 See. That worked. Told you it would.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
28 0056F789 0058597B I do not know what to do now that Fisher is gone. He did not finish the... improvements on my device.
29 0058597C Maybe I can learn from Fisher's notes. Someone will need to take over for him.
30 0058597D I can not believe we had traitors. Those... people born out of wedlock... got what they deserved.
31 0058597E You proved to be very... handy in the mine. I am glad you are on our side.
32 0058597F I prefer being out in the wild by myself, but I am told I am needed here for now. This really slurps... stupid machine... sucks.
99 005834BE 0059F186 One day, I will find the Blood Eagle who did this to me and I will tear his throat out.
100 0059F1C9 If you see a Blood Eagle, shoot first. Do not try to make small talk, or you could end up like me.
101 0059F1CA The Blood Eagles are psychotic and violent. I was lucky to only lose my voice.