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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vadim Bobrov.


1AO_Companion_Bar_VadimmyActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?{LA-poch-ka (russian, for "darling/sweetie pie"), so deliver appropriately / Flirting} Bobrov's Best. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Very strong though. Two shots, you pass out on floor... guaranteed.myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A1a
2myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?{Friendly with a salesman flare - Talking to Codsworth about his moonshine. / Friendly} Only the best moonshine in the Commonwealth. "Bobrov's Best" I call it. Robot should try. See if it's strong enough to power that engine, yes?myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A2a
3myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?Alcohol? No, I serve nectar. Nectar of the gods. Bobrov's Best.myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A3a
4myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?{Confident} Is something to do with baseball. Got idea from old map of stadium.myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A4a
5myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?Ah, the mysterious John Doe. Last time I see you, you were in uniform. But, strangely, the other guards don't know anything about you.myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A5a
6myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?{Confused. Someone just is speaking very intensely to you. / Suspicious} Uh, yes. I do not think I've had pleasure.myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A6a
7myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?{jovial back to NPC, joking with him / Amused} MacCready! Is good to see you, tovarisch. How is Lucy? She still as beautiful as I remember?myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A7a
8myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?{Excited. / Happy} Piper! You have finally decided to come publish Vadim's latest tale of heroism, yes? H-heroism. That's it. Heroism. I don't say this word too often.myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A8a
9myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?{Happy} Preston! My friend! Long time, no see.A9a
10{Concerned} I've been worried about you. The stories, you know...myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A9b
11myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?{Afraid} Uh... fresh out of hound blood. Not a lot of water either.myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A10a
12myActor: Hey, handsome... what are you servin'?{Concerned} Oh, Nicky. I'm glad you're here. I've got new batch of moonshine I'm not sure is, uh, ripened yet.myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.A11a
13myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.Record is mine. Fourteen shots in less than two minutes. If you beat, I give them to you free. You lose, you pay double.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A1a
14myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.{Friendly and salesman-like. / Friendly} Perhaps you miss out on once in a lifetime opportunity? Vadim can give you warranty as well.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A2a
15myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.After you try Bobrov's Best, you will disagree. Mark my words.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A3a
16myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.Go talk to Moe Cronin. He tell you all about old American sport. I warn you. Once you get him started, he not want to stop.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A4a
17myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.It is almost like you are not a guard at all. Crazy, I know. But also curious.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A5a
18myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.{Considering a business proposal. / Neutral} I... huh. Is good idea.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A6a
19myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.{Amused} I'm sorry, mouth tends to be faster than brain. Tell you what, I give you a drink on the house... for old times.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A7a
20myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.{Excited. / Happy} You will not believe. So, I awoke after night of fun to find myself wearing a coating of robot coolant... and nothing else...myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A8a
21myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.{Friendly} Fantastic news. Please, take load off. Relax and have drink.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A9a
22myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.{nervous smile, trying to not upset him. / Grateful} I'll get you a Bobrov's. It's kind of like water.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A10a
23myActor: You don't know me very well, do ya? If you've got a record for number of shots done here, I'll double it.{Pleading} Yes, this is bingo. Help your friend, Vadim.myActor: Uh, maybe I'll just have some scotch.A11a


24ConvDiamondCityDugoutVadimScarlettSceneHey Scarlett. You want to hear true story of how I won Dugout Inn from previous owner?Scarlett: Sure, Vadim. Let's hear today's version.A1a
25Scarlett: Sure, Vadim. Let's hear today's version.The two of us get so drunk one night, he challenges me to fight Yao Guai bare-handed.Scarlett: Oh really?A1a
26Scarlett: Oh really?Yes. I stalk the monster for hours, camouflaged only in mud and leaves. Slowly... I wait until he lies down to sleep.A1a
27Then I come upon him from his behind, and grab onto his two gigantic globes of shame.A1b
28He drags me clear across the Commonwealth with me holding on for dear life as I pulled harder and harder.A1c
29It looked like he died of heart attack, but if you ask me, it was embarrassment that killed the best.Scarlett: I... there are no words. None. You really expect anyone to believe that story?A1d
30Scarlett: I... there are no words. None. You really expect anyone to believe that story?Hey, when you are half-drunk on moonshine, you believe anything.A1a


31ConvDiamondCityDugoutVadimScarlett02YefimSceneScarlett: Vadim. About the other night...{Nervous} Oh no. What did I do? I swear, if I said or did anything... ungentlemanly, I apologize...Scarlett: No, no... We're fine, Vadim. You passed out after tending bar. Nothing happened.A1a
32Scarlett: No, no... We're fine, Vadim. You passed out after tending bar. Nothing happened.{Grateful} Oh thank god. You have no idea how many waitresses we lose that way.Scarlett: I... can imagine. No, look, Vadim. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You were crying... a lot... before we closed up.A1a
33Scarlett: I... can imagine. No, look, Vadim. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You were crying... a lot... before we closed up.{laughing / Happy} Me? Crying? Unthinkable.Scarlett: You kept going on about how much you missed your mother? You and Yefim never talk about your family. Maybe you two should...A1a
34Scarlett: You kept going on about how much you missed your mother? You and Yefim never talk about your family. Maybe you two should...{Stern} Oh no, we are not getting into that. End of discussion.A1a


35ConvDiamondCityVadimYefimScene{Concerned} Why you look so grouchy, brother? Lighten up! You ruin mood of whole bar.Yefim: Yeah, about that... could you maybe cut people off earlier tonight?A1a
36Yefim: Yeah, about that... could you maybe cut people off earlier tonight?{Surprised} What!? What kind of question is that?Yefim: Do you know how much work it is to handle hotel guests that black out?A1a
37Yefim: Dragging them to bed? Making sure they don't die of alcohol poisoning? Not to mention the vomit...{Irritated} Nonsense. Is all part of Dugout Inn experience. I am not shutting down the bar early, and that's that.A1a


38ConvDiamondCityVadimYefim02ScarlettSceneYefim: Vadim. We need to talk.{Tired} Oh no. What I do this time? You remind me of mother, all this nagging...Yefim: I need you to stop drinking while you're at work. Last night, poor Scarlett had to carry you to your room before you passed out.A1a
39Yefim: I need you to stop drinking while you're at work. Last night, poor Scarlett had to carry you to your room before you passed out.She is strong girl. I don't see problem.Yefim: Look, we don't pay her to babysit you, okay? Taper off early next time.A1a


40ConvDiamondCityVadimYefim03SceneHow about you tend bar sometime, brother?Yefim: This again? No... I don't...A1a
41Yefim: This again? No... I don't...You need to get out more! Have some fun! Tending bar is great way to meet people.Yefim: Exactly. I'll be behind there all night, while everyone asks where you are, and why they are stuck with me instead.A1a
42Yefim: Exactly. I'll be behind there all night, while everyone asks where you are, and why they are stuck with me instead.No they won't! And if they do, I throw them out of bar myself.Yefim: I'll... think about it...A1a


43VadimGreetScenePlayer Default: Let's see what you've got.Good! Good...A1a
44Player Default: Let's see what you've got.That's what I like to hear.A2a
45Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Music to my ears.A3a
46Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Don't order just one, now. Live it up!A4a
47Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Not to bias you, but everything's delicious.A5a
48Player Default: Not interested.{disappointed} Ah, come on.B1a
49Player Default: Not interested.{disappointed} *Sigh* Fine fine.B2a
50Player Default: Not interested.{disappointed} You sure? Ah well.B3a
51Player Default: Not interested.{disappointed} That's too bad.B4a
52Player Default: Not interested.Come back later, then.B5a
53Player Default: I'll think about it.Some other time, then?X1a
54Player Default: I'll think about it.You know where to find me.X2a
55Player Default: I'll think about it.Eh, your call.X3a
56Player Default: I'll think about it.Eh, all right.X4a
57Player Default: You staying out of trouble?Damn straight it is. My brother Yefim and I make the best moonshine in the entire Commonwealth.Y1a
58We call it Bobrov's Best. Had to start renting out rooms just so customers had a place to safely pass out after drinking it! Ha ha ha ha!Vadim: Damn straight it is. My brother Yefim and I make the best moonshine in the entire Commonwealth.Y1b
59Player Default: So, this your bar?Haha, you are checking up on me? I love it. Do not worry. I have cut ties with anyone who might try to kill me over debts.Y2a
60All is well, friend. Relax.Vadim: Damn straight it is. My brother Yefim and I make the best moonshine in the entire Commonwealth.Y2b
61Player Default: Any news around town?{responding to: "any news around town?"} None that I care to talk about.Vadim: Damn straight it is. My brother Yefim and I make the best moonshine in the entire Commonwealth.Y3a
62{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Anyway, you look like you need a drink.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
63{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now, let me pour you a drink. Come on.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
64{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} I got a bar to run. Let me know if you want something.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
65{player discovered Doc Crocker killed Earl Sterling, your friend} Thank you for finding Earl's killer. Can't believe the doctor would do such a thing. Oh well. Least we have liquor to drown our sorrows.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
66{Mayor McDonough revealed to be a synth and is dead or gone} McDonough is gone. Turns out he was synth. Maybe I run for mayor one day? You know, I was once king of entire country. All women.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
67{loud, extroverted} See this bar? I killed a man for it. Ha ha! No no... I kid... I kid... *cough* He is dead, though... Now, let me know when you're ready to order.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
68{loud, extroverted} Ah, it is the savior of Diamond City Radio! Have a drink, friend!Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
69{loud, extroverted} Come come, have a drink. I didn't buy bar to sell water.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
70{loud, extroverted} Ah, yes, you. Famous Bobrov liquor on tap all day.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
71{loud, extroverted} Good to see returning customers. Most die. You let me know if you need a drink.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
72{loud, extroverted} Drinks! The finest liquor moonshiners can brew right here.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
73-{player discovered Doc Crocker killed Earl Sterling, your friend} The detective is back. You should have a drink, gumshoe.A
74You shy? Fuck that!
75You didn't hear me? Do I need to talk louder?
76Come, come. Say something. Anything!


77IntroSceneDiamondCityDugoutInnSceneYefim: Vadim. Vadim, I need to talk...Just a minute Yefim. I am in middle of story.Vadim: So then I am crossing river, right? Wearing nothing but a smile, when out comes the most dangerous of all sea monsters. A Mirelurk...A1a
78Vadim: Just a minute Yefim. I am in middle of story.{dramatic tone for "A Mirelurk" as if you're talking about the most dangerous of all animals} So then I am crossing river, right? Wearing nothing but a smile, when out comes the most dangerous of all sea monsters. A Mirelurk...Hawthorne: A Mirelurk? Come on. That's like, two out of ten points of danger. Tops. Now if you wanna talk something really deadly...A1a
79Yefim: Vadim!Oh. I forgot you were there, Yefim. What is it?Yefim: *sigh* You know what? Never mind. I'll handle it myself.A1a


80001_MS07aVadimScene{Sad} Poor Earl. Gone just like that. Such a good bartender. Good friend. Oh, but terrible with women, mind you. Bull in china shop with them.Y1a
81{Grateful} You with Valentine's Detective Agency? Forgot to drop off Earl's key when I hired you people. Here.Y1b
82{Concerned} I hope you find out what happened. Security does nothing but yell at me for asking about it.Y1c
83{Sad} Poor Earl. Gone just like that. Such a good bartender. Good friend. Oh, but terrible with women, mind you. Bull in china shop with them.Y2a
84{Concerned} You with Valentine's Detective Agency? I hope you find out what happened. Security does nothing but yell at me for asking about it.Y2b


85MS14BobrovOpeningScene{annoyed but jovial / Amused} Okay, fine. You walk away. But if you want to help me help Travis, you come talk to me.A1a
86Player Default: Sounds good to me.{SinisterSmile} All right! Now, it has to be quietly, with no fuss. Maybe lead him out of town...Companion: Look Ivan, I think we know what we're doin'.A1a
87Player Default: That's a horrible idea.{Conspiratorial} I tell you, it would be easier than you think. You just talk him into following you out of town...Companion: Look Ivan, I think we know what we're doin'.B1a
88Player Default: I guess that'd be one way to handle it.{Conspiratorial} It would be quick, and probably mostly painless. You just first lead him out of town...Companion: Look Ivan, I think we know what we're doin'.X1a
89Player Default: Are you serious?{Conspiratorial} Did we not just agree this is serious problem? Calls for serious solution. First, you get him to follow you out of town...Companion: Look Ivan, I think we know what we're doin'.Y1a
90Player Default: Yeah, it's pretty bad.{Defiant} This is what I tell Yefim! Something must be done. Radio is bad for business, makes customers unhappy.A1a
91{Disgust} Either we have unhappy customers listening to bad DJ, or we have no music and customers have boredom.Yefim: Vadim...A1b
92Player Default: It's not that bad.{Defiant} Bah, you don't know what you are talking about. This DJ, Travis, he is bad for our business.B1a
93{Disgust} He makes all the customers unhappy so we must turn off radio.Yefim: Vadim...B1b
94Player Default: I don't think I noticed.{Disgust} You listen to it. It grates on ears like sandpaper. This DJ, Travis, he is disaster.X1a
95{Disgust} Something must be done, and soon. We will have customers suiciding before long!Yefim: Vadim...X1b
96Player Default: So, what's the issue?{Disgust} Have you not listened? This DJ, Travis, he is terrible. Makes me want to go back in time and prevent radio from ever being invented.Yefim: Vadim...Y1a
97Player Default: Okay, good. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea.{Amused} It's true. Only jokes. Travis is a good friend. Yefim and I worry about him.Yefim: Poor Travis... He means well, but he does not have the confidence he needs for that job. Or anything else, really.A1a
98Player Default: Well, that can always be turned around.{Happy} Exactly! This is what I am telling Yefim.Vadim: Go on, spoilsport. Go back to working. We will figure out how to help Travis.A1a
99Player Default: The guy is probably a lost cause.{Defiant} No. He is not lost cause. We can help Travis. I keep telling Yefim this.Vadim: Go on, spoilsport. Go back to working. We will figure out how to help Travis.B1a
100Player Default: Something like that could be tough to change.{Defiant} No, is easy to fix. I tell Yefim over and over.Vadim: Go on, spoilsport. Go back to working. We will figure out how to help Travis.X1a
101Player Default: So are you actually trying to do something about it?{Confident} I tell Yefim that I have plan. He does not believe me. You, you and I work on plan.Vadim: Go on, spoilsport. Go back to working. We will figure out how to help Travis.Y1a
102Player Default: Exactly! This is what I am telling Yefim.{annoyed, dismissive / Irritated} Go on, spoilsport. Go back to working. We will figure out how to help Travis.Vadim: Come, you. Meet me in back room. We discuss plan.A1a
103Vadim: Go on, spoilsport. Go back to working. We will figure out how to help Travis.{Confident} Come, you. Meet me in back room. We discuss plan.A1a
104Yefim: Oh, here we go.{Defiant} Quiet, Yefim. All right, you. Tell me. Diamond City Radio -- It's terrible, yes? Makes you want to cut your own ears off?Player Default: Yeah, it's pretty bad.A1a
105Yefim: Vadim...{Defiant} It's true. Don't you listen to my brother.Vadim: Someone needs to get rid of him. We need a new DJ for the radio.A1a
106Vadim: It's true. Don't you listen to my brother.{Defiant} Someone needs to get rid of him. We need a new DJ for the radio.A1a
107{Conspiratorial} I don't think many would notice if he... you know, disappeared.Player Default: Sounds good to me.A1b
108MS14VadimStage10Scene{Confident} Okay, let us get down to brass tacks.Vadim: I am glad you are willing to help, unlike my deadbeat brother. Travis is good guy. He deserves better life.A
109{Stern} You want to be a part helping Travis, you show up after 6. Otherwise we do it without you.A1a
110{Stern} You want to be a part of helping Travis, you show up tomorrow evening after 6. Otherwise we do it without you.A2a
111NPCMVadimBobrov: Okay, let us get down to brass tacks.{Grateful} I am glad you are willing to help, unlike my deadbeat brother. Travis is good guy. He deserves better life.Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.A1a
112Player Default: I'd be happy to help.{Conspiratorial} Okay. So, Travis needs to believe in himself, yes? Believe he is capable of more. You know what works well for this? A bar fight! Ever been in one?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.A1a
113Player Default: I haven't agreed to anything yet. Let's not go patting ourselves on the back.{Apologetic} Okay, okay. But listen: Travis would get great confidence from winning a bar fight, yes? You've been in fair share of them, I can tell!Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.B1a
114Player Default: I'm just waiting to hear your idea.{Confident} Travis needs boost of confidence. You know what does that for him? Winning a bar fight. I'm sure you've been in one, yes?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.X1a
115Player Default: So what did you have in mind? I'm gonna need some more in the way of details.{Question} Ever been in bar fight?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.Y1a
116Player Default: Haven't met a man I couldn't lay out.{Happy} Excellent! Because you are going to help Travis win his first fight.Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.A1a
117Player Default: I'm not some thug. I don't get involved in stuff like that.{Question} What if it was for good cause? Then would you be willing?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.B1a
118Player Default: I can hold my own, if that's what you mean.{Confident} Exactly what I mean. I want you to back up Travis in his first fight.Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.X1a
119Player Default: What does that have to do with anything?{Question} I ask because I want you to help Travis win his first bar fight. Think you can do that?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.Y1a
120Vadim: Excellent! Because you are going to help Travis win his first fight.{Confident} I want to stage fight here in Dugout. Nothing too serious, we make sure Travis wins and feels good about himself after.A1a
121{Conspiratorial} I want you to be there to help make it look real. What do you think? Sound good to you?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.A1b
122Player Default: I'm on board. When do we start?{Happy} Why not soon as possible?Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.A1a
123Player Default: That sounds like an absolute disaster.{annoyed / Disgust} Now you sound like Yefim. Come on, this will work!Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.B1a
124Player Default: Gonna need some more information.{Confident} Okay, I have this all thought out.Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.X1a
125Player Default: How would something like that even work?{Confident} It makes sense. I promise.Vadim: I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.Y1a
126Player Default: All right, I'm in.{Amused} Ha, I knew I could count on you!Vadim: I have everything ready by 6 o'clock. Travis should be here by then. You show up, and it will go well. Promise.A1a
127Player Default: This is a terrible idea, and I don't want any part of it.{Concerned} Bah, it's going to work. And it's going to happen.Vadim: I have everything ready by 6 o'clock. Travis should be here by then. You show up, and it will go well. Promise.B1a
128Player Default: If the goons are getting paid to fight, I want some too.{Confident} All right, fine. You get cut as well, 100 caps.Player Default: All right, I'm in.X1a
129Player Default: If the goons are getting paid to fight, I want some too.{Defiant} Do not think I miss your attempt to manipulate me. Fine, 200 caps.Player Default: All right, I'm in.X2a
130Player Default: If the goons are getting paid to fight, I want some too.{Irritated} This is extortion! 300 caps, no more. Now you will help?Vadim: I have everything ready by 6 o'clock. Travis should be here by then. You show up, and it will go well. Promise.X3a
131Player Default: If the goons are getting paid to fight, I want some too.{Disgust} I am not made of money! Also, you are doing this out of kindness of heart for Travis, who is a good man.Vadim: I have everything ready by 6 o'clock. Travis should be here by then. You show up, and it will go well. Promise.X4a
132Player Default: Why involve me in this?{Concerned} You have seen Travis, yes? He cannot fight alone, not even fake one. He needs help. You can help him.Vadim: I have everything ready by 6 o'clock. Travis should be here by then. You show up, and it will go well. Promise.Y1a
133Player Default: Ha, I knew I could count on you!{Confident} I have everything ready by 6 o'clock. Travis should be here by then. You show up, and it will go well. Promise.Vadim: You want to be a part of it, you show up after 6. Otherwise we do it without you.A1a
134Player Default: Ha, I knew I could count on you!{Confident} Is too late today for me to arrange. Come back tomorrow evening, after 6, and everything will be ready.Vadim: You want to be a part of it, you show up after 6. Otherwise we do it without you.A2a
135Vadim: I have everything ready by 6 o'clock. Travis should be here by then. You show up, and it will go well. Promise.{Stern} You want to be a part of it, you show up after 6. Otherwise we do it without you.A1a
136Vadim: I have everything ready by 6 o'clock. Travis should be here by then. You show up, and it will go well. Promise.{Stern} You want to be a part of it, you show up tomorrow evening after 6. Otherwise we do it without you.A2a
137Player Default: Why not soon as possible?{Conspiratorial} I have... contacts. People I can count on. Real tough looking, but they will take dive for money.A1a
138{Conspiratorial} They confront Travis here at Dugout. You step in and give him push he needs to stand up to them.A1b
139{Conspiratorial} Then you and Travis take them down, nothing gets too rough, and Travis has something he can feel good about.A1c
140{SinisterSmile} Simple, right?Player Default: All right, I'm in.A1d
141MS14VadimStage40BulliesKilledScene{furious / Angry} What the hell is wrong with you?Vadim: You were supposed to help Travis in fight, not murder people in my bar!A
142NPCMVadimBobrov: What the hell is wrong with you?{Angry} You were supposed to help Travis in fight, not murder people in my bar!Vadim: Why would you think this is okay?A1a
143Vadim: You were supposed to help Travis in fight, not murder people in my bar!{Angry} Why would you think this is okay?Player Default: I'm really sorry, Vadim. I guess I just lost my temper.A1a
144Player Default: I'm really sorry, Vadim. I guess I just lost my temper.{frustrated / Irritated} I am thinking perhaps I have invited psychopath to help with this plan.Vadim: Ugh. I will try and fix this situation which you have made mess of. In meantime, I need you to not kill anyone and help with rest of plan.A1a
145Player Default: Totally deserved it. Those guys were assholes.{Angry} Of course they were assholes! That was whole point!Vadim: Ugh. I will try and fix this situation which you have made mess of. In meantime, I need you to not kill anyone and help with rest of plan.B1a
146Player Default: It won't happen again.{frustrated / Irritated} It can't happen again, because they were only two guys I knew willing to do this. You have screwed this up, big time.Vadim: Ugh. I will try and fix this situation which you have made mess of. In meantime, I need you to not kill anyone and help with rest of plan.X1a
147Player Default: Who cares about them. What's next?{Irritated} Are you kidding? You have set back whole plan for helping Travis, and you want to know what is next. Unbelievable.Vadim: Ugh. I will try and fix this situation which you have made mess of. In meantime, I need you to not kill anyone and help with rest of plan.Y1a
148Player Default: I am thinking perhaps I have invited psychopath to help with this plan.{Irritated} Ugh. I will try and fix this situation which you have made mess of. In meantime, I need you to not kill anyone and help with rest of plan.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.A1a
149MS14VadimStage40Scene{Confident} I think that went well...Vadim: Ready for next part of fool-proof plan?A
150{Confident} Okay.... not quite what I expected, but we move on.Vadim: Ready for next part of fool-proof plan?A
151NPCMVadimBobrov: I think that went well...{Question} Ready for next part of fool-proof plan?Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.A1a
152Player Default: Bring it on.{Amused} Good attitude! Is nice and easy.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.A1a
153Player Default: The last part wasn't so fool-proof.{Defiant} You are alive, Travis is alive... Everything is fine. And next part is simple.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.B1a
154Player Default: Depends on what it is.Is nice and simple.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.X1a
155Player Default: It's not more fighting, is it?No, no. This part is simple.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.Y1a
156Player Default: Good attitude! Is nice and easy.You have seen Scarlett, yes? She has worked here for some time.A1a
157{Conspiratorial} Now, I am just simple bartender, but I see things. I see how Travis looks at her. And I see that sometimes she looks at him.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.A1b
158Vadim: Now, I am just simple bartender, but I see things. I see how Travis looks at her. And I see that sometimes she looks at him.If someone who was not her employer suggests that she go spend time with Travis, it might do him some good.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.A1a
159Player Default: I could have a chat with her.Yes, I know. This is why I'm telling you.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.A1a
160Player Default: I'm not here to play Cupid.{Defiant} So negative. Is just one little conversation. You are giving slight push, that's all.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.B1a
161Player Default: Oh, that'll totally boost his confidence. You know, as long as it doesn't backfire horribly.{Confident} So little faith! It will work, trust me.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.X1a
162Player Default: Why do I have to be involved in this?{Concerned} Think about it. I am Scarlett's boss. I tell her she needs to go see Travis. Suddenly she is thinking she is no longer just waitress.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.Y1a
163Vadim: Apparently I also need to say "please do not be killing anyone." Okay? This is for helping Travis, not murdering for fun.{Irritated} Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.A1a
164{amused / Conspiratorial} And you and I never talked about this, all right?A1b
165Player Default: Yes, I know. This is why I'm telling you.Apparently I also need to say "please do not be killing anyone." Okay? This is for helping Travis, not murdering for fun.Vadim: Just do whatever it takes to get her to agree to see Travis, and this is all worth it.A1a
166MS14VadimStage80SceneThank you...Vadim: I didn't know if anyone would come. I thought perhaps this is the end.A
167NPCMVadimBobrov: Thank you...I didn't know if anyone would come. I thought perhaps this is the end.Vadim: Thank you. You are true friend.A1a
168Vadim: I didn't know if anyone would come. I thought perhaps this is the end.Thank you. You are true friend.Player Default: You're welcome, Vadim. We weren't going to leave you to these guys.A1a
169Player Default: You're welcome, Vadim. We weren't going to leave you to these guys.You are good man.Vadim: These idiots had caps and chems just lying around... They did not notice when I filled my pockets. You deserve what I took.A1a
170Player Default: You're welcome, Vadim. We weren't going to leave you to these guys.You are good woman.Vadim: These idiots had caps and chems just lying around... They did not notice when I filled my pockets. You deserve what I took.A2a
171Player Default: You're an idiot for dealing with these goons in the first place.Fine. Was not smartest move ever. But is all better now.Vadim: These idiots had caps and chems just lying around... They did not notice when I filled my pockets. You deserve what I took.B1a
172Player Default: We can talk about it later. Let's get moving.Yes, yes. I would very much like to go home.Vadim: These idiots had caps and chems just lying around... They did not notice when I filled my pockets. You deserve what I took.X1a
173Player Default: Are there more of them? Are they going to come after you again?No, no. This was best they could do. You got them.Vadim: These idiots had caps and chems just lying around... They did not notice when I filled my pockets. You deserve what I took.Y1a
174Player Default: You are good man.{Grateful} These idiots had caps and chems just lying around... They did not notice when I filled my pockets. You deserve what I took.A1a
175MS14VadimTravisStage80SceneAnd Travis... I am surprised to see you here!Travis: Hey, Vadim. I'm glad you're safe.A1a
176Travis: Hey, Vadim. I'm glad you're safe.How did you get roped into this?Travis: I... I wasn't forced or anything. I wanted to help.A1a
177Travis: I... I wasn't forced or anything. I wanted to help.Ha! You are full of surprises, my friend.A1a
178-Please, save me!A
179How goes the match-making?A
180We talk alone, where no one else interrupts.