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This is a transcript for dialogue with Tommy Torini.


GREETING GREETING Surprise 35 Swank filled me in about Benny. Hell of a thing, baby. Hell of a thing. 1
GREETING Pained 45 Oh, come on, baby, we just got this place cleaned up after your last visit! 2
GREETING Happy 100 Hey hey! Welcome, welcome, welcome to the finest entertainment experience in New Vegas! My name is Tommy Torini, and how can I make your night? 3
GREETING Happy 100 Hey hey! Welcome, welcome, welcome to the finest entertainment experience in New Vegas! My name is Tommy Torini, and how can I make your day? 4
GREETING Happy 100 Well, well, well, if it ain't the best-loved cat on the Strip in my theater! What can Tommy do for you, baby? 5
GREETING Pained 25 Now baby, you know I welcome everybody here at the Aces, but I gotta ask you to keep any mayhem to a minimum, you dig? 6
GREETING Happy 25 This new act is out of sight, baby! We're bringing in the caps like a Nuka-Cola bottling plant! 7
GREETING Happy 50 You doing right by Tommy, baby. Two new acts? We're making this joint jump! 8
GREETING Happy 75 Damn, baby, you bringing in so many acts the Rad Pack's taking half the night off! I'm seriously thinking about charging them for the free liquor. 9
GREETING Happy 100 I got to hand it to you, baby, you did an 18-karat job on this one. My schedule's so full I couldn't put on new acts if I wanted to! 10
GREETING Happy 100 Welcome back! Here for another fine entertainment experience? 11
TommyToriniBenny What do you think about Benny? Surprise 50 Benny? Ahh, he's an all right cat, you dig? He don't got much musical talent, but he knows how to run a business. When he's around, anyways. 12
TommyToriniBillyBargain I want to talk to you about how much you're paying Billy Knight. Happy 50 That comedian you mean? Yeah, he practically begged me to hire him. Didn't even haggle. 13
TommyToriniIntro What do you do here? Happy 75 Well, apart from serving as talent manager, show scheduler, and all-around man in charge of this fine theater, I happen to be its headline act. 14
Happy 75 Every night from eight till midnight, come on by to see the Rad Pack Revue live, only right here at the Aces Theater! 15
TommyToriniStrip What other entertainment is there on the Strip? Pained 50 Now why would you want to go breaking Tommy's heart asking a question like that? 16
Sad 30 Here I run the finest entertainment venue in all New Vegas, and you're asking me "what else is there?" 17
Disgust 15 Nothing close to what we got here at the Tops, that's for sure. 18
TommyToriniTalent Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Happy 50 The cowboy act? Yeah, he dropped on in here not too long before you. He's got chops, baby, real chops, and I ain't just talking about that mustache. 19
Happy 75 And like we agreed, here's your fee. 3% of the cut comes to 100 caps. Don't spend them all in one place now - unless it's right here! 20
Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Happy 25 The cowboy act? Yeah, he dropped on in here not too long before you. He's got chops, baby, real chops, and I ain't just talking about that mustache. 21
Happy 75 And like we agreed, here's your fee. 5% of the cut comes to 166 caps. Don't spend them all in one place now - unless it's right here! 22
Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Happy 100 You talking about Mr. Isaac? Damn, baby, when you bring them in, you bring them *in!* That cat's gonna bring me money like you wouldn't believe. 23
Happy 100 Here's your 3%, baby. You enjoy that. 24
Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Happy 100 You talking about Mr. Isaac? Damn, baby, when you bring them in, you bring them *in!* That cat's gonna bring me money like you wouldn't believe. 25
Happy 100 Here's your 5%, baby. You enjoy that. 26
Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Happy 50 That comedian you mean? Yeah, he practically begged me to hire him. Didn't even haggle. Here's your 3%. 27
Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Happy 50 That comedian you mean? Yeah, he practically begged me to hire him. Didn't even haggle. Here's your 5%. 28
Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Happy 50 That comedian you mean? Yeah, he was a hell of a haggler. Cost me a pretty cap - hope he's worth it. Here's your 3%. 29
Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Happy 50 That comedian you mean? Yeah, he was a hell of a haggler. Cost me a pretty cap - hope he's worth it. Here's your 5%. 30
Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Neutral 50 That ugly mug with the razor tongue? Dig it baby, he'll be one hell of a novelty act. Just like Tommy promised, here's your 3%. 31
Let's talk about the acts I recruited. Happy 50 That ugly mug with the razor tongue? Dig it baby, he'll be one hell of a novelty act. Just like Tommy promised, here's your 5%. 32
TommyToriniTheater Tell me about this theater. Happy 35 Well, it was my idea - well, me and the rest of the Rad Pack boys. We took it to Benny, and he thought it was a good idea. 33
Happy 50 A few years later, here we are - the best show in New Vegas! 34
TommyToriniWork Swank mentioned you might be looking for some new acts. Can I help? Happy 100 Sure, baby, sure. Tommy's always looking for new talent to bring to the Aces. 35
Happy 100 Tell you what, you see any good acts while you're out wandering, give them my card. If they work out, I'll give you a 3% cut of the door. 36
Happy 100 Just swing back by as you recruit folks, I'll get you your bread. 37
TopsAllSeenBenny Have you seen Benny? Happy 30 Dig it, baby, he beat feet to his suite. You scare the big boss man or something? 38
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic000 Sure, I'll keep an eye out. Happy 35 Ring-a-ding! My card. 39
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic001 Talent scouting isn't really my thing. I think I'll pass. Neutral 50 All right, well, if you change your mind, just let me know. 40
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic002 Hang on, this comes out to 1,500 caps for Billy! He's worth three times that! Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] All right, you drive a hard bargain, baby. Tell you what, I'll bump him up to 3,000. That's fair. Here's your cut. 41
Hang on, this comes out to 1,500 caps for Billy! He's worth three times that! Surprise 50 [FAILED] Baby, you have got to be joking! Now take your cut and stop being crazy. 42
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic003 Yeah, I hear you. Any idea where he goes when he disappears like that? Disgust 10 [SUCCEEDED] Well, now, you didn't hear this from Tommy, but Benny likes to go off on a bender now and then. 43
Surprise 50 Usually he's only gone a couple days, but this last time nobody saw him for almost a month! 44
Happy 15 Ask me, I think he's got a dame from Gomorrah holed up in his suite, because nobody ever saw him leave it. 45
So, Benny likes to take off, huh? Uhh, want to tell me where he goes? Fear 20 [FAILED] Oh, uh, it ain't even a thing. Forget I even said it. 46
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic004 Let's talk about something else. Happy 75 Sure thing, baby. What can Tommy do for you? 47
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic005 Okay, sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. Happy 25 It's cool, baby. Tommy's a forgiving fella. 48
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic006 Really? What kind of entertainment do you have? Pained 15 Well, acts are a little bit thin on the ground right now, but every night from eight to midnight, we got the Rad Pack Revue! 49
Happy 50 Songs, dancing, jokes, we got it all! 50
Maybe I could help you find some more acts for your show.
I've reconsidered about the talent scouting. Happy 100 Glad to hear it, baby! My card - pass it on if you see any good acts out there. 51
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic008 Sounds great. Happy 30 You know it, baby! 52
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic009 Make it 5% and you've got a deal. Surprise 35 [SUCCEEDED] Ooh, a sharp customer! All right, all right, 5% it is. 53
No way, I won't do it for less than 50%! Disgust 20 [FAILED] I'm guessing you don't really know how this business works, kid. My offer is very generous already. Think about it. 54
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic010 Thanks. Happy 50 Any day, baby, any day. 55
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic011 Hang on, this comes out to 1,500 caps for Billy! He's worth three times that! Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] All right, you drive a hard bargain, baby. Tell you what, I'll bump him up to 3,000. That's fair. Here's your cut. 56
Hang on, this comes out to 1,500 caps for Billy! He's worth three times that! Surprise 50 [FAILED] Baby, you have got to be joking! Now take your cut and stop being crazy. 57
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic012 Thanks. Happy 50 Any day, baby, any day. 58
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsTommyToriniTopic013 Billy's worth three times what you're paying him. Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED] All right, you drive a hard bargain, baby. Tell you what, I'll bump him up to 3,000. That's fair. Here's the difference for your cut. 59
Billy's worth three times what you're paying him. Surprise 50 [FAILED] Baby, you have got to be joking! 60


Goodbye. Neutral 50 Take it easy, baby. 61


RadioHello RadioHello Neutral 50 {Manhattan} 62