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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vault City slave.

{100}{}{You see a strong man in working clothes. He is keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the ground.}
{101}{}{You see a Vault City slave.}
{102}{}{You see a strong man in working clothes. He is keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the ground.}
{103}{}{You see a healthy-looking woman in working clothes. She is keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the ground.}
{104}{}{You see a Vault City slave.}
{105}{}{You see a healthy-looking woman in working clothes. She is keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the ground.}
{106}{}{I have heard of your brave deeds. You have done a great service for Vault City... and the world.}
{107}{}{Your battle against the Enclave impressed even the First Citizen.}
{108}{}{I wish I could somehow give you something for all you've done for us, but I have nothing to give...except my thanks.}
{109}{}{The other servants will be envious that I was talking to the hero of the Wastes.}
{110}{}{Yes, Captain?}
{112}{}{Is there something you wanted me to do, Captain?}
{113}{}{Did you have a task for me, Captain?}
{114}{}{I'm sorry, Captain. I will try and work harder.}
{115}{}{I'm sorry, Captain. I will try to be more attentive.}
{116}{}{Yes, Citizen?}
{118}{}{Is there something you wanted me to do, Citizen?}
{119}{}{Did you have a task for me, Citizen?}
{120}{}{I'm sorry, Citizen. I will try and work harder.}
{121}{}{I'm sorry, Citizen. I will try to be more attentive.}
{122}{}{Mutants are not allowed inside the city!}
{123}{}{If the guards see your mutant, you will be forced to leave.}
{124}{}{Mutants are not permitted inside the city! You must leave!}
{125}{}{Ghouls are not allowed inside the city!}
{126}{}{If the guards see your ghoul, you will be forced to leave.}
{127}{}{Ghouls are not permitted inside the city! You must leave!}
{128}{}{Yes, I am already owned. The Servant Allocation Center has my papers.}
{129}{}{Please leave me be. I am a servant of Vault City.}
{130}{}{I beg you: have you seen two children, dark-hair…? They were taken by other slavers two years ago and sold North.}
{131}{}{Please… I am not permitted to speak to anyone.}
{132}{}{If a Citizen catches me talking to a slaver, I will be punished.}
{133}{}{The guards will report me if you continue to talk to me.}
{134}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have duties.}
{135}{}{Please go away, slaver. I don't want any trouble.}
{136}{}{Escape? I... have never tried to escape from here. Life is good here.}
{137}{}{The Citizens told me that if I work hard enough, one day *I* could become a Citizen.}
{138}{}{The Citizens teach us that work is its own reward.}
{139}{}{The Citizens tell us that our service allows them time for more important matters.}
{140}{}{I was lucky that Vault City had need of servants. I could have ended up in New Reno.}
{141}{}{Vault City rewards servants who work diligently with extra rations.}
{142}{}{I hear they do horrible things to the slaves in New Reno.}
{143}{}{The Citizens brought my entire tribe inside the City to serve as servants. }
{144}{}{The Citizens brought me in out of the wastes and taught me to read.}
{145}{}{The Citizens treat me very well. The food here is excellent.}
{146}{}{I am not permitted to speak with Outsiders.}
{147}{}{I missed my family at first, but it has been many years since I saw them.}
{148}{}{I was taken from a tribal village north of here. Life is much better here.}
{149}{}{I was first captured in the Den. Fortunately, I ended up here.}
{150}{}{I hear the First Citizen occasionally loses her temper with her servants.}
{151}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have work to do.}
{152}{}{I must finish my duties within the hour.}
{153}{}{Speaking to Outsiders is against the rules.}
{154}{}{Escape? Why?}
{155}{}{Yes? Can I help you?}
{156}{}{I was captured by slavers long ago. I barely remember it.}
{157}{}{I used to have two children, but they were shipped northwards. I hope they make their way here someday.}
{158}{}{I'm sorry, but I don't have time to talk.}
