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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cato Hostilius.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 10 {Condescending} Didn't expect Caesar to send a woman to do this job. 1
Happy 15 Oh well, at least you're here now. {Joking} I was starting to get lonely out here by myself. 2
GREETING Anger 10 It's about time you showed up. 3
Happy 15 {Joking} I was starting to get lonely out here by myself. 4
GREETING Fear 5 Make it quick. We don't have much time. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 What is it? 6
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic001 I'm all set. When does the President arrive? Happy 5 Good timing. Looks like his Vertibird is arriving early. Here it comes now. 7
Neutral 50 I hope you're up for this, because we won't get a second chance. 8
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic002 Anything you can help me with? Neutral 50 Well I have a bomb here that can be put on the vertibird that will detonate at a certain altitude, but it's a little unstable and dangerous. 9
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic003 Nice to meet you too. Happy 15 So you're the bigshot that Caesar put in charge of this mission. I've heard about you. You've got quite the reputation already. 10
Neutral 50 Well let's get down to business. Once we get started, we're going to be on a tight schedule. Are you ready to do this? 11
Nice to meet you too. Disgust 5 So you're the bigshot that Caesar put in charge of this mission. Can't say I'm impressed, but let's just get down to business. 12
Neutral 50 Once we get started, we're going to be on a tight schedule. Are you ready to do this? 13
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic004 Let's get on with this. Happy 15 Right, straight to business. Good. No wonder Caesar sent you. 14
Neutral 50 Once we get started, we're going to be on a tight schedule. Are you ready to do this? 15
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic005 I've made my preparations. Let's get started. Happy 15 Good. Kimball is scheduled to give his speech tomorrow. We'll rest here tonight and talk the plan over first thing in the morning. 16
Neutral 50 Get some sleep. You got a big day ahead of you. 17
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic006 Yes, I'm ready. Happy 25 Good. Now Kimball is scheduled to give his speech tomorrow. We'll rest here tonight and talk over the plan first thing in the morning. 18
Happy 15 Get some sleep. You got a big day ahead of you. 19
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic007 I'm not ready yet. Anger 15 Well hurry it up and get your shit together. 20
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic008 Of course I have a plan. Happy 25 Prepared already. I like it. There's no need to give me the details, it's probably best that way. 21
Neutral 50 Even though you already have a plan, I may have some information that you might find useful. 22
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic009 I haven't given it much thought. Anger 15 You better start thinking about it soon, we're on a limited time schedule. 23
Neutral 50 I do have some information that could help you. 24
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic010 I don't need a plan to put a bullet in his head. Neutral 50 True, but I don't think it'll be that easy. 25
Anger 5 Going in guns blazing with all the NCR Troopers and Rangers stationed at the dam will just get you killed. 26
Neutral 50 I do have some information that you might find useful, if you're interested. 27
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic011 It's none of your business. Anger 15 Fine, be like that. I'm just here to give you whatever information I can to help you get the job done. 28
Anger 5 If you don't need my help, that's fine with me. 29
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic012 What sort of information do you have? Neutral 50 I've been spying in the dam for a while now. I've gathered quite a bit of information from various sources. 30
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic013 Let's get moving. Neutral 50 You're the boss. 31
Neutral 50 I'll be in the crowd. Do whatever you need to do, then find me before Kimball arrives. 32
Neutral 50 Here's your disguise. This'll get you past most of the NCR there, but watch out for the rangers. Odds are this won't fool them. 33
Happy 15 I'll meet you there. Good luck. 34
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic014 Do you have any suggestions about the assassination? Neutral 50 Suggestions, eh? I'd suggest you play to your strengths. There's probably plenty of ways to kill Kimball, just find one that works best for you. 35
Neutral 50 We'll have a few hours before he arrives. You should look around and see if you can find anything that you can use. 36
Anger 5 Just be careful. You don't want to cause a scene before Kimball even shows up. 37
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic015 What sort of intel have you gathered? Neutral 50 I've been able to get some basic information on the schedule for Kimball's visit as well as getting some rough security details. 38
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic016 How are we getting into the Dam? Happy 30 I have some disguises for us. I've already got mine. A wealthy Brahmin Baron who bribed his way into seeing the President. 39
Neutral 50 As for you, I have a NCR trooper uniform that I acquired. It'll fool most of the troopers and civilians, but it probably won't fool the rangers. 40
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic017 Is there anything you can do to help? Neutral 50 Well, I have a bomb here that can be put on the vertibird that will detonate at a certain altitude, but it's a little unstable and dangerous. 41
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic018 I don't have any more questions. Neutral 50 If there's nothing else, then we should get moving. 42
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic019 Tell me about Kimball's schedule. Neutral 50 The President is scheduled to arrive sometime in the afternoon. It's going to be a short visit to boost morale for the NCR troops. 43
Neutral 50 He's going to arrive, give a speech, and then leave. No meet and greet, no questions, just a quick in and out. 44
Happy 15 They're probably afraid something is going to happen. For good reason. 45
Neutral 50 I wasn't able to find a final itinerary for his visit, but if you can find one, you can get more details on what's going to happen. 46
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic020 Give me the security details. Neutral 50 Security is going to be tight. Rangers are stationed all around the observation deck where Kimball is going to give his speech. 47
Neutral 50 Security is led by a Ranger Grant. He's a pretty rough guy who's seen a lot of combat. It's best if you steer clear of him. 48
Neutral 50 The crowd consists of troopers and a few select civilians who were lucky enough to bribe their way in. They shouldn't cause much trouble for you. 49
Neutral 50 Finally, there's the additional security that Kimball will be bringing with him. I wasn't able to find out much on that. 50
Neutral 50 If I had more time in their computers I could've accessed the full duty roster and guard deployment. Maybe you'll have better luck. 51
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic021 Let's go back to my other questions. Neutral 50 Okay, what would you like to know? 52
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic023 I'm familiar with explosives, give it here. Happy 5 Here you go. Put it to good use. 53
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic024 How hard can it be to put a bomb on a vertibird? Disgust 15 Harder than you think. I don't want you blowing us both up, so I'll just hold on to this. 54
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic025 No thanks. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. What else do you want to know? 55
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic027 I'm familiar with explosives, give it here. Happy 15 Here you go. Put it to good use. 56
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic028 How hard can it be to put a bomb on a vertibird? Disgust 15 Harder than you think. I don't want you blowing this, so I'll just hold on to this. 57
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopic029 I don't need a bomb. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. 58
VHDAssassinationDialogVHDCatoHostiliusTopicMorning <Cato Good Morning Dialog> Neutral 50 Rise and shine. You have a big day ahead of you. 59
Neutral 50 So, do you have a plan for how you're going to kill Kimball? 60


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 See ya. 61