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This is a transcript for dialogue with Legate Lanius.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Player sent to Lanius by Caesar or Lucius} You are the courier Lord Caesar has spoken of. The slaughter begins, then. 1
GREETING Disgust 30 {Low, vicious, angry} And who is this before me in the colors of the Legion. An envoy... dressed as an insult to all that carry out Caesar's will. 2
GREETING Surprise 10 {Suspicious, slow} And who are you to come before me... you bear the insignia of the Bear, yet you do not wear it as a soldier of the West wears it. 3
GREETING Surprise 10 {Suspicious, slow} An envoy of Vegas, yet you carry yourself for battle. If so, you cannot *truly* be of that city of cowards. 4
GREETING Surprise 10 {Suspicious, slow} And who are you to come before me... you don't bear the mark of the Bear, yet are ready for battle. 5
GREETING Disgust 10 {Final Combat} {Beat, then disdain} Your words have done nothing but delay the inevitable. {Beat} Now, see what my hounds and my blade will bring to you. 6
GREETING Anger 10 {Cold, finality} For the Legion. 7
GREETING Anger 30 [FAILED] {Angered, cutting the player off} Enough. 8
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic000 If you think you've got any chance of taking Hoover Dam, you're wrong. Disgust 10 {Disdain} Many graves in the East are filled with those who said as much, with braver words, not backed by strength. 9
Neutral 50 It is Caesar's {emph} will this gate to the West bear the flag of the Legion. {Beat, a little quieter, resolved} Caesar's will shall be done. 10
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic001 Maybe you're willing to listen to reason. Disgust 10 {Disgust} I see you fight with words, like all beneath the flag of the bear. Let us hope your skill with weapons proves greater. 11
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic002 You mean your army is about to attack? Anger 10 My army has been ready for some time now. My orders were to await the coming of a messenger. 12
Neutral 50 You are messenger and message both, it would seem. 13
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic003 {Caesar alive}What, Caesar wasn't brave enough to come take the Dam himself? Anger 10 Caesar's will is made truth through me. I am a hammer against all that defy his rule. 14
Anger 10 If you seek to stand against me, you shall fall as the West falls. 15
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic004 {Caesar dead}What, Caesar giving you orders beyond the grave? Anger 10 Caesar's will is the will of the Legion. And the West... all beneath the flag of the Great Bear exist to test the strength of the Legion. 16
Anger 10 The West shall fall as the East fell, and all the tribes that stretch to the setting sun shall bear the mark of the Legion. 17
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic005 I'm here to kill you. The Legion's advance ends here. Happy 10 {Respectful, eager} Enough words, then. Let our strength settle this. 18
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic006 Nice mask, can't wait to take it as a trophy. Anger 20 We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing West so you may watch your world die. {Slow, angry, evil - the player's comments got under his skin.} 19
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic008 <Bluff> Persist and learn what Graham learned at the Dam - and Boulder City. Anger 30 [SUCCEEDED] {Insulted} You dare speak that name? Comparing him to any man of Caesar will only earn you a slow death. 20
Anger 40 {Anger building} You think me some lesser man, some other Legate? I am the first of the Legion, and this gate to the West shall be ours this day. 21
<Bluffs> But... history has shown defeat is assured. Uh, yours, that is. Disgust 20 [FAILED] {Slight sneer} Those are your final words? They are too weak to even wash the stain of your disgrace this day. 22
Disgust 20 Yet if those are the words you wish to be remembered for, then I shall... {beat, disgust, as if "honor is undeserving} *honor* them. 23
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic009 <Bluff> NCR has studied you as they did Graham, and the trap is ready for you. Surprise 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Thinking} Hnh. {Beat} You believe your own words, even if I do not. 24
Surprise 10 {Slightly suspicious} Perhaps NCR has the strength of a cornered animal... it will not be enough to hold this place. 25
Anger 10 They know nothing of my tactics - or the strength of my forces. They will learn. 26
<Bluff> I think they believe you'll be tricked as easily... maybe easier. Anger 10 [FAILED] {Contempt} Then they know nothing of me or the Legion's subjugation of the East. 27
Anger 20 And to send you to deceive me... it is you that they have tricked, not I. 28
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic012 <Bluff> The position of your veterans, using the Dam's intake towers - all as expected. Surprise 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Slightly to himself} We did take the towers easier than expected. I cannot believe even the Republic would overlook such an opening in their defenses. 29
Neutral 50 {Rallying} Yet we are at throat of the Great Bear. Victory is at hand. 30
<Bluff> That strength... other Legates didn't see it either, until it was too late. Anger 20 [FAILED] I am not another Legate, and I am not such a fool as Graham, to be painted in pitch and set aflame. 31
Disgust 10 If all NCR believes as you do, then this battle is already won. 32
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic013 You're the Legate, I'm guessing? Neutral 50 I am the commander of this army. The Son of Mars has granted me the name Lanius. And the time to serve him has come once more. 33
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic014 And what do you want me to do? Neutral 50 Our forces are better equipped to take objectives than hold them. I do not wish to defend this place if another option exists. 34
Neutral 50 Our opponents follow a strict chain of command, which is both a strength and weakness. I intend to use you to strike at that weakness. 35
Anger 10 Find the enemy commander, this General Oliver. Kill him or his resolve. Do this, and his cowards will retreat, leaving the dam to us. 36
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic016 What does Lanius mean? Happy 10 The word means "butcher" in Latin. I was granted the name after proving myself in several battles. 37
Neutral 50 Perhaps after today's battle, you too will earn yourself a new name. 38
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic018 Are you looking forward to the battle? Neutral 50 I live to serve Caesar's will - and the will of the Legion. If my victory serves them both, then I am pleased. 39
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic019 What do you think of the NCR? Disgust 10 They are passable foes. {Slight disdain} Like their citizens, they prefer their war from a distance, and at that, they excel. 40
Neutral 50 {Reflective} Their leaders have on occasion shown brilliance, their rangers in particular have adapted well to our strategies. 41
Sad 10 But their rangers are few, and this General Oliver we face is not their best. I regret not being able to face Hanlon, the one who led them last time. 42
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic020 Any idea what our chances are? Disgust 10 Their men take comfort in - and rely on - killing at a distance. They will not have the luxury of such comforts this time. 43
Anger 20 Our warriors will wash over them in a tide of blood, severing arms before they can attack, legs before they can run, and heads before they can pray. 44
Anger 10 So yes, fortune favors our chances, messenger. Provided *you* move quickly. 45
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic021 I'm ready. What is the plan? Neutral 50 In the past, the NCR has relied upon attrition, withering our numbers with ranged fire and falling back as necessary. 46
Neutral 50 Not this time. The dam contains tunnels to its heart, overlooked by the NCR... now occupied by the Legion. 47
Neutral 50 When the battle begins, the NCR will find our teeth at their throats in a dozen places. There will be no attrition, no falling back, only carnage. 48
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic022 What can you tell me about the layout of the dam? Neutral 50 It was not intended for war - its top sides are bound to two intake towers by a series of bridges. No doubt snipers nest there. 49
Neutral 50 On the far side of the dam, a small building provides access to the power plant below. That is where Oliver hides. 50
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic023 I have questions. Neutral 50 Then ask them. But don't waste my time. The battle draws near. 51
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic025 Time to go pay General Oliver a visit. Anger 10 Mars's eyes are upon you. Do not fail him - or us. 52
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic028 <Bluff> Your success was too easy, though, wasn't it? You think I reached you by chance? Surprise 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Suspicious} You play on my instincts. Yet your intention in this... you have nothing to gain by telling me of this... "trap." 53
Anger 20 {Angry} Unless you seek to goad me into a retreat, leaving the battlefield and leaving my honor here to be trampled underfoot by Republic cowards. 54
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic037 Perhaps the treachery of your own ranks disgusts you as it disgusts me. Anger 10 Of course. And I guard myself from such acts of cowardice and jealousy. 55
Surprise 10 You claim that word of my coming has been given to the West so that I might die here... even as I take the Dam? 56
Disgust 10 Telling me this does not benefit you at all... you gamble with your words, and your coin is lacking. 57
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic040 If you return East and exact vengeance, it buys the West time - and thins the Legion ranks. Disgust 10 If what you say is true, then they shall answer for it. 58
Neutral 50 But you suggest I turn from battle to answer these crimes, when I can prove myself greater by meeting them - then returning with the Dam as ours. 59
Anger 10 You almost convinced me otherwise... but justice comes to all in time, and it now comes to you. 60
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic042 When your own must ally with the West in order to remove you? Such treachery must be answered. Neutral 50 You speak with conviction, and more importantly, with honor. {Beat} And we secured a foothold on the Dam... easily, as you have said. 61
Neutral 50 Graham's overconfidence forever branded him with fire, I will not follow his trail of fire into the depths of the Grand Canyon. 62
Neutral 50 {Resolved} The Republic shall keep their Old World gate this day, I shall return East. When I return, I shall have all the armies of the Legion with me. 63
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic043 I have questions first. Anger 10 Then ask them. The battle draws near. 64
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic046 I will await that day, Legate Lanius. Surprise 10 {Final word, slight suspicion} Perhaps it is unfortunate Vulpes was not here to hear your words... something tells me you would prove more than his match. 65
I will await that day, Legate Lanius. Surprise 10 {Final word, slight suspicion} Perhaps it is fortunate Vulpes went to his death before this day... something tells me your words would have surpassed even his skills. 66
I will await that day, Legate Lanius. Happy 10 Until the day when our armies meet again, NCR - I shall wait for you on the battlefield. 67
I will await that day, Legate Lanius. Happy 10 Until the day when our armies meet again, envoy of Vegas - I shall wait for you on the battlefield. 68
I will await that day, Legate Lanius. Happy 10 Until the day when our armies meet again, courier - I shall wait for you on the battlefield. 69
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic049 [Karma] Any man can claim bravery when he outnumbers his opponent. Happy 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Frowns} Hnh. I have seen little of true battle this day. And you were brave to come here to face me when all of NCR would not. 70
Happy 20 {Nods, respectful} I shall honor your last words and face you alone. No man will say I refused your challenge. 71
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic050 <Bluff> If you're such a "Terror" of the East, call off your dogs and face me one on one. Anger 30 [SUCCEEDED] {Takes a ragged, angry breath} The West's treatment of bitches such as you is their weakness. {Beat, second thought} But... by my honor, I shall face you alone, as you request. {Had to dupe these lines because of the different skill/Karma checks being done tied to the conditional.} 72
Anger 20 {Snarling} Woman of the West... you will learn your place - in my tent, and again, when you beg for release on the edge of my blade. {Had to dupe these lines because of the different skill/Karma checks being done tied to the conditional.} 73
<Bluff> If you're such a "Terror" of the East, call off your dogs and face me one on one. Anger 30 [SUCCEEDED] {Takes a ragged, angry breath} I shall make a cape of your skin. And your skull - it shall sit by my side, mute, watching as my armies march West. {Had to dupe these lines because of the different skill/Karma checks being done tied to the conditional.} 74
Anger 20 {Snarling} I shall honor your last words... and face you alone, as you request. No man will say I refused your challenge. {Had to dupe these lines because of the different skill/Karma checks being done tied to the conditional.} 75
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic051 [Karma] Why don't you fight me yourself if you've got the spine for it, shithead. Anger 30 [SUCCEEDED] {Takes a ragged, angry breath} The West's treatment of bitches such as you is their weakness. {Beat, second thought} But... by my honor, I shall face you alone, as you request. {Had to dupe these lines because of the different skill/Karma checks being done tied to the conditional.} 76
Anger 20 {Snarling} Woman of the West... you will learn your place - in my tent, and again, when you beg for release on the edge of my blade. {Had to dupe these lines because of the different skill/Karma checks being done tied to the conditional.} 77
[Karma] Why don't you fight me yourself if you've got the spine for it, shithead. Anger 30 [SUCCEEDED] {Takes a ragged, angry breath} I shall make a cape of your skin. And your skull - it shall sit by my side, mute, watching as my armies march West. {Had to dupe these lines because of the different skill/Karma checks being done tied to the conditional.} 78
Anger 20 {Snarling} I shall honor your last words... and face you alone, as you request. No man will say I refused your challenge. {Had to dupe these lines because of the different skill/Karma checks being done tied to the conditional.} 79
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic052 Maybe you'd want something more fair? Like a fair fight? Anger 10 [FAILED] No, I shall make it a contest - whether I can kill you *before* my hounds tear you apart. 80
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic059 You could take the West. *Holding* it is another matter. Disgust 20 [SUCCEEDED] {Contempt} I have no *need* to hold it - anything the West sends against me shall break against the wall that is the Legion. 81
Look... there must be some deal we can make to stop this fighting - it's useless. Disgust 20 [FAILED] {Disgust} You seek to buy my conviction, like some merchant from the West. 82
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic060 And they don't *need* to send an army, your supply lines will kill you first. Anger 20 [SUCCEEDED] {Derisive} You think we would march without a means of resupply? We have the Fort, we will have the Dam - other communities will fall. 83
Anger 10 And we shall harvest as we move West. {With conviction} We only need move forward. 84
So you, uh, think military strength is enough, even without supplies? Disgust 20 [FAILED] Your reliance on comfort... it rots you from the inside. You are in need of the teachings the Legion will bring to your people. 85
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic063 There's no communities to support you in the West - you've seen to that. Anger 20 [SUCCEEDED] {Growing anger} There are many towns, many slaves... ripe for the taking as the tribes from the East were. 86
The farther West, your strength will fail you, I promise you. Disgust 20 [FAILED] {Growing anger, disgust} I shall carve your {emph} promises into your skin so that you might think on them - and let that be the lesson this day. 87
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic064 The settlements West are *not* self-sufficient tribes - they need NCR, and the caravans. Anger 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Confused} You rely too much on the trappings of... civilization. The people of the West were once tribes - they will relearn their ways, or... 88
Look, you haven't thought the economics of this through, all right? Anger 30 [FAILED] {Angered, cutting the player off} Enough. 89
But the Legion... it's destroyed a bunch of... well, towns you need.
Towns? The Legion destroyed Nipton, poisoned Searchlight, butchered Nelson. Sad 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Pauses} Vulpes... brought the touch of Caesar to such places. 90
Sad 10 {Beat} It was necessary to weaken the West, show that the Legion could strike deep into the places where NCR thought it safe. 91
Anger 10 {Rallying} But we do not need *those* towns. Like Hoover Dam, there is the power within Vegas... we can harness it for our needs. 92
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic071 As Legate, do you really believe that, or are you taking a chance? Sad 10 Hnh. {Beat} Long ago... when taking Denver, I had to face such a challenge. Many died, over many years to claim the city as ours. 93
Sad 10 {Reflective} It was the lines of food and water that nearly broke the Legion's strength... and the lack of tribals near that cursed city. 94
Sad 10 What I felt in that struggle, I felt as I saw the map of the West. The West is a trap. The bear has already been caught in it, and it is dying. 95
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic073 Where you see death, I see change - and I see it as a strength. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Hnh. My coming would have saved you, set your people free in ways they cannot see. 96
Neutral 50 War would have tested them. Broken the weak with its violence, yet allowing the strong to arise. 97
Neutral 50 Violence gave you that strength, awakened you - I can see it upon your face, where two bullets left their mark. 98
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic074 I have faith. Trade helped us survive the Great War, it will do so again. Happy 10 [SUCCEEDED] Hnh. Then when I return, woman of the West... we shall see if your belief will withstand the blades of the Legion. 99
I have faith. Trade helped us survive the Great War, it will do so again. Happy 10 [SUCCEEDED] Hnh. Then when I return, man of the West... we shall see if your belief will withstand the blades of the Legion. 100
I have faith. Trade helped us survive the Great War, it will do so again. Happy 10 But I shall give you the time you need to prepare. 101
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic075 So... you'll retreat? Surprise 10 Retreat? {Beat, as if the word is new to him.} Retreat. 102
Anger 30 {Growing anger} I was a fool to listen to you... you know nothing of who I am. 103
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic078 This battle is decided, that's why I am here. Disgust 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Mocking} So you seek quarter? Terms of surrender? 104
Disgust 10 Our roads into NCR are hung with the bodies of those who attempted to {disgust} negotiate with us. 105
Anger 20 Save your speeches, we will take Hoover Dam and move forward until our feet crush the setting sun beneath them. 106
I suspect the bear will surprise you in ways... in ways I can't even describe. Anger 10 [FAILED] It is the Legion that will surprise the West, but you will not be alive to see it. 107
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic079 Move forward? The Legion spent years trying to take Hoover Dam. Disgust 10 [SUCCEEDED] Hoover Dam has never seen the massed strength of the East. Only Legates such as Graham... who deserved the fire Caesar blessed him with. 108
Anger 10 Now I am here, and make markers of your people as the Legion carves its way West. 109
Surely there are terms you would hear? Anything? Anger 30 [FAILED] {Angered, cutting the player off} Enough. 110
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic081 And then what of the East? Anger 20 [SUCCEEDED] {Angered, confused} You speak in circles - what of the East? {beat} I am the East, and I will prove it this day. 111
Look, my point about Hoover Dam is that it's hard to take, so... Anger 30 [FAILED] {Angered, cutting the player off} Enough. 112
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic083 If you need all the East to crush the West... Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] The victory here shall be swift. Our forces shall take the Dam, secure it, then build a road west on the bodies of the NCR. 113
Neutral 50 The East will hold. Once across the Colorado, nothing to rival Hoover Dam remains. 114
Look, you're not listening to me - it's not about the Dam, really. Anger 30 [FAILED] {Angered, cutting the player off} Enough. 115
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic085 Well... except Vegas. Neutral 50 Vegas will fall. 116
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic088 It is not the strength of the West that will slow you, it is their weakness. Surprise 20 [SUCCEEDED] {Curious} Your weakness? You seek to thwart me by claiming the Legion is too strong for you? 117
That's an optimistic attitude for a general, and that's how wars get lost. Disgust 10 [FAILED] And how {emp} battles are lost... when you bring nothing but words to a contest of strength. 118
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic089 Really? I hope you're not counting on the Omertas to help you. Surprise 10 {Pauses} I count on no one. 119
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic090 About time. I was starting to get bored with all this waiting around. Anger 30 {Angry} As was I... yet I was ordered to await you. Now that you are here, we may act. 120
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic092 Good, because the Omertas' plan was stopped, Vegas is as strong as ever. Anger 20 {Angered} A plan by Vulpes... treachery is a weapon that one should never rely on. 121
Anger 20 I can only hope that the Omertas died when their treachery was exposed, to have the plan succeed only would have sullied the Legion. 122
Neutral 50 It does not matter, victory shall be ours, it shall be swift, and it will be honest, purchased with blood. 123
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic093 NCR's weakness is its size - it'll take your entire army to hold the West. Anger 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Frown} That does not mean we would not succeed. 124
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic097 Eventually - but moving your whole army West means losing the East. You can't hold both. Disgust 10 [SUCCEEDED] The East was a hard-fought campaign. Even now, Caesar drew too much of the Legion's blood needed there for... this. 125
Sad 10 Hoover Dam is but a place. I will not have it be the gravestone of the Legion - whether quickly, or as you describe, slowly... by attrition. 126
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic102 There is victory in wisdom, Legate. Happy 10 As for wisdom... there is wisdom in your words, woman of the West. 127
There is victory in wisdom, Legate. Happy 10 As for wisdom... there is wisdom in your words, man of the West. 128
There is victory in wisdom, Legate. Neutral 50 Know that I shall return East. I shall not remain there forever. On that day, the strength of the bear shall be tested. 129
Happy 20 If the West is one day filled with ones such as you, perhaps it shall be a worthy fight, indeed. 130
VFreeformHooverDamVHDLegionLegateLaniusTopic104 I will await that day, Legate. Happy 10 Then until our return... {To himself, walking away} True to Caesar. 131
VHDLegateCongratulatesYou VHDLegateCongratulatesYou Neutral 50 This slaughter pleases me. No act is more sacred than consecrating a site in the blood of one's enemies. 132
Neutral 50 The rest of the dam is fully under our control. A few pitiful holdouts remain, but their time is short. The general was the last source of concern. 133
Neutral 50 With their commander dead, the NCR will pull out of this region, allowing our conquest to continue westward unopposed for a time. 134
VHDLegateCongratulatesYou Neutral 50 Judging by the lack of blood, I take it the coward Oliver fled rather than face me. No matter. 135
Neutral 50 The rest of the dam is fully under our control. A few pitiful holdouts remain, but their time is short. The general was the last source of concern. 136
Neutral 50 With their commander gone, the NCR will pull out of this region, allowing our conquest to continue westward unopposed for a time. 137
VHDLegateCongratulatesYou Neutral 50 The Legion will swell with the number of slaves we will claim from this place, and the tribute we gather will fund further campaigns. 138
Neutral 50 Perhaps, in time, I will be granted the honor of conquering the land known as California. But for now, we rest. 139
Neutral 50 Know that your efforts are appreciated and will not go unrewarded. But we can speak of that later. 140
Neutral 50 For now, come, we must see to the burning of the dead. 141
VHDLegateGreetsPlayer VHDLegateGreetsPlayer Neutral 50 Finally, Mars has accepted my sacrifices and unleashes me. 142


I'll go pay General Oliver a visit. Neutral 50 Mars's eyes are upon you. Do not fail him, or me. 143
VHDLegateGivesThanks VHDLegateGivesThanks Neutral 50 Blah. 144


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 {contempt} The ultimate insult is to be spared. 145
Assault Assault Neutral 50 Degenerate! 146
Assault Neutral 50 Damn you! 147
Assault Neutral 50 You'll pay for that! 148
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Displace! 149
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Scatter! 150
DeathResponse DeathResponse Neutral 50 Press on! 151
DeathResponse Neutral 50 Keep fighting! 152
FireExplosive FireExplosive Neutral 50 {throwing grenade} <Grunting as you throw.>Look out, brothers! 153
FireExplosive Neutral 50 {throwing grenade} Explosive, brothers! 154
Flee Flee Neutral 50 {scared} Run! 155
Flee Neutral 50 {scared} Run, brothers! 156
Flee Neutral 50 {scared} Fall back! 157
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Neutral 50 {warning} You don't belong here. 158
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 {warning} Move along or suffer the consequences. 159
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 {warning} Leave while you still can. 160
Murder Murder Neutral 50 Reprisal! 161
Murder Neutral 50 Vengeance! 162
Murder Neutral 50 Retribution! 163
MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 {unaffected} The weak must die. 164
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 {unaffected} One more to feed the worms. 165
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 {mild praise} A fair kill. 166
Steal Steal Neutral 50 {contempt} Honorless thief! 167
Steal Neutral 50 {contempt} You debase yourself! 168
Steal Neutral 50 {contempt} You have no honor! 169


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 {mild concern} I thought I heard something... 170
AlertIdle Neutral 50 {suspicious} You won't escape me. 171
AlertIdle Neutral 50 {suspicious} Show yourself and I may let you live. 172
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 {satisfied} I knew it! 173
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 {satisfied, mocking} Fool! 174
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 {satisfied} There you are! 175
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Neutral 50 {shaking it off} I guess it was nothing. 176
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 {shaking it off} Must've been nothing. 177
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 {shaking it off} Nothing here. 178
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 {frustrated} I'll find you! 179
CombatToLost Neutral 50 {angry} You won't escape me! 180
CombatToLost Neutral 50 {frustrated} You can't hide from me! 181
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 {satisfied} Coward. 182
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 {satisfied} That's it, run away. 183
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 {satisfied} Degenerate. 184
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 {frustrated, hostile - hit "will"} By {KAI-zar} Caesar, I will find you. 185
LostIdle Neutral 50 {frustrated, hostile} Skulking like a coward will not save you! 186
LostIdle Neutral 50 {frustrated} You won't escape me! 187
LostToCombat LostToCombat Neutral 50 {satisfied, hostile} I found you! 188
LostToCombat Neutral 50 {satisfied, hostile} I see you! 189
LostToCombat Neutral 50 {satisfied, hostile} You're mine! 190
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 {giving up search} I'll kill them if they come back. 191
LostToNormal Neutral 50 {giving up search} I scared them away. {Hmph!} No match for the Legion. 192
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Neutral 50 {slight concern} {Ah-WAY} Ave? Someone there? 193
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 {slight concern} What was that? 194
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 {slight concern} I heard something... 195
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 {starting combat} Die, coward! 196
StartCombat Neutral 50 {starting combat} Death to Profligates! 197
StartCombat Neutral 50 {starting combat} Another kill to my name! 198
StartCombatResponse StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 For {KAI-zar} Caesar! 199
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 Death to the Legion's enemies! 200
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 Die, Profligate! 201