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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jacob Forsythe.


1-Do you have anything more to say?
2Is that it?


4-Do you need something? I'm rather busy at the moment.
5{mild insult / Concerned} I hope we have enough gauze.
6If you get sick or injured, go to Rachel first. She'll call me if it's worth my effort.
7{haughty / Stern} As the doctor for Vault 81, I expect a certain amount of respect.
8{Grateful / Grateful} Without your help, Austin would be dead. Thank you.
9{Speaking like a friendly doctor to a patient. / Neutral} If you've changed your mind about donating a blood sample, see me in the clinic in the morning.
10{Speaking like a friendly doctor to a patient. / Neutral} Looking for medical treatment? Talk to Rachel. She'd be happy to help you with anything you may need.
11{Speaking like a friendly doctor to a patient. / Neutral} I've heard some doctors out there specialize in facial reconstruction. I can't imagine attempting surgery in those conditions.
12{Happy / Amused} Ah the dangers of curiosity. Lucky for Austin, he does appear to have nine lives.
13{Speaking like a friendly doctor to a patient. / Neutral} I often wonder about medical facilities in the Commonwealth and just how sanitary they must be.
14{Serious / Somber} Austin will be missed. Yours is not a decision the Vault will take lightly.
15{Serious / Somber} Your decision cost a boy his life. I hope you can live with that.
16{Judging / Thinking} After this, you'd think Bobby DeLuca would've reached out for help by now. That boy is useless.
17{Speaking as a medical doctor / Neutral} It's unfortunate there was only a single cure. I would have loved to study it further.
18{Curious / Thinking} I'm curious as to what Vault-Tec was studying beyond our walls.
19{Polite / Neutral} Rachel told me Bobby saw her about his addiction. I heard we have you to thank.
20{Distant, sad. / Somber} It's sad about Bobby. We could have helped him.


21DN077OverseerOfficeOverseer: We can't risk this pathogen spreading, Dr. Forsythe.Yes, Overseer.Overseer: How is Austin doing?A1a
22Overseer: How is Austin doing?{Morose} Not good. The infection has progressed quite rapidly.A1a
23{Urgent} We need a way to stop it from spreading.Overseer: Then let's hope that outsider pulls through and gets us a cure.A1b
24Overseer: You and your staff are to make sure every resident remains under stringent medical observation.Understood. But Overseer...Overseer: No buts. This is for the good of the Vault.A1a


25MS19AustinInClinicBobbyDeLuca: But they also said they used 'em to make vaccines and treatments.{Surprised} A secret vault? Good lord! I've never heard of such a thing.DrPenske: Bobby, you're a genius! A junkie genius!A1a
26DrPenske: You have to do something, Jacob!{trying to reason with her / Apologetic} I'm running the tests as fast as I can, Priscilla.A1a
27{trying to reason with her / Apologetic} I can't treat Austin until I know what he is infected with.BobbyDeLuca: Dr. Forsythe...A1b
28DrPenske: Austin got bitten by a mole rat. Isn't that enough, Jacob? There can't be that many mole rat diseases or toxins.{consoling her / Apologetic} Rachel is examining the mole rat. Hopefully she will find something.A1a
29{Concerned} But these aren't ordinary mole rats. Who knows what kind of diseases they are carrying.A1b
30{Worried} Because he's just a child it's affecting him more severely.BobbyDeLuca: Dr. Forsythe. Please! I think I found something that might help Austin.A1c
31DrPenske: Bobby!{not really pleading, just trying to calm her down so he can hear what Bobby has to say. / Pleading} Hold on, Priscilla.DrForsythe: What is it Bobby?A1a
32DrForsythe: Hold on, Priscilla.{trying to remain calm, but he is under a lot of pressure / Question} What is it Bobby?BobbyDeLuca: Well, you know that door Austin found? He found it 'cause of me.A1a
33DrPenske: You mean your chems.{Irritated} Get to the point, Bobby. What did you find in that place?BobbyDeLuca: It's like a whole extra vault in there, but half ruined and caved in.A1a
34MS19ForsytheSamples{overly friendly because he wants something from you / Friendly} Welcome back.DrForsythe: I hope I'm not being presumptuous, but I'd like to ask you a favor.A
35DrForsythe: Here are the caps I promised you.{Grateful} Thank you. This will be a great help.A1a
36{excusing himself from the conversation. / Concerned} Now, I need to get these prepared immediately.A1b
37DrForsythe: Just have a seat and I'll draw some blood.{being polite / Friendly} Sit there.DrForsythe: This will only take a sec...A1a
38DrForsythe: This will only take a sec...{Happy} There. Hardly hurt a bit, eh?DrForsythe: Here are the caps I promised you.A1a
39{Friendly} If you change your mind, I'll be here.A1a
40{Friendly} Welcome, welcome!Player Default: Sure. You can have some blood.A1a
41DrForsythe: Welcome, welcome!{Apologetic} I hope I'm not being presumptuous, but I'd like to ask you a favor.A1a
42{asking politely / Pleading} Would you mind donating some medical samples? Even just a blood sample?Player Default: Sure. You can have some blood.A1b
43DrForsythe: Welcome, welcome!{Question} Change your mind about donating some medical samples?Player Default: Sure. You can have some blood.A2a
44Player Default: Excellent!{trying to put the player at ease / Friendly} Just have a seat and I'll draw some blood.DrForsythe: Sit there.A1a
45DrForsythe: Sit there.{trying to keep things light and friendly / Friendly} This will only take a sec...DrForsythe: There. Hardly hurt a bit, eh?A1a
46DrForsythe: There. Hardly hurt a bit, eh?{Friendly} Here are the caps I promised you.DrForsythe: Thank you. This will be a great help.A1a
47Player Default: Sure. You can have some blood.{Friendly} Excellent!DrForsythe: Just have a seat and I'll draw some blood.A1a
48Player Default: Um... yeah... I don't think so...{Trying to alleviate the player's concerns / Concerned} Squeamish? There really is nothing to fear.B1a
49{disappointed / Sad} It's up to you. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.DrForsythe: Just have a seat and I'll draw some blood.B1b
50Player Default: I might for some caps.{why not / Friendly} Alright. The overseer did give me a few caps for this. How does 50 caps sound?Player Default: Sure. You can have some blood.X1a
51Player Default: I might for some caps.{Irritated} Hmm. I suppose I can use the rest of my allotment.X2a
52{Trying for a poker face / Neutral} I can give you 100 caps.Player Default: Sure. You can have some blood.X2b
53Player Default: I might for some caps.{annoyed and trying not to show it, but not very successfully / Disgust} You drive a hard bargain. I can give you 150, but not a cap more.DrForsythe: Just have a seat and I'll draw some blood.X3a
54Player Default: I might for some caps.{insulted / Surprised} You want to dicker about money? People's lives are at stake here.X4a
55{indignant / Angry} Either do it because it's the right thing to do, or I'll wait for the next Commonwealth visitor.DrForsythe: Just have a seat and I'll draw some blood.X4b
56Player Default: I might for some caps.{Grateful} I'm not going to pay you. I hope you'll still be willing to donate though.DrForsythe: Just have a seat and I'll draw some blood.X5a
57Player Default: Why do you need medical samples?{explaining / Neutral} It's for my research.Y1a
58{Concerned} The people of Vault 81 have been genetically isolated from the Commonwealth for many generations.Y1b
59{Puzzled} I'm trying to determine what the genetic variation is between the two populations.Player Default: Sure. You can have some blood.Y1c
60MS19GiveCureToForsythe{anxious / Surprised} The cure! You found it.Player Default: I used it for myself. Sorry about the boy.A
61{upset that he didn't do it the first time / Irritated} So have you decided to turn over the cure?Player Default: I used it for myself. Sorry about the boy.A
62DrForsythe: Just in time too. Austin won't last much longer.{Concerned} You don't look so good.A1a
63{shocked / Afraid} Oh, my god. You got bit by one of those mole rats too, didn't you.A1b
64{musing, a bit surprised / Puzzled} You seem to be holding up a lot better than Austin though.A1c
65{we'll never know attitude / Puzzled} Maybe because you're an adult. Might be you're just more resistant.Player Default: I used it for myself. Sorry about the boy.A1d
66Player Default: You're right. Give it to Austin.{Disgust} I can't believe you were even thinking of withholding the cure from a young boy.DrForsythe: Let's hope this works.A1a
67Player Default: He can die for all I care. What's one more dead child in this world?{Disgust} No wonder we don't let many Commonwealth people into the vault.B1a
68{Angry} You are a cold, selfish bastard.B1b
69{Disgust} Get out of my sight.B1c
70Player Default: Relax! I was just kidding. Here. Give it to Austin.{Angry} Just give me that serum.X1a
71{Disgust} I can't believe you would make jokes about a young boy's life.DrForsythe: Let's hope this works.X1b
72Player Default: Will it fully heal him? Will he have any side effects?{a bit defeated, a bit apologetic / Tired} Who knows. It's not like we have a chance to run a clinical trial.Y1a
73{Nervous} It could cure him, kill him, or anything in between.Player Default: You're right. Give it to Austin.Y1b
74{Surprised} Hey! Where are you going?A1a
75{Angry} Austin needs that cure!A1b
76{Grateful} Just in time too. Austin won't last much longer.Player Default: I used it for myself. Sorry about the boy.A1a
77Player Default: I used it for myself. Sorry about the boy.{Angry} You what!? You've just sentenced Austin to death, you bastard.A1a
78{Disgust} Get out of here. Just leave.Player Default: You're right. Give it to Austin.A1b
79Player Default: I used it for myself. Sorry about the boy.{Worried} Only one dose? I hope this works.A2a
80{Worried} If it doesn't, there won't be anything to analyze to try again.DrForsythe: Let's hope this works.A2b
81Player Default: There's only one dose. I got bit and infected by one of those damn mole rats. I'm going to use it on myself.{Angry} And yet you aren't on death's door like Austin. I'm betting you just have a few minor side effects.B1a
82{angry and shocked / Surprised} Are you really willing to let Austin die to rid yourself of an inconvenience?Player Default: You're right. Give it to Austin.B1b
83Player Default: There's only one dose. I got bit and infected by one of those damn mole rats. I'm going to use it on myself.{Angry} You're going to sell it aren't you. Bastard.B2a
84{angry and shocked / Surprised} Are you really willing to let Austin die just to earn a few caps?Player Default: You're right. Give it to Austin.B2b
85Player Default: Give him half, and I'll take the other half.{Angry} It doesn't work that way. Half a dose won't cure him.X1a
86{Disgust} Stop being selfish and just give me the serum.Player Default: I used it for myself. Sorry about the boy.X1b
87Player Default: How is Austin doing? Do you think he'll survive the cure?{Concerned} He's been unconscious since shortly after you left.Player Default: I used it for myself. Sorry about the boy.Y1a
88MS19HealAustinAustin: I just wanted to see what was in there.{still upset that he was so careless / Angry} Well, if it hadn't been for our friend here, you might have died.DrForsythe: Thank you. I know you made sacrifices to help him.A1a
89{hopeful / Nervous} Let's hope this works.Overseer: I heard you had returned.A1a
90Overseer: I heard you had returned.{Worried} It shouldn't be long.Austin: What... Where am I?A1a
91Austin: What... Where am I?{comforting him / Relieved} You're in the the clinic. You were really sick, Austin.A1a
92{comforting him / Friendly} Our visitor from the Commonwealth saved your life.Austin: Really? Gee, thanks mister.A1b
93DrForsythe: Well, if it hadn't been for our friend here, you might have died.{Grateful} Thank you. I know you made sacrifices to help him.A1a
94{Grateful} I know Dr. Penske will be grateful.A1b
95{Grateful} For my part, I'd like to give you this syringer.A1c
96{Grateful} I've had it for years and never really had a use for it.Overseer: She's not the only one. The whole vault is thankful.A1d
97-{Friendly} It will only sting for a second.
98{Concerned / Concerned} Without that cure, Austin will certainly die.
99{Concerned / Concerned} Be quick, and find that cure.
100{Concerned / Concerned} Careful of the Mole Rats down there. If they infected Austin, they could infect you as well.


101Forsythe_Rachel_01{Question} Did you clean the autoclave?Rachel: Yes, Dr. Forsythe. I clean it every day.A1a
102Rachel: Yes, Dr. Forsythe. I clean it every day.{Irritated} And all of my packs are wrapped?Rachel: Yes, Dr. Forsythe. I make sure all the packs are sterilized and wrapped every day.A1a
103Rachel: Yes, Dr. Forsythe. I make sure all the packs are sterilized and wrapped every day.{start with a grumpy hmmph. mildly irritated that he can't catch her making a mistake. / Irritated} I suppose that will do for now.Rachel: I look forward to having this same conversation tomorrow.A1a
104Rachel: I look forward to having this same conversation tomorrow.{sharply, thinks she said something insulting / Irritated} What was that?Rachel: Nothing, Dr. Forsythe.A1a
105Forsythe_Rachel_02Rachel: I've cultured the latest samples. The results are in your logbook.{impatient / Irritated} And?Rachel: Inconclusive. Better than our last trial, but not as good as last week's trial.A1a
106Rachel: Inconclusive. Better than our last trial, but not as good as last week's trial.{Concerned} Not very promising. Even the serum from last week's trial was of limited value.Rachel: We might have better luck with the next sample.A1a
107Rachel: We might have better luck with the next sample.{Amused} You have the patience of a saint, Rachel.A1a
108{Concerned} These constant failures make me wonder if we should abandon this strain.A1b


109Holt_Forsythe_01Holt: Alexis is working me like a dog. It's all the lifting and carrying.{Disbelief} You? Working hard? She must be really riding you.A1a
110{Matter of fact. / Neutral} I'll have Rachel compound some things for you. They'll be ready later today.A1b
111Holt: Hey, doc. How's business?{Irritated} I've told you before, I don't appreciate you referring to my services as a business.A1a
112{a bit haughty / Concerned} I do serious work here, healing the sick and researching new medicines.Holt: Lighten up, doc. It's just a saying.A1b
113Holt: My back is acting up again. I thought you could fix me up.{Concerned} Seems to be getting worse. Are you doing anything that would strain it?Holt: Alexis is working me like a dog. It's all the lifting and carrying.A1a
114Holt_Forsythe_02{Irritated} If you are going to wander around in my clinic, stay out of the way.Holt: Sure thing, doc. You won't even know I'm here.A1a
115Holt: So I'll just hang out here, quiet as a mouse. I'll be so quiet you won't even know when I leave.{Irritated} This is your idea of quiet?Holt: Just making idle chit chat, doc. No harm in that is there?A1a
116Holt: Just making idle chit chat, doc. No harm in that is there?{Irritated} I don't care if you hide from your wife, but stay out of my way. Close that diarrheic mouth of yours.Holt: Shutting up now doc. Not a word. Not even a cough.A1a
117Holt: Shutting up now doc. Not a word. Not even a cough.{Patience worn thin, admonishing / Angry} Holt!A1a