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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jack, the Great Khan drug dealer..


DianeWork I'm looking to make a few caps. Got any work for me? Surprise 50 Diane handles most of the transactional elements of this little enterprise, but I'm always in the market for new recipes if you've got the spark. 1
GREETING GREETING Surprise 50 Whoa. New guy. 2
GREETING Surprise 50 Whoa. New chick. 3
GREETING Happy 50 Hey, look who it is bringing that good Khan karma around! 4
GREETING Happy 100 How's my most favoritest friend? 5
GREETING Sad 50 You seriously ought to mellow out, take some chill pills. I could sell you some, if you want. 6
GREETING Fear 50 You seem really... high-strung. You know, I'm sure some of what I make my chems out of was an antipsychotic at some point.... 7
GREETING Fear 50 I'm all for live and let live, you know, but a lot of folks around here... umm... aren't. 8
GREETING Sad 50 Why do you have to harsh my mellow? Just be cool, you dig? 9
GREETING Surprise 50 Hey, what's up? 10
JackCaesar I'm here to ask you to publicly oppose Papa Khan's alliance with Caesar. Happy 50 Oh, it's cool, man. Diane passed me the haps on that fandango with Anders. I got your back. 11
I'm here to ask you to publicly oppose Papa Khan's alliance with Caesar. Happy 50 Oh, it's cool, man, I got your back. 12
I'm here to ask you to publicly oppose Papa Khan's alliance with Caesar. Surprise 50 Huh? Look, man, me and Diane, we don't dig on that politics stuff, savvy? We just make the product and make it get to a good home. 13
Neutral 50 Sure, Caesar's a drag, but as long as we got each other, we don't care who the top dogs roll with. 14
I'm here to ask you to publicly oppose Papa Khan's alliance with Caesar. Happy 50 Oh, it's cool, kitten. Diane passed me the haps on that fandango with Anders. I got your back. 15
I'm here to ask you to publicly oppose Papa Khan's alliance with Caesar. Happy 50 Oh, it's cool, kitty cat, I got your back. 16
I'm here to ask you to publicly oppose Papa Khan's alliance with Caesar. Surprise 50 Huh? Look, kitty cat, me and Diane, we don't dig on that politics stuff, savvy? We just make the product and make it get to a good home. 17
Sad 50 Sure, Caesar's a drag, but as long as we got each other, we don't care who the top dogs roll with. 18
JackDianeMedicine How's the medical work going? Surprise 50 Already on it. I whipped up a few Stimpaks already, but if you've got any more recipes I'll take them. 19
You've got an impressive setup here - have you considered making more helpful chems? Surprise 50 What do you mean, helpful? My stuff already makes people feel groodalicious. 20
JackMerchant What do you have for sale? Surprise 50 Oh, you're buying? Cool. 21
What do you have for sale? Surprise 50 Oh, you're buying? Tell you what, since you've been acting all, well, random lately, how about a discount? Might calm you down. 22
JackMisfits Razz wants the usual. Happy 25 Groovetastic. Tell him it's on his tab. 23
JackRecipes I know a few recipes for chems you might want. I could teach you. Happy 50 Right on. What have you got? 24
JackandDianeCaesar What do you think about Caesar? Surprise 35 Huh? Look, man, me and Diane, we don't dig on that politics stuff, savvy? We just make the product and make it get to a good home. 25
Sad 25 Sure, Caesar's a drag, but as long as we got each other, we don't care who the top dogs roll with. 26
What do you think about Caesar? Surprise 25 Huh? Look, kitty cat, me and Diane, we don't dig on that politics stuff, savvy? We just make the product and make it get to a good home. 27
Sad 20 Sure, Caesar's a drag, but as long as we got each other, we don't care who the top dogs roll with. 28
JackandDianeInfo What is it you do here? Surprise 50 Do? We don't, like, do anything. We make the magic happen. 29
JackandDianeKhans Tell me a little about the Great Khans. Surprise 50 They're family, you dig? They've always looked out for us, made sure we had something to eat and a place to crash. 30
Happy 50 Papa may look like a big angry bear, but he's a softie at heart. Regis is cool - scary, but cool. The rest are all pretty groovy, even little Jerry. 31
VMS45VRRCJackTopic000 But you won't have each other. The Legion will kill you and sell Diane into slavery as a prostitute. Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] Dude! What a total haul! No way that's {COPE-a-shee-shee; made-up word} copasheshy. Yeah, okay, me and Diana got your back. No sweat. 32
But you won't have each other. The Legion will kill you and sell Diane into slavery as a prostitute. Disgust 20 [FAILED] Dude... wait, what? That's totally kakadoodle, man. You been huffing fumes in the Magic Bus or something? 33
VMS46NullLinks VMS46NullLinks Happy 50 Groodalicious. That ought to rake in the caps. What do I owe you? 34
VMS46VRRCJackTopic000 But think of all the people who overdose on Jet and Psycho. It's bad for your karma. Fear 50 [SUCCEEDED] Whoa... you're right. I should start a side project making meds to keep my aura clean. 35
If "groodalicious" means "dead," maybe. Think of the children, man! The *children!* Fear 50 [FAILED] I don't know what you've been smoking, but where can I get some? 36
VMS46VRRCJackTopic001 I can teach you to make Super Stimpaks. Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] Right on, let's have it! 37
I was thinking Super Stimpacks, but now I'm not so sure. Sad 50 [FAILED] Cool. Maybe later. 38
VMS46VRRCJackTopic002 I can teach you to make Hydra. Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] Right on, let's have it! 39
I was thinking Hydra, but now I'm not so sure. Sad 50 [FAILED] Cool. Maybe later. 40
VMS46VRRCJackTopic003 Okay then, what do you make? Happy 50 We make the happy stuff. What do you need? Jet, Psycho, a little Med-X to ease the pain? 41
VMS46VRRCJackTopic004 I can teach you to make Slasher. Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] Right on, let's have it! 42
I was thinking Slasher, but now I'm not so sure. Sad 50 [FAILED] Cool. Maybe later. 43
VMS46VRRCJackTopic005 I can teach you to make Party-Time Mentats. Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] Right on, let's have it! 44
I was thinking Party-Time Mentats, but now I'm not so sure. Sad 50 [FAILED] Cool. Maybe later. 45
VMS46VRRCJackTopic006 I can teach you to make Rocket. Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] Right on, let's have it! 46
I was thinking Rocket, but now I'm not so sure. Sad 50 [FAILED] Cool. Maybe later. 47
VMS46VRRCJackTopic007 On second thought, nothing now. Sad 50 Cool. Maybe later. 48
VMS46VRRCJackTopic009 Never mind. Surprise 50 Whatever. 49
VMS46VRRCJackTopic010 You're drug dealers? Surprise 50 Naw, man, more like... drug suppliers. Yeah. Other folks sell 'em. Diane's mostly in charge of that. 50
You're drug dealers? Surprise 50 Naw, kitten, more like... drug suppliers. Yeah. Other folks sell 'em. Diane's mostly in charge of that. 51
VMS46VRRCJackTopic011 How'd you get into this business? Surprise 50 Guess I just had a natural talent for it. When I was a kid, these cats called the Followers of the Apocalypse came to our camp. 52
Happy 50 They knew all kinds of kooky scientastical stuff, so I ate up all the chemistry they could teach. Diane had the head for business, so we teamed up. 53
VMS46VRRCJackTopic012 Who's Diane? Happy 50 Diane's my girl, man. We've been taking care of each other our whole lives, ever since our folks died. Now we keep the Khans in caps together. 54
VMS46VRRCJackTopic013 Who's Jerry? Sad 50 Ah, the other dudes call him Jerry the Punk. That's kind of harsh, though - I think he's just a sensitive soul that needs some love. 55
Happy 50 He's usually down around the proving ground if you want to say yo. 56
VMS46VRRCJackTopic014 Good to know. Let's talk about something else. Surprise 50 What's on your brainpan? 57
VMS46VRRCJackTopic015 Some caps would be nice. Happy 50 Here's a little tink-tink to weight your pockets. 58
VMS46VRRCJackTopic016 How about a little pick-me-up? Happy 50 Here you go, this'll give you some zing. 59
VMS46VRRCJackTopic017 No charge, just helping out. Happy 100 Right on, right on. You're a pretty hip cat. 60
No charge, just helping out. Happy 100 Right on, right on. You're a pretty hip kitten. 61


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Take it easy, dude. 62
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Take it easy, kitty cat. 63