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This is a transcript for dialogue with Francine Garret.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Concerned} I heard about your run on The Tops. Don't even think about trying that crap here. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 {Amused} So Benny's dead, huh? That shifty son of a bitch had it coming. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {at a loss} I hear Benny went missing. I can't help but wonder what happened to him. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 {excited} I heard Benny sent his goons after you. You're one hell of a survivor to make it out of The Tops alive. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 {matter-of-fact} So it turns out the Omertas were into some serious shit. I always suspected that crew was dirty. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 {Friendly, Impressed} Some gamblers came in saying they'd seen you enter the Lucky 38. I have to say I'm impressed. 6
Neutral 50 I don't know of any other living person who's been in there. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 {Cheery} People are saying the Securitrons are acting funny. {Cold} I hope that old Geezer, House, is dead. Might give the locals a chance to take control. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 {Warm thanks} Here's one on the house for taking down Caesar. Serves him right for treating women like livestock. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 {Amused} You hear? Caesar finally kicked the bucket! Serves him right for treating women like livestock. 10
GREETING Neutral 50 {Disgusted} Damn monorail bombing. I {spose} suppose this means we'll be seeing more NCR chumps wandering through Freeside. 11
GREETING Neutral 50 {Reticent} Hate to say it, but business has improved since the troopers started coming through Freeside to get to Vegas. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 {Amused} I hear you've been making a name for yourself on The Strip. Don't forget about the Wrangler if you make it big. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 {Concerned} People are getting nervous about the Legion amassing on the other side of the river. I hope the NCR can hold agains another attack. 14
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wary} This build-up on both sides of the dam isn't good. If the Legion attacks and wins, it won't be long before we're all slaves. 15
GREETING Neutral 50 {Angry} God-damned Legion is raring for a fight. No matter who wins, a lot of people are going to die in the process, and dead men don't drink. 16
GREETING Neutral 50 {Mixed} You can order whatever you want, as long as it's alcoholic. 17
GREETING Neutral 50 {Wild Child} So the wild one returns! What can I get you? 18
GREETING Neutral 50 {Good Natured Rascal} {Appreciative} I hear you've been helping out around town. It's much appreciated, friend. 19
GREETING Neutral 50 {Good Natured Rascal} {Warm} What can I get you, friend? 20
GREETING Neutral 50 {Liked} {Warm} You've done a lot for Freeside and it is much appreciated. Here's one on the house. 21
GREETING Neutral 50 {Liked} {Warm} Good to see you! What can I get you, friend? 22
GREETING Neutral 50 {Merciful Thug} Watch yourself, friend. We don't serve those who treat our friends badly. Shape up, or ship out. 23
GREETING Neutral 50 {Merciful Thug} {Disinterested} Yeah? What do you need? 24
GREETING Neutral 50 {Hated} What the hell do you want? 25
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Welcome to the Atomic Wrangler. What can I get you? 26
GREETING Neutral 50 {Unknown} Welcome back. What can I get you? 27
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic000 What goods and services do you have to offer? Neutral 50 We've got liquor, chems, and whores a plenty. Pick your fix and we'll oblige. Our only rule is no sampling the merchandise. Caps paid in advance. 28
Neutral 50 If you'd like to do a bit of gambling, we have an exchange at the back of the casino on the left. 29
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic001 I'd like to see what you have on tap. Neutral 50 Caps up front. We don't do tabs here. 30
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic002 I'm looking for a little R&R. Neutral 50 Since you're new, I'll lay out the rules for you. The prostitutes here aren't slaves. They decide who they service. 31
Neutral 50 You best make a good first impression if you want what they have to offer. 32
Neutral 50 Rooms are just a few caps a night. Your choice of company is extra, assuming anyone's taken a liking to you. 33
I'm looking for a little R&R. Neutral 50 Rooms are just a few caps a night. Your choice of company is extra, assuming anyone's taken a liking to you. 34
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic003 I'd like to help you with your debt collection. Neutral 50 Great. There are three people who need to be tracked down, a real mixed basket of fruits. Their names are Grecks, Santiago, and Lady Jane. 35
Neutral 50 James tells me you already handled Santiago by getting him to work for us. We'll just garnish his wages. 36
I'd like to help you with your debt collection. Neutral 50 Great. There are three people who need to be tracked down, a real mixed basket of fruits. Their names are Grecks, Santiago, and Lady Jane. 37
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic005 I'd like a room. Neutral 50 Just a few caps and it's yours. 38
I'd like a room. Neutral 50 You already own the corner room. You don't need to rent another. 39
I'd like a room. Neutral 50 You're already renting a room. Sorry, but you can only rent one room at a time. 40
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic006 [Give 10 caps] Here you go. Neutral 50 Up the steps, last room on the left. If you leave the Wrangler, we'll assume you're checking out. 41
[Give 10 caps] Here you go. Neutral 50 Caps up front. We don't do tabs here. 42
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic007 Nevermind, I changed my mind. Neutral 50 Alright. What can I get you, then? 43
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic010 Do you have any work you need done around here? Neutral 50 I have some work I need handled. Back before we instituted the caps up front rule, we used to allow customers tabs. 44
Neutral 50 Well, needless to say, a few customers snuck out without paying their bills. We need someone to collect. The job would pay a percentage. 45
Do you have any work you need done around here? Neutral 50 Well, with Caleb McCaffery dead, it looks like we could use a new bounty hunter. 46
Neutral 50 I have some work I need handled. Back before we instituted the caps up front rule, we used to allow customers tabs. 47
Neutral 50 Well, needless to say, a few customers snuck out without paying their bills. We need someone to collect. The job would pay a percentage. 48
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic011 Will I have to shoot anyone? Because I really want to shoot someone. Neutral 50 I'd prefer you not kill anyone with a debt. It's a bit difficult to collect on a corpse. 49
Neutral 50 Just get the caps from them. After that, I couldn't care less what happens to those deadbeats. 50
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic013 What kind of caps are we talking here? Neutral 50 If you bring all of their debts back, we'll give you a cut of each. 25% is more than fair. It would add up to 150 caps if you bring them all in. 51
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic014 Eh, sorry. I've got some other things I need to handle first. Neutral 50 Fair enough. Anything else you need? I'm a busy woman. 52
VFreeformFreesideFSFrancineGarretTopic015 You've got yourself a deal. Neutral 50 Great. There are three people who need to be tracked down, a real mixed basket of fruits. Their names are Grecks, Santiago, and Lady Jane. 53
Neutral 50 James tells me you already handled Santiago by getting him to work for us. We'll just garnish his wages. 54
You've got yourself a deal. Neutral 50 Great. There are three people who need to be tracked down, a real mixed basket of fruits. Their names are Grecks, Santiago, and Lady Jane. 55
<Speech more money>
Hey, I'm doing all of the work here. 50/50 and I'm game. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Alright. 50/50 it is, but you better bring back all of the caps. If we hear you crossed us, the next bounty hunter will be coming for you. 56
Twenty-five percent?! Fifty-fifty, or I walk. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Keep talking like that and your ass is going to be in the gutter. 25%. Take it or leave it. 57
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic000 I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. We need you to hunt down another person. 58
Neutral 50 That son of a bitch McCaffery stole a ton of caps and ran off to Vegas. I guess the fact that we farmed out his usual work to you pissed him off. 59
Neutral 50 No one steals from the Garret Twins! If you can kill that bastard and bring back as much as you can, you'll be paid very well. 60
I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. We need you to hunt down another person. 61
Neutral 50 That son of a bitch, McCaffery, stole a ton of caps and ran off to Vegas. I guess the fact that we farmed out his usual work to you pissed him off. 62
Neutral 50 No one steals from the Garret Twins! If you can kill that bastard and bring back as much as you can, you'll be paid very well. 63
I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. For helping us out, we would like to set you up with a room. 64
Neutral 50 You can have the corner room, rent free. It was McCaffery's. 65
Neutral 50 Now that he's dead, we're happy to let you use it. Thanks for helping us. 66
I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. For helping us out, we would like to set you up with a room. 67
Neutral 50 You can have the corner room, rent free. It was McCaffery's. 68
Neutral 50 Now that he's dead, we're happy to let you use it. Thanks for helping us. 69
I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. We need you to hunt down another person. 70
Neutral 50 That son of a bitch, McCaffery, stole a ton of caps and ran off to Vegas. I guess the fact that we farmed out his usual work to you pissed him off. 71
Neutral 50 No one steals from the Garret Twins! If you can kill that bastard and bring back as much as you can, you'll be paid very well. 72
I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. We need you to hunt down another person. 73
Neutral 50 That son of a bitch, McCaffery, stole a ton of caps and ran off to Vegas. I guess the fact that we farmed out his usual work to you pissed him off. 74
Neutral 50 No one steals from the Garret Twins! If you can kill that bastard and bring back as much as you can, you'll be paid very well. 75
I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. For helping us out, we would like to set you up with a room. 76
Neutral 50 You can have the corner room, rent free. It was McCaffery's. 77
Neutral 50 Now that he's dead, we're happy to let you use it. Thanks for helping us. 78
I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. For helping us out, we would like to set you up with a room. 79
Neutral 50 You can have the corner room, rent free. It was McCaffery's. 80
Neutral 50 Now that he's dead, we're happy to let you use it. Thanks for helping us. 81
I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 Doesn't look like it to me. I'm expecting 388 caps... 82
Neutral 50 You're short. Come back when you have the rest. 83
I think I have all of the debts collected. Neutral 50 It doesn't look like it to me. I'm expecting 600 caps... 84
Neutral 50 You're short. Come back when you have the rest. 85
This kind of work costs time and money. 50/50 would cover my expenses. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] All right. 50/50 it is, but you better bring back all of the caps. 86
Neutral 50 If we hear you crossed us, the next bounty hunter will be coming for you. 87
Are you crazy?! I'll be walking all over the place looking for these people. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Keep talking like that and your ass is going to be in the gutter. 25%. Take it or leave it. 88
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic002 How am I supposed to get to the Strip? Neutral 50 See the King. I'm sure he could work something out to get you in. You'll need to prove you're worth his time, but it'll be well worth it. 89
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic003 If I see McCaffery on the Strip, I'll be sure to take care of him. Neutral 50 Good. Just stop on back when he's dead and you'll be rewarded handsomely. Bring his hat as proof of the kill. 90
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic004 I have some other business to handle, maybe later. Neutral 50 Just bring back his hat if you decide to take care of him for us. He stole 2,000 caps. 91
Neutral 50 I doubt much of that will be on him if you find him. If you kill him, keep whatever is on him, and I'll reward you for his hat. 92
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic005 I took care of McCaffery. Neutral 50 Yes! Where is his hat?! 93
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic006 Right here. <Give McCaffery's hat> Neutral 50 This is great news. No one screws with the Garret Twins and gets away with it. I need to find a place on the wall for this. 94
Neutral 50 And for your reward... Here's 150 caps. I trust there were also some valuables on McCaffery. Also, we would like to set you up with a room. 95
Neutral 50 You can have the corner room, rent free. It was McCaffery's. Now that he's dead, we're happy to let you use it. Thanks for helping us. 96
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic007 The Followers are looking to trade for supplies. Neutral 50 Interesting... Well, you're going to need to speak with my brother James. He handles all of the trading contracts and general operations. 97
<Speech more money>
Hey, I'm doing all of the work here. 50/50 and I'm game. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Alright. 50/50 it is, but you better bring back all of the caps. If we hear you crossed us, the next bounty hunter will be coming for you. 98
Twenty-five percent?! Fifty-fifty, or I walk. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Keep talking like that and your ass is going to be in the gutter. 25%. Take it or leave it. 99
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic009 <Lie and give 600 caps> I collected all of the debts. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. We need you to hunt down another person. 100
Neutral 50 That son of a bitch, McCaffery, stole a ton of caps and ran off to Vegas. I guess the fact that we farmed out his usual work to you pissed him off. 101
Neutral 50 No one steals from the Garret Twins! If you can kill that bastard and bring back as much as you can, you'll be paid very well. 102
<Lie and give 600 caps> I collected all of the debts. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. For helping us out, we would like to set you up with a room. 103
Neutral 50 You can have the corner room, rent free. It was McCaffery's. 104
Neutral 50 Now that he's dead, we're happy to let you use it. Thanks for helping us. 105
<Lie and give 600 caps> I collected all of the debts. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. We need you to hunt down another person. 106
Neutral 50 That son of a bitch, McCaffery, stole a ton of caps and ran off to Vegas. I guess the fact that we farmed out his usual work to you pissed him off. 107
Neutral 50 No one steals from the Garret Twins! If you can kill that bastard and bring back as much as you can, you'll be paid very well. 108
<Lie and give 600 caps> I collected all of the debts. Neutral 50 I don't care how you handled those lumps of human refuse, but you got the job done. For helping us out, we would like to set you up with a room. 109
Neutral 50 You can have the corner room, rent free. It was McCaffery's. 110
Neutral 50 Now that he's dead, we're happy to let you use it. Thanks for helping us. 111
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic011 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 112
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic012 Grecks? Neutral 50 Grecks is a bit cracked, but mostly harmless. Just don't mention anything about his lazy eye. 113
Neutral 50 He owes 138 caps and should still be around Freeside. 114
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic013 Lady Jane? Neutral 50 Lady Jane fancies herself a high roller, but she's just another dirtbag NCR prospector. I'm not sure where to find her. 115
Neutral 50 I hear she's run goods for the Followers of the Apocalypse in the past, but other locals might know more. She owes us 250 caps. 116
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic014 Santiago? Neutral 50 Santiago is a suave son of a bitch, but a total pansy when it comes to fisticuffs. He owes 212 caps and should be around Freeside as well. 117
VFreeformFreesideVFSFrancineGarretTopic015 That's all for now. Neutral 50 Anything else you need? 118
This kind of work costs time and money. 50/50 would cover my expenses. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] All right. 50/50 it is, but you better bring back all of the caps. 119
Neutral 50 If we hear you crossed us, the next bounty hunter will be coming for you. 120
Are you crazy?! I'll be walking all over the place looking for these people. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Keep talking like that and your ass is going to be in the gutter. 25%. Take it or leave it. 121