Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


VVault11AudioLogSolutionResponse VVault11AudioLogSolutionResponse Neutral 50 Congratulations, citizens of Vault 11! You have made the decision not to sacrifice one of your own. 1
Neutral 50 You can walk with your head held high knowing that your commitment to human life is a shining example to us all. 2
Neutral 50 And to make that feeling of pride even sweeter, I have some exciting news. 3
Neutral 50 Despite what you were led to believe, the population of Vault 11 is not going to be exterminated for its disobedience. 4
Neutral 50 Instead, the mechanism to open the main vault door has now been enabled, and you can come and go at your leisure. 5
Neutral 50 But not so fast! Be sure to check with your overseer to find out if it's safe to leave. Here at Vault-Tec, your safety is our number one priority. 6
VVault11ChairInvite01 VVault11ChairInvite01 Neutral 50 Welcome. Please sit in the chair. The show is about to begin. 7
VVault11ChairInvite02 VVault11ChairInvite02 Neutral 50 The show requires that you sit in the chair. 8
VVault11ChairInvite03 VVault11ChairInvite03 Neutral 50 It is absolutely essential that you sit in the chair. 9
VVault11ChairInvite04 VVault11ChairInvite04 Neutral 50 You have no other choice. You must sit in the chair. 10
VVault11ExterminationChamber01 VVault11ExterminationChamber01 Neutral 50 Congratulations, martyr! Your fantastic journey is only just beginning. Please proceed to the light. 11
VVault11ExterminationChamber02 VVault11ExterminationChamber02 Neutral 50 The light is calming, and puts your mind at ease. Go to the light. 12
VVault11Slideshow1 VVault11Slideshow1 Neutral 50 Greetings, martyr, and welcome! If you're here now, it means you've been offered up as a sacrifice so that your vault can continue to thrive. 13
VVault11Slideshow10 VVault11Slideshow10 Neutral 50 And who could forget when you met the love of your life? What a looker! These are just examples. 14
VVault11Slideshow11 VVault11Slideshow11 Neutral 50 Do you feel that feeling stirring in your chest as you think of these things? Good. What you are feeling is peace. 15
VVault11Slideshow12 VVault11Slideshow12 Neutral 50 You've led a great life. Living it has been its own reward. But it is only the beginning. 16
VVault11Slideshow13 VVault11Slideshow13 Neutral 50 Close your eyes now, and imagine what joys await you in the next life - the afterlife. Can you see them? Good. 17
VVault11Slideshow2 VVault11Slideshow2 Neutral 50 Currently, you may be feeling sad or angry. Perhaps you never got to have grandkids, or to enjoy the pleasures of a fresh cigar. 18
VVault11Slideshow3 VVault11Slideshow3 Neutral 50 But march with your chin held high, soldier, and remember that each of us has an important role to play. 19
VVault11Slideshow4 VVault11Slideshow4 Neutral 50 For some people, their role might be to heal the sick. For others, it might mean they will drive a racecar or fly a rocket ship. 20
VVault11Slideshow5 VVault11Slideshow5 Neutral 50 And some of us are meant to forfeit our lives for the good of the people. 21
VVault11Slideshow6 VVault11Slideshow6 Neutral 50 Sure it might not be as fun as driving a racecar, but it's every bit as important. 22
VVault11Slideshow7 VVault11Slideshow7 Neutral 50 Let's take a moment to reflect on the moments that made your life worth living. 23
VVault11Slideshow8 VVault11Slideshow8 Neutral 50 Think about that time you kissed your steady girl for the first time under the bleachers at the big game. 24
VVault11Slideshow9 VVault11Slideshow9 Neutral 50 Or when you snuck out after curfew to catch that new flick that your parents wouldn't let you see because it was too scary. Boy, were they right! 25