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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ranger Jackson.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Studying player} Looks like we got a new visitor in the ol' Brahmin pen. {Beat} Not many people coming here in a hurry, only passing through. 1
Neutral 50 {Sighs} And if you're passing through, you picked a bad time. Road north has gone to hell, and if I let a caravan through, they won't make it. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Appreciate the help. Wish I had more work for you, but nothing else on the radar at the moment. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Something else you needed? I'm short-handed here. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Any luck up by the track? 5
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic000 Any way I can help? Neutral 50 {Appraising player} Help? No, look, I apprec... {Beat} You know, what, yes, I could use the help. And you look like you can handle yourself. 6
Neutral 50 I need to get the caravans moving again, that means clearing a path north. There's too much crawling the asphalt up the road to allow it. 7
Any way I can help? Neutral 50 I need to get the caravans moving again, that means clearing a path north. There's too much crawling the asphalt up the road to allow it. 8
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic001 Never mind. I'll be going now. Neutral 50 Take care - cool your heels over in the barracks, if you want. 9
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic002 Sounds like a deal. Neutral 50 Thanks, I appreciate it. Come back here when you're done, I might accidentally "lose" some supplies to pay you with. 10
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic003 No thanks. Neutral 50 {Smiles} At least you asked. More than some that pass through here. 11
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic005 Not yet. Neutral 50 Well, if you can help, I'd appreciate it. Need to get these caravans moving. 12
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic007 You sure seem like you have enough soldiers. Neutral 50 Soldiers, no, recruits, yes. And the Mojave Outpost has been ordered to have a standing force at the NCR perimeter at all times. 13
Neutral 50 So sending anyone out reduces the Outpost's numbers and would be in direct violation of my orders from back West. 14
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic008 Is NCR sending more troops? Neutral 50 Sending more troops, yes, to reinforce the Outpost, no. Troops head through here on their way to McCarran or to the frontlines at Forlorn Hope. 15
Neutral 50 Or they're on leave, on their way to New Vegas to piss away their pay. All of them, passing through. 16
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic009 You sound frustrated. Neutral 50 Frustrated? No. I have my orders - signed, and approved all the way up the chain from Kimball. And I understand the reasons. 17
Neutral 50 The Outpost isn't a Legion target, yet, not like Vegas or the Dam - but if the caravans get choked here, that's going to bite NCR hard. 18
Neutral 50 Anyway, didn't mean to talk your ear off. Some days... just feel like more requisition forms and daily reports come across my desk than results. 19
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic012 I have evidence of a caravan conspiracy. Neutral 50 What is it? Let me see. 20
Neutral 50 All right. This is... this explains a lot of the lost caravans. I thought it was Legion work, but... 21
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic014 Can you get it to the right people? Neutral 50 No. No, I can't. Because this evidence might be true... but it doesn't just implicate them. 22
Neutral 50 It's a motive for what happened up North, someone went cruising through both compounds, killed them all. 23
Neutral 50 I'm guessing that was you. If so, you're not leaving this outpost except in chains. 24
Can you get it to the right people? Neutral 50 {Cold} I can, if you make me a promise. 25
Neutral 50 {Cold} I need you to swear you won't take revenge on Gloria or Alice. If you do, then your case is over, and we can't see that justice is done. 26
Neutral 50 I know some things are hard to let go, but you and Miss Cassidy need to understand that, hear me? 27
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic015 You have our word. Neutral 50 That'll have to do. {Beat} God, what a mess. People turning against each other when the Mojave's at risk of falling? 28
Neutral 50 If the Republics sinkhole-progress doesn't kill us, greed will. {Beat} Thanks for bringing me this, I know revenge must have been tempting. 29
Neutral 50 For what it's worth, I appreciate you didn't shed any more blood. We need to save our strength for the Legion. 30
You have our word. Anger 10 {Beat} God, what a mess. People turning against each other when the Mojave's at risk of falling? 31
Neutral 50 If the Republics sinkhole-progress doesn't kill us, greed will. {Beat} Thanks for bringing me this, I know revenge must have been tempting. 32
Neutral 50 For what it's worth, I appreciate you didn't shed any more blood. We need to save our strength for the Legion. 33
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic016 Sure... no problem. Neutral 50 Hmmm. All right - you change your mind and start shooting, then I can't help you. Show up here after, I'll put you in chains. 34
Neutral 50 Get on now, I'll make sure this gets West and let the wheels of law start turning in the courts. 35
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic017 If you can promise it gets where it needs to go. Neutral 50 I can promise that, what happens after... {sighs} not even God himself could move the Congress in or out of session. And this... this is a tricky matter. 36
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic018 You're welcome. Neutral 50 I'll do what I can - and those folks that got killed need to be answered for. 37
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic021 You mentioned a reward before? Neutral 50 No, I mentioned you might accidentally get supplied, and I meant it. Not allowed to contract mercenaries at the Outpost. 38
Neutral 50 Still, a requisition form or two can get lost, and they're not going to come check... so here you go, just between us. 39
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic023 [NCR] I'm here to assist. Neutral 50 Well, about time we got a soldier... and not a recruit, you look like you've seen some action. 40
vMojavevMORangerJacksonTopic025 I'll be going now. Neutral 50 Come back when you've made some progress. 41