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This is a transcript for dialogue with members of Caesar's Legion in combat.


1DeathResponseDeathResponseKeep fighting!Neutral 50
2DeathResponsePress on!Neutral 50
3DeathResponseDie, Profligate!Neutral 50
4DeathResponseDeath to the Legion's enemies!Neutral 50
5DeathResponseFor {KAI-zar}Caesar!Neutral 50
6GuardTrespassGuardTrespass{warning}Leave while you still can.Neutral 50
7GuardTrespass{warning}Move along or suffer the consequences.Neutral 50
8GuardTrespass{warning}You don't belong here.Neutral 50
9MurderNoCrimeMurderNoCrime{mild praise}A fair kill.Neutral 50
10MurderNoCrime{unaffected}One more to feed the worms.Neutral 50
11MurderNoCrime{unaffected}The weak must die.Neutral 50
12MurderMurderRetribution!Neutral 50
13MurderVengeance!Neutral 50
14MurderReprisal!Neutral 50
15AssaultAssaultYou'll pay for that!Neutral 50
16AssaultDamn you!Neutral 50
17AssaultDegenerate!Neutral 50
18AcceptYieldAcceptYield{contempt}The ultimate insult is to be spared.Neutral 50
19StealSteal{contempt}You have no honor!Neutral 50
20Steal{contempt}You debase yourself!Neutral 50
21Steal{contempt}Honorless thief!Neutral 50
22DeathDeath{death scream} Aaaah!Pained 100
23Death{death scream} Urgh!Pained 100
24Death{death scream} Gaaah!Pained 100
25AvoidThreatAvoidThreatScatter!Neutral 50
26AvoidThreatDisplace!Neutral 50
27FireExplosiveFireExplosive{throwing grenade}Explosive, brothers!Neutral 50
28FireExplosive{throwing grenade}<Grunting as you throw.>Look out, brothers!Neutral 50
29FleeFlee{scared}Fall back!Neutral 50
30Flee{scared}Run, brothers!Neutral 50
31Flee{scared}Run!Neutral 50
32HitHitHmph!Pained 100
33HitUgh!Pained 100
34Hit{getting hit/wounded in combat} Ahh!Pained 100
35HitArgh!Pained 100
36Hit{getting hit/wounded in combat} Oof!Pained 100


37LostToCombatLostToCombat{satisfied, hostile}You're mine!Neutral 50
38LostToCombat{satisfied, hostile}I see you!Neutral 50
39LostToCombat{satisfied, hostile}I found you!Neutral 50
40LostToNormalLostToNormal{giving up search}I scared them away. {Hmph!}No match for the Legion.Neutral 50
41LostToNormal{giving up search}I'll kill them if they come back.Neutral 50
42LostToNormal{giving up search}It seems they ran off.Neutral 50
43CombatToLostCombatToLost{frustrated}You can't hide from me!Neutral 50
44CombatToLost{angry}You won't escape me!Neutral 50
45CombatToLost{frustrated}I'll find you!Neutral 50
46CombatToNormalCombatToNormal{satisfied}Degenerate.Neutral 50
47CombatToNormal{satisfied}That's it, run away.Neutral 50
48CombatToNormal{satisfied}Coward.Neutral 50
49AlertToNormalAlertToNormal{shaking it off}Must've been nothing.Neutral 50
50AlertToNormal{shaking it off}Nothing here.Neutral 50
51AlertToNormal{shaking it off}I guess it was nothing.Neutral 50
52StartCombatStartCombat{starting combat}Another kill to my name!Neutral 50
53StartCombat{starting combat}Die, coward!Neutral 50
54StartCombat{starting combat}Death to Profligates!Neutral 50
55AlertToCombatAlertToCombat{satisfied}There you are!Neutral 50
56AlertToCombat{satisfied, mocking}Fool!Neutral 50
57AlertToCombat{satisfied}I knew it!Neutral 50
58NormalToAlertNormalToAlert{slight concern}What was that?Neutral 50
59NormalToAlert{slight concern}I heard something...Neutral 50
60NormalToAlert{slight concern}{Ah-WAY}Ave? Someone there?Neutral 50
61LostIdleLostIdle{frustrated}You won't escape me!Neutral 50
62LostIdle{frustrated, hostile}Skulking like a coward will not save you!Neutral 50
63LostIdle{frustrated, hostile - hit "will"}By {KAI-zar}Caesar, I will find you.Neutral 50
64AlertIdleAlertIdle{suspicious}You won't escape me.Neutral 50
65AlertIdle{suspicious}Show yourself and I may let you live.Neutral 50
66AlertIdle{mild concern}I thought I heard something...Neutral 50


67PLAYERFIREWEAPONPLAYER FIRE WEAPON{irritated}Put that away!Neutral 50
68PLAYER FIRE WEAPON{irritated}Mind your weapon!Neutral 50
69PLAYERINIRONSITESPLAYER IN IRON SITES{challenging}You think I don't see that?Neutral 50
70PLAYER IN IRON SITES{threatening}Don't tempt me.Neutral 50
71PLAYER IN IRON SITES{threatening}By {KAI-zar}Caesar, you're walking a fine line.Neutral 50
72PLAYERLAYMINEPLAYER LAY MINE{challenging}I see what you're doing.Neutral 50
74PLAYER THROW GRENADEGrenade!Neutral 50