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This is a transcript for dialogue with Judah Kreger.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Let's get going, we have a battle to win. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 You don't strike me as someone down on their luck. What brings you to Westside? 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {At Bunker} Glad to see you made it here all right. So, who are we going up against? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 {At Bunker} Still waiting on that decision... 4
GREETING Sad 20 {Player killed Moreno} {quiet regret} We saw everything through the security monitor. I had no idea Moreno would ever pull something like that. 5
Neutral 50 By rights, Moreno's Power Armor now belongs to you. Whitman's volunteered to show you how to use it, so talk to her as soon as you can. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 {Moreno convinced to stay} Moreno's a stubborn son of a bitch, but he's also tougher than any of us. I'm glad you were able to talk him into staying. 7
Neutral 50 Since Whitman will be staying with the vertibird, she's offered to give her old suit of Power Armor to you. 8
Neutral 50 You'll need special training to use it properly, so talk to her as soon as you get the chance. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 {Remnants helping NCR or Legion} We'll be ready, don't worry. 10
GREETING Neutral 50 Sticking around for the attractions? 11
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic000 Goodbye. Neutral 50 {as a way of goodbye} Uh-huh. 12
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic001 Arcade asked me to find you. I'm gathering the Remnants. Neutral 50 {Arcade hired} {to another person} Hello, Arcade. Making some new friends, are you? 13
Neutral 50 {to the player} Why the need for a bunch of old warhorses like us? 14
Arcade asked me to find you. I'm gathering the Remnants. Neutral 50 {Arcade not hired} Why the need for a bunch of old warhorses like us? 15
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic002 What do you do in Westside? Neutral 50 I help tend the crops, stand watch for Fiends, and generally help keep things civilized. 16
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic003 You'll be the element of surprise. Neutral 50 {Judah agrees to come} Swooping in on a vertibird, guns blazing? Haven't done that in years, but all right, I'm in. 17
Neutral 50 None of this means a thing if the rest of the group doesn't show up, though. 18
You'll be the element of surprise. Neutral 50 Oh, and you'll need my part of the pass phrase to get into the bunker - "Navarro." 19
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic004 It was Arcade's suggestion, not mine. Neutral 50 {bemused} It really must be bad out there if he's sending you to us. Is the idea that we swoop in by vertibird, guns blazing? 20
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic005 You tell me. Neutral 50 Well, assuming our equipment cache is intact, my squad would have the edge in armor and firepower. 21
Neutral 50 There's only a handful of us, though, so the best tactic would be for us to swoop in where the target isn't expecting us. {asking for an opinion of his plan} How am I doing? 22
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic006 How are you going to deploy your squad? Neutral 50 Moreno, Johnson, Henry, and I will be the boots on the ground. Whitman will stay with the vertibird. 23
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic007 What is this place? Neutral 50 This was a minor refueling station for vertibirds. It seemed an appropriate place to stash our equipment if we ever needed. 24
Neutral 50 I'm surprised this place hasn't fallen apart. When I put it into standby mode, I expected to return to it within a few years, not decades. 25
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic008 Goodbye. Neutral 50 {No decision} You still need time to think? 26
Goodbye. Neutral 50 We'll be there when you need us. 27
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic009 We don't need him. If he wants to go, let him go. Neutral 50 {disagreeing with player} I disagree. You're the one who wanted our help in the first place. You want us to succeed, you go talk to Moreno. 28
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic010 I want you to help the NCR hold onto the Dam. Neutral 50 Then that's the plan. We're going to have a problem with Moreno, though. He won't like that we're helping the NCR - you'll have to talk to him. 29
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic011 Help the Legion take over the Dam. Neutral 50 Well, now. An opportunity for payback after all these years. Johnson won't go along with it, though - he actually likes the NCR. 30
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic012 You're the officer here. Can't you just order him to go along with the plan? Neutral 50 I stopped being Moreno's officer a long time ago. Everyone here respects me, but they don't need to follow my orders. Not anymore. 31
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic013 Will Moreno be a liability? Neutral 50 He won't turn on us, but he's a good shot and I'd hate to do this without him. 32
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic014 What's Moreno's problem with the NCR? Neutral 50 They won, we didn't. It's as simple as that. The rest of us moved on while Moreno... didn't. 33
Neutral 50 Still, I'm not convinced Moreno hates the NCR as much as he thinks he does. You still might be able to talk him out of leaving. 34
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic015 Can't you just order Johnson to go along with the plan? Neutral 50 I stopped being Johnson's officer a long time ago. Everyone here respects me, but they don't need to follow my orders. Not anymore. 35
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic016 Will Johnson be a liability? Neutral 50 He won't turn on us, but he's a good shot and I'd hate to do this without him. 36
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic017 Any chance of talking Johnson into staying? Neutral 50 No, I'm afraid. Johnson truly hates the Legion. 37
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic018 I'll talk to Moreno. Neutral 50 You've got only one chance at this. I know Moreno - once he's made up his mind about something, there's no changing it. 38
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic019 Enough about Johnson. What's next? Neutral 50 Since Johnson won't be needing his Power Armor, I've decided to let you have it. You'll need training in how to use it, so talk to Moreno about it. 39
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic020 Sounds good to me. Does that mean you're in? Neutral 50 {Judah agrees to come} I'll be there, but it won't mean squat if the rest of the group isn't there, too. 40
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic021 That's way better than what I had in mind. Neutral 50 {Judah agrees to come} I hope you weren't thinking we were going to take the lead. That's no job for a bunch of graybeards. Or grayheads, in Whitman's case. 41
Neutral 50 I'll be there at the reunion. Let's hope the others show up, too, or this plan isn't going to work. 42
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic022 I think you'll be a very good distraction. Neutral 50 {Judah agrees to come} Yeah, well, don't count on us sticking around if things get too hot. We're not a suicide squad. I'll go to this reunion. 43
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic023 How long have you lived in Westside? Neutral 50 Couple of years now. I was a trader for awhile, but got tired of all the walking. Westside was a good place to settle down as any. 44
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic024 Tell me about the old days with the Enclave. Sad 5 {wistful} I miss those days sometimes. We all had a purpose, you know? I admit that some of the folks in charge were pretty ruthless. 45
Neutral 50 The rest of us, though - we were just trying to civilize things. The NCR was still new and it didn't look like they'd last all that long. 46
Neutral 50 Then, we lost the oil rig and shortly after that, the base at Navarro. Nobody left except us Remnants. 47
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic025 What happened to the Enclave oil rig and Navarro? Neutral 50 Internal sabotage took down the oil rig - never did get the full story. The NCR took out Navarro, saying we posed a threat to the region. 48
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic026 I'd like to know more about your former squad. Neutral 50 I was the officer in charge, and Johnson and Moreno were my heavy hitters. Henry handled tech things, and Whitman flew the chopper. 49
Neutral 50 Johnson and Moreno never got along, and I had my hands full keeping those two apart some days. 50
Neutral 50 It was a difference in philosophy, mostly. "Mercy" was not part of Moreno's vocabulary. 51
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic027 {Player has Power Armor training}I already know how to wear Power Armor. Neutral 50 Good. That'll save us some time. 52
VDialogueRemnantsVRemJudahKregerTopic028 {Player doesn't have Power Armor training}I'll talk to her, then. Neutral 50 The training might take several hours, so keep that in mind. 53
VEndingRemnants VEndingRemnants Neutral 50 {narrating} Despite surviving the destruction of the oil rig and the loss of their comrades at Navarro, the venerable Remnants were no match for the Courier. 54
Neutral 50 {narrating} They carried the secrets of their old lives to their graves. 55
VEndingRemnants Neutral 50 {narrating} After their bold arrival at Hoover Dam, the Remnants disappeared as quickly as they came. 56
Neutral 50 {narrating} Legends of their power spread throughout the southwest, a reminder of why people once feared the sight of vertibirds in the sky. 57
VEndingRemnants Neutral 50 {narrating} Merciless in their assault on the NCR, the Remnants struck fear into the hearts of even the Centurions at Hoover Dam. 58
Neutral 50 {narrating} Well aware of the full extent of their power, {KAI-zar} Caesar commanded his troops to not pursue them. 59
VEndingRemnants Neutral 50 {narrating} Merciless in their assault on the NCR, the Remnants struck fear into the hearts of even the Centurions at Hoover Dam. 60
Neutral 50 {narrating} {KAI-zar's} Caesar's heirs aggressively pursued the Remnants into Arizona, losing hundreds of Legionaries in the process and gaining nothing in return. 61
vHDJudahKregerGreeting {Judah Kreger Greeting} Neutral 50 We are here as promised. Now let's kick some ass. 62


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Uh-huh. 63