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Fallout Wiki

The Vault 63 organics sector terminal entries are entries found on terminals in the Vault 63 organics sector in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.

Security terminal[]

This terminal is found in the security office right inside from the organics sector entrance.


|           VAULT 63 SECURITY TERMINAL             |
|                                                  |

Remote Door Control[]

Note: This header is displayed when the door is open.


MaxLock Remote Door Control Interface

Note: This header is displayed when the door is closed.


MaxLock Remote Door Control Interface
STATUS: Closed

Open Door[]

Note: Accessing this command opens the door to the subway station area platform just outside the office.


Opening door... done.


Accessing Door...

Hilda's terminal[]

This terminal is found inside Hilda's office. Using any of the options will simply reload the main screen.


|             Vault 63 Human Biology               |
|            Section Chief's Terminal              |

Incoming Messages[]


Access denied.

ReaserchIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Logs[]


Access denied.

Section Door Controls[]


Access denied.

Drug testing terminal[]


|             Vault 63 Drug ReaserchIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar              |
|                  Lab Terminal                  |

Incoming Messages[]


|             Vault 63 Drug ReaserchIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar              |
|                  Lab Terminal                  |



The Incident[]


To: _All
From: Oberlin
Subject: The Incident

As I am sure you are all aware, a member of staff has been attacked by one of the subjects. Due to this, a temporary process has been put in place until we can create more focused and planned procedures.

The subject can not stay alive for longer than two hours. If a sentient subject is necessary for an experiment, two armed guards must be present at all times.

When the subjects are finished with, take them to disposal to be correctly dealt with.

That is all for now.

Chief of Security, James T Oberlin



Experiment Reports[]



Jamie Stewart's terminal[]

This terminal is found in Office 1 in the first area of the Pharmaceuticals Wing.


|             Vault 63 Human Biology               |
|            Jamie Stewart's Terminal              |

Incoming Messages[]


|             Vault 63 Human Biology               |
|            Jamie Stewart's Terminal              |



Research Change[]


To: Human Biology Research
From: Overseer
Subject: New Priority

To the Human Biology Research Department,

We have decided that we want your department to change research priorities for a short while. We want the Human Biology team to focus on a new project based around keeping brains alive outside the human body.

Cassidy and I had been going through old files when we stumbled upon research sent to me by an associate from before the war.

After thinking on it, I believe this could be of vital importance to our security efforts. Cooperation with the Engineering Department will be required. IgnaciusIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar will provide a full brief.

- Hugo



The Incident[]


To: _All
From: Oberlin
Subject: The Incident

As I am sure you are all aware, a member of staff has been attacked by one of the subjects. Due to this, a temporary process has been put in place until we can create more focused and planned procedures.

The subject can not stay alive for longer than two hours. If a sentient subject is necessary for an experiment, two armed guards must be present at all times.

When the subjects are finished with, take them to disposal to be correctly dealt with.

That is all for now.

Chief of Security, James T Oberlin




This wall terminal is found at the end of the hallway past Fluid Handling.


|             Vault 63 Medical Research             |
|                     Terminal                      |

Remote Door Control[]

Note: This header is displayed when the door is open.


MaxLock Remote Door Control Interface

Note: This header is displayed when the door is closed.


MaxLock Remote Door Control Interface
STATUS: Closed

Open Door[]

Note: Accessing this command opens the door back to the Pharmaceuticals Wing foyer.


Opening door... done.


Accessing Door...

Cut content[]

These terminal entries were present in the first version of the Skyline Valley Public Test Server. The Vault 63 organics sector was not publicly released in this iteration of the PTS, but some users were able to use a glitch to enter the location.[1]

Hilda's terminal[]


|             Vault 63 Human Biology               |
|            Section Chief's Terminal              |

Incoming Messages[]



Stewart, J. - Personal Logs - Override Access[]

Personal Log 01[]

Personal Log 01: "Needing Subjects"
User: Jamie Stewart [Scientist]

The team & I had a meeting today, the vault is lacking the necessary components to properly test our experiments. Other species have sufficed for the time being, but to properly continue our research in key areas we require human test subjects.

I, along with a small collection of researchers have been put into a task force with the goal of "finding a solution to needing human test subjects".

I'm certain that when we crack this problem, the research in this vault will have tremendous effect on humanity.


Accessing Log...

Personal Log 02[]
Personal Log 03[]

Personal Log 03: "The Cadaver Project"
User: Jamie Stewart [Scientist]

The taskforce (including myself) have started frequent practical tests in the lab for the Cadaver Project.

The test seems to be going well with a lot of positive results to my surprise. From the test, we know the theory works. The ability to grow these cadavers is a reality.

The possibilities for this discovery are endless and the excitement I feel is overwhelming. Saying all this though an issue has arisen and a major one at that.

We need fully grown adults to test on, these cadavers grow in real time which would set back the prospects of research by 18+ years. To avoid this we need to find a way to speed up this process.

Investigations into this have already started.


Accessing Log...

Personal Log 04[]

Personal Log 04: "The ageing process"
User: Jamie Stewart [Scientist]

It's been a while since I last updated my logs. We have spent a long time trying to figure out how to speed up the ageing process, but today we have cracked it.

The askforce in collaboration with the vault drug department has found a way to artificially age the cadavers with the use of drugs. This has solved a major barrier for The cadaver project research.

The progress and outcomes of this research are beyond miraculous, which has led us to start using the cadavers across the vault for research purposes starting today.


Accessing Log...

Personal Log 05[]

Personal Log 05: "The Attack"
User: Jamie Stewart [Scientist]

Today has been a dark day for the team and I. A member of staff, while performing experiments, was attacked by one of the cadavers. I had no idea this was possible.

Upon investigation of the attack, we have found that the cadavers can become conscious. While in the pods, the cadavers are harmless and seem to be in permanent stasis. This reflects similarly to how real humans are during pre-birth.

The issue arises when the cadavers are left out of the pods for too long. If they are not killed via our experiments they can wake up from this stasis and


Accessing Log...

Personal Log 06[]

Personal Log 06: "New Rules"
User: Jamie Stewart [Scientist]

Since the attack, new rules have been put in place at the vault. Scientists now have 2 hours after the fluid is drained in the pod to conduct experiments on a cadaver. The cadavers will then be processed and put into a furnace which the team are calling the morgue.

Experiments that take longer than two hours must have two guards monitoring the cadaver at all times and the subject must be restrained.


Accessing Log...

Personal Log 07[]

Personal Log 07: "Regret"
User: Jamie Stewart [Scientist]

Regrets lay heavy on my heart. I wish I never started this research. I wish it failed. I wish I could turn back time.

It was easy to separate myself from the cadavers when they were nothing more than empty shells to test on. The more I am forced to test on them, the greater the reality sets in.

How many have we used, and how many have I had a hand in killing. I have tried talking to people about it, but I believe I am the only one having this internal debate.

Does the use and killing of these cadavers justify the end goal to push our research further to help better humanity? Is it ethically right? Regardless of the outcome, this breakthrough will become part of history, with my name regrettably at the forefront of it all.

I am ashamed to be a scientist.


Accessing Log...

ReaserchIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Logs[]



Section Door Controls[]



Jamie Stewart's terminal[]


|             Vault 63 Human Biology               |
|            Jamie Stewart's Terminal              |

Incoming Messages[]

Research Change[]

To: Human Biology Research
From: Overseer
Subject: New Priority

To the human biology research department,

We have decided that we want your department to change research priorities for a short while. We are wanting the Human Biology team to focus on new a project based around keeping brains alive outside the human body.

This research will be centered around extracting brains from the cadavers and keeping them alive outside the body in order to put them into a robot. You as a department will be working closely with the engineering branch in order to produce this research.

You also have full permission to utilize the full extent of the Organics Lab (human biology, drug & plant research teams) in order to achieve the goal.

A full brief will be sent to you shortly...


Accessing Message...

The Incident[]

To: _All
From: Oberlin
Subject: The Incident

As I am sure you are all aware, a member of staff has been attacked by one of the cadavers. Due to this, a new temporary process has been put into place until we can create a more focused and planned procedure.

The cadavers can not stay alive for longer than two hours. If a sentient cadaver is necessary for an experiment, two armed guards must be present at all times.

When the cadavers are done with, take them to the "morgue" where they will be correctly disposed of.

That is all for now.


Accessing Message...

