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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vera Thornberg.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 0069F390 0069F2C8 Hey there, how can I help? A greeting as the player speaks to her.
4 0069F391 Oh hey, got the pictures yet? Player speaks to her again after agreeing to get the photos for her.
6 006A2059 Oh, have ya changed your mind? Player did not accept her quest once told, then returned to her. This is her new greeting.
12 Get rid of them, but get out there and take them yourself. 0069F352 You're right, does sound like the right thing to do after all. It won't be for a while, but I'll try. I can put off sendin' the letter till then. The player convinces to ditch the photos and travel there herself. She puts off sending her letter till then.
13 Keep them as a momento. Might help you find the pitstops one day. 0069F37A Yeah it would brighten up the shop, and maybe one day I'll go there using them as a reference. I guess I can write that. The player convinces her to keep the pictures and use them as a reference to travel there one day. She decides to write that in her letter.
14 Just lie. Odds are he'll believe anything you say. 0069F358 I don't wanna be dishonest... but it would be far less embarrassing than him knowing I haven't set foot outside this pitstop. The player convinces her to lie in her letter, saying she went to the locations and took the pictures.
15 It's not cheating. It's just a preview of places you're planning to visit. 0069F35B Yeah, you're right. He'd appreciate seeing them, and I can let him know I still plan to visit them, eventually. The player convinces her she can write back back to her father saying the pictures are just a preview of places she plans to visit, telling the truth
16 0069F2D8 0069F39B Thank you for all your hard work. Please let Vinny know I'll be more focused now that's off my mind. Thanks the player for their work and asks them to ease Vinny’s mind about her focusing at work.
17 Here, take this as a token of my appreciation. She gives the players a gift to thank them for their work.
18 You sure? He'd probably love to see his old pitstops. 0069F33F You're right, but I don't know what I should tell him. I mean it's cheatin' ain't it? I never went there. During her moral dilemma the player tries to convince her that her father would still like to see the pictures regardless who took them.
19 0069F2DD 0069F365 Oh these look swell! Not exactly how I imagined them, a bit more run down, but as to be expect I suppose... She studies the pictures the player handed over.
20 *Sighs* Looking at these now, it dawns on me that I probably shouldn't be sending these back if I didn't take them. She has a moral dilemma where she realises that would be lying if she sends these pictures.
21 I don't have them yet, I'll be back 0069F345 Oh no worries, I'm sure it will take a while. My Daddy did like to travel back then, and those pitstops are pretty far apart. Player leaves dialogue after saying they do not have the pictures yet.
22 Why did you want these photos again? 0069F36A I want to show my Daddy what his old trucker pitstops look like now after the bombs dropped. Player asks why she wants the pictures again while tasked to get them. Reminder on she wants to show him his old pitstops after the bombs dropped.
23 He hasn't the mind to travel since Momma passed, so I want to send these back to cheer him up. And... to show I travelled like I said I would. Player asks why she wants the pictures again while tasked to get them. Reminder on her wanting to cheer him up, and show she traveled.
24 I have the photos right here. 0069F34C Bless my stars, you actually did it! Daddy's gonna be so happy! Player gave her the photos.
25 I'm busy right now. 0069F374 Oh, no worries. I'm not going anywhere after all. Come on back if ya change your mind. Player backs out of dialogue without accepting quest.
26 Do I look like a tourist? Just do your job right. 0069F353 S-sorry. I'm trying my best, but I just can't seem to focus with this on my mind. Player rebukes her as a tourist, and she apologises but makes it clear she won’t be able to focus till her problem is solved.
27 What's so important about getting these photos? 0069F37B Well I was plannin' on visiting the pitstops of my Daddy's old trucker route from before the bombs dropped. Player asked why she wants the photos. She wanted to stop by her father’s old trucker pitstops from before the war.
28 I know seeing those old places would just warm his heart, specially since he hasn't had a mind to travel since Momma passed. Player asked why she wants the photos. She wants to use the photos to cheer up her father since he does not travel since Vera' mother died.
29 *Sighs* But, I can't just abandon my post after Joanna went to all the trouble getting it for me. Plus I'm not sure if I'd last one minute out there alone. Player asked why she wants the photos. She does not want to abandon her job out of loyalty to Joanna, and she is no fighter, scared of creatures.
30 Sure, I'll get those photos for you. 0069F359 Oh, you're sweeter than a Nuka-Cola. I'll mark the locations on your map. Player agreed to get the photos. She thanks the player and marks the locations.
31 A nice picture of a sign, or maybe a landmark would be great. Thanks again! Player agreed to get the photos. She specifies a landmark or sign.
32 0069F2EC 0069F392 Ya see, the problem is I've been fixin' to reply to my Daddy's last letter about my travels around Appalachia. She expands on her distraction. She wants to send a letter back to her father, but needs photos showing she traveled.
33 But I've been stuck mindin' the shop instead of travellin' like he did, which is the whole reason I joined up, ya know. She expands on her distraction. She got stuck at the Pitstop and never got to travel.
34 Been puttin' off replyin' to his last letter for some time now because I have no pictures of my travels to send back. She expands on her distraction. She lacks the pictures to reply to her father’s letter, not wanting him to know she hasn’t traveled.
35 Oh hey, you get around a lot, right? Any chance you'd be willin' to take a few pictures for me? She expands on her distraction. She figures the player gets around and could get the photos for her.
36 Would take a load off my mind if I could reply to this letter showin' him I actually get around out here. She expands on her distraction. She expresses getting those pictures and replying to that letter will help her focus.
45 Vinny sent me to help you focus on your work. 0069F340 *Sighs* Yeah, I guess I have been a smidge distracted lately. Player said her boss sent them to check up on her.
46 Actually, nevermind. 0069F366 Oh, okay... Player backs out of the dialogue without telling her Vinny sent them.
47 006A1E40 0069F35F I don't know, maybe I should just get rid of 'em. During her moral dilemma the player agrees she should not send the pictures, but asks what she’s going to do with them.
48 006A1E45 Sure did! Got a reply too! He wrote how happy he was to see they look the same, minus the wear and tear, and all. Thanks again! Vera telling the truth and sending the photos was taken quite positively by her father, so she tells you.
49 006A1E46 Uhuh, got a reply too. He wrote about how proud he was of me for travellin' out there. *Sighs* I feel like such a big coward and fraud for lyin'... When asked, Vera feels down about lying to her father, because she got a letter where she praised her highly, leaving her feeling guilty.
50 006A1E47 Yup, he replied too. Reassurin' me that I don't need to travel. But ya know, staring at those pictures each day, it's motivated me to still try. When asked, she reveals he father got back to her reassuring her she does not need to travel, but keeping the photos has kept her motivation to do so
51 006A1E48 Requested the time off already, even planning a few routes. Best of all, Clyde even agreed to escort me! Thanks for the nudge. When asked, Vera has been planning her travels and thanks you for motivating her.
52 006A1E49 Yeah, and he replied saying not to worry about travellin' and to make the most of this place. *Sighs* Maybe he's right, I guess I'm not cut out for it. When asked, Vera feels down because her father convinced her to not worry about travelling.
55 006A250E So, as I was sayin'... Player started conversation. Used for when we have to return to a checkpoint in longer dialogue scenes.
56 006A250F Mm-hmm, okay. Used for things like "not now" or "let's talk about something else".
57 006A2510 Say hi to Vinny for me, and be sure to let him know I won't be distracted anymore. Player speaks to her again after giving her the photos and helping her with her moral dilemma. She directs them to Vinny.

60 [Lie] Vinny knows about all the mistakes you made, so he sent me. 006A2053 Huh? He couldn't know about the time I lost the cattle, or when I got milk in the terminal? Not the day's earnings down the outhouse? Player lied saying Vinny knows about all the mistakes they have been making. She panics and lists all the mistakes.
61 Clyde said he wouldn't tell anybody about that... Player lied saying Vinny knows about all the mistakes they have been making. Clyde was the only one that knew, so she assumes he told him.
62 Throw them out, I don't care, just get back to work. 006A2057 Sorry, I-I didn't mean to waste your time. *Sighs* I guess I'll just be honest and let him know my situation. The player does not care and tells her to throw them away. She does that and just writes a letter about the truth and her frustrations.
63 006DF28A 006DF28B Dialogue checkpoint is set here.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00693D4A 00693D59 Welcome to the Middle Mountain Pitstop, what'cha need? Player spoke to her, and is a stranger, so she greets you as a new customer.
3 0069F37C Hey there, what can I do for ya? A general greeting to the player.
4 0069F37D Thanks again for before. How can I help? She remembers the player from them helping her on the event or quest.
5 0069F37E Well good mornin', what brings ya to my shop so early? Not used to seeing folk up around this time. A Player spoke to her in the early morning, she did not expect customers yet.
6 0069F37F *Sighs* Boy am I beat. So, what can I do for ya this fine evenin'? A Player spoke to her late at night, and she is tired.
7 0069F380 Oh hey, Luca had some nice things to say about ya recently. Need somethin'? The player helped Luca in his event and he mentioned it to her.
10 00693D4B 0069F393 Always happy to see a customer. She does not know the player, but she greets them as they enter her shop.
11 0069F394 Hey early bird. Lucky you, got some freshly made Brahmin milk for sale. Why not try some to start the day? Player entered her shop very early in the morning and walked up to her. She has freshly milked the Brahmin.
12 0069F395 Late night shoppin'? Why not visit the Boozin Brahmin after for a nightcap, and you can always take a load off at the Sleep Stop after. Player walked up to her at night. She directs you to the bar and bedhouse.
13 0069F396 Take your time browsing the stock. The player walks up to her in her shop and she assumes you are browsing the stock.
14 0069F397 Good to see you again. Player enters her store and she recognizes them from completing the Pitstop event or quest.
15 0069F398 My Daddy used to get a scoop at the creamery every time he was passin' through just to meet my Momma. Romantic considerin' his err... dairy problems. As the player approaches, Vera reminisces about the photos they gave her on her quest. Photo of a icecream creamery where her father met her mother.
16 0069F399 Been thinkin' about Daddy's Mountainside Bed and Breakfast pitstop. Wonder if the same folks still run it, or if it changed hands. As the player approaches, Vera reminisces about the photos they gave her on her quest. Photo of a bed and breakfast motel.
17 0069F39A You know it's a shame about the Ferris wheel at the Tyler County Fair, my Daddy said he proposed to my Momma on it. As the player approaches, Vera reminisces about the photos they gave her on her quest. Photo of a broken Ferris wheel.
18 00693D4C 0069F3A0 Job hasn't turned out the way I thought it would. *Sighs* See the world they said... Player has not completed her quest to solve her feeling stuck at the pitstop, unable to travel and get photos of her travels.
19 0069F3A1 *Groans* Mornin' chores never get any easier. It’s morning, and she is groaning about the chores she has to do as the Brahmin carer.
20 0069F3A2 *Yawns* I can barely keep my eyes open. Not sure how Daddy pulled those all-nighters on the road. It’s late at night and she is tired. She reminisces about her dad being a pre-war trucker.
21 0069F3A3 Sure hope these repeller doohickies do the trick for keepin' us safe. Specially after the last few incidents. The repellers work, but they also break and attract creatures sometimes. She is voicing her worries aloud.
22 0069F3A4 Another Brahmin graduating soon. I'm so proud. Thinking aloud. A Brahmin is almost fully raised, which means she will switch them out soon with another for "graduating", passing the names on.
23 0069F3A5 What did Daddy used to say? It ain't about the destination, but the pitstops along the way. Didn't say nothin' about getting stuck at one though... Thinking aloud about a words of sage advice her father gave her. However, she feels she is stuck here at this Pitstop and can’t travel.
24 0069F3A6 I keep tellin' him, Clyde, if ya carry a note pad, everyone would understand ya. Clyde is mute. She thinks aloud here at her frustration with him not using a notepad like she asked.
25 He just shrugs and gives me that look. He's probably right though, who can read now days? Clyde is mute. She thinks aloud here at her frustration with him not using a notepad like she asked.
26 0069F3A7 Kinda tough both runnin' the store and carin' for the cattle. *Sighs* Don't leave much time for anythin' else. She is a little overworked and expresses that.
27 What kind of stuff goes on around here? 00693D5C We sell general goods, plus some extras like fresh milk, on account of rasin' the Blue Ridge Caravan Brahmin here. Player asked what there is to do around here. She mentions her store and the local Brahmin.
28 Besides the shop, Clyde sells drinks over at our bar the Boozin Brahmin, and you can always take a load off at the Sleep Stop if ya get tired. Player asked what there is to do around here. She mentions the bar and bed house.
29 Just mind yourself outside, had some critters attack the place recently, hence the repairs goin' on. Player asked what there is to do around here. She mentions the damage on the grounds are due to some attacks by local creatures.
30 So tell me about yourself. 00693D55 Who, me? Oh umm, not much to say really. Came from a bit back out west. My Daddy worked for Blue Ridge, drivin' trucks for Joanna. Player asks about her. She mentions where she came from, her father having ties with Joanna got her the job.
31 Well, before the bombs I mean, when roads were in one piece and trucks weren't just explosive target practice. Player asks about her. She expands on her father being a trucker before the bombs.
32 Bein' a rookie, Vinny set me up looking after the Brahmin here. Guess he doesn't think I'm ready to travel as a caravanner yet. Player asks about her. She mentions her work, though she isn’t exactly thrilled with the job.
33 See you later. 00693D5D You come back now, ya hear. She says goodbye as the player leaves the conversation.
34 Clyde doesn't talk much, does he? 0069F347 Clyde? Don't take offence to the silent treatment. Is more account on him losin' his tongue. Never got a clear answer about what happened. Clyde is mute, so the Player asks about that. She mentions he has no tongue.
35 Rumour is he had a bad run in with raiders. Others reckon he just lost it to a bad Radscorpion stew. Clyde is mute, so the Player asks about that. There’s a few rumours about how that happened.
36 Anyways, he runs security at the Pitstop. A big softy really once he gets to know ya. Hear he used to work for Vinny back in the day. Clyde is mute, so the Player asks about that. She mentions what he does here.
37 [Charisma 4+] So what's the deal with the Brahmin having two names? 0069F36C Well, okay. A charming player asks about the Brahmins with two names. A name per head.
38 Now my momma always said each Brahmin head was it's own special self, so of course I had to give each two names. A charming player asks about the Brahmins with two names. She gave them double names because her mother taught her each head is their own individual.
39 Had fun pickin' their monikers. And of course once one "moos" on, seemed easier just lettin' the new one take over the mantle. A charming player asks about the Brahmins with two names. She mentions she just passes on the names to the replacement Brahmin.
40 I wanted to ask you something else. 0069F34D Sure, like what? Player backs out of that more info dialogue tree.
41 How long have you been with running the shop?In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar 0069F375 Joined up a while back thanks to my Daddy knowin' Joanna from before the bombs dropped. Player asks how long she’s been running the shop. She mentions her father helped get her the job through knowing Joanna.
42 This cabin area was converted recently into our new pitstop, allowin' the caravanners to rest and trade Brahmin. Been here since. Player asks how long she’s been running the shop. Mentions these cabins got converted into the Pitstop recently and she started about then.
43 So Blue Ridge was a trucker company? 0069F354 Sure was, my Daddy told me all about it. Taught me their own special lingo and everythin'. Players as about Blue Ridge being a former trucker company. She expands on her father telling her all about it.
44 Told me plenty of stories about the world before it got so crazy. Made me want to become a caravanner to follow in his footsteps, hence why I'm here. Players as about Blue Ridge being a former trucker company. Her father inspired her to become a caravanner.
45 I wanted to ask you something else. 0069F381 What else do you wanna to know? Player backs out of this more info dialogue tree.
54 [Intelligence 1-] I bet you get to ride the Brahmin anytime you want. 006A16F0 Huh, no, no... Well... maybe a little, but don't tell nobody okay. Ain't supposed to. Company policy and all. Player asks a low intelligence question, and she reveals, yes, she rides the Brahmin sometimes.
55 What's caring for Brahmin like? 006A16EF *Sighs* It's not caravannin', but it's not all that bad. Cattle can be pretty cute, just gotta get used to early mornin' chores. Not a fan of the muck though. She hints she’d rather be a caravanner, but says it’s not all that bad.
56 What caused the place to get attacked? 006A16F6 Always been critters around these parts I hear. Gave us a lot of trouble when we converted these cabins into our Pitstop. Player asks what cause the creature attacks. She tells you about the creatures that used to roam before the Pitstop was set up.
57 Aries got his guys to install some fancy repeller speaker doohickies, which are supposed to keep them away. Player asks what cause the creature attacks. She mentions the repellers that Aries got set up here to help.
58 Not for nothin', but it's a heck-of-a mess. Has a tendency to break down and do the reverse. Sightin's of somethin' huge the last few times. Player asks what cause the creature attacks. She mentions its a shoddy mess that breaks down and attracts creatures.
59 Did you send the letter? 006AAF4F Yup, he replied too. Reassurin' me that I don't need to travel. But ya know, staring at those pictures each day, it's motivated me to still try. On Vera quest the player told her to not send the photos back to her father and keep them.
60 006AAF50 Yeah, and he replied saying not to worry about travelin' and to make the most of this place. *Sighs* Maybe he's right, I guess I'm not cut out for it. On Vera quest the player was mean telling her to get rid of the photos and to get back to work.
61 Did you send the photos? 006AAF4C Sure did! Got a reply too! He wrote how happy he was to see they look the same, minus the wear and tear, and all. Thanks again! On Vera quest the player told her to send the photos back to her father and be truthful.
62 006AAF4D Uhuh, got a reply too. He wrote about how proud he was of me for travelin' out there. *Sighs* I feel like such a big coward and fraud for lying... On Vera quest the player told her to send the photos back to her father and lie.
63 How goes the travel plans? 006AAF4A Requested the time off already, even planning a few routes. Best of all, Clyde even agreed to escort me! Thanks for the nudge. On Vera quest the player told her to not send the photos back to her father and to travel to get them herself.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0069065A 00690796 Oh no, no, no. We might have to trek back to Big Bend for help, Clyde. Player decided to leave and she panics thinking they actually will have to abandon the pitstop.
2 0069065B 00690794 Gosh darn it... Vinny ain't gonna like this, what are we gonna do... Standing up the road from the pitstop swarmed by creatures, they’re not sure if they want to abandon it because their boss Vinny won’t like it.
3 0069F382 Think Vera, think... If we can't get anyone to help, then maybe we're gonna have to hike back. Though that might be just as dangerous. She considers abandoning the pitstop and hiking to Big Bend with all five Brahmin. Might be dangerous though on the road.
4 0069F383 Got any ideas Clyde? She asks Clyde for ideas, but being mute he does not respond. They decide to wait for a bit longer.
5 Right... I guess we can wait a bit longer, maybe someone will come by. She asks Clyde for ideas, but being mute he shrugs. They decide to wait for a bit longer.
10 0069065C 00690798 Hey... you uh, willin' to help a girl out? Creatures have overrun the pitstop and Vera and Clyde are considering abandoning it, but holding out for a passer-by to help.
11 0069F39C Vinny didn't send ya to check up on us did he? Vera spots the player, and get’s paranoid that her boss, Vinny, sent them.
12 0069F39D Ya might want to be careful here, critters are swarmin' the place. She warns the player about creatures that recently swarmed the pitstop down the road.
13 0069F39E Glad to see ya back. We're kinda in a bit of a pickle. Recognizes the player from doing the event or quest previously.
14 [Start Event] Sure, happy to help. What do you need? 0069078C Oh thank my lucky stars. Please clear out the critters nestin' at the Pitstop. Player agreed to help. She explains what to do.
15 Me and Clyde will watch from here, and I'll be sure to radio in. She lets the player know she will radio in while watching from up the road here.
16 Watch your donkey, those critters are meaner than a Molerat at supper time. She gives a colourful warning about the creatures.
17 00690661 00690790 Glad to see another person out here. We er, could do with some help. She has not seen the player before, and attempts to ask for their help.
19 0069F3AC So, the speakers went on the fritz again. Could do with your help. She recognizes the player from helping her on her event or quest before. Mentions the speakers broke again and asks for your help.
20 0069F3AD You're gonna help us right? Player spoke to her and backed out of the conversation. So she is hopeful with your return that you’ll help.
21 0069F3AE Critters still need to be cleared... Vera responds reminding the player there is a task still to be done.
22 0069F3B1 Still need help gettin' the speakers workin'... Vera responds reminding the player there is a task still to be done.
23 0069F3B2 You gotta protect the pitstop, please! Vera responds reminding the player there is a task still to be done. Enemies are attacking the speaker tower at this stage.
26 Before I agree to anything I want to know more about the situation. 0069078E Uh sure, it's pretty bad. Where to start... General line showing a lot has happened and she’s thinking of what to say.
27 What happened to the pitstop? 00690672 The speakers went on the fritz and screeched somethin' fierce. Before we knew it the Pitstop was overrun with critters. Telling the player what happened to the pitstop. Speakers attracted the creatures that overrun the Pitstop.
28 Everyone scattered and we barely got out with the herd intact. Need your help evictin' the critters still squattin' there. Telling the player what happened to the pitstop. Any NPCs off quest fled, and creatures are now at Pitstop.
29 Who are you? 00690676 Name's Vera. Joined Blue Ridge a while back, now takin' care of the Brahmin here and runnin' the store. Oh and that's Clyde, he runs the bar. Player asked who she was. She introduces herself and Clyde.
30 That's all I wanted to know. 0069078D You're gonna help us right? Player saying they asked enough questions, she is hopeful they agreed to help.
31 0069F326 0069F36E The critters swarmed the Pitstop so suddenly. Thanks for agreein' to help clear them out. Event begins and Players are off to clear out the creatures. She thanks the players for helping.
32 The repeller thingamajigs Aries sent over were supposed to keep them away, but broke and had the opposite effect. Event begins and Players are off to clear out the creatures. She mentions the speaker device Aries got set up are not working attracted the creatures
33 0069F328 0069F377 Clyde, I think it's getting worse, not better! Ya gotta hurry! The repellers malfunction again.
34 0069F329 0069F356 That's the last of the critters. Great job. Players just cleared out the creatures.
35 Oh darn, looks like the circuit breakers have blown, mind patchin' them up so Clyde can get the repellers runnin'? The circuit breakers are damaged preventing the speakers from turning on, so she asks the players to fix them.
36 Just follow the cables from the generator. They'll lead ya right to them. She tells the players follow the generator cables, which lead to each circuit breaker and speaker.
37 0069F32A 0069F3B7 Oh no, no, no. Clyde hurry, that big thing is back! And it's looking mighty hungry! A big monster shows up, where she hints they’ve seen it before wrecking the place.
38 D-don't gawk now, shoot that thing! She calls for the player’s help to kill the big monster.
39 0069F32C 0069F342 W-what the heck! Ya got the juice turned too high Clyde! Speakers are fixed, then a visual effect happens with a ringing noise. All the creature’s heads explode.
40 Those speaker packed a punch! Least our noggins are in one piece, though my teeth hurt a little... The speakers popped all the creature’s heads, and Vera’s teeth hurt, but is okay.
41 Anyways, hope the reward is enough, you really saved our behinds. Be sure to come on back once we clean things up. Vera rewards the players for recovering the Pitstop from the creatures.
42 0069F32D 0069F368 Guess we're gonna have to head back to Big Bend for help Clyde. *Sighs* Vinny isn't gonna like this. They stood around waiting for help that never came, so they gave up and on the pitstop and now will return to their base. Worried about boss though.
43 0069F32E 0069F34A The grounds look clear. Hopefully there ain't much damage. She says this line if the players have cleared out the pitstop grounds, wondering about the damage.
44 0069F32F 0069F372 Cleared the cabins? Here's hopin' they didn't damage our stock. She says this line if the players have cleared out the cabins, wondering about the damage.
45 0069F333 0069F3B6 Oh, I see a repeller light back on! Players fixed a circuit breaker. The light on a repeller speaker will change, and she calls it out.
46 0069F334 0069F361 Just a few left now. Only few circuit breakers left to repair now, so she calls that out.
47 0069F33A 0069F35D H-hey, we're gonna call it here. Looks like we definitely need more help with this. The Players agreed to help and they slacked off, took too long.
48 Me and Clyde are gonna head back to Big Bend to get some volunteers. Thanks for tryin' though. She decides it’s probably best to just go back and get more help at their base.
49 0069F33B 0069F33D Dang it. Without the generator, this place is done for! Time to hightail it back to Big Bend Clyde. The creatures have been attacking during this phase with the speakers constantly attracting them.
50 Y'all best make a break for it too! They decide to flee to get help back at their base, instructing the Players to flee.
51 006A16E8 006A16F2 You're doin' great! Hold out a little longer! Creatures are swarming the Pitstop due to the speakers making weird noise. The players just killed a lot of them, so she calls out the good job.
52 006A16F3 Clyde hurry! Not sure how long we can hold them off! Creatures are swarming the Pitstop due to the speakers making weird noise. Midway in combat she calls out to Clyde to hurry with the repairs.
53 006A16F4 Stupid doohickies! Gonna give Aries a piece of my mind when I see him next! Creatures are swarming the Pitstop due to the speakers making weird noise. Mid way in combat she gets frustrated with the speakers Aries set up.
54 006A2052 006A2056 What the heck! It broke again?! The repeller speakers are malfunctioning again.
55 Oh! And it's attractin' critters! Please help protect the generator while Clyde tries to get those repeller doohickies workin' again! The speakers start attracting creatures, and Vera asks for the player's help.
56 006A2322 006A2326 Clyde, I think it's getting worse, not better! Someone pressed a thing and the screeching got worse. She points that out.
57 006A2328 Gotta hurry! Not sure how long we can hold them off! Creatures are swarming the Pitstop due to the speakers making weird noise. Midway in combat she calls out to that they gotta hurry with the repairs.
58 006A2329 No pressure, but we're all countin' on ya! Creatures are swarming the Pitstop due to the speakers making weird noise. Mid way into combat she tells the players they're counting on them.
59 006B5DF1 Hey mind patchin' up the fuse box right quick, or we're gonna end up loosin' the generator. If we choose to repair the fuse boxes for the first intermission, we will use this as the second line. Also try "Fuse Boxes".
60 006B5DF2 Hey mind patchin' up the generator right quick, or we're gonna end up loosin' it. If we choose to repair the generator for the first intermission, we will use this as the second line.
61 006B5DF3 You mind gettin' it runnin' again before it blows a fuse? If we choose to repair the generator or fuse boxes for the second intermission, we will use this as the second line.
62 006B5D56 006B5D5F By all means keep any spare materials durin' the repairs. Letting players know they get extra scrap for fixing the circuit breakers.
63 006B5D57 006A16F5 Clyde, no pressure, but we're all countin' on ya! She pressures Clyde into getting it fixed this time.
64 006B5D5A 006B5D61 W-what the heck! The juice must have been turned up too high! The speaker device tower that is malfunctioning just exploaded all the heads of the creatures attacking it. It then turns off for a sec.
65 006B5D5B 006B5D5D Clyde, it's definitely getting worse alright! A third wave of enemies charge in because the machine malfunctioned a third time.