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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue during Someone to Talk To.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 000043A3 0006F2EA What was that.
2 0006F32A Looking out for bad things.
3 0006F32B Scared. Something is there.
4 0006F32C Poop poop poop. Oh no. I heard something nearby. This is a rabbit "saying" this
5 0035CDF9 Maybe it won't see me if I stay still.
6 0035CDFB I smell prey. This is fortunate for me.
7 0035CDFC I am anxious to kill something.
8 0035CDFD I am big and scary. I want everything to fear me.
9 0035CDFE Something is there. Is it something to play with, or something to eat?
10 000043BA 0006F335 Ouch.
11 000714DF Ow.
12 000714E0 That hurt.
13 000714E1 In pain
14 000714E2 Injured.
15 000714E3 Stop that.
16 000714F9 Hey. That is not nice. You hurt me.
17 0035CDF4 Ow. Slightly different take
18 0035CDF5 Now I am mad.
19 0035CDF6 Ouch. Slightly different take
20 0035CDF8 I am not food.
21 004F46F1 Agh.
22 004F46F2 Ack.
23 004F46F3 Oof.
24 004F46F4 Urgh.
25 004F46F5 Son of a...
26 004F46F6 Owie.
27 004F46F7 That tickles.}
28 004F46F8 You have caused me pain. I will cause you death.
29 004F46F9 That stings a little.
30 000043BB 00083204 Fear. Running away.
31 00089825 I hurt now. Will kill you later.
32 00089826 Not worth the effort. Leaving.
33 00089827 Must protect self. Run away.
34 0035CDFF This thing is bad. Must flee.
35 0035CE00 Too tough for me. Fleeing.
36 004F46EB I can't bear this any more. I must leave.
37 004F46EC Not worth dying to this stupid creature.
38 004F46ED I am badly hurt. Need to run away and lick wounds.
39 004F46EE Uh oh. Where do I go? Where do I go?
40 00038833 0006F05A I will hurt you so you cannot hurt me.
41 0006F2AD Back off. I will hurt you.
42 0035CE01 You made me angry and scared. You will pay for that.
43 0035CE02 Go away or die.
44 0035CE05 This is for scaring me.
45 0035CE08 I did not want to kill you, but now I must.
46 0035CE09 I do not like you. Now I must attack you.
47 0035F393 0035F39F Valid vox interpreter subject detected. Transmission initiated.
48 0035F396 0035F3A1 Vox interpreter data storage full. Please return holotape to terminal to process and archive data. Congratulations on a job well done, Dr. Harrison!
49 0035F397 0035F3A2 Vox Transmission received successfully!
50 0035F398 0035F39D Vox transmission terminated prematurely. Establish connection with new Vox transmitter dart.
51 0035F399 0035F3A3 You are getting too far away from the Vox Transmitter Dart!
52 0035F39A 0035F3A0 You are now within range of the Vox transmitter dart.
53 0043A2D4 0006F2B2 Leave me alone. Go away.
54 0006F2C5 Go away, bad, scary human. I bite you.
55 0006F2DD I am hungry.
56 0006F2E7 I am angry. I want you to die.
57 0006F2E8 Stop moving. Want to eat you.
58 0007157F Scared.
59 00071580 I do not want to die.
60 00087B51 Oh no. So scary. Got to run away.
61 0035CDF7 Stop fighting me, food.
62 0035CE03 I am just protecting myself.
63 0035CE04 I will kill you to protect myself.
64 0035CE06 You are bad.
65 0035CE07 Please die and leave me alone.
66 0035CE0A Want to kill you and eat you.
67 0035CE0B Die, food.
68 0035CE0C You smell like food.
69 0035CE0D Stop moving, food.
70 0035CE0E This food is fun to play with.
71 0035CE0F I cannot wait to eat.
72 0035CE10 You die now.
73 0035CE11 Do not run.
74 0035CE12 I am scary. Be afraid of me.
75 004F46EF Maybe it will get bored and leave me alone.
76 004F46FA Ha ha ha. You can't hurt me. "ha ha ha" should not actually be laughter, but sound like forced stilted laughter, like a robot sounding it out.
77 004F46FB That barely hurt.
78 004F46FC This is unbearable.
79 004F46FE You can't kill me. I'm too clever.
80 004F46FF You are stupid for attacking me.
81 004F4700 Not today.
82 004F4701 I was just minding my own business.
83 004F4702 I am way too fast to catch.
84 004F4704 This thing is making it easy for me to find food today.
85 004F4705 Are you scared? Am I scary? What about now?
86 004F4706 I was not in the mood to play, but I am now.
87 004F4707 This human is annoying. If I kill it, it won't be annoying.
88 004F4708 Your presence is unbearable. I must drive you away.
89 004F4721 Oh no. This could be bad.
90 004F4722 The bad human wants to kill me.
91 004F4723 This is a scary experience.
92 004F4725 I should poop here to throw the predator off my trail.
93 004F472A I see you, prey. I am bored and want to play with you before eating you.
94 004F472C You will be dead soon human.
95 004F472D Not even hungry. Just want to kill.
96 004F472E Kill... kill... kill...
97 004F472F Smells like fear.
98 004F4730 Not enough meat on bones. Must kill more after this.
99 004F4731 Delicious blood.
100 004F4732 I can't wait to eat.
101 004F4733 Die already.
102 004F4734 Tear you to shreds.
103 004F4735 Your pain amuses me.
104 004F4736 This will hurt you.
105 004F4737 I will kill you with my bare hands.
106 004F565D Another weak creature to kill today.
107 004F565E Thought I killed you already.
108 004F565F I have missed killing your kind.
109 004F5660 This one is too weak. Need something that won't break so easily.
110 004F5661 I want to grab you, tear you apart, and roll around in your guts.
111 004F46E6 000EB21F Ow. My leg.
112 004F4714 Foreleg hurting.
113 004F4715 Aggh. My foreleg.
114 004F4716 My foreleg is injured.
115 004F4717 My head hurts a lot.
116 004F4718 Ouch. My head.
117 004F4719 Head is hurting.
118 004F471A My torso is hurt.
119 004F471B Ouch. My midsection.
120 004F471C My torso is injured.
121 004F471D My hindleg is crippled.
122 004F471E That hurt my hindleg.
123 004F471F Hindleg hurting too much.
124 004F46E9 004F470A Oh no...my friend.
125 004F470B The mean creature is killing my family.
126 004F470C That was my kin. Now I am sad.
127 004F470D I am upset over the death of my friend.
128 004F470E This mean creature is killing us. Alert everyone.
129 004F4710 You killed my kin. I must now kill you.
130 004F4711 How can something so weak kill one of us?
131 004F4712 I will avenge my fallen kin.
132 004F4713 The creature killed one of us. I must kill it back.
133 004F46EA 004F4724 What do I do? Maybe if I stay still, it will go away. No? Ok. Fight instead.
134 004F4727 There is the prey. It is weak and I can kill it.
135 004F4728 That thing looks fun to play with. I hope it doesn't die too quickly.
136 004F4729 That thing is not like me. It looks tasty. I want to eat it.
137 004F565B 004F5663 I am disappointed you did not die first.
138 004F5664 How can this be?
139 004F5665 That hurts, but I will still... ack.
140 004F5669 This is what it feels like to die.
141 004F566A I am now scared, but it is too late.
142 004F566B I do not feel well. I can not go on.
143 004F566C No. That was not supposed to happen.
144 004F566D This pain is unbearable. I think I am dying.
145 004F566F I hurt. I do not understand what is happening.
146 004F5670 Everything is going dark.
147 004F5671 I see a bright light.
148 004F5672 I am uncomfortable and sad.
149 004F5673 I feel cold and numb.