Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 It was such an honor to be here today. I'm so lucky. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm too young to die! 2
GREETING Neutral 50 President Kimball is really well spoken. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Not right now. President Kimball is giving his speech. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 The Legion is attacking! Run for your lives! 5
GREETING Neutral 50 What the fuck just happened? 6
GREETING Neutral 50 What is going on? 7
GREETING Neutral 50 Quiet, I'm trying to listen to the speech. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 Shh! I want to hear what is going on. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Leave me alone, I'm trying to pay attention. 10
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm so excited about he President visiting. This is going to be great! 11
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm looking forward to seeing the President. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm just glad to have the day off for this. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 I wonder what President Kimball is going to talk about today. 14
GREETING Neutral 50 That was a great speech. 15
GREETING Neutral 50 That's a nice suit President Kimball had. 16