Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Proving Grounds

The Skuz Pitt
The Mechanist
Flatwoods monster
Fight Synopsis:

The Mechanist:
On our left, we have The Mechanist, a costumed hero that uses their ingenuity to create robotic defenders that they send out to fight evil wherever found. While the Mechanist doesn't do much fighting personally, their expertise in robotics and traps is an important trait to have during any deathmatch.

Flatswood Monster:
And on our right, is one of the Flatswood Monsters, a creature straight out of the cryptids of Appalachia, striking fear into what's left of the area's sane population. Decked out in advanced alien technology, this creature can teleport, with an unknown array of offensive options at its disposal, allowing for opportunities through the element of surprise.

Who will come out victorious in this week's deathmatch, and who will be taking a permanent dirt nap in the dust of the Skuz Pitt?
Previous Winner:


Tactical Atomic Panda
TALK - Welcome to the SNM Proving Grounds
The Proving Grounds is where Patrons of the Strategic Nuclear Moose gather to prove and hone their strength. If you have made it this far, you are to be commended, as it means you have recognized that there lies room for improvement within yourself. Whether you are interested in learning how to understand the various policies & guidelines on this site, how to properly edit, how to write a creative blog, and/or how to understand templates, this is the place, as we offer mentorship opportunities on each aspect of the community here.

So place your mark, and conquer each of the challenges found on this hallowed ground, to not only better yourself, but also to be awarded for your efforts.

Challenge Marks:

  • Personalization:
  1. Customize your user-page
  2. Create a custom signature
  3. Leave your first talk-page message
  4. Create a basic forum
  • Policies & Guidelines:
  1. Learn how to interact with other Patrons/editors
  2. Properly upload your first image/video and categorize it
  3. Learn each of the moderation positions, what their responsibilities are, requirements for running for these positions, and how to interact with these users.
  • Editing Etiquette:
  1. Make your first article edit
  2. Create and flesh out a new article section
  3. Add missing categories
  4. Create your first article, abiding to our content policies & guidelines
  • Templates:
  1. Create your first sandbox
  2. Customize a personal infobox for yourself
  3. Learn how to use and create a user-box/nav-box
  4. Learn how to customize vanity SNM templates, such as your Talk, Patron, and Profile templates.
  • Blogging:
  1. Create your very first blog
  2. Customize your blogs with templates and other vanity options
  3. Attract commenters, and start a dialogue with them
  4. Introduce your first poll, and gain a community consensus on your blog content

Mentor Sign-ups:
Interested in becoming a mentor? Let me know in the comments section, and cite your specializations, and you'll be considered for the position! When a mentor's availability becomes open, the SNM will seek out those in need to put under their tutelage.


Mentor Mentee Mark(s) Times available Specializations Active
Janaschi (talk · contribs) EST U.S. 5:30-9:00 p.m. Templates