Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	That business at the Tops could never happen here. We don't admit that sort of riff-raff.		That business at the Tops could never happen here. We don't admit that sort of riff-raff.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814A_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015814A	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814A_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	I know Benny was murdered, but if you ask me, the real crime was that checkered jacket.		I know Benny was murdered, but if you ask me, the real crime was that checkered jacket.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814B_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015814B	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814B_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	A little bird told me Benny might be gone for good. He must've been in some delightful scandal to have run off so suddenly.		A little bird told me Benny might be gone for good. He must've been in some delightful scandal to have run off so suddenly.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814C_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015814C	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814C_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	{Amused}Those Omertas. Always plotting, never relevant. Bravo for putting them in their place like that.		{Amused}Those Omertas. Always plotting, never relevant. Bravo for putting them in their place like that.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814D_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015814D	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814D_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	{Impressed}Word has it you were spotted entering the Lucky 38. How ever did you get on that guest list?		{Impressed}Word has it you were spotted entering the Lucky 38. How ever did you get on that guest list?	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814E_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015814E	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814E_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Is it me or do the Securitrons seem... sassier?		Is it me or do the Securitrons seem... sassier?	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814F_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015814F	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015814F_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Such a shame about Mr. House. He used to send a Securitron to our dinner parties sometimes, like an uninvited but harmless uncle.		Such a shame about Mr. House. He used to send a Securitron to our dinner parties sometimes, like an uninvited but harmless uncle.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158150_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158150	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158150_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	There's a rumor going around that you killed Caesar! I'm dying to know... is it true? That he used a hairpiece, I mean?		There's a rumor going around that you killed Caesar! I'm dying to know... is it true? That he used a hairpiece, I mean?	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158151_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158151	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158151_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Caesar may be dead, but I think the toga is here to stay. You simply can't buy better thigh accentuation.		Caesar may be dead, but I think the toga is here to stay. You simply can't buy better thigh accentuation.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158152_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158152	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158152_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	The Kings will be missed. Not by me, of course. But who will buy the food at the Tops now that no one needs it to grease their hair?		The Kings will be missed. Not by me, of course. But who will buy the food at the Tops now that no one needs it to grease their hair?	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158153_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158153	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158153_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	It sounds like the Kings made nice with the NCR in Freeside. Seems there was room for two flies on the same bit of dung after all.		It sounds like the Kings made nice with the NCR in Freeside. Seems there was room for two flies on the same bit of dung after all.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158154_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158154	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158154_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Trying to elevate your status by being seen with me? It won't work.		Trying to elevate your status by being seen with me? It won't work.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158158_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158158	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158158_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	You look like you'd be more at home at one of the other hotels.		You look like you'd be more at home at one of the other hotels.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158159_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158159	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158159_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	I'm sorry, I prefer to converse with interesting people.		I'm sorry, I prefer to converse with interesting people.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815A_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015815A	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815A_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	{Disdainful, at first}I hear you've been clawing your way up the social ladder. {then, confidentially}What's your secret?		{Disdainful, at first}I hear you've been clawing your way up the social ladder. {then, confidentially}What's your secret?	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815B_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015815B	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815B_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	People are talking about you.		People are talking about you.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815C_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015815C	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815C_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	I like the cut of your jib.		I like the cut of your jib.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815D_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015815D	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815D_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Well, if it isn't the toast of New Vegas.		Well, if it isn't the toast of New Vegas.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815E_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015815E	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815E_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Welcome to the pinnacle of society.		Welcome to the pinnacle of society.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815F_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015815F	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015815F_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Would you mind staying here a moment? I want people to see that I know you.		Would you mind staying here a moment? I want people to see that I know you.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158160_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158160	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158160_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	You're an odd duck.		You're an odd duck.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158161_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158161	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158161_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	You've been acting awfully strange towards us.		You've been acting awfully strange towards us.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158162_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158162	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158162_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	What are you playing at? I'm really starting to wonder about you.		What are you playing at? I'm really starting to wonder about you.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158163_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158163	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158163_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	I'm having a little get-together later, but you are not invited until you learn to behave.		I'm having a little get-together later, but you are not invited until you learn to behave.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158164_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158164	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158164_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	How can you be such a dear and such a bother at the same time?		How can you be such a dear and such a bother at the same time?	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158165_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158165	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158165_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	You'll never be at the top until you learn some manners and common decency.		You'll never be at the top until you learn some manners and common decency.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158166_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158166	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158166_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	{repulsed}What's that smell? Oh, it's you.		{repulsed}What's that smell? Oh, it's you.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158167_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158167	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158167_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Please, you're lowering my status.		Please, you're lowering my status.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158168_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158168	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158168_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Shouldn't you be in Freeside with the other thugs?		Shouldn't you be in Freeside with the other thugs?	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158169_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158169	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158169_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	You vile cad. I've half a mind to give you a solid thrashing with my cane.		You vile cad. I've half a mind to give you a solid thrashing with my cane.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816A_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015816A	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816A_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Remove yourself from my sight at once.		Remove yourself from my sight at once.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816B_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015816B	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816B_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Loathsome wretch.		Loathsome wretch.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816C_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015816C	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816C_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Life at the top is immensely satisfying.		Life at the top is immensely satisfying.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816D_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015816D	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816D_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	It must be horrible to live in places without luxury.		It must be horrible to live in places without luxury.	VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816E_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 0015816E	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_0015816E_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Being an honorary member isn't the same as being a real member, but it still makes you better than everyone else.		Being an honorary member isn't the same as being a real member, but it still makes you better than everyone else.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158170_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158170	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158170_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	So you've joined the Society. It feels different, doesn't it? Like you're entitled to the best things life has to offer.		So you've joined the Society. It feels different, doesn't it? Like you're entitled to the best things life has to offer.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158171_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158171	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158171_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	You mustn't ask why we wear our masks. We are forbidden to speak of it.		You mustn't ask why we wear our masks. We are forbidden to speak of it.	VDialogueW_GREETING_00158172_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00158172	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00158172_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	The Lucky 38's perpetual glow these days... it's rather gauche, don't you think?		The Lucky 38's perpetual glow these days... it's rather gauche, don't you think?	VDialogueW_GREETING_00163C14_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00163C14	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00163C14_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	{Mr. House agreed to surrender Vegas to the NCR}If Mr. House is going to lower his standards, we'll just have to raise ours!		{Mr. House agreed to surrender Vegas to the NCR}If Mr. House is going to lower his standards, we'll just have to raise ours!	VDialogueW_GREETING_00163C15_1	GREETING	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Topic	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	GREETING	FormID 00163C15	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_GREETING_00163C15_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	That business at the Tops could never happen here. We don't admit that sort of riff-raff.		That business at the Tops could never happen here. We don't admit that sort of riff-raff.	VDialogueW_HELLO_00158138_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 00158138	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_00158138_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	I know Benny was murdered, but if you ask me, the real crime was that checkered jacket.		I know Benny was murdered, but if you ask me, the real crime was that checkered jacket.	VDialogueW_HELLO_00158139_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 00158139	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_00158139_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	A little bird told me Benny might be gone for good. He must've been in some delightful scandal to have run off so suddenly.		A little bird told me Benny might be gone for good. He must've been in some delightful scandal to have run off so suddenly.	VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813A_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 0015813A	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813A_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	{Amused}Those Omertas. Always plotting, never relevant. Bravo for putting them in their place like that.		{Amused}Those Omertas. Always plotting, never relevant. Bravo for putting them in their place like that.	VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813B_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 0015813B	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813B_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	{Impressed}Word has it you were spotted entering the Lucky 38. How ever did you get on that guest list?		{Impressed}Word has it you were spotted entering the Lucky 38. How ever did you get on that guest list?	VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813C_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 0015813C	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813C_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Is it me or do the Securitrons seem... sassier?		Is it me or do the Securitrons seem... sassier?	VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813D_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 0015813D	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813D_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Whatever has become of Mr. House? He used to send a Securitron to our dinner parties sometimes, like an uninvited but harmless uncle.		Whatever has become of Mr. House? He used to send a Securitron to our dinner parties sometimes, like an uninvited but harmless uncle.	VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813E_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 0015813E	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813E_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	There's a rumor going around that you killed Caesar! I'm dying to know... is it true? That he used a hairpiece, I mean?		There's a rumor going around that you killed Caesar! I'm dying to know... is it true? That he used a hairpiece, I mean?	VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813F_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 0015813F	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_0015813F_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Caesar may be dead, but I think the toga is here to stay. You simply can't buy better thigh accentuation.		Caesar may be dead, but I think the toga is here to stay. You simply can't buy better thigh accentuation.	VDialogueW_HELLO_00158140_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 00158140	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_00158140_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	The Kings will be missed. Not by me, of course. But who will buy the food at the Tops now that no one needs it to grease their hair?		The Kings will be missed. Not by me, of course. But who will buy the food at the Tops now that no one needs it to grease their hair?	VDialogueW_HELLO_00158141_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 00158141	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_00158141_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	It sounds like the Kings made nice with the NCR in Freeside. Seems there was room for two flies on the same bit of dung after all.		It sounds like the Kings made nice with the NCR in Freeside. Seems there was room for two flies on the same bit of dung after all.	VDialogueW_HELLO_00158142_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 00158142	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_00158142_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	Life at the top is immensely satisfying.		Life at the top is immensely satisfying.	VDialogueW_HELLO_00158147_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 00158147	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_00158147_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	You mustn't ask why we wear our masks. We are forbidden to speak of it.		You mustn't ask why we wear our masks. We are forbidden to speak of it.	VDialogueW_HELLO_00158149_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 00158149	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_00158149_1.mp3
--	Fac: VWhiteGloveSocietyDialogueFaction	It must be horrible to live in places without luxury.		It must be horrible to live in places without luxury.	VDialogueW_HELLO_00158148_1	Hello	--	--	FemaleAdult02	Conversation	VDialogueWhiteGloveSociety	HELLO	FormID 00158148	0	File Not Found		--	--	Neutral 50	Data\Sound\Voice\FalloutNV.esm\FemaleAdult02\VDialogueW_HELLO_00158148_1.mp3