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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vernon Dodge.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 Who are the Brotherhood of Steel? 005CF152 The last hope for humanity, that's who. We're a group of highly trained specialists in all fields of combat and science. Proud
2 005CF153 Heh... Let's see if I can do them justice then... Somewhat under his breath, before an explanation
3 Tell me about yourself. 005CF157 I'm... a deserter. Came back to make things right. That's all you need to know. Hesitant
4 And before you go getting all curious to hear Grandpa Vernon's stories, prove to me you're worth my time first. Dismissive
5 005CF158 Fine, but only since you came through for me. What exactly are you dying to know? Annoyed but going along with it
6 [Brotherhood] The group from California is at Atlas Observatory. 005CF145 Atlas Observatory, eh? Interesting... Hadn't considered that. They must know something I don't. Interested but not trying to sound eager
7 That doesn't change my plans, though. Supporting the Brotherhood with Daily Ops is still of the utmost importance. Tempting, but no, not now
8 I've completed a Daily Op. You mentioned an extra reward? 005CF137 Yeah, yeah. Here for a treat, eh? The satisfaction of helping wasn't enough for you? A bit dismissive, teasing
9 I'm pulling your leg. You did good, you deserve this. Joking around, genuine appreciation
10 But remember: I call them Daily Ops for a reason. There will be another location and mission tomorrow. Keep an eye out.
11 You've told me your story, Vernon. You're no deserter. You would be invaluable to Atlas. 005CF14F You think so, huh? I guess... I guess they could use the knowledge rattling around this skull of mine. Coming around to the idea, still plagued by guilt
12 Fine. I'll pack up and head over soon. Determined
13 Oh, and uh, thanks. genuine thanks, a little embarrassed
14 [Charisma 10+] Look, we've all got our past, but you'll be more help to them in person. They need you. 005CF14B Hard to argue with that... But... Damn it all, fine. Struggling to accept
15 I'll pack up and head over. Hopefully they don't shoot me on the spot. Defeated
16 Guess I might have that coming if they did. Thanks for making me see the right thing to do. Lightning up, appreciative
17 [Strength 15+] Coward. You're just afraid to own up to your mistakes. 005CF13C You lousy piece of... I ought to... Boiling rage, puttering out
18 (sigh) You're right. I'm just running away, aren't I. coming down off of boiling rage
19 I'll... head out there real soon. Face this head on. Thanks for making me see that. Cautious, then determined
20 You're still a real piece of work, though. Can't believe the player had the guts to say what they said
21 I registered as a member at Fort Defiance... or what's left of it. 005CF14E Hmph, well that doesn't quite make you a true member of the Appalachian chapter... a bit begrudged
22 But, it took some chops to get that far. I was right to assume you were skilled. Warming up now
23 I thought all members of the Appalachian Brotherhood were killed. 005CF13B I'm the last one left, as far as I know. But the group on their way from California are very much alive. A bit sad, then hopeful
24 My chapter developed a number of methods for dealing with the threats of this region. It falls on me, and hopefully you, to give them an edge. Determined
25 You should join them at Atlas. They can use your knowledge. 005CF154 A deserter like me doesn't deserve to just stroll up and pretend all is forgiven. I'll face my redemption in exile. a bit sad, but determined
26 Nevermind. 005CF149 Well, be gone with you then... Punk. Getting annoyed
27 005CF14A Be seeing you. Not too friendly, though.
28 005CF0EF 005CF142 Alright, but there'll be time to chat later. It's urgent we get the operation under way.
29 Okay, let's hear it then. 005CF159 About time. Frustrated but relieved
30 A pit fighter? Shit. And you're still alive? 005CF14D Barely.
31 Sounds rough. Please, go on. 005CF144 It was rough. Nothing I couldn't shrug off, but the younger recruits were bending too far, and sometimes snapping. It WAS rough, affirming the player's statement.
32 [Luck 10+] What happened, did you just get lost one day? 005CF139 No, I -- well, shit, sort of. A little more complicated than that, but, uh, where to start... Initially dismissive, then realizing the player actually made a lucky guess
33 What's the real story behind you "deserting?" 005CF140 Real story is that I was a naïve fool. I left my post, let the Brotherhood down. Came back to more fallen comrades than I can count.
34 005CF0F7 005CF14C Well I'm not some goddamn equation, alright egghead? It's not as simple as a scared old man running off. Annoyed
35 That can't be the whole story, right? 005CF148 It's all I'm willing to share. What I did was a mistake, and now I'm living out my days trying to make up for it. Abrupt end, matter of fact
36 005CF0F9 005CF151 One kid... (sigh)... Damn it, sorry. One kid got a lot more stick than carrot. Broke him. Went AWOL in the middle of the night. This is a VERY painful memory. This kid meant a lot to him.
37 The old fool I am, saw it as my duty to chase him down before anyone like Wilson took notice. Upset with himself
38 By the time I caught the kid, we were a day out, completely lost our baring. Disappointed
39 We got waylaid by a group of passing Raiders. Guess they saw us as fit enough for their fighting pits... but weak enough to get the drop on. Bitter, resentful memory
40 You were just trying to help that recruit. That's hardly deserting. 005CF13E I abandoned my post all the same. Should have told Wilson right away, instead of running off like some foolish hero. Determined, not taking sympathy
41 What the hell are you rambling about, old timer? Just tell me why you deserted. 005CF156 You can go to hell, you know that? Pissed off
42 Pulling the life story out of an old timer like it was my last good tooth... And you can't even sit and listen a god damn minute? Really pissed, laying into the player
43 Well too bad, you're ass is going to listen to the whole thing now... Annoyed, but calming down
44 What was I talking about, it was the, uh... Right. It was a hard life for the younger recruits. Harder than I think they imagined. A hint of irritation, but starting to lose himself in the story again
45 Sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Let's talk about something else. 005CF141 I appreciate that. It's not my favorite subject.
46 005CF0FF 005CF136 Well... I was already a geezer when I joined up. Despite my years in the service, the Brotherhood ran me through the wringer with the rookies. Settling into telling a story. It's a tough story to tell.
47 The younger guys... looked up to me, I guess. I had a soft-spot for that youthful spirit. My superiors, though... like Senior Knight Wilson, they, uh... A good memory beneath it, but starts rambling a bit
48 Look, the work the Brotherhood does, it's not easy... not safe... You need to harden these kids into solid steel to endure the dangers of it. Kind of a sideline comment. A bit rambly.
49 Let's talk about something else. 005CF150 Alright.
50 Why did you join the Brotherhood? 005CF155 Before the bombs I was a burned-out Marine vet bagging groceries. No family, no friends. This is in the past, matter of fact
51 After the bombs, I took to the bottle. Don't remember much. Still pretty matter of fact
52 Years later, a recruiter for the Brotherhood comes through my neck of the woods. Believe it or not, they gave me a shot. Feels like years ago, still matter of fact
53 Second lease on life, and maybe even civilization. Nothing else to it. matter of fact
54 005CF102 005CF13A Spent the next decade or so slitting throats, caving in skulls, and doing anything I could to not be a corpse on the arena floor. This is more matter of fact. Desensitized to violence.
55 Lost an eye... Lost the kid, too... It was a long, hard life to live. That is, until my latest handler brought me to the Watoga Civics Center fight pits. Painful memory, but trying to hold it back
56 The smell of being so close to home got my blood boiling. Strangled the poor bastard with one of those collars. Then... ran like hell. Stone cold
57 I took a bullet from a search party, but I've been free of 'em since. Now I just been limping around, looking for any Brotherhood tech I can fix. Spiteful
58 Trying to make things right with a bunch of ghosts, while I still can. Bittersweet
59 But that's enough of the past. Hope you've heard what you wanted. Leave me be for a spell, would you? Getting tired, a bit dazed, needs a moment.
60 [Strength 12+] Those scars you carry don't paint the picture of a coward. 005CF13D Well it wasn't fear that made me leave, you're right about that. Player's got a point
61 005CF106 005CF125 Hm... let's have a look at you. Seeing the player for the first time
62 005CF126 You again. Spiteful, the player didn't hear him out before.
63 005CF127 You're back. Neutral
64 005CF107 005CF123 I've compiled a list of locations the Brotherhood had previously been tracking as enemy hot spots. Explanation
65 Every day I'll highlight a location and a mission that can provide the Brotherhood a strategic advantage. I call these Daily Ops.
66 Head there using your map, and I'll provide instructions. Complete the mission and there'll be compensation.
67 If you're fast and efficient, I'll even up the reward. So pay attention in there, and work quickly.
68 Come see me after your first Op and I'll throw in an extra something for you.
69 If you have any questions about Daily Ops, ask. Otherwise, hit your map, find the Op, and let's take back Appalachia. Determined
70 005CF129 The Appalachian chapter... my chapter, once stood the best chance of wringing back civilization in this damned hellhole. Hints of sorrow
71 This old husk in front of you is all that's left. Self deprecating, not self pity
72 Hopefully the training I have with my chapter's specialized tools can still be of service to the Californian Brotherhood. Hopes this is true, feeling a little useless
73 005CF12A They're here already...? Damn! I have less time than I thought. To self a bit, frustrated.
74 If you're really working with them, then it's imperative that you hear me out. Determined
75 005CF12B Perfect, time is of the essence.
76 005CF13F Mhmm. Simple acknowledgement
77 005CF108 005CF121 Uh... Alright, you'll have to do. Sizing the player up
78 005CF15D Ready to prove your worth now? This mission is critical to the Brotherhood's success. Annoyed and urgent
79 005CF15E Well? Have you completed a Daily Op yet? If not, what are you still doing here? Pretty nuetral
80 005CF160 Just got a few hundred doo-dads to pack up here. I'll see you at Fort Atlas real soon. Reassuring
81 005CF162 Watch where you're stepping. This stuff is pretty ancient... And yeah, I meant the wire, not me, smart-ass. Casual advice, not nagging
82 005CF163 Did you need something else? I can give you the run-down on Daily Ops again if you want.
83 005CF164 Mind the smell. Hard to air the place out. "Watoga's Home of Tomorrow" my ass. Spiteful
84 005CF165 (cough) Sorry. Need to fix the ventilators. What did you need?
85 Sorry, maybe some other time. 005CF11D Damn it. Come back if you grow a spine, then. Frustrated
86 I have some questions first. 005CF138 Fine, but be quick. I don't have time for a leisurely chin wag. annoyed, but understands
87 005CF112 005CF11F I'm Initiate Vernon Dodge with the Appalachian chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel.
88 I've got word that members from Mariposa are on their way here now. This is a hopeful thing for him
89 It's critical that I lay the groundwork they need to get a foothold in this region. Are you up for it? Determined
90 Whoa, forget it. Bye. 005CF11B Bah. Coward. Frustrated
91 [Intelligence 1-] Oh boy! What do I win? 005CF122 Er... Luckily, I'm not looking for the brightest, just the bravest. Taken aback by player's dumbness
92 [Strength 10+] What the hell are you looking at, old man? 005CF11C Ha! You've got grit, I'll give you that. I could use some muscle. Impressed
93 Uh... What? 005CF124 I've got important work that needs to be done. You seem like you're capable enough. Sizing the player up


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005DD47A 005CF15B Knight Shin was looking at me again, wasn't he? Tell him I already took a bath a few days ago! Getting annoyed
2 That kid needs to get off my back. There's more important things than cleanliness right now. Grumbling
3 005CF15C These recruits... really brings me back. That spark of hope in their eyes. Maybe we can do it right this time. Hopeful
4 005CF166 Thanks again for convincing me to head over here. Fort Atlas is really starting to shape-up. I'm glad I'm able to pitch in. Genuine
5 005CF167 Paladin Rahmani really knows how to take charge. We could have used more like her in the Appalachian chapter... She could have made a difference. Genuine
6 005FAB91 Wish I had a chance to shoot a couple of those big green dummies myself. Haven't gotten the chance to tussle with one of 'em yet. Boasting a bit
7 005FAB92 Well... Guess that settles it. Time to start picking up the pieces and thinking about the future. End of a long journey, bit worried
8 005FAB93 A new direction for the Brotherhood, eh? So long as I've got my radio here, my mission stays the same. A bit dismissive
9 005FAB94 Not sure if Knight Shin is planning to steer us back to California... If he is, I may have to turn him down. My work here remains important. Uncertain future.
10 005FAB95 Glad everyone walked out of this in one piece. Dying over some internal politics just... aint the way to go, is all. A bit annoyed
11 005FAB61 005FAB7E I wish the best for Shin, really. He was a real pain in the ass, but not a bad person. Glad he could walk out of this alive, at least. Holds no grudges
12 005FAB7F Real shame about the Knight. He died standing up for what he believed in, but... Wish it could have gone a different way. Sad
13 005FAB80 Not sure what the future holds for Rahmani... but I sure as hell hope she stays safe. genuine concern
14 005FAB81 As for Rahmani... I wish things went down differently. Anything but this. Laying down your life for something you believe in is admirable, but... Sad
15 It... didn't have to be this way. Holding back frustration
16 005FAB63 005FAB83 Paladin Rahmani is charismatic. I was a bit put off at first, felt like it was all for show. Didn't take long to see her conviction is the real deal. Some hesitation, then conviction
17 Knight Shin is... well, he reminds me of some people I served with back in the day. This is not a good thing
18 Couldn't say I liked those people, but I was glad to have them watching my back. Even if they were only watching so they could nag. emphasis on "liked". Warming up as it goes on
19 005FAB84 Rahmani was born to lead. Wasn't an easy choice, but it was the right one. Gonna be a hard road going forward... Hope that spirit of hers stays strong. Concerned
20 005FAB85 Shin is... uh, real determined to carry out the doctrine of the Brotherhood. He'll be a real sum'bitch to have in charge, but we could do a lot worse. Bit of a chuckle, careful with words
21 Never mind. Good seeing you again, Dodge. 005FAB90 You too. Stay safe out there.
22 I like the new look. 005FAB79 Thanks. Keep working your ass off on those Daily Ops and maybe I'll throw a set your way. Just so you know... The eye-patch... isn't included. Cheeky
23 Any thoughts about how things panned out? 005FAB7B Hedging your bets on Rahmani was bold. As the years roll on, she's gonna learn a thing or two about just how "on our own" we really are out here.
24 I think she's got what it takes to make it happen, but she's gonna need people she can trust to step up and carry on that legacy. emphasis on SHE.
25 005FAB7C I'm sure it wasn't easy to fully commit to Knight Shin, severing Rahmani from her role and all... But a chain can't hold with a weak link. Feels bad, but had to be done
26 Won't lie, not many of us are looking forward to the Knight's brand of discipline. He's gonna need to start winning some trust around here, that's for sure. A bit concerned for the others
27 That said, I think he'll do what's right to keep us safe here... until we figure out what the next step is. hopeful but uncertain
28 Any thoughts on the dispute between Rahmani and Shin? 005FAB76 I don't envy where you stand. a chuckle
29 One foot on land, the other on a boat setting out to sea. Do you hop on... trust your captain to lead you right? Or stand firm on the land you know. A tough call
30 One things for sure... If you don't decide, your ass'll be in the water before you know it. Think carefully going forward. That's all I can say. glad this isn't his problem. "that's all I can say" does NOT mean he's withholding, just doesn't have more he can add.
31 What are your thoughts about the members here? 005FAB78 Scribe Valdez is sharp. She just might be the pillar holding this whole thing up. Cooler heads only prevail when you've actually got a cool head around. Impressed
32 How does the Expeditionary Force compare to the Appalachian Chapter? 005FAB82 Well, this group operates plenty different from the Appalachian Brotherhood... Beginning a thought
33 A lot more talk about the ideological aspects of the organization... No matter which side of it they're standing on. Continuing a thought
34 We were fighting for survival at nearly every turn. If it wasn't Raiders, it was Scorched. Didn't have time for doctrine. At least, not at my rank. Thinking back
35 It feels a hell of a lot safer surrounded by these folk, though. Glad they're on my side. Impressed
36 Are you settling in? 005FAB77 It's taking some time. Been a while since I've been surrounded by people who weren't looking to kill me in my sleep. A bit down
37 The scars I've got from those fighting pits are more than skin-deep. But... I'm starting to adapt. Thanks for asking. Still down, but thankful
38 Can you tell me more about Daily Ops? 005FAB7D Sure. I've been able to track down a number of locations that were critical to the Appalachian Brotherhood's operations when they were still active.
39 Each day, I'll coordinate an operation at one of these sites. Check your map for details.
40 Complete a mission and you'll be rewarded. Complete it quickly and efficiently, and you'll earn a few bonuses.
41 It gets pretty dicey, so keep your wits about you. These sites manage to attract the strangest of the strange... Be prepared for anything and everything.
42 Check back every day for new Ops and more rewards. They are "Daily" Ops, after all. emphasis on "daily", a bit cheeky


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005CC195 005CC19B First step is to repair the signal repeater. It shouldn't be far, head there now. Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line.
2 005CC19C You'll need to repair the signal repeater before we can track down the uplinks. Move out. Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line.
3 005CC19D Head to the signal repeater -- we need it repaired to communicate with the uplinks. Double time. Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line.
4 005CC19E The signal repeater is down as well. That will need to be repaired first. Head out! Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line.
5 005CC19F Listen, get the busted signal repeater working before proceeding. Head there first. Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line.
6 005CC1A0 The signal repeater must be broken, though. You'll need to repair that first. Head there now. Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line.
7 005CC1A1 Get to the signal repeater ASAP. Repair it first before finding those uplinks. And that is AS as P, so hustle. Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line. Being cheeky on "that is A.S. as P." Bit of snark to it.
8 005CC1A2 Repair the signal repeater to get started. We'll need it working if we want connection to the uplinks. Move out. Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line.
9 005CC1A3 It looks like the signal repeater is cold, too. Head there and repair it first. On the double, team. Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line.
10 005CC1A4 The uplinks won't work until the signal repeater has been repaired. That's priority one. Get moving. Giving orders. This is a follow-up to a previous introductory line.
14 005D080F 005CC1F3 These uplinks are going to provide critical data. You took down a major threat to Appalachia as well. Get some rest, you've earned it. Dodge out. Proud of the players
15 005CC1F4 The Brotherhood will need these uplinks to better understand threats like this. You've done us a great service. Ad Victoriam and Dodge out. Proud of the players
16 005CC1F5 Pat yourselves on the back, team, you've done good. These uplinks are critical for the safety of Appalachia. Head home. Dodge out. Proud of the players
17 005CC1F6 I knew you had it in you. That's one for the books. I'll keep an eye on these uplinks, head on home, team. Proud of the players
18 005CC1F7 Mission accomplished, team. These uplinks are invaluable to understanding hostile activity in the region. Till next time, Dodge out. Proud of the players
19 005CC1F8 Fine work, team. Head on out of there for now. You've done enough for today. Dodge out. Proud of the players
20 005CC1F9 You have the Brotherhood's gratitude, team. These uplinks make a real difference. I look forward to seeing what you can do in the future. Dodge out. Proud of the players
21 005CC1FA Target eliminated, and in fine fashion. Head home for some rest, team. I'll take over from here. Dodge out. Proud of the players
22 005CC1FB Target down, mission accomplished. These uplinks are just what we need to get an edge on the enemy. You've done the Brotherhood proud. Dodge out. Proud of the players
23 005CC204 Restored the uplinks and bagged yourself a real mean one, too. You've earned my respect, team, well done. Dodge out. Proud of the players
27 005D0810 005CC1E8 Team, we've got a priority target incoming. Readings off the charts... Fight well. Ad Victoriam!
28 005CC1E9 Yup. That did the trick! They're sending out the big guns now. Take 'em down! Ad Victoriam!
29 005CC1EA I'm picking up a priority target. Your mission is to eliminate them at all costs. Do me proud, team.
30 005CC1EB This is it, we've got them mad now. Take down that priority target, ASAP.
31 005CC1EC Priority target incoming. I repeat, this is a priority target. Take it down at all costs. Ad Victoriam!
32 005CC1ED Well, hell, you've found yourself a priority target, team. Do Appalachia a favor and kill it quick.
33 005CC1EE Had a feeling there'd be a big and nasty one in the area. It's now your primary target, team. Ad Victoriam!
34 005CC1EF Watch yourselves, that's no ordinary hostile. Take it down, quick!
35 005CC1F0 The dials and gauges are going nuts over here. Not sure what that thing is, but we need it taken out, now!
36 005CC1F1 Priority target incoming. I think you know your orders, team. Make us proud. Ad Victoriam!
40 005D0811 005CC1DD Yeah, this looks like the right place. Stir the pot a bit, let's see what floats to the top. Giving orders
41 005CC1DE This is the place. Guns, sledge hammers, and whatever you've got on you at the ready. Cause some trouble. Giving orders
42 005CC1DF You're closing in on the hostiles. You are free to engage. Let's see if we can attract some attention. Giving orders
43 005CC1E0 Plenty of hostiles in your area. The head of this little operation must be nearby. Make some noise, see what pokes its head out. Giving orders
44 005CC1E1 Team, you're free to engage the hostiles. We should be able to draw out their leader with a fight... So fight. Giving orders
45 005CC1E2 Weapons hot, team. Let's get their attention. Giving orders
46 005CC1E3 Eliminate all hostiles, team. We'll see if we can draw out their leader. Giving orders
47 005CC1E4 Hostiles are in the area. Fire at will. Giving orders
48 005CC1E5 Looks like you've got a fight ahead of you. You are free to engage. Giving orders
49 005CC1E6 Looks like trouble, alright. Clean this area out, let's see what they're hiding. Giving orders
53 005D0812 005CC1D2 Okay, uplinks are fully operational again. Hrm. Bad news. Looks like that wasn't the last of them. I've got a location for you to check out. Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
54 005CC1D3 There we go, full connection... Looks like it's working, too: I've got a real swarm of hostiles that need eliminating. Head to their position now. Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
55 005CC1D4 The second uplink is... back. Excellent work. Job isn't done yet, I've got a pocket of activity that needs to be looked into. Proceed with caution. Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
56 005CC1D5 Uplink activity has been restored. Just in time, too. Some really nasty looking activity near your location. Head there and handle it. Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
57 005CC1D6 I've got connection from both uplinks. Good going, but don't get comfortable. I'm getting readings on something big and bad near you. Head over. Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
58 005CC1D7 Alright, signal's clear as a bell. It looks like you aren't done there yet, though. We've got hostile activity nearby. Can you take a look? Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
59 005CC1D8 Team, I've got connection... And it's already providing good intel: looks like you've got a serious threat in your area. Be ready for anything. Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
60 005CC1D9 The uplinks are back and are giving me readings of something real nasty near by. I'll need you to take care of it before heading back. You've got this. Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
61 005CC1DA Great work, but we're not out of the woods yet. It's clear that the area is still a hotbed of hostiles. I'm sending you some coordinates. Move out. Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
62 005CC1DB Okay, uplinks are running and providing intel again... And... Well, that doesn't look great. Looks downright dangerous, actually. Thanks in advance. Good work, but... looks like there's trouble somewhere nearby
66 005D0813 005CC1C7 The second uplink is starting to come through. Looks like it's getting a little crowded in there, stay on that uplink. Player started something tough
67 005CC1C8 Calibration on the second uplink initiated. It's about to get a little dicier in there. Don't let up! Player started something tough
68 005CC1C9 Second uplink is starting to come through now. You've got this, team. Player started something tough
69 005CC1CA I'm getting another uplink signal coming in. Stay on it, team. Almost there now. Player started something tough
70 005CC1CB Signal calibration started on uplink two. Give 'em hell in the mean time. Player started something tough
71 005CC1CC Second calibration is starting up. That's more like it. Stay close and make sure the job gets done. Player started something tough
72 005CC1CD Uplink two is calibrating. Keep the area secure while it finishes. Stay safe, team. Player started something tough
73 005CC1CE That looks like another uplink coming through. Things are going to start heating up in there. Watch yourselves. Player started something tough
74 005CC1CF Perfect, I'm starting to see the signal from the second uplink. But we're not done yet, stay on it. Player started something tough
75 005CC1D0 Signal calibration of uplink two underway. Stick close, keep shooting, and make this one fast. Player started something tough
79 005D0814 005CC1BC One uplink signal is calibrated. Head to the other before you lose your ground. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
80 005CC1BD One down, but we're not done yet. Get on that other uplink, team. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
81 005CC1BE Signal calibration one complete. But we need two. Head over to the other, double time. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
82 005CC1BF That's one uplink calibrated. Don't leave a job half done, get to that other uplink. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
83 005CC1C0 Okay, the first signal calibration is complete. We need both for proper connection. Head to the second uplink. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
84 005CC1C1 I've got a signal from the first uplink. Don't let up, head to the other one now. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
85 005CC1C2 Uplink one... calibrated. Not much good on it's own, head to the second uplink. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
86 005CC1C3 And that little light means I've got one calibrated signal. How about you head to the second uplink and give me another? A little cheeky. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
87 005CC1C4 The first signal is calibrated, but we're not done yet. Head to uplink two, and hustle. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
88 005CC1C5 One uplink completed. Head to the second uplink before you get overrun. Players did good, but they aren't done yet.
92 005D0815 005CC1B1 Signal calibration started. Watch your back, you just kicked a hornet's nest. Providing update, giving orders
93 005CC1B2 Initiating signal calibration. They won't take that lying down, brace yourselves. Providing update, giving orders
94 005CC1B3 The first uplink calibration is starting up. Stay close by to speed up the process, and watch your back. Providing update, giving orders
95 005CC1B4 The first uplink's signal is coming through... and I can already see you've got company. Stand your ground! Providing update, giving orders
96 005CC1B5 There we go, I'm seeing the signal calibration has started. It's weak, but it's there. Keep an eye on it. Providing update, giving orders
97 005CC1B6 The uplink's signal is starting to come through now. Watch for hostiles. Providing update, giving orders
98 005CC1B7 Calibration underway on the first uplink. You've got hostiles in your area, team. Take them out. Providing update, giving orders
99 005CC1B8 Signal calibration... starting now. Looks like you've got company. Ad Victoriam. Providing update, giving orders
100 005CC1B9 Signal calibration starting. I'm picking up hostiles. Team, give 'em the Brotherhood welcome. Providing update, giving orders
101 005CC1BA Beginning signal calibration. Team, watch for enemy contact. Providing update, giving orders
105 005D0816 005CC1A6 Coming through loud and clear. You should be able to spot the first uplink now. Giving orders.
106 005CC1A7 Signal repeater seems operational. Time to head to the first uplink. Watch yourself. Giving orders.
107 005CC1A8 Great, I've got connection to the signal repeater. Both uplinks are definitely dark. Head to the first one now. Giving orders.
108 005CC1A9 Signal repeater is looking good. Time to head to the first uplink. Giving orders.
109 005CC1AA And... there's the signal repeater. Well done. On to the first uplink. Giving orders.
110 005CC1AB Perfect, there's the connection from the signal repeater. Your next target is the first uplink. Giving orders.
111 005CC1AC You can head to the first uplink, we've got connection from the signal repeater. Giving orders.
112 005CC1AD Signal repeater... coming through. That's what I like to see. Head to the first uplink, team. Giving orders.
113 005CC1AE Team, I've got a signal. Head to the first uplink to re-establish connection. Giving orders.
114 005CC1AF Okay, the repeater is coming through now. Head to the first uplink. Let's get 'em connected. Giving orders.
118 005D0817 005CC198 This is the Brotherhood of Steel. Readings from uplinks in this area have stopped coming through. Find them, fix them. Blunt but instructional. Medium energy -- not shouting, but slight urgency.
119 005CC199 Team, this is Dodge. The Brotherhood needs the uplinks in this area operational to track enemy movements. Blunt but instructional. Medium energy -- not shouting, but slight urgency.
120 005CC1FD This is Initiate Dodge. We've lost contact with the uplinks in your area. We'll need 'em operational if we hope to keep tabs on the enemy. Blunt but instructional. Medium energy -- not shouting, but slight urgency.
121 005CC1FE Initiate Dodge, Brotherhood of Steel. We've got uplinks that have gone dark. Your mission is to show them the light again. Somewhat cheeky at the end. Blunt but instructional. Medium energy -- not shouting, but slight urgency.
122 005CC1FF Come in, this is Dodge. I've lost contact with the uplinks in this area. I'm trusting you to get that resolved. Blunt but instructional. Medium energy -- not shouting, but slight urgency.
123 005CC200 Ad Victoriam. Initiate Dodge with the Brotherhood of Steel. Your mission is to figure out why we lost contact with the uplinks in this area. Blunt but instructional. Medium energy -- not shouting, but slight urgency.
124 005CC201 Initiate Vernon Dodge, Brotherhood of Steel. This area is a hotbed of enemy activity, but we've lost connection to the uplinks providing intel. Blunt but instructional. Medium energy -- not shouting, but slight urgency.
125 005CC202 Come in. Restoring connection to the uplinks in this area is mission critical to the Brotherhood's efforts. Blunt but instructional. Medium energy -- not shouting, but slight urgency.
126 005CC203 Initiate Dodge here. We've got uplinks that have gone dark. Get them operational, we need to know what we're dealing with out there. Blunt but instructional. Medium energy -- not shouting, but slight urgency.