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Getting 6 Permanent Followers[]

  • First, don't have any followers when you go into vault 87. Dogmeat doesn't count, you can get him at any time during this process.
  • After getting out of raven rock, fast travel the moment you can, so that Fawkes doesn't talk to you.
  • Go hire Charon in the underworld.
  • Fast Travel back to Raven Rock with good karma, hire Fawkes.
  • Get bad Karma, then go to Paradise Falls. Fire Charon, then quickly talk to Eulogy Jones. Hire Clover, then talk to Charon and re-hire him before clover can talk to you.
  • Get neutral Karma, and then do the same glitch outlined above to hire Sargent RL-3.
  • Get good Karma, and go to the Citadel. Talk to Star Paladin Cross and when two options come up, and they are "I want you to come with me.", and "I don't suppose I could stop you.", pick "I don't suppose I could stop you." She will come with you.

Yippy! you now have 6 followers (if you hired dogmeat), and if you want, you can kill Dogmeat to get Butch or Jericho. But if you want Jericho, get him before you get Star Paladin Cross. She leaves if you have bad Karma.
