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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jacob Hoff.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Do you have chems, buddy? I could really use a fix. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 So you're back. Got any chems for me yet? 2
VFreeformFreesideVFSBillRonteTopic016 I want to help you get well, Jacob. Neutral 50 Fine. If you really care so much, then get me some shots of Fixer to calm down these shakes. 3
Neutral 50 I'm gonna need at least ten shots to get me through the week. From there the Followers should be able to help. 4
A combination of Fixer, Psycho, and Buffout would do it in one shot. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Never thought about using that combination before. Should be able to get through this with that. 5
Fixer is for pansies! Neutral 50 [FAILED] No way, the withdrawal symptoms will kill me if I don't have Fixer to flush out the chems. 6
VFreeformFreesideVFSJacobHoffTopic000 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 7
VFreeformFreesideVFSJacobHoffTopic002 Julie Farkas says you could use some help. Neutral 50 Julie is a saint, but I don't need help. I feel young and strong, as long as I get my chems. 8
VFreeformFreesideVFSJacobHoffTopic003 You look pretty bad, Jacob. You should probably stop using chems. Neutral 50 Why stop? I feel great! 9
Neutral 50 No worries. My guy will be here soon enough, just wait. 10
VFreeformFreesideVFSJacobHoffTopic004 I've got the detox chems you need. Neutral 50 Thank God! I thought I was going to die if you didn't come back soon. 11
Neutral 50 I'm going to head to the Followers' fort to get some rest and detox. You've saved my life, friend. 12
I've got the detox chems you need. Neutral 50 Thank God! I thought I was going to die if you didn't come back soon. 13
Neutral 50 I'm going to head to the Followers' fort to get some rest and detox. You've saved my life, friend. 14
VFreeformFreesideVFSJacobHoffTopic005 I took care of that dealer. Now you can clean up. Neutral 50 What?! I need a fix now! 15
VFreeformFreesideVFSJacobHoffTopic007 Who's supplying you? Neutral 50 If I had two caps to scrape together I'd buy the materials to make my own, but my damn hands won't stop shaking. 16
Neutral 50 This guy named Dixon. Something about him seems sketchy, but I can't stop now. Last time I stopped, I felt like I was going to turn inside out. 17
Neutral 50 At this point, I'm mostly buying his stuff just so I don't feel sick. Speaking of which, do you have any spare caps? 18
Jacob, be strong. You just need the support of your friends to get through this. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I think you're right. I've been through worse. I'll go to the fort and see if the Followers can watch over me while I recover. 19
Jacob, drugs are for the weak. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Get the hell out of here. Think you're one of the Followers of the Apocalypse or something? 20
VFreeformFreesideVFSJacobHoffTopic011 Sorry Jacob, I haven't found those chems yet. Neutral 50 {Desparate} Please, find them soon. I can already feel the withdrawal effects taking hold. 21
VFreeformFreesideVFSJacobHoffTopic012 There's a corpse nearby. Anybody been near it? Neutral 50 I haven't been anywhere but here for... well, who the hell knows? If there's a corpse I haven't been babysitting it. 22
Neutral 50 But I'll tell you who needs some babysitting. Those damn kids keep running around in here. 23
Neutral 50 They got parents? I don't know. Wish they did so they'd leave me be. 24


VFSJacobHoffHello VFSJacobHoffHello Neutral 50 Got any chems, sir? I need a hit quick! 25
VFSJacobHoffHello Neutral 50 Can't talk. Much work to do at the Fort and Atomic Wrangler. 26