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This is a transcript for dialogue with Hadrian.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 35 Whoa, baby! Am I looking at a mirror, or are you just that ugly? 1
GREETING Pained 10 Any luck with Garret yet? 2
GREETING Disgust 25 Well, if it isn't my number one fan. What can I do for you, number one fan? 3
HadrianComedy So you perform stand-up comedy, huh? Disgust 25 Eesh, is my act that bad, or are you just that dumb? Yeah, that's right - got me a nice, juicy contract with the management. 4
HadrianIntro So who are you, exactly? Pained 25 Either you need to get your eyes checked or that "fame is fleeting" thing is true - and since I happen to be world famous, you must be going blind. 5
Disgust 20 Name's Hadrian. Bet you never saw a ghoul in a suit before, huh? Course, you don't exactly strike me as the worldly type. 6
HadrianWork Tommy Torini is hiring new acts at the Tops. I think you could make good money. Sad 25 Too bad I got this ironclad contract with the Garrets. They'll never let me out of it. 7
Are you sure you wouldn't rather go work at the Tops? Sad 20 Like I told you, I can't go anywhere without getting out of my contract with Garret first. Talk to him, maybe he'll cut me loose if you ask nice. 8
Garrett's agreed to let you out of your contract. You can go work at the Tops. Happy 50 Really? You mean I'm finally out of this shithole? That's great! Thank you! 9
Tommy Torini is hiring new acts at the Tops. I think you could make good money. Disgust 15 Sure, why not? Nothing left for me here since Garret's dead. 10
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic000 Excuse me? Neutral 50 What, you mean you're not part of the act? Heh. Sorry. Thought you were the heckler Garret hired to spice up the shows. 11
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic001 Watch your mouth, ghoul, or I might just rip your jaw off. Neutral 50 Whoa Nelly! There's insult comedy and then there's psycho comedy! I guess you aren't the heckler Garret hired to spice up my show. What do you want? 12
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic002 Whoa, why the hostility? Neutral 50 Come on, stay in character! You're supposed to be heckling me! 13
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic004 Why bother? You're embarassing yourself enough as it is. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Hey, not bad! Your timing's terrible and you got no style, but you might make it as a professional heckler. 14
That's what your mom said last night. Aw yeah. I went there. Surprise 50 [FAILED] That doesn't even make any sense! You're not the heckler Garret hired to spice up the show, are you? 15
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic005 Afraid not. Neutral 50 So, what do you want, then? 16
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic006 No, but if there's money in it, I could be. Neutral 50 Yeah, no, we were hoping to find someone who was actually... what's the word... funny? What do you want, kid? 17
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic009 Not yet. I'm still working on it. Neutral 50 I'm not suirprised, he's a stubborn, greedy bastard. 18
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic011 Judging from the economic state of Freeside, they can't be paying you that much. Sad 30 Okay, I admit it, I ain't exactly rolling in caps here, but whaddya want? I'm under contract, I can't get out. 19
Judging from the economic state of Freeside, they can't be paying you that much. Pained 45 {pained wince} Eesh... say, you wouldn't happen to have been my manager in a past life, would you? You've got all his money-smarts. 20
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic014 I could talk to Garret and try to convince him to let you go. Pained 20 Heh, good luck. Garret's a tough, mean sonofabitch, he's not likely to give up. Let me know if you make any headway. 21
VMSTopsTalentPoolVMSTopsHadrianTopic015 Well, tough luck. Let me know if you change your mind. Sad 30 Ain't my mind needs changing, kid, it's Garret's. 22


Goodbye. Neutral 50 Yeah, go on, scram. 23
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 It's great to be up here, looking down at all your smiling faces. That won't last long. 24
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Hey, look at this guy! I didn't know they let Brahmin into this joint! 25
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Hey, look at this gal! I didn't know they let Brahmin into this joint! 26
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Hey, look at this guy! Those muscles are unreal - I mean it, they're imaginary! 27
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Hey, look at this gal! Those muscles are unreal - I mean it, they're imaginary! 28
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 This guy's so sharp-eyed, he cuts himself every time he blinks! 29
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 This gal's so sharp-eyed, she cuts herself every time she blinks! 30
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 I tell ya, you've got great eyes. You could spot a Super mutant at three paces. 31
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Buddy, you look tough enough to drink a pint of glowing water. Why don't you do us all a favor and try it? 32
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Sister, you look tough enough to drink a pint of glowing water. Why don't you do us all a favor and try it? 33
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Whoa, you don't look too healthy. Maybe you should see a doctor. Or an undertaker. 34
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 I hear you've got a ready wit. Tell me when it's ready. 35
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 My friend, you've got style, grace, and charm - the style of a feral Ghoul, the grace of a Super mutant, and the charm of a Deathclaw. 36
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Somebody told me the other day you were bright - I wasn't sure if he meant smart, or radioactive. 37
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 The way I hear it, you've got brains to spare. Looks to me like a 7-10 split. 38
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 And talk about your quick reflexes, this guy is so fast he beat me to the punchline. 39
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 And talk about your quick reflexes, this gal is so fast she beat me to the punchline. 40
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Boy, you're clumsy. You're so clumsy when you slip in the shower, you fall up. 41
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 This guy right here, he's got an angel looking over his shoulder. If I were him, I'd get a restraining order. 42
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 This gal right here, she's got an angel looking over her shoulder. If I were her, I'd get a restraining order. 43
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 You know, some people have all the luck. Some people, not you. 44
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Was that suit made to order? It was? And where were you at the time? 45
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 If you had your life to live over again, let me make a suggestion: Play in traffic. 46
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Look at you, you look like a talent scout for a cemetery. 47
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 The more I think of you, the less I think of you. 48
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 How about a hand for the Rad Pack, the band that inspired that great saying, "Stop the music!" 49
TopsHadrianPerformanceStrings Neutral 50 Swank is here, ladies and gentlemen. Make yourself at home, Swank - hit somebody! 50