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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bobby De Luca.


1-Ya deaf or something?
2If you don't want to talk, just say so.


4Vault81BobbyAndTinaIntroSceneTina: Jesus, Bobby, can you not do that here? What if the Overseer or Whitaker caught you?{Being defensive. / Irritated} Cut me some slack, Tina, I've been working twelve hours straight.Tina: Oh, you've been working? Sure. I bet bossing around Old Rusty really takes it out of you.A1a
5OldRusty: You've no idea, Miss DeLuca.{Trying to enjoy getting high but people are giving him a hard time. / Irritated} Hey, will you both just get lost? You're killing my buzz here.OldRusty: With pleasure, sir.A1a
6-{annoyed / Irritated} What's a guy have to do to get some food around here?
7{grumpy / Irritated} Maria, where's my coffee?
8{being critical and insulting / Irritated} You need a better selection of booze in here, Mark.
9{defensive, sullen / Irritated} Before you start in on me, I'm not totally wasted. Not yet.
10{dismissive / Tired} That air purifier is acting up again. Tell Old Rusty he needs to get on it.
11{dismissive / Tired} The air purifier is acting up again. When you're finished here, take care of it.
12{annoyed / Irritated} Get out of the way you scrap heap.
13{Grateful / Grateful} I never thought I'd say it, but I'm glad I'm off the Jet.
14{Grateful / Grateful} You were right, man. Those drugs were killing me.
15{Friendly, thankful / Friendly} Now that I'm clean, I'm going to see if Old Rusty can teach me a thing or two. Get some real work done around here.
16{Matter of fact / Neutral} I feel tired since the treatment, but Rachel says it'll pass.
17{Grateful} I owe you one, man. If it weren't for you, who knows? Might be dead? Kicked out? Either way, I'm still here thanks to you.


18MS19AustinInClinicDrForsythe: I can't treat Austin until I know what he is infected with.{trying to get his attention / Worried} Dr. Forsythe...DrPenske: Not now Bobby!A1a
19DrForsythe: Because he's just a child it's affecting him more severely.{anxious, feels guilty about what happened to Austin. / Worried} Dr. Forsythe. Please! I think I found something that might help Austin.DrPenske: Bobby!A1a
20DrForsythe: What is it Bobby?{feel guilty / Worried} Well, you know that door Austin found? He found it 'cause of me.A1a
21{evasive. His "things" are his drugs. / Nervous} I keep my private things in there. He saw me get them.DrPenske: You mean your chems.A1b
22DrForsythe: Get to the point, Bobby. What did you find in that place?{Afraid} It's like a whole extra vault in there, but half ruined and caved in.A1a
23{explaining what he found / Apologetic} There was this terminal there. So I started poking around in it.A1b
24{explaining / Apologetic} There were some notes and stuff about using mole rats to grow viruses.A1c
25{explaining the most important part / Relieved} But they also said they used 'em to make vaccines and treatments.DrForsythe: A secret vault? Good lord! I've never heard of such a thing.A1d
26MS19PenskeAskForHelpDrPenske: And for Austin's sake, please hurry!{happy to be doing something to make up for his mistake / Relieved} Follow me.A1a
27-{blames himself. / Worried} It's all my fault. Please god, don't let Austin die.
28This way.
29Follow me.
30It's over here.
31{really wants the player to follow him / Pleading} Come on. Let's go.
32{really wants the player to follow him / Pleading} We've got to hurry.
33{really wants the player to follow him / Pleading} What's taking so long?


34V81_03_Bobby_BuyJet{Wary, hoping no one is overhearing. / Conspiratorial} Hey, man, you got any more Jet on you?Player Default: Sure. Here you go.A
35{Wary, hoping no one is overhearing. / Conspiratorial} Just the person I wanted to see. If you got any Jet, I'm buyin'.Player Default: Sure. Here you go.A
36{Wary, hoping no one is overhearing. / Conspiratorial} Please tell me you got some Jet on you.Player Default: Sure. Here you go.A
37{Wary, hoping no one is overhearing. / Conspiratorial} Come across any Jet lately? I could really use some.Player Default: Sure. Here you go.A
38{Wary, hoping no one is overhearing. / Conspiratorial} You got any Jet? Hook me up.Player Default: Sure. Here you go.A
39Player Default: Sure. Here you go.{Grateful / Grateful} You're a life saver, man.A1a
40Player Default: Not selling right now.{Disappointed / Concerned} Aw, c'mon, man. I could really use some right now, too.B1a
41Player Default: Maybe later. I'll look for you.{Nervous about having to wait to feed his addiction. / Nervous} Damn, make a guy wait? That's cool. You know where to find me.X1a
42Player Default: What was the price again?{Friendly, a bit anxious. / Friendly} It's 75 caps. That's a real deal, man.Player Default: Sure. Here you go.Y1a
43V81_03_Bobby_Confront{Irritated. Player has intruded while he's high on Jet. / Irritated} What are you doing here? Can't you see I'm busy?Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will treat you.A
44Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will treat you.{Irritated / Irritated} No way, it's never that easy.A1a
45{Defiant / Concerned} And now? I need this shit more than ever. It's the only way I'm gonna get through this.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.A1b
46Player Default: You're just a waste of space. I could care less what you do.{Insulted / Concerned} That's harsh, man. Really harsh.B1a
47{Insulted / Concerned} It wasn't my fault. No one was watching that kid anyway!Player Default: It was your irresponsiblity and your habit that put him in that situation to begin with.B1b
48Player Default: Here. Have some Jet. On the house.{Grateful / Grateful} For real? Sweet, man. You don't know how much I need this right now.X1a
49{Amused. / Friendly} Just don't tell anyone. They'd lose their shit.X1b
50Player Default: Here. Have some Jet. On the house.{Frustrated hearing the "you need to quit" lecture. / Irritated} Oh, Jesus, I know what this is about.Bobby: Now get outta here. I can't handle this right now.X2a
51Player Default: Busy doing what? Getting high?{Getting angry and defensive. / Irritated} So what? After all that shit that happened with Austin... I need this man. Leave me alone.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.Y1a
52V81_03_Bobby_Confront_NegativePlayer Default: It was your irresponsiblity and your habit that put him in that situation to begin with.{Irritated / Irritated} I never wanted any of this to happen, ok? I fucked up. I know it.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.A1a
53Player Default: It should have been you. Not Austin.{Getting angrier / Angry} Oh yeah? I bet it would have made that little decision of yours a lot easier. Save yourself and let the junkie die?Bobby: You want to pin all this on me? We'll I'm not gonna let you!B1a
54Player Default: This is all your fault, Bobby. You and your habit.{Getting angrier. / Angry} It's not my fault! You all need to stop blaming me! Who let's a kid wander by himself into the reactor room?Bobby: You want to pin all this on me? We'll I'm not gonna let you!X1a
55Player Default: What? You don't believe me? It's true.{Reflective / Concerned} It's not true! You all want to blame me because I'm the easy target. No one cares that no one was watching Austin.Bobby: You want to pin all this on me? We'll I'm not gonna let you!Y1a
56Player Default: I never wanted any of this to happen, ok? I fucked up. I know it.{Angry / Angry} You want to pin all this on me? We'll I'm not gonna let you!A1a
57V81_03_Bobby_Confront_PositivePlayer Default: I'll go. I'll go right now.{Getting angry / Irritated} Now get outta here. I can't handle this right now.A1a
58Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.{Pleasantly Surprised / Surprised} She'd do that after what happened?A1a
59{Worried / Worried} You're right... What if I screw up again?A1b
60{Determined. / Neutral} I'll go. I'll go right now.Bobby: Now get outta here. I can't handle this right now.A1c
61Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.{Worried. Spoken slowly, he's making a hard decision here. / Worried} If that's the case... I guess it's worth a shot. I mean... What if I screwed up again?A2a
62{Determined. / Neutral} I'll go. I'll go right now.Bobby: Now get outta here. I can't handle this right now.A2b
63Player Default: Fine, don't get help. Commonwealth won't be so kind when the Overseer kicks you out.{Shocked. / Surprised} She'd do that? Jesus, she would, she even warned me herself.B1a
64{Concerned} You're right. I'd never make it out there.B1b
65{Concerned} I'll go see Rachel.Bobby: Now get outta here. I can't handle this right now.B1c
66Player Default: Rachel has a chem called Addictol. It's supposed to help ease the symptoms.{Worried about the pain / Worried} I don't know man. That week I tried to get clean? You don't even want to know how bad it got.X1a
67{Curious, nervous / Concerned} But, I guess it's worth it, right? It's gotta be.X1b
68{Trying to man up. / Confident} Alright. I'll do it. I'll go right now.Bobby: Now get outta here. I can't handle this right now.X1c
69Player Default: Have you heard of Addictol? It's a drug that helps treat addiction.{Curious, thoughtful / Suspicious} Well, yeah, but I always thought it was the mother of all drugs, y'know? I mean, with a name like that?Y1a
70{Curious / Suspicious} It sounds like the most addictive chem money can buy.Y1b
71{Curious / Puzzled} I never thought it was used to treat addictions... I don't know.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.Y1c
72Player Default: You need to quit. Austin almost died because of your habit. You're putting others at risk.{Irritated / Irritated} But how am I supposed to do it? I can't handle that withdrawal shit. Not after everything that's happened.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.A1a
73Player Default: You need to quit. Austin almost died because of your habit. You're putting others at risk.{Irritated / Irritated} Don't pin that kid's death on me! You're the one that could have saved him.A2a
74{Angry / Angry} You're the one that kept that cure for yourself. And I heard you didn't even need it.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.A2b
75Player Default: You screwed up. How much more damage do you need to do to realize you need help?{Insulted / Concerned} You think I want to be like this? I can't help it. I need this shit, man.B1a
76{Upset / Depressed} I don't want people to get hurt, I just want them all to leave me alone.Bobby: Now get outta here. I can't handle this right now.B1b
77Player Default: As long as you're high, you're a danger to yourself and others.{Irritated / Irritated} It wasn't bothering nobody before. I was on easy street.X1a
78{Depressed / Depressed} Then Tina cut me off, and Austin found that room...X1b
79{Sad reflection / Sad} Jesus, why'd he have to go in there?Bobby: Now get outta here. I can't handle this right now.X1c
80Player Default: Don't you want to quit?{Reflective / Concerned} Well, yeah, I do, but I can't. This place, man, and what happened? Jet's all that makes it... bearable.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.Y1a
81Player Default: Don't you want to quit?{Explaining / Nervous} I can't do my job, man. Old Rusty does it all.Y2a
82{Explaining to the player / Concerned} And the hours? The Overseer says I gotta be on call 24-7 and these generators are always on the fritz.Y2b
83{Overwhelmed / Concerned} Now add what happened with Austin. It's more than I can handle, man.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.Y2c
84Player Default: Don't you want to quit?{Dismissive / Concerned} Never mind. You wouldn't understand anyway.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms. She'll help you get through this.Y3a
85V81_03_Bobby_Greet{Curious / Neutral} Hey, the outsider. You lost? No trading going on down here.Player Default: Just taking a look around.A
86Player Default: Well, only the old generators to see down here.{Trying to get chems from the player / Conspiratorial} Oh and hey, if you got any Jet on you, I may be willing to take it off your hands. Say, 75 caps?Player Default: Sure, here you go.A1a
87Player Default: Hell yeah, thanks, man.{Nervous. / Nervous} Just don't let Tina know. She'd be all over my ass.A1a
88Player Default: I'm not lost.{Unsure what the player is doing there. / Nervous} Oh, well, uh... welcome to the generator room, I guess.Bobby: Oh and hey, if you got any Jet on you, I may be willing to take it off your hands. Say, 75 caps?B1a
89Player Default: Sure, here you go.{Happy / Grateful} Hell yeah, thanks, man.Bobby: Just don't let Tina know. She'd be all over my ass.A1a
90Player Default: Sure, here you go.{Disappointed but friendly / Friendly} Damn, well, if you happen to get some... don't forget about your new pal Bobby here.Bobby: Just don't let Tina know. She'd be all over my ass.A2a
91Player Default: I'm not a dealer. I don't sell drugs.{Nervous friendly, hoping the player won't rat on him. / Nervous} Hey, forget I asked, seriously, and if you could keep this little conversation under wraps, I'd appreciate it.Bobby: Just don't let Tina know. She'd be all over my ass.X1a
92{Pleading} Aw, man. My hands are shaking.A1a
93Player Default: Just taking a look around.{A bit nervous. / Neutral} Well, only the old generators to see down here.Bobby: Oh and hey, if you got any Jet on you, I may be willing to take it off your hands. Say, 75 caps?A1a
94Player Default: This is an interesting room.{Not really sure how to act / Nervous} Really? Guess maybe for an outsider. Just the old generators down here.Bobby: Oh and hey, if you got any Jet on you, I may be willing to take it off your hands. Say, 75 caps?X1a
95Player Default: Where am I?{Slightly nervous / Nervous} Generator room, can't you tell? Look, I'm not even sure if you're allowed in here.Y1a
96{Neutral} Most of the trading's done in the Atrium. I can tell you how to get back if you want.Bobby: Oh and hey, if you got any Jet on you, I may be willing to take it off your hands. Say, 75 caps?Y1b
97Player Default: Can't help you there.{Trying to incentivise the player. / Neutral} Damn. Well, if you change your mind, or start feeling charitable, look me up.Bobby: Just don't let Tina know. She'd be all over my ass.B1a
98Player Default: Who's it for? You?{Answering a question. Trying to reassure the player. / Nervous} Me, myself, and I. Don't worry, I'm not into selling. That's my sister's thing.Player Default: Sure, here you go.Y1a
99V81_03_RachelAndBobby_EndRachel: Bobby? I'm glad you came.{Neutral} I want to get clean.Rachel: I can help you, but you're going to have to trust me.A1a
100Rachel: I can help you, but you're going to have to trust me.{Concerned} Is it going to hurt?Rachel: You may feel uneasy for a few hours while the Addictol takes effect. But then you'll feel better than you ever have before.A1a
101Rachel: You may feel uneasy for a few hours while the Addictol takes effect. But then you'll feel better than you ever have before.{Nervous} Thanks for being honest.A1a
102{Nervous} Okay, I'm ready.Rachel: Thank you for bringing him.A1b
103V81_03PersuadeBobby{Not sure what the player would want with him / Surprised} Hey, the outsider. I'm just in charge of the generators here. Not sure what I could help you with.Player Default: Tina sent me.A
104{Unimpressed / Neutral} You again?Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will help you.A
105{Friendly / Friendly} Hey, you're back. I don't suppose you got anymore Jet on you?Player Default: Tina sent me.A
106{Friendly / Friendly} Hey, you're back. I don't suppose you came across some Jet while you were gone?Player Default: Tina sent me.A
107Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms.{Pleasantly Surprised / Surprised} What? Like no withdrawal?A1a
108{Grateful for a "cure" / Grateful} If it's that easy, count me in. I'll go see her right now.A1b
109Player Default: Fine, don't get help. Commonwealth won't be so kind when you get kicked out.{Rude / Irritated} They'd have to catch me first, asshole.B1a
110Player Default: Rachel has a chem called Addictol. It's supposed to help ease the symptoms.{Worried about the pain / Worried} I don't know man. That week I tried to get clean? You don't even want to know how bad it got.X1a
111{Curious, nervous / Concerned} But, I guess it's worth it, right? It's gotta be.X1b
112{Trying to man up. / Confident} Alright. I'll do it. I'll go right now.X1c
113Player Default: Have you heard of Addictol? It's a drug that helps treat addiction.{Curious, thoughtful / Suspicious} Well, yeah, but I always thought it was the mother of all drugs, y'know? I mean, with a name like that?Y1a
114{Curious / Suspicious} It sounds like the most addictive chem money can buy.Y1b
115{Curious / Puzzled} I never thought it was used to treat addictions... I don't know.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms.Y1c
116Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will help you.{Curious / Surprised} She, she can? I never realized there were drugs to treat... drugs...A1a
117{Impressed he may be able to get rid of his addiction quickly. / Impressed} If it's that easy, I'll do it. I'll go see her right now.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms.A1b
118Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will help you.{Irritated / Irritated} No way, it's never that easy. I ain't going through that withdrawal shit ever again.A2a
119{Matter of fact / Neutral} Besides, I like getting high. It's the only way to pass the time in 81.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms.A2b
120Player Default: Here. Have some Jet. On the house.{Excited / Surprised} For real? Sweet, man, I haven't felt this lucky since my first hit.B1a
121{Laughing at what Tina doesn't know. / Amused} Just don't tell Tina. She'd lose her shit.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms.B1b
122Player Default: Here. Have some Jet. On the house.{Insulted / Concerned} That's harsh, man. Really harsh.B2a
123{Insulted / Concerned} Even my sister wouldn't say that.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms.B2b
124Player Default: You have an addiction, but it's your choice to quit.{Friendly. / Friendly} Damn straight, it's my choice. I wouldn't even call it an addiction. I mean... I know I could quit if I wanted to. I just don't.Player Default: Rachel has Addictol. You won't even feel the symptoms.X1a
125Player Default: Don't you want to quit?{Reflective / Concerned} Well, yeah, I do, but I can't. This place, man. And the work? Jet's all that makes it... decent.Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will help you.Y1a
126Player Default: Don't you want to quit?{Explaining / Nervous} I can't do this job, man. Old Rusty does it all. And I know people are talking about me behind my back.Y2a
127{Explaining to the player / Concerned} And the hours? The Overseer says I gotta be on call 24-7 and these generators are always on the fritz.Y2b
128{Overwhelmed / Concerned} It's more than I can handle, man.Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will help you.Y2c
129Player Default: Don't you want to quit?{Dismissive / Concerned} Never mind. You wouldn't understand anyway.Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will help you.Y3a
130{Irritated} I didn't want to talk to you either.A1a
131Player Default: Tina sent me.{Irritated, knows his sister sent the player to get him to quit drugs. / Irritated} Oh, Jesus... I know what this is about.Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will help you.A1a
132Player Default: I heard you're a junkie, Bobby.{In denial / Irritated} Yeah, well whatever you heard, it's not true. I ain't no junkie.Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will help you.B1a
133Player Default: I'm here about your habit.{Denying he's a junkie. / Irritated} My habit? No habits here, man.Player Default: You need to get help, Bobby. Go see Rachel. She has medicine that will help you.X1a
134Player Default: You're in charge?{Put off by the player's surprise. / Suspicious} Hey, don't act so surprised. Yeah, I'm in charge... of the generators at least. Calvin handles most of the smaller maintenance requests.Y1a
135{Matter of fact. / Neutral} You got something that needs fixin'? You can ask him.Player Default: Tina sent me.Y1b
136-{Wants player to leave / Nervous} Uh, if you don't mind, I like to get high in private.
137{Wants player to leave / Nervous} A little alone time, please?
138{Grateful for the drugs / Grateful} This Jet was just what I needed, man.
139{Grateful for the drugs / Grateful} Man, you saved my life.
140{Grateful for the drugs / Grateful} I think I made myself a new best friend.
141{Worried and nervous. / Worried} Jesus, man. Why couldn't you have saved that kid?
142{In shock. / Worried} Holy shit, Austin. He's dead. He's really dead.
143{Grateful / Grateful} Thank god you saved Austin. It would've been all my fault.
144{Grateful / Grateful} Oh man, I'm so glad you came along when you did. You really saved my ass.
145{Worried. / Worried} So stupid. What the hell as Austin doing in the reactor room anyway?
146{Worried. / Worried} The Overseer is gonna kill me. Maybe even kick me out.
147{Worried. / Worried} Everyone's going to blame me for this, I just know it.
148{Worried. / Worried} Thank god I got my Jet, man. I'm barely getting by here.
149{ suspicious, slight emphasis on "heard" / Nervous} I heard outsiders were dangerous. You really need that many weapons?
150{Irritated "Whatchoo" meaning "What you" / Irritated} Whatchoo lookin' at?
151{nervous, antsy / Worried} Oh man, I need a fix.
152{Irritated / Irritated} Tina doesn't know what she's talking about. I'm careful. Ain't nobody gonna catch me doing this stuff.
153{Irritated / Irritated} People need to leave me alone. I'm just trying to relax here.
154{With attitude "These people should be lucky I'm here" / Irritated} This vault would fall apart if I wasn't here to tell Old Rusty to fix it.
155{Complaining / Irritated} Sick of working. Is this day almost over?
156{Irritated / Irritated} Tina doesn't know what she's talking about. I'm careful. Ain't nobody gonna catch me doing this stuff.
157{hung over / InPain} Just got up. Don't talk to me until I've had some coffee.