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This is a transcript for dialogue with the bounty hunter from I Fought the Law (possibly renamed bounty hunter).


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Player not in Powder Ganger gear} {part of an act - he's not really a merchant and trying to see if the player is really a Powder Ganger} Better be careful around these parts. I hear there's Powder Gangers around and dangerous for merchants like me. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 {Male PC, in Powder Ganger gear} {triumphant} Well, well. It's about time one of you guys came along. I figure the NCR would pay a pretty good bounty for a Powder Ganger. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {Female PC, in Powder Ganger gear} {puzzled} Hadn't heard there were women Powder Gangers, but a bounty's a bounty. The NCR will probably pay up either way. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 You won't see me around here again. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 What brings you back? 5
VMS02MerchantGimmeCaps This is Powder Ganger territory, and there's a toll. Pay up. Neutral 50 {Male PC} It's about time one of you guys showed up - I've been waiting long enough. The NCR will probably give me a nice bounty for your corpse. 6
This is Powder Ganger territory, and there's a toll. Pay up. Neutral 50 {Female PC} Huh - didn't know there were women Powder Gangers. Oh, well - the NCR will still give me a nice bounty for your corpse. 7
VMS02MerchantLeave So what are you doing sticking around here? Neutral 50 Uh, you know, just filling up water and stuff. 8
VMS02VMS02WaterMerchantTopic000 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Watch your back out there. 9
VMS02VMS02WaterMerchantTopic001 There's a bounty out on Powder Gangers? Neutral 50 No, but there really ought to be. I'm just taking the initiative, is all. 10
VMS02VMS02WaterMerchantTopic002 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Nope, not going to be that easy. 11
VMS02VMS02WaterMerchantTopic003 {Intelligence 6+}Traveling a little light for a merchant, aren't you? No pack Brahmin? Neutral 50 Well, you see, I... fuck. I'm really a bounty hunter trying to catch some Powder Gangers, but they probably saw through me, just like you did. 12
Neutral 50 I've been hanging around hoping to ambush some of them, but haven't had any success. 13
< Speech 30 >
Even if you managed to kill me, the Powder Gangers are already on to you. It's why I'm here. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Hmmm... that's a good point. Sorry I, uh, tried to ambush you there. No hard feelings, I hope. 14
So, there's no official bounty? Waste of time, if you ask me. Better walk away while you can. Neutral 50 [FAILED] I don't think it's a waste of time. A handful of dead Powder Gangers ought to get the NCR to cough up some caps. 15
VMS02VMS02WaterMerchantTopic005 You think you can take on Powder Gangers by yourself? Neutral 50 Not a whole gang or anything - just two, maybe three. I was a caravan guard, so I know how to handle a gun pretty well. 16
VMS02VMS02WaterMerchantTopic006 You won't live to collect that bounty. Neutral 50 We'll see about that. 17
< Speech 30 >
A real merchant would be much more worried about Powder Gangers, you know. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Guess I was a little too obvious. I'm actually a bounty hunter - I was hoping to bag some Powder Gangers if they tried to rob me. 18
You sure you're actually a merchant? Anger 5 [FAILED] Yeah, I'm a merchant, just like I said. 19
VMS02VMS02WaterMerchantTopic008 You'd better leave while you can. The Powder Gangers won't fall for your trick. Neutral 50 Yeah, was a stupid idea, anyway. See you around. 20
VMS02VMS02WaterMerchantTopic009 {Terrifying Presence}I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you. Well, not really. Neutral 50 Like I'd hang around to find out! 21


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Watch your back out there. 22
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Nope, not going to be that easy. 23