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This is a transcript for dialogue with female NCR troopers, dancing on the Strip.


HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Beats being on patrol. 1
Hello Neutral 50 Just lost a month's caps... 2
Hello Neutral 50 Fucking Crocker couldn't find his ass if it wasn't on his backside... 3
Hello Neutral 50 Don't be carrying any guns into the casino. 4
Hello Neutral 50 {Night only} Love how this place comes alive at night. 5
Hello Neutral 50 {Day only} You should see this place at night. 6
Hello Neutral 50 {Rueful} Looking to lose a few caps, huh? Just the place. 7
Hello Neutral 50 {Subtly Fearful} The bots have enough firepower to arm a full platoon. 8


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Beats being on patrol. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Just lost a month's caps... 10
GREETING Neutral 50 Fucking Crocker couldn't find his ass if it wasn't on his backside... 11
GREETING Neutral 50 Don't be carrying any guns into the casino. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 {Not insulting, just commenting} You look like you just crawled out of the desert. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 {Night only} Love how this place comes alive at night. 14
GREETING Neutral 50 {Day only} You should see this place at night. 15
GREETING Neutral 50 {Rueful} Looking to lose a few caps, huh? Just the place. 16
GREETING Anger 50 I never trusted those Omerta punks, even if I like their girls. 17
GREETING Anger 50 I don't trust those creeps at the Ultra-Luxe. 18
GREETING Happy 50 We need more people like you in the NCR. 19
GREETING Happy 50 {Proud} We should straighten those thugs at Gomorrah. 20
GREETING Surprise 30 We've heard about you from the officers at our embassy. 21
GREETING Surprise 30 You're wasting no time in making a name for yourself around here, huh? 22
GREETING Surprise 30 {Subtly Fearful} The bots have enough firepower to arm a full platoon. 23
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome01 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome01 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} Can barely see the street. 24
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome02 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome02 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home}'Those last five shots were a bad idea... 25
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome03 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome03 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} Why do they call it a monorail... it's a train. A *train.* 26
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome04 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome04 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} Why's everything spinning? 27
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome05 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome05 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} I swear the monorail was *just* ahead... somewhere. 28
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome06 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome06 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} So fucked up I can't feel my legs. 29
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome07 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome07 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} We need to stop and pee soon. 30
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome08 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome08 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} I got a pressure in me like Hoover Dam. 31
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome09 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome09 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} Is there a place to grab food by the monorail? 32
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome10 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome10 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} What, we leaving *already?* 33
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome11 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome11 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} Can't believe we have patrol duty in the morning... 34
VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome12 VDialogueTheStreetSS2DrunkHome12 Neutral 50 {Drunk, stumbling home} I swear... I'm not drinking... ever... again. 35
VDialogueTheStreetSS1Fem01Handcuffs VDialogueTheStreetSSFem01Handcuffs Neutral 50 {Drunk, to Securitron robot} Are you... going to spank us? I *so* love handcuffs! 36
VDialogueTheStreetSS1Fem01ToSec01RollUp VDialogueTheStreetSSFem01ToSec01RollUp Neutral 50 {Drunk, to Securitron robot} Come on, big man, roll up in here! 37
VDialogueTheStreetSS1Fem03ToSec03Law VDialogueTheStreetSSFem01ToSec03Law Neutral 50 {Drunk, to Securitron} Uh oooooh, it's the *law,* girls! 38
VDialogueTheStreetSS1Fem02ToSec04Sparky VDialogueTheStreetSSFem01ToSec04Sparky Neutral 50 {Drunk, to Securitron} Hellloooo, sparky. 39
VDialogueTheStreetSS1Fem02KissAss VDialogueTheStreetSSFem02KissAss Neutral 50 Crocker. Can. Kiss. My. Sweet. Republic. Ass. 40
VDialogueTheStreetSS1Fem02ToSec02SexyVic VDialogueTheStreetSSFem02ToSec02SexyVic Neutral 50 {Drunk to Securitron} Where's your sexy friend, Vic?! 41
VDialogueTheStreetSS1Fem03SwimMe VDialogueTheStreetSSFem03SwimMe Neutral 50 {Sing song, drunk} Who wants to swim? Water's fiiiiine. 42
VDialogueTheStreetSS1Fem01Wooo WoooooOOOOOOoooooo Happy 75 WooooOOOOOOoooo. 43