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This is a transcript for dialogue with Major Polatli.


BitterSpringsTroopers Captain Gilles at Bitter Springs needs reinforcements. Can you spare any? Anger 10 {Cool, slightly annoyed} Sorry, I'm not in the habit of letting random civilians dictate my troop deployment schedule. 1
Captain Gilles at Bitter Springs needs reinforcements. Can you spare any? Happy 20 {Calm} I'll be honest, the Legion has me worried here, but I think I can spare some soldiers. Consider your request granted. 2
Captain Gilles at Bitter Springs needs reinforcements. Can you spare any? Happy 30 {Calm} You handled yourself well against the Legion, and that took some of the pressure off of us. I'll send a couple of troops out there right now. 3
GREETING GREETING Surprise 50 I have a report here that says the Legion forces at Nelson have been taken care of and that you had a hand in it. 4
Happy 50 You have my thanks for that. Those guys have been giving us a lot of trouble for a long time now. 5
Happy 50 Now that they're gone, we'll be able to prepare for the upcoming conflict at Hoover Dam. 6
GREETING Happy 25 I heard you've been helping out Quartermaster Mayes. I appreciate it, we need all the help we can get around here. 7
GREETING Happy 25 I heard you won Private Sexton's little contest. Congratulations. It's nice to have morale up around here. 8
GREETING Happy 10 Dr. Richards told me how you helped him with his missing supplies. It's unfortunate about Private Stone, but at least it's over with now. 9
GREETING Happy 25 I heard about how you saved the President's life. It's a good thing you were there. Things could have turned out really ugly. 10
GREETING Anger 10 It's hard to believe that there was an actual assassination attempt on the President's life. We sure got lucky this time. 11
GREETING Anger 25 I can't believe President Kimball is dead... the last thing we needed around here was another morale hit. 12
GREETING Surprise 10 You must be new around here. Something I can do for you? 13
GREETING Surprise 25 I didn't expect someone as famous as you to be here. Please tell me you're here to help. 14
GREETING Happy 25 I'm glad to see you here. We could definitely use your help. 15
GREETING Disgust 25 I've heard of you. You better not cause any trouble around here, we have enough problems as it is. 16
GREETING Anger 5 Hum... I've heard of you. What do you want? 17
GREETING Anger 50 You've got a lot of nerve coming into our camp. 18
GREETING Anger 25 {Brusque} What do you want? 19
GREETING Anger 15 We're kind of busy around here for social calls, so if you're not here to help out, just stay out of my way. 20
GREETING Anger 5 Back already? What do you need? 21
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic000 What do you need help with? Anger 15 I'm short staffed and I don't have the time to take care of some issues around the camp. 22
Anger 10 I need someone to talk to a few of the officers and help them resolve some of the problems around here. 23
What do you need help with? Anger 15 I've got the Legion at Nelson breathing down my neck and not enough men or supplies to get this camp into fighting shape so we can strike back. 24
Anger 10 I need someone to talk to a few of the officers and help them resolve some of the problems around here. 25
Anger 15 If I can get this place in order, then I can focus our efforts on taking back Nelson from the Legion. 26
Neutral 50 And the more that gets done around here, the more resources I'll be able to put into assaulting Nelson. 27
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic001 I could do that for you. Happy 10 Good, let's not waste time then. Our biggest problems right now are supplies and troops, and the Legion is draining us of both. 28
Sad 10 Quartermaster Mayes has been complaining to me nonstop about the lack of supplies, but unfortunately we aren't getting a resupply any time soon. 29
Neutral 10 I want you speak with him and see if there's anything you can do for him. 30
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic002 I don't have time for this. Neutral 50 I'll be here if you change your mind. 31
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic003 Thanks, I appreciate it. Happy 25 You're welcome. Enjoy. 32
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic004 Do you have the troops to retake Nelson? Fear 25 Not really, but we don't have much choice. If you help out more around the camp I could spare some additional men for the battle. 33
Do you have the troops to retake Nelson? Fear 10 We have a decent amount of men, but it'll be a close battle. If you help out more around the camp, I could probably spare some additional troops. 34
Do you have the troops to retake Nelson? Happy 20 We've been reinforced fairly well, thanks to your help. I'd say the odds are in our favor. 35
Neutral 50 However, if you help out a little more around the camp, we'd be in a good enough position to send our best men to help retake Nelson. 36
Do you have the troops to retake Nelson? Happy 50 Thanks to your help, we have more than enough men to take those Legion bastards. 37
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic005 What do you want me to do now? Happy 15 Well, with that over with and the Legion forces at Nelson defeated, we finally have some breathing room. 38
Happy 5 Now we can actually try to strengthen our forces along the river and prepare for the upcoming battle at Hoover Dam. 39
What do you want me to do now? Happy 15 With the help you've given us, we're doing a little bit better, but we still have the Legion forces at Nelson to deal with. 40
Anger 5 If we can retake Nelson, that will be a huge help to our efforts in this area and give us an advantage at Hoover Dam. 41
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic006 Is there any intel on the Legion forces at Nelson? Anger 10 The Legion forces have been reinforced and are looking pretty strong. It's going to be a tough fight. 42
Is there any intel on the Legion forces at Nelson? Happy 10 The Legion forces are hurting pretty bad, actually. This is the perfect opportunity for us. 43
Is there any intel on the Legion forces at Nelson? Neutral 50 Reports have the Legion forces at Nelson sizable, but not insurmountable. 44
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic007 I have some questions about the NCR. Surprise 10 I can spare a few moments, make it quick. 45
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic008 That's not necessary. Happy 45 That's very gracious of you. Again, you have my thanks. 46
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic010 I've helped Quartermaster Mayes get some supplies. Happy 10 I heard. The extra supplies will help for a short time, but that only solves one of our problems. 47
Sad 15 With all the Legion raids lately, we're running low on troops that can still fight. Some are injured, but even more are dead. 48
Neutral 10 I want you to check in with Dr. Richards and see if he needs any help getting our troops back on the front line. 49
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic011 I've finished helping Dr. Richards. Sad 25 I heard from Dr. Richards. Too bad you weren't able to help him with anything, but we all can't be doctors. 50
I've finished helping Dr. Richards. Anger 25 I heard from Dr. Richards and I wouldn't call what you did helping. We need all the men we can get on the frontline. 51
I've finished helping Dr. Richards. Happy 25 I heard from Dr. Richards. I'm glad you were at least some use to him. 52
I've finished helping Dr. Richards. Happy 50 Dr. Richards said you did a good job in there. That's mighty high praise coming from him. 53
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic012 I'm ready. Let's do it! Happy 10 Excellent. Killing the Legion commanders in Nelson will severely cripple the Legion forces and allow us to take back the city. 54
Neutral 10 Meet up with Sergeant Cooper just outside Nelson. He will assist you in reclaiming Nelson. 55
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic013 I'll need some time to prepare. Anger 10 Come back when you're ready. 56
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic014 How do things look around the camp? Happy 25 Things are looking good. With the new resources and support, morale is at the highest it's ever been around here. 57
How do things look around the camp? Happy 10 Well, things have been improving lately. More supplies, more troops. We might actually be able to turn things around. 58
How do things look around the camp? Happy 15 We're hanging in there. Things wouldn't be so bad if we could actually get some reinforcements or supplies, but we'll just have to survive for now. 59
How do things look around the camp? Sad 25 Not good. We still haven't gotten any support from the rest of the NCR and the Legion is kicking our ass right now. 60
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic015 What's your take on the NCR's position here? Anger 15 It's no picnic, I'll tell you that much. My troops are out here every day dying for the NCR, but they've left us out to dry. 61
Anger 25 We have no men or supplies and we're stretched too thin trying to guard the entire river. 62
Anger 35 If the brass back home could get their heads out of their asses long enough to send support, we could turn this all around. 63
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic016 I want to talk about the attack on Nelson. Neutral 50 Are you ready? 64
I want to talk about the attack on Nelson. Happy 50 The initial reports have come back already. Excellent work. This will buy us a lot of breathing room to get back on our feet here. 65
Happy 30 Now we can actually try to strengthen our forces along the river and prepare for the upcoming battle at Hoover Dam. 66
Happy 50 You have my thanks, we owe you a lot. 67
I want to talk about the attack on Nelson. Neutral 50 I'd like to give you something to thank you for helping us. 68
VMS30VCFHMajorPolatliTopic017 Let's talk about something else. Anger 5 Make it quick. 69


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Watch yourself out there. 70