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This is a transcript for dialogue with Fisto.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Fully Integrated Security Technetronic Officer active and reporting for duty. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Operation complete. Thank you for your business. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Greetings. Fisto is programmed to please. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 I am programmed for your pleasure. Please assume the position. 4
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic000 That is a mouthful. Let's shorten that to Fisto. Neutral 50 Yes, sir. Fisto reporting for duty. 5
Neutral 50 Please assume the position. 6
That is a mouthful. Let's shorten that to Fisto. Neutral 50 Yes, ma'am. Fisto reporting for duty. 7
Neutral 50 Please assume the position. 8
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic001 What?! No! Neutral 50 I am programmed for your pleasure. Please assume the position. 9
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic002 My pleasure is for you to work at the Atomic Wrangler. Neutral 50 Fisto will report to the Atomic Wrangler for further orders. 10
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic003 I suppose I should test you out before I hand you to the Garrets... Neutral 50 Servos active! 11
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic004 Report to the Atomic Wrangler. James Garret is your new owner. Neutral 50 Yes, sir! 12
Report to the Atomic Wrangler. James Garret is your new owner. Neutral 50 Yes, ma'am! 13
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic005 Well, that was... different. Neutral 50 Are you uncomfortable? My servos may require adjustment. 14
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic006 That all you've got, robot? Neutral 50 I will require a hardware and software upgrade to offer enhanced services. 15
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic008 No, you performed as intended. Neutral 50 Excellent. Awaiting further orders. 16
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic010 I can't feel my legs! Neutral 50 Numbness will subside in several minutes. Awaiting further orders. 17
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic011 I would like to purchase your services. Neutral 50 That will be 10 caps, please. 18
I would like to purchase your services. Neutral 50 I am sorry, but you must procure a room first. Please return when you have lodging arranged. 19
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic012 <Pay 10 caps> Neutral 50 Thank you. I will meet you in your room. 20
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic014 Woohoo! <assume the position> Neutral 50 Servos active! 21
VFreeformFreesideVFSFistoTopic015 Never mind, I would like a refund. Neutral 50 Very well. Please return if you require further service. 22


VFSFistoBusy VFSFistoBusy Neutral 50 Routine active. Please return later. 23
VFSFistoKiller VFSFistoKiller Neutral 50 Exterminate! 24