Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
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This is a transcript for dialogue with Kings gang member.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 You new to Freeside? Haven't seen you around. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 You looking to join the Kings? 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Do I know you? Whatever. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 I hear you're working out pretty well. The King's taken a shine to you. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Stick by the Kings, and the Kings'll stick by you. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 I've been hearing good things about you. Keep it up. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey pal, what's shaking? 7
GREETING Neutral 50 You're okay in my book. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there. You should stop by Freeside more often. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 You got guts, showing your face around here. 10
GREETING Neutral 50 You're lucky the King's a forgiving man. 11
GREETING Neutral 50 I don't need to talk to you. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 I wish you never came to Freeside. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 Back again? What's next, burn down the Wrangler? 14
GREETING Neutral 50 You're not wanted around here. Scram. 15
GREETING Neutral 50 Some people seem to think you've helped the community, but I have my doubts. 16
GREETING Neutral 50 There's talk of you being a menace, but I think you mean well. 17
GREETING Neutral 50 Well, you definitely accomplished some things here, but I can't tell if Freeside is better for it or not. 18
GREETING Neutral 50 You have got to be the craziest asshole I've ever met. 19
GREETING Neutral 50 A couple of us started a pool trying to guess what you've going to do next. 20
GREETING Neutral 50 Don't take this the wrong way, but are you, like, crazy or something? 21
GREETING Neutral 50 Heard there was some excitement in one of the casinos in the Strip. Bunch of people got hurt when some nut started attacking people. 22
GREETING Neutral 50 Things are tense on the Strip right now. The head of one of Mr. House's Families was killed. Time to lay low, you ask me. 23
GREETING Neutral 50 Some nut attempted to kill the head of one of Mr. House's Families recently. Whoever did it is either crazy or has balls the size of Freeside. 24
GREETING Neutral 50 Did you hear someone managed to fight their way through the Chairmen and flee the Strip after being caught? Wonder if they're hiding out in Freeside. 25
GREETING Neutral 50 Looks like Gomorrah's under new management. I wonder what happened? 26
GREETING Neutral 50 There's talk of someone going into the Lucky 38 to talk to Mr. House. That's bullshit. Everyone knows Mr. House doesn't talk to anyone. 27
GREETING Neutral 50 Man, I thought those tin cans of Mr. House's were tough before. Have you seen the shit they can do now? 28
GREETING Neutral 50 Turns out Mr. House wasn't so safe up in his tower after all! 29
GREETING Neutral 50 I wonder how Mr. House died. I figure it wasn't old age. 30
GREETING Neutral 50 How are we supposed to sleep with the Lucky 38 lit up 24/7? 31
GREETING Neutral 50 Holy crap! You're the one they're saying killed the Legion honcho right? 32
GREETING Neutral 50 Word on the street is that the leader of the Legion bought it. Too bad, someone was finally going to do something about all the NCR around here. 33
GREETING Neutral 50 You hear how Mr. House said "uncle?" Vegas is gonna join the NCR. So much for Freeside. 34
GREETING Neutral 50 Did you hear? Someone bombed the monorail down at McCarran, so everyone's been forced to come through here to get to the Strip. Business is booming. 35
GREETING Neutral 50 Seems like they've got things straightened out in McCarran now, but we're still seeing a big increase in traffic here. 36
GREETING Neutral 50 I can't believe someone stopped the NCR president from getting killed. If anyone deserves it, it's that jerk. 37
GREETING Neutral 50 Someone took a shot at the NCR president, but the lucky bastard got away. Oh well, it was a good try. 38
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, did you hear the NCR president got whacked? Good for whoever did it, I say. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. 39
GREETING Neutral 50 There's mutterings from the NCR people around here that some local hero of theirs died. Whatever. 40
GREETING Neutral 50 Turns out some military hero the Squatters admired was actually a slimeball. An NCR soldier who's actually a dick? Who would've thought? {Heavy sarcasm at the end} 41
GREETING Neutral 50 Heh, word is the leader of the Fiends got taken down. I would have done it myself, it he ever had the courage to step into Freeside. {Sheer bravado} 42
GREETING Neutral 50 I heard that some of the bosses of the Fiends were killed. Wouldn't be surprised if the NCR had something to do with it. 43
GREETING Neutral 50 You hear the Legion attacked Bitter Springs? If we're lucky, the NCR will pull some of their soldiers away from here and send them that way. 44
GREETING Surprise 50 Word is the Khans signed a treaty with the NCR. Never saw that coming. {Emphasis on "that" as it truly was surprising.} 45
GREETING Surprise 50 The Khans used to be a big deal around here, but look at them now. There's talk that they were all killed up in the mountains. 46
GREETING Surprise 50 Weird, someone just told me that the Khans split the Vegas area. Wonder where they went, and why. 47
GREETING Surprise 50 I can't believe the King is dead. What's going to happen to us now? 48
GREETING Surprise 50 If you had asked me a month ago, I'd have said we'd never willingly work with the NCR. But look at us now. 49
GREETING Surprise 50 I still can't believe the King agreed to work with the NCR. But he's the King, and the King knows best. 50
GREETING Surprise 50 So far working with the NCR hasn't been too bad. If anything, things seem to be getting better. 51
GREETING Surprise 50 Great, just when you think the NCR can't possibly sink their claws deeper, the town of Primm signs up to join the Republic. 52
GREETING Surprise 50 Sounds like the NCR and the Legion are both gearing up for a fight. We've been seeing a lot more soldiers around. 53
GREETING Surprise 50 The big showdown between the NCR and the Legion is coming soon, believe you me. 54
GREETING Surprise 50 I heard some Squatters talking about some fancy pants Rangers coming into the area soon. Like we need more NCR here. 55
GREETING Surprise 50 Word is those tough guys rangers are here. I ain't seen them myself, but how scary can they be? 56
GREETING Surprise 50 Everyone's talking about Hoover Dam nowadays. I wish the battle would just happen already. The suspense is killing me. 57
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, isn't that the King's dog? 58
GREETING Neutral 50 Heya Rex, how you doing boy? 59
GREETING Neutral 50 I see you've hired a Follower doctor. Smart move, Freeside being what it is. 60
GREETING Neutral 50 That friend of yours NCR? He looks like he's NCR. 61
GREETING Neutral 50 Hellooo, cowgirl! You mind if talk to your lady friend a bit instead of you? 62
GREETING Neutral 50 Huh. Nice robot. You with the Followers or something? 63
GREETING Neutral 50 Whoa. That's a whole lotta mutant you got with you there. Still, long as it doesn't cause trouble it's all good. 64
GREETING Neutral 50 Nice to see a human palling around with a ghoul. I see a lot of people around here avoid them. 65
GREETING Neutral 50 Your girl's kinda cute, but not my type at all. I don't go for smart chicks. 66
GREETING Neutral 50 Watch yourself. There's some unsavory types about. 67
GREETING Neutral 50 The Squatters have been more and more trouble lately. 68
GREETING Neutral 50 Man, I'm hungry. I'd give anything for a Fancy Lad. Wait, I mean- you know what I mean! 69
GREETING Neutral 50 Squatters aren't happy about the water rationing, but then when are they ever happy? 70
GREETING Neutral 50 It's gotten so bad that even I think twice before going out at night around here. 71
GREETING Neutral 50 The bodyguards at the gates aren't so bad. Except that Orris guy. That bastard runs his mouth a little too much. 72
GREETING Neutral 50 Can't wait to hit the Wrangler tonight. Just me and my favorite girl. 73
GREETING Neutral 50 I've been saving up for one of those sweet pistols at the Silver Rush. That'll get me some respect. 74
GREETING Neutral 50 Saw a guy try to rush through the south gate a few days ago. Nothin' left but dust, you know? 75
GREETING Neutral 50 Those Squatters think they're entitled to everything. 76
GREETING Neutral 50 Man, I still can't believe the Van Graffs took Pacer out. 77
GREETING Neutral 50 Shame about Pacer. We all tried to tell him to kick the habit, with that condition of his. He always did his own thing, I'll give him that. 78
GREETING Neutral 50 I used to guard at the gate, but there's no money in it these days. Only the big name guards get any business. 79
GREETING Neutral 50 Thank god the Followers are here. I'd probably be dead now if it weren't for their doctors. 80
GREETING Neutral 50 It's never dull in Freeside, is it? 81
GREETING Neutral 50 Heya, what's shakin'? 82
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there. 83
GREETING Neutral 50 What's going on? 84
PLAYERFIREWEAPON PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 Whoa, someone's just come from the Wrangler. {Emphasis on "someone's"} 85
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 Keep it down, would ya? I already got a splitting headache. 86
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 Whatever. Knock yourself out, for all I care. 87
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Anger 50 You want to be getting that gun out of my face right now. 88
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Anger 50 That's not funny. 89
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Anger 50 Quit screwing around! 90
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 That's some egg you just laid there, pal. You mind picking it back up? 91
PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 You can't just toss those around when you feel like it! 92
PLAYERTHROWGRENADE PLAYER THROW GRENADE Surprise 50 Damn, be careful with those things! 93
PLAYER THROW GRENADE Surprise 50 Got any more of those? I wanna blow something up too! 94


HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Personal space meaning anything to you, guy? 95
Hello Neutral 50 Personal space meaning anything to you, lady? 96
Hello Neutral 50 Things are tense on the Strip right now. The head of one of Mr. House's Families was killed. Time to lay low, you ask me. 97
Hello Neutral 50 Going to the Wrangler tonight? 98
Hello Neutral 50 Hey man, what are you up to? 99
Hello Neutral 50 Heard there was some excitement in one of the casinos in the Strip. Bunch of people got hurt when some nut started attacking people. 100
Hello Neutral 50 Some nut attempted to kill the head of one of Mr. House's Families recently. Whoever did it is either crazy or has balls the size of Freeside. 101
Hello Neutral 50 Did you hear someone managed to fight their way through the Chairmen and flee the Strip after being caught? Wonder if they're hiding out in Freeside. 102
Hello Neutral 50 Looks like Gomorrah's under new management. I wonder what happened? 103
Hello Neutral 50 There's talk of someone going into the Lucky 38 to talk to Mr. House. That's bullshit. Everyone knows Mr. House doesn't talk to anyone. 104
Hello Neutral 50 Man, I thought these tin cans of Mr. House's were tough before. Have you seen the shit they can do now? 105
Hello Neutral 50 Is it true? Is Mr. House gone? 106
Hello Neutral 50 Word on the street is that the leader of the Legion bought it. Too bad, someone was finally going to do something about all the NCR around here. 107
Hello Neutral 50 There was some some kind of explosion to the east a little while ago. Has the fighting started? 108
Hello Neutral 50 Did you hear? Someone bombed the monorail down at McCarran, so everyone's been forced to come through here to get to the Strip. Business is booming. 109
Hello Neutral 50 Seems like they've got things straightened out in McCarran now, but we're still seeing a big increase in traffic here. 110
Hello Neutral 50 I can't believe someone stopped the NCR president from getting killed. If anyone deserves it, it's that jerk. 111
Hello Neutral 50 Someone took a shot at the NCR president, but the lucky bastard got away. Oh well, it was a good try. 112
Hello Neutral 50 Hey, did you hear the NCR president got whacked? Good for whoever did it, I say. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. 113
Hello Neutral 50 There's mutterings from the NCR people around here that some local hero of theirs died. Whatever. 114
Hello Neutral 50 Turns out some military hero the Squatters admired was actually a slimeball. An NCR soldier who's actually a dick? Who would've thought? {Heavy sarcasm at the end} 115
Hello Neutral 50 Heh, word is the leader of the Fiends got taken down. I would have done it myself, it he ever had the courage to step into Freeside. {Sheer bravado} 116
Hello Neutral 50 I heard that some of the bosses of the Fiends were killed. Wouldn't be surprised if the NCR had something to do with it. 117
Hello Neutral 50 You hear the Legion attacked Bitter Springs? If we're lucky, the NCR will pull some of their soldiers away from here and send them that way. 118
Hello Surprise 50 Word is the Khans signed a treaty with the NCR. Never saw that coming. {Emphasis on "that" as it truly was surprising.} 119
Hello Surprise 50 The Khans used to be a big deal around here, but look at them now. There's talk that they were all killed up in the mountains. 120
Hello Surprise 50 Weird, someone just told me that the Khans split the Vegas area. Wonder where they went, and why. 121
Hello Surprise 50 I can't believe the King is dead. What's going to happen to us now? 122
Hello Surprise 50 If you had asked me a month ago, I'd have said we'd never willingly work with the NCR. But look at us now. 123
Hello Surprise 50 I still can't believe the King agreed to work with the NCR. But he's the King, and the King knows best. 124
Hello Surprise 50 So far working with the NCR hasn't been too bad. If anything, things seem to be getting better. 125
Hello Surprise 50 Great, just when you think the NCR can't possibly sink their claws deeper, the town of Primm signs up to join the Republic. 126
Hello Surprise 50 Sounds like the NCR and the Legion are both gearing up for a fight. Been seeing a lot more soldiers around. 127
Hello Surprise 50 The big showdown between the NCR and the Legion is coming soon, believe you me. 128
Hello Surprise 50 I heard some Squatters talking about some fancy pants Rangers coming into the area soon. Like we need more NCR here. 129
Hello Surprise 50 Word is those tough guys rangers are here. I ain't seen them myself, but how scary can they be? 130
Hello Surprise 50 Everyone's talking about Hoover Dam nowadays. I wish the battle would just happen already. The suspense is killing me. 131
Hello Neutral 50 Hey, isn't that the King's dog? 132
Hello Neutral 50 Great, another fuckin' robot. 133
Hello Neutral 50 Hey. 134
Hello Neutral 50 What's up? 135
Hello Neutral 50 Hi. 136
Hello Neutral 50 What are you looking at? 137
Hello Neutral 50 Um, er, excuse me. I'll just get out of your way. 138
Hello Neutral 50 You got something you want to say? 139
Hello Neutral 50 Yeah? 140
Hello Neutral 50 {Slightly sarcastic} May I help you? 141
Hello Neutral 50 Hey, what's up? 142
Hello Neutral 50 Hey, pal. 143
Hello Neutral 50 Hey, doll. 144
Hello Neutral 50 Look who it is. Freeside's favorite son. 145
Hello Neutral 50 Look who it is. Freeside's leading lady. 146
Hello Neutral 50 Hey, it's good to see you. 147
Hello Neutral 50 Hey there. You're the King's friend, right? 148
Hello Neutral 50 You here to start trouble? 149
Hello Neutral 50 You in the right neighborhood? 150
Hello Neutral 50 I'd keep moving, if I were you. 151
Hello Disgust 50 You know, I was just talking about trash, and here you are. 152
Hello Disgust 50 Don't think the shit you've pulled has been forgotten. 153
Hello Anger 50 You want some of this? 154
Hello Neutral 50 If it isn't Rex! Haven't seen you in a while, boy. 155
Hello Neutral 50 Hey Rexie, who's a good dog? {The "who's a good dog?" part is said in that odd way that people reserve exclusively for pets.} 156
Hello Happy 50 Hello, cutie. 157
Hello Happy 50 What's a pretty girl like you doing with someone like this? 158
Hello Happy 50 You need a boyfriend, honey? 159
Hello Happy 50 {Wolf whistles} 160
Hello Happy 50 You want to have some fun with a real man, baby? 161
Hello Happy 50 Want a massage, cutie? No charge. 162
Hello Happy 50 Buy you a drink, honey? 163
Hello Neutral 50 Hey baby. Wanna get wild tonight? 164
Hello Neutral 50 Wanna come back to my place? I've got my own mattress and everything. 165
Hello Neutral 50 What's the rush, baby? Stay awhile. 166
Hello Neutral 50 Why not try following me around for a while, darling? I'll take you someplace nice. 167
Hello Neutral 50 You're not from around here, right? 168
Hello Neutral 50 You're going the wrong way, beautiful. My place is the other way. 169
Hello Neutral 50 Hey, baby. I know a quiet place we can be alone. Or a loud place if you're one of those. 170
Hello Neutral 50 I owe you Follower people a beer for patching me up a while back. 171
KingsUpTo KingsUpTo Neutral 50 Nothing, man. 172
KingsUpTo Neutral 50 Just hanging out. Same as usual. 173
KingsUpTo Neutral 50 I was thinking of taking a walk a little later. 174
KingsUpTo Neutral 50 I might be going scum-hunting later. You game? 175
KingsUpTo Neutral 50 Nothing. Want to head to the Wrangler later? 176
KingsUpToResponses KingsUpToResponses Neutral 50 Yeah, sounds cool. 177
KingsUpToResponses Neutral 50 Nah, I'm gonna be busy. 178
KingsUpToResponses Neutral 50 Maybe, depends on how my girl's feeling. 179
WranglerResponses WranglerResponses Neutral 50 Where else? 180
WranglerResponses Neutral 50 Nah, I'm gonna chill with my girl. 181
WranglerResponses Neutral 50 Can't. The King's got me busy on something. 182


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 Yeah, that's what I thought. 183
Assault Assault Surprise 50 What the-? 184
Assault Anger 50 You're dead! 185
Assault Anger 50 Nobody messes with the Kings. 186
AssaultNoCrime AssaultNoCrime Neutral 50 Not my problem. 187
AssaultNoCrime Neutral 50 Sucks to be you. 188
Attack Attack Neutral 50 You've got nothing! 189
Attack Neutral 50 Take this! 190
Attack Neutral 50 This is how we do it in Freeside! 191
Attack Neutral 50 Let's kill this guy! 192
Attack Neutral 50 Let's kill this chick! 193
Attack Neutral 50 Die! 194
Attack Neutral 50 Don't mess with us! 195
Attack Neutral 50 I'll make this quick! 196
Attack Neutral 50 Let's bleed this fool! 197
Attack Neutral 50 Freeside is ours! 198
Attack Neutral 50 Hey guys, watch this! 199
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Everyone back off! 200
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Gotta run! 201
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Yikes! 202
Death Death Neutral 50 {death grunt} 203
Death Neutral 50 Got me... 204
Death Neutral 50 Damn... it... 205
DeathResponse DeathResponse Neutral 50 You'll pay for that! 206
DeathResponse Neutral 50 Bastard! 207
DeathResponse Neutral 50 Think you can take me down too? 208
FireExplosive FireExplosive Neutral 50 Catch! 209
FireExplosive Neutral 50 Here, on me! 210
Flee Flee Neutral 50 Fuck this! 211
Flee Neutral 50 I'm out of here! 212
Flee Neutral 50 I just remembered I gotta be somewhere else! 213
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Neutral 50 This is the Kings' turf. Scram! 214
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 You should head back if you know what's good for you. 215
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 Back off! 216
Hit Hit Neutral 50 Ow! 217
Hit Neutral 50 Oof! 218
Hit Neutral 50 Ah shit! 219
Hit Neutral 50 Agh! 220
Hit Neutral 50 Damn! 221
Murder Murder Neutral 50 What the shit? 222
Murder Neutral 50 You got a deathwish? 223
MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 That's life in Freeside for you. 224
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 That had to hurt. 225
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 That hurt me just watching it. 226
Pickpocket Pickpocket Neutral 50 Are you crazy? 227
Pickpocket Neutral 50 Stealing from a King is a capital offense in Freeside. 228
Pickpocket Neutral 50 I thought I smelled a rat. 229
PowerAttack PowerAttack Neutral 50 Haaa! 230
PowerAttack Neutral 50 Huh! 231
PowerAttack Neutral 50 {heavy grunt} 232
Steal Steal Neutral 50 That belongs to the Kings! 233
Steal Neutral 50 Hey, that's ours! 234
Steal Neutral 50 You gonna pay for that? 235


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 You better hope I don't find you. 236
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Come out, if you dare. 237
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Save us both some time and come on out. 238
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Don't make me come looking for you. 239
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Just stay right where you are. I'll find you. 240
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 There you are! 241
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Guess you're not so good at hiding, huh? 242
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 I knew I'd find you! 243
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Got you! 244
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 There's no escape now! 245
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Guess I'm hearing things. 246
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Probably just a rat. 247
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Bah, it's nothing. 248
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 I got better things to do than jump at noises. 249
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Whatever. 250
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 Where'd you go? I ain't done with you. 251
CombatToLost Neutral 50 Don't think you can get away. 252
CombatToLost Neutral 50 Whoa. Spooky. 253
CombatToLost Neutral 50 Must've blinked or something. 254
CombatToLost Neutral 50 That's right. Run! 255
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Done and done. 256
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Hope you enjoyed your stay in Freeside. 257
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 And... we're done here. 258
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 The Kings reign supreme. 259
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Is that it? 260
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 {Sighs} C'mon. Less hiding, more fighting! 261
LostIdle Neutral 50 Come out, come out, wherever you are... 262
LostIdle Neutral 50 We *will* find you, you know. 263
LostIdle Neutral 50 You're only delaying the inevitable. 264
LostIdle Neutral 50 I'm starting to get bored. 265
LostIdle Neutral 50 What say you come out and take your asskicking like a man? 266
LostToCombat LostToCombat Neutral 50 Not so sneaky, are we? 267
LostToCombat Neutral 50 Gotcha! 268
LostToCombat Neutral 50 There you are! 269
LostToCombat Neutral 50 Couldn't run forever... 270
LostToCombat Neutral 50 Nowhere to run now! 271
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 All right, I'm offically saying screw this. 272
LostToNormal Neutral 50 Let's go home, boys. 273
LostToNormal Neutral 50 This is dullsville. Let's bounce. 274
LostToNormal Neutral 50 Let's go do something else. 275
LostToNormal Neutral 50 You're not worth my time. 276
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Neutral 50 Someone there? 277
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 What was that? 278
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 You guys hear something? 279
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 Shhh. I hear something. 280
NormalToAlertResponse NormalToAlertResponse Neutral 50 Yeah, I heard it too. 281
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 Come and get it! 282
StartCombat Neutral 50 Nobody messes with the Kings! 283
StartCombat Neutral 50 Let's get him, boys! 284
StartCombat Neutral 50 You're dead, punk! 285
StartCombat Neutral 50 And I was just getting bored! 286
StartCombat Neutral 50 The lady's mine, boys! 287
StartCombatResponse StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 Leave some for me! 288
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 I want to get some licks in, too! 289
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 Yeah, let's show them how Kings rumble. 290