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This is a transcript for dialogue with Kate.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Hi, what can I do for you? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back. Need anything? 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {Sad about her mentor's death} I've been taking care of the shop, since Michael... {Steeled Resolve} I've got to look forward. Someone's got to bring beauty into this barren world. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, it's you! Michael Angelo told me about your photographs. I hope to see the world, one day, like you do. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back, friend. What can I do for you? 5
VMS22VMAKathleenTopic000 What's this place? Neutral 50 You saw our front sign, didn't you? This is where all the beautiful signs of the Strip become a reality. 6
Happy 50 It all comes from Michael Angelo's imagination. We do a little work here and there too, sure, but he's the real artist. 7
What's this place? Neutral 50 You saw our front sign, didn't you? This is where all the beautiful signs of the Strip become a reality. 8
VMS22VMAKathleenTopic001 I'm looking for Michael Angelo. Neutral 50 Check out the back of the shop, he's usually working there. 9
VMS22VMAKathleenTopic002 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Bye. 10
VMS22VMAKathleenTopic003 Who is Michael Angelo? Happy 30 He's the reason the Strip shines like a star at night. Mike's imagined and built every sign, billboard and light you'll see around here. 11
VMS22VMAKathleenTopic005 How long have you worked here? Happy 50 I've been here over a year now. Though I'm not one to get tied for long. 12
Anger 20 I plan to roam the Wasteland once I'm ready. The people need light and kindness, there's too much fear and pain out there already. 13
VMS22VMAKathleenTopic007 Tell me again about Michael Angelo. Sad 30 He's the reason the Strip shines like a star at night. Mike's imagined and built every sign, billboard and light you'll see around here. 14